Reforming Little Anya (9 page)

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Authors: Rose St. Andrews

Tags: #Little, #Reforming, #Anya

BOOK: Reforming Little Anya
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Then came bath and bed. Jessica just about died of embarrassment at having to display her glowing red ass in the shower; she sported four red cheeks for quite a while. But, as always, the supportive girls had to be so…
supportive! At least this time Jessica didn’t overreact and earn any of them more discipline.

Once in her bedroom, she found a stack of coins on the bedside table, an obvious gift from the girls. She actually managed a small grin.

Ha, the simpletons fell for my lame story.
She did a quick count.
Hmmm, several korunas. I wonder if it’s enough for a train ticket. I’ll have to find out.

The next moment, she heard Misha coming down the hall. Between the creak of the floor and her well wishes to the girls, she knew exactly when the Monster-Mom would appear at her door. She hid the money, turned toward the door, and feigned surprise to see Misha standing there.

“Oh, there you are, ma’am. Uh—I’m just going to bed now. Uh—good night.”

“Good night, Anya. I truly hope you learned a valuable lesson today.”

Jessica nodded. “Oh, I most certainly did! You’ll never catch me doing such things again.”

Yeah, because you’ll never catch me, period!

Misha nodded and held up a jar.

Yes, cold cream!

“That’s good. Now, lie down on your bed, please.”

This time, Jessica offered no resistance. However, she did yelp and actually weep a few more tears, as Misha applied it, she was just so sore. She truly hated her stupid footie pajamas. Once her seat was snapped back in place, she slipped under the sheets, and didn’t wince at Misha’s kiss; she needed to kiss up to the monster as much as possible. Sleep came easily to her; after the day she’d had, there was little wonder to that.

The next thing she knew, she was in bed again. It was Drew’s bed, and it was their last time together before the big breakup. That had been such a good time! Drew had a truly huge bed, and when they got naked and started rolling around, the sex and climaxes came easily. His hands slid up and down her supple frame to caress her small breasts and squeeze her firm ass. For some reason, that always sent a shiver straight up her spine and into her brain. It was both a major turn-on and a turn-off. Her body loved it, but her mind rebelled at feeling pleasure from his nips and pinches.

She thought it… deviant.

One really great thing about his technique was his allowing her to be on top. She loved that, but most men seemed to want to… well, she felt they were trying to physically dominate her, and she rebuffed such overt acts. Drew would lie there, his massive form under her, and she’d ride him like a jockey atop a noble steed. With each rise and thrust of his hips, she felt a shaft of pure delight drive into her. Well, she also felt another shaft drive into her, but that was a given. Other men had given her the latter, but never the former. Drew, he was a true multi-tasker! His hips would rock, his hands wander across her body, and his lips give a special warmth to not just her lips.

“Ohhh, baby, you are my drug,” he groaned.

“Ahhh, Drew, soooo close… Come onnnnn, pleeeeease…” she moaned, bouncing harder on his cock.

“Now, now, little sweetie, arrrgggggg… do not… ohhh… rush it,” he said, and playfully patted her ass.

Jessica’s eyes started to roll back in her head. Her brain was in overdrive, her body shaking and going into spasms as she tried to process all of the sensations. She loved it when he called her ‘baby’ and his ‘little sweetie’—although she never told him that. The smacks were the last straw; with a deep guttural moan of pure delight, she came long and hard, even as he exploded inside her. Reaching down, she gripped his curly black chest hairs in her tiny hands as her pussy became a clamp upon his cock. Her body was positively willing his to keep going.

He did, for as long as possible, and then they collapsed in a tangle of body parts on the bed. Lying there, gulping air as they both recovered, he pulled her into his long arms and cuddled her. She felt so very safe and secure there. And yes, she also felt resentment.

No, I don’t need anyone, and I don’t want him hovering over me!

She pushed away.

He looked hurt. “Baby, what’s wrong?”

“Don’t call me that,” she snapped.

“Sorry, I forgot. Miss Alban, was my performance of the sexual act to your satisfaction?”

“Now you’re just being silly.”

He blew a raspberry. “Oh,
the one being silly. Come on, ba—sweetie, lighten up. We always have a good time together, don’t we? What, you got some fantasy or something you want to live out? It’s okay, tell me. I’ve told you mine.”

She sat up. “Yes, you have, and we’re not playing ‘Cheerleader and the Chemistry Professor.’ Sheesh, why do you have to be so… weird?”

“It’s not weird, it’s just being honest with who you are. Come on, you must have some fantasy you’d like to try. Why not tell me? The worst that can happen is it doesn’t improve our sex. So, we don’t do it again.”

“I do not have fantasies. Those things are like love—for the weak or the…”

“Weird?” Drew offered, sitting up next to her. “So long as it’s between two consenting adults, who cares how weird it is?”

“Because I don’t consent! Now, come on, we’re done here, let’s get back to work,” she snapped, getting out of bed.

He saluted her. “Oh, aye-aye, ma’am.”

Jessica awoke to find herself back in the home. She winced as she lifted her head. Her ass was still throbbing. Yet, she also felt a certain dampness between her legs.

Damn, how is it that Drew can still get my motor going, even though he’s gone from my life?

The answer was easy. He was gone from her life, just not her heart. She had to blink very fast to keep the tears from falling from her eyes, and then she tried to get back to sleep.

This time, sleep did not come easily.

Chapter Seven



It seemed like only an instant and she was awake, again hearing Miss Monster encouraging the girls to ‘rise and shine.’
This time, Jessica made a point of getting out of bed
Misha entered her room. She was bound and determined to avoid any spankings today! Jessica winced and groaned as she gingerly rubbed her sore ass. The cream had not completely healed her. But that was to be expected, that paddle had been super hard. Turning her back to the mirror, she inspected the damage. Black and blue, and tender! She quickly fixed her clothes before Misha appeared in the doorway.

“Morning, ma’am,” she said, spinning to face her.

“Morning, Anya. Please put on the Sunday dress and good shoes. You’ll find them in your closet. We got one for you yesterday, and they’re in there now. After breakfast, we’ll be going to church.”

“Church?” Jessica squeaked in surprise.
Sheesh, I haven’t been to… one of those since I escaped my parents, why now? Oh, yeah, right, because Miss Ogre will beat the snot out of me if I refuse!
She cleared her throat, smiled, and nodded. “Oh, yes, what was I thinking? It’s Sunday, so of course we go to church. Yes, ma’am.”

She got into the outfit, and groaned at the sight of herself in the mirror. The dress made her look like some sort of vestal virgin. Oh, well, she had no choice in the matter, and her stinging ass reminded her of that fact.

She had to stand for breakfast, and it was another spicy meal. Still, she ate without complaint, and then everyone got ready to go. Misha took up a position at the lead, and then the girls, two by two, and the cooks and Viktor brought up the rear. Jessica ground her teeth as they walked; Iva insisted on holding her hand. On top of that, Jessica caught sight of several of those ‘Wanted’ posters the girls had put up around town.

Oh, the utter humiliation!

“Ahhh, thank you for the coins,” Jessica said, trying to sound upbeat.

Iva smiled down at her. “You are most welcome, Anya. All the girls gave.”

“So, where did you get them?”

“We earn by doing errands and working for various shops in village.”

Jessica grinned. “Really? Do you think I could get a job like that?”

“I not see why not,” Iva replied, nodding. “We ask Miss Palicka. I sure she find you something. Oh, I need to go now. Bye, see you in church.”

Iva broke away from the group and darted in a side door, as they headed for the front of the church. Jessica was confused; what was going on? Oh, well, she wasn’t about to voice any complaints or concerns.

The church was small, stone, and clearly centuries old. Beautiful stained glass windows allowed colorful light to filter inside, and candles added soft light. Jessica groaned as they moved down the aisle; the pews were wood and looked very hard. She didn’t have to ask to know that she would
be allowed to stand. Suddenly, she wished Iva was there, and then shook her head and chided herself.

I don’t need the help of a worthless girl!
Gritting her teeth, she set her jaw firmly, and managed to not cry out when she sat. Well, she did whimper.

The priest came out and started the service, even as Iva and several other girls took up seats behind him. That was where she went, to sing in the choir. Jessica squirmed in her seat; she was still so sore! And then Iva began to sing, and her voice was so angelic. She sang a solo, and Jessica felt a true tingle course up and down her spine; never had she heard anything so beautiful. It made her forget her pain for a moment, and it also made her feel a twinge of weakness, and a tear trickled down her cheek. She wiped it away quickly.

Fool, don’t be a weakling!


* * *


A week later, Kelly was troubled. She was pretty much stuck in Prague; travel back to the village was impossible, doctor’s orders. It turned out she was injured more seriously than she first thought; she had a concussion, and was now suffering from what the doctors called post-concussion syndrome. Headaches plagued her, she was frequently dizzy, and, of all things, she’d lost her appetite. Since leaving the hospital, she’d not felt the least desire for food.

It was a very odd feeling. There was a time, in her youth, when she’d have welcomed such an odd side effect; it was the weirdest of weight-loss programs. Still, she forced herself to eat so as to keep up her strength. She did manage to get some work done, and she made inquiries about Jessica; she was being well cared for in the girls’ home, and Viktor seemed to hold out real hope that redemption was possible. Maybe Kelly would stop by and see her after the ground-breaking at the resort. If she had truly changed, she’d talk to her about coming home.


* * *


As for Jessica, she was surviving. Yeah, she’d gotten spanked and paddled, and even felt the ruler from Viktor a few times, but nothing as bad as the ‘Day of the Triple Header,’ as she called it.

Viktor was so incredibly boring, it was little wonder she kept falling asleep in his class, especially given her lack of sufficient coffee each morning. Her one salvation? She already knew all the subjects, and thus did not earn extra smacks of his ruler. Of course, there was that critical word:
. Bending over his desk had been humiliating enough, but, as the incidents of her falling asleep in class increased, he started putting her over his knee, right there in front of everyone! She just died every time. Plus, as she racked up more demerits from Teacher Torturer, she also got spanked by Misha and had to sit there and watch as Iva and other girls got a dose of the ruler for any infractions.

Then there was also that voluntary spanking she’d had the stupidity to actually ask for. The only good thing about that one was that Viktor went fairly easy on her. It was a few days later, after helping the girls with their homework, and they headed out to play.

Viktor appeared on the stairs. “Anya, would you come with me, please?”

Her mouth went dry, she licked her lips, and slowly nodded. “Of course, sir.”

The girls continued out the door, only Iva pausing to display concern; it was written across her face. Viktor assured her everything was okay, and she smiled and raced to catch up. And then Jessica sadly plodded up the stairs with Viktor and entered his room. When he moved his desk chair to the center of the room and sat, Jessica cringed. The fact that he left the door standing wide open only added to the humiliation.

“Well, Anya, it’s time we got your noble offer to share in Iva’s punishment out of the way. Please get across my lap.”

Jessica wanted to die.
God, I’m expected to go willingly to my doom?

But she knew better than to object. She moved forward, hoisted herself up and over Viktor’s huge lap, and settled into position. This was when she
felt like a child; her feet barely touched the floor, her hands were nowhere near it, and she felt Viktor’s large arm holding her in place. Then came the flip-up of her tiny skirt, the pat of the massive hand, as Viktor carefully took aim, and then the hand pulling away, the air being sucked along with the movement. Jessica shut her eyes tight, set her jaw, and grit her teeth against the first blow. She felt Viktor’s body shift slightly, which meant he was bringing his arm down. The air moved behind her again, and… contact, the hard smack to her dainty right cheek.

“Ow,” she grunted.

The hand pulled away, and a moment later came a smack to her left check. Then came one that bridged the gap, and after that, the pattern was set: right, left, center, and on and on. Jessica’s stoicism lasted all of about five minutes, and then she was yelping and howling, and by fifteen minutes she was sobbing. She got a full half-hour, and was then released. As with all such torments, she clutched her bottom and did the sting dance for a few minutes, before being comforted on his lap.

“I’m very proud of you, Anya, you took that well and without complaint,” he told her, helping her to dry her face with a tissue. “Tonight, you’ll get a good dose of cream from Misha. For now, run along and play.”

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