Reforming Little Anya (4 page)

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Authors: Rose St. Andrews

Tags: #Little, #Reforming, #Anya

BOOK: Reforming Little Anya
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For the briefest moment, she did, and then promptly drove the thought from her head. What was she thinking? This man was a monster, nothing less, and the sooner she got away from him, the better.

After that, it was back in the chair, which elicited yet another scream, but no complaint, and one of the cooks began feeding her. Viktor went to eat his dinner, and somehow Jessica managed to choke down her meal between sobs. When she was done, she was released, and promptly began hopping about, clutching her sore behind and doing the ‘sting dance.’ After that, she helped clear the table, wash and dry the dishes, and sweep up, all without complaints. The sight of the spoon hanging on the wall was motivation enough. Jessica didn’t know what was worse: the throbbing pain in her ass or the unbearable cheerfulness of the girls. It was as if they were a nauseating mix of
Mary Poppins
and the
Stepford Wives
. She just couldn’t understand it; how could girls with so little be so happy? Then Misha inspected the dinner room and kitchen. Jessica almost rolled her eyes; the woman was like a drill sergeant doing a white glove inspection.

“Very good, my little girls,” she said, and looked straight at Jessica. “
of you did well. So, ice cream all around, and we’ll watch a movie.”

This brought cheers from the girls, even as Jessica slowly shook her head in disgust.

That’s what they consider a big deal: ice cream and a movie? What simpletons.

Still, she wasn’t about to pass on the treat; it helped to get the icky taste of dinner out of her mouth. Once everyone had a bowl, they moved through the dinner room to the great room, the main room at the front of the building. It was large and yet had a quaint homey feel to it: large couches with soft pillows, big easy chairs, and a bookcase full of actual books and a modest TV. It was color, but an old set, not flatscreen, and a VCR was hooked up to it. The girls made themselves comfortable; it was clear each had her favorite spot, and Iva patted the cushion next to her.

“You want to sit with me?”

Jessica groaned. “I’d love to, but… I can’t. I’ll just lean next to the couch.”

“Oh, right. Sorry, I forgot.”

Viktor slipped in a tape, then moved to sit at the center of the couch, and a moment later the movie started. Jessica again groaned;
, a Disney animated movie! Oh, well, what did she expect? She was a bit surprised that it was in English, but she quickly realized that they probably used movies to help the girls with their English. Still, it did afford her a valuable opportunity: with the lights out she could study the room and look out the windows to examine the grounds. The garage doors were broken, easy access there for tools and supplies. The front gate stood open, easy escape. Next to the front door was a desk, which was awash in papers. Was a map of the area among them? She couldn’t see in the dark.

Mental note: check it out later tonight, once everyone is asleep.

Misha took a seat in a large easy chair on the other side of the couch from where Jessica was standing. From this angle, she could see how—throughout the movie—the girls would cuddle up next to Viktor for a few minutes, and he’d compliment them on their studies or work, and then they’d move to either sit on Misha’s lap or the arm of her chair. These girls were old enough to be out on their own. Why were they acting so childish? Yet, what did it matter to her? She had her own troubles to think about. Right now, A-number one was her sore ass. Standing for the entire movie proved tiring, but there was no way Jessica could sit. She was so glad when it ended and the lights came on.

“All right, girls, upstairs,” Misha said happily. “Time for bed.”

Jessica’s jaw dropped. Bed? It wasn’t even nine o’clock! But she wasn’t about to dare voice any objections. The girls scampered to the kitchen to drop off their bowls, with Jessica bringing up the rear. She walked slowly, wincing with every step.

Chapter Three



It took a while for Jessica to climb the stairs, but she finally made it, and got to her room. All around her, the girls were giggling and chatting, even as they headed to the bathroom to shower and brush their teeth.

Great, communal bathing, the topper to a perfect day. Oh, well, I did it at the gym.

Getting her clothes off, she slipped on the robe she found hanging on the back of her door, and slowly ambled to the bathroom.

The girls scampered about, happily getting ready for bed. All greeted her warmly and made way for her, and soon she was in the main part of the bathroom. It was a large open area, sinks clustered at the center and stalls on the right and left. Straight ahead, through a large open doorway, were the showers.

This was the area showing its age the worst of anyplace in the building, with cracked and missing tiles, mildew, rust stains in the sinks, and so on. As loath as Jessica was to expose her bright red ass to these girls, she had little choice in the matter. She might as well get it over with. Moving to the shower area, she saw that low, narrow tile-covered walls separated the room into individual stalls, and a very low wooden bench ran down the center of the room. Hooks were at the end of each wall, and that was where Jessica hung her robe. She was pleasantly surprised when she stepped under the showerhead; the water was actually nice and hot. That attitude changed when it made contact with her sore behind. She stifled a cry and cranked the handle toward cold. That was much better, and she started to scrub. She felt as if she was out in a rainstorm, the head was so high, and she was so short the water essentially came straight down on her.

“Anya, I hope you’re okay,” Iva said behind her. “Would you like some cold cream?”

Jessica didn’t respond at first; she still wasn’t used to that name.

“Seems little Miss Russkie thinks she’s better than us,” another girl sneered.

Jessica spun around, Iva and five others were standing there, dressed in pajamas.

Jesus, any one of them outweigh me by at least fifty pounds, and what muscles they have.
“Oh, ahhh, sorry, lost in thought,” she stammered, stepping out of the shower and toward them.

The girls looked confused, seemed they didn’t know that expression. Jessica bit her lip; she’d been confronted by gangs of ladies in high school, college, and even the gym. They thought she was an easy target, due to her size. She knew how to handle them, take out the ‘Alpha Bitch’ and the others would cower.

Iva took a step toward her. “We just wanted to ask how you were feeling.”

“Yeah,” another girl said. “Misha and Viktor are strict, but fair. So long as you behave, you’ll do fine.”

She and a third girl also moved closer.

Jessica’s eyes darted back and forth. This was it, they were moving to encircle her. She decided it was time to act. Racing forward, she struck Iva full force in the face.

“Don’t give me that crap,” she shouted. “I know what you’re after.”

Iva looked beyond shocked. She stumbled back, blinking furiously, and flopped to the floor.

Yes, I’ve assumed the alpha role. The others should now back off.

“What’s going on in here?” Misha said.

The girls practically snapped to attention and spun to face her, even as Iva got to her feet, and Jessica shrank into the corner.

Oh, crap!

“Ah-ahhh, nothing, ma’am,” Iva squeaked.

“I see. So, why is your cheek red?”

“Ahhh, I… fell.”

Misha stepped forward, looking right at Iva. “I’m very disappointed in you, Iva. That’s a lie. Anya slapped you, didn’t she?”

“No, I did,” one of the girls said quickly.

“No, it was me,” another said at the same time, stepping forward.

Misha sadly shook her head. “Lies, all lies, my little girls, and I know it. You know how? The size of the handprint. Anya is the only one among you with hands that small. You know what this means, don’t you, girls?”

“Yes, Miss Palicka,” they all said, hanging their heads.

“All of you go to your rooms and prepare.”

“Yes, Miss Palicka,” they replied.

With that, the girls quickly raced from the room. Jessica, still cowering in the corner of the shower, didn’t know what to do. She cringed when Misha turned toward her.

“Ahhh-ahhh, hiya, Miss Palicka, how you doing?”

She did
look happy. “And what do you have to say for yourself?”

“Who, me? I was just trying to take a shower; they threatened me.”

“Really, offering words of comfort is a threat? Is that how things are in Russia?”

Jessica’s brow wrinkled. “Ahhh, how do you know what…? You were listening! But, if you knew what happened, why did you ask them?”

“To test them. Being honest and truthful is very important; we expect our little girls to always be that way. They failed, and will be punished. Think about that, Anya—they lied,
all of them
, in an effort to protect you.”

“I… ahhh…” Jessica was speechless; no one had ever done that for her before, certainly not a bunch of girls who barely knew her. “Wait a minute, not all of them lied, they don’t all deserve to be punished.”

“As far as I’m concerned, to not speak the truth is to be a party to the lie,” Misha snapped. “Therefore, they all share the punishment,” she added, and sat on the bench and beckoned to her. “Now, first things first,
punishment. Come here.”

“What? What’d I do? No,” she squeaked, moving back into the corner.

“You struck Iva! That is not tolerated. Now, come here, otherwise, you get the brush.”

“Oh, yeah, right, I did,” she said softly, lowering her head.

Jessica shuddered in terror.
God, not a brush, not on my poor ass, I’ll be black and blue for a week.

She groaned and slowly plodded to Misha, and over her lap she went, naked and wet. Gritting her teeth, she braced for the first smack, and didn’t have to wait long.

Misha’s huge hand connected with her ass.

She gasped.
Wow, spanked on a wet behind
stings! Of course, I’m already super sore, so that probably contributed.

As the spanking continued, Jessica yelped and howled and begged for mercy, and was soon sobbing. Yet, she did notice something: Miss Xena Warrior was
spanking her nearly as hard as she could. Jessica never thought she would be grateful for that, or capable of knowing the difference, but it was clear Misha was going easy on her. In the depths of her mischievous heart, Jessica actually felt a twinge of thanks, and regret. She had misjudged the girls, they had only tried to help her, and now they were going to get punished, all because of her. That made her tears flow just a bit easier.

Finally, when it was clear that Misha was satisfied, nearly twenty minutes later, Jessica was released and lifted to her feet. Misha just about enveloped her in her long massive arms.

“Anya, I apologize for being so strict with you, as this is your first day. I know you’ve been spanked quite a bit, but we have rules for a reason. The sooner you start behaving as a good little girl, the fewer spankings you’ll get. I hope you’re starting to learn that.”

“I, ahhh, yes, ma’am,” Jessica choked out, the tears running down her face.

She felt a little weird being naked and wet, and being hugged by this Goliath of a woman. Yet, once again, there was that feeling of comfort. Someone actually cared enough about Jessica to give her what she needed: love and discipline.

“All right, brush your teeth and get to your bedroom.”

Jessica nodded as Misha turned to go, and she just about shot back into the shower for a minute, the cool water helping to ease her agony. And yet, she chewed her lip in worry. Misha had
said to get to bed, only go to her room. Was more torment to come?

She shivered in fearful anticipation, and rinsed quickly. Slipping her robe back on, she brushed her teeth, and headed toward her room. Every step was a new experience in pain. She was certain her behind
be black and blue tomorrow. As she passed several of the bedrooms, she saw some of the girls, the ones who’d been with her in the shower, in their rooms, ready for punishment. They were lying on their beds, pillows under their stomachs to raise the ‘target area,’ and their hairbrushes lying next to them. By the time she got to her room, she heard the first girl cry out. Slowly, Misha made her way down the hall, giving each girl a dozen smacks, and finished with Iva, who had the room next to her. Jessica slipped into her little footie dropseat pajamas. She really felt like a little girl now. Iva got two dozen, and then Misha appeared in Jessica’s doorway.

She swallowed hard. “Wha-what are you going to…?”

Misha gave her a warm smile. “It’s all right, Anya. Just lie on your bed.”

Jessica positively shuddered in fear. “P-p-p-please, not more, I can’t take it,” she begged, truly sounding like a contrite little girl.

“Anya, did I tell you to get your brush?”

“I… ahhh, no.”

“Then just lie on your bed. You need to start learning to trust me and Viktor, and the other staff.”

“I… okay,” she said, moving to the bed.

Slowly, she lay down, and Misha moved to sit on the edge of the bed. As she lowered Jessica’s dropseat, Jessica stiffened, and braced for any impacts. Misha’s hand touched Jessica’s stinging seat, and began to swirl across it. Jessica winced in pain. She looked over her shoulder; Misha was applying some kind of cream to her swollen bottom. Jessica gripped the sheets until her knuckles were white, and grunted and groaned in pain, yet started to feel better. It took a while, but Misha finally finished and snapped the dropseat back in place.

“There, that should help you feel better. You may not be perfect by morning, but you should at least be able to sit, with some discomfort. Now get to bed. In the morning, you will apologize sincerely to all the girls involved, and then write a letter of apology, which will be posted in the main room, right by the TV for all to see. Is that clear?”

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