Read Regency Rogues Omnibus Online

Authors: Shirl Anders

Regency Rogues Omnibus (50 page)

BOOK: Regency Rogues Omnibus
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my cock in your pussy,” he growled. “Put the head where I can feel you. Get it wet on you, Nia.”

she moaned, fitting the densely swollen head of his cock to her hot vagina. “Can you feel it?” she gasped, pressing the head to the opening, and circling it around the edges, while smearing it with her liquid of passionate desire.

“Yes,” he gasped, arching his buttocks upward and driving the head past the first tight resistance.

love, my love!” she squealed as the opening of her inner sheath yielded to the wider head of Radford’s cock pressing into her. Then her vagina closed around the smaller shaft, so that she held just the width of the helmeted head inside of her.

, Christ,” Radford groaned, with his hands scraping upward along her thighs, until he grasped her bare buttocks tight. “Ride me,” he growled. “Ride me, Nia!”

Nia mewled as he pulled her body downward driving his cock to her womb as her vagina clenched in ecstasy. Her nails raked the sinewy and tensely mounded buttress of Radford’s chest as her body sought a frantic up and down motion over his piercing cock. She galloped atop him, taking his cock over and over, as he see-sawed his hips upward to meet her each time. She gasped shrilly with untamed sounds of need as he growled in bass sounds of demand.

Her breasts swayed madly with her bouncing effort, while her buttocks slapped Radford’s thighs. She squealed his name, then faster and faster.
She was so close.
So close, it was as if there were a torrent building inside her, yet it seemed to elude her in maddening frustration. Yet, Radford seemed to know her needs more intimately than her passion-ravished mind could comprehend. He grasped her hips and pressured her upper body down and to the side, yet still above him. Her aroused whimpers willingly followed his command. Then, his hips shifted without breaking their thrusting motion and he threw one of his legs over her hips, dragging her pelvis up against him.

she careened at the new intense pleasure this wrung into her sex as it rubbed rapidly up and down over him.

“Move with me, cherie,” Radford’s voice grated into her ear as his hands clamped over her buttocks to help their wild, mating motions.

Radford kept their sweat-soaked bodies pressed tight together as their hips gyrated and her taunt clitty was rubbed voraciously, while his cock plunged deep inside her. Her panting was shrill sounding hiccups of pleasure, each one faster than the next, as her climax built with ferocity.

She clung to Radford now, too helpless in the vortex of her climax shooting to its pinnacle to help their body’s motion together. Yet, his strength held true as he never let her go and he rapidly continued the driving thrust of his cock, until she screamed his name.

my love,” Radford growled harshly out of breath into her ear as her climax crashed over her and each onward plunge of his cock inside her twisted and churned the bliss higher. Her inner sheath clenched and unclenched over his stabbing cock as her orgasm continued to ring through her and she felt Radford’s manhood expand with arduous and hefty throbbing.

“Ah!” he groaned, then his body arched stiffly and a rush of his fiery seed sizzled deep inside her. Their moans combined to the cries of fulfillment and she felt his cock contracting, and then bursting forth again with a sharp bass groan from his throat. Then on the lingering dredges of her climax, his hot seed filled her again, until he lay panting beneath her and she collapsed halfway across his chest.

They were elements of a tempest in the universe together. They were a storm’s center. They were the fire of a raging flame or the sun’s searing heat. Untamed, uncontrolled together. They sparked something uncommon in each other and combined, it made a vital whole.

you, Nia. I want you by my side.
more of these games.”

“Radford!” Nia’s hands stopped his hand reaching for the blindfold.

“Judas, Nia!” he exclaimed harshly.

“I must speak to you,” she pleaded. “Please, listen to me, I...”

Radford’s hands lifted as he searched blindly, and then her hands helped him to find her face. “I would know you without sight, in any moment for the rest of my life,” he murmured as he traced the features of her face. Yet, his hand suddenly stilled, when he felt her tears. “Nia?” he uttered, with more words coming behind her name.

Yet, before he could, Nia blurted on a strangled sob, “I am a whore!
Radford, a whore! Do you

At that exact instant of her guilt-ridden exclamation, a sound clamored loudly behind where they lay tangled on the bed. Then suddenly two feminine squeals erupted, jerking Nia’s gaze upward to see two ladies gaping at her in the open doorway of Radford’s bedchamber. Nia cried out in surprised horror, just as Radford was exclaiming her name again. She shoved upon his chest with surprising strength and leaped out of the bed, managing to grasp her chemise as she ran frantically from the room.

“Nia!” Radford bellowed, tearing the blindfold away from his head. His full intention was to give chase, yet the climatic events suddenly righted themselves in his mind as he sat upright on the edge of the bed. He realized then, just exactly what Nia had said and his body’s motions came to an abrupt halt, as his glaring gaze landed on the two women gaping at him.

“Get the hell out of here!” he bellowed in a uncharacteristically maddened shout that sent them fleeing immediately. He realized that he’d raised his fist to them unconsciously and when he saw it before him, he lowered it tensely to the bed beside him. His knuckles knocked the corner of something solid on the bed bringing his gaze downward. Radford saw the corner of what appeared to be a fat envelope. He plucked at the edge of the envelope, until it came out from beneath Nia’s scattered clothing. There on the front of the packet had been written his name with the words “from Nia” underneath. He realized that Nia had intended to give him this and he began to open it up, trying to settle his heart to what explanations he might find.

What he found amazed and disturbed him more than the fact that Nia was a
fille de joie
. And after he read the entire set of instructions from Nia’s apparent client-benefactor, two things settled in his mind, both in opposite directions. Nia was never supposed to make love with him and she was being
to do what she did. That piece of information alone stopped him from following her, and he wondered angrily, if all the feelings that she’d shared with him were contrived.



Chapter Sixteen



she is a whore,” Radford said angrily, his back stiffly turned to Saxon. He was disillusioned, hurt, and grasping. “She only did it for money! And the man who paid her could be my enemy. Although, I fail to see the gain.” The sound of Radford’s drinking glass shattering against the fireplace filled the room.

“Nia O’Shea?” Saxon asked with an exclamation.

Whom the hell else would he be speaking of,
Radford thought sourly, as he turned toward Saxon. But then, he saw Brynmore, evidentially newly arrived to his estate, standing behind Saxon with a surprised, and somewhat alarmed look on his face.

“Say the name again,” Brynmore demanded.

Radford watched Saxon turn to Brynmore as he tried to understand the look on Brynmore’s face.

“Nia O’Shea,” Saxon provided once more, only this time his voice was level and devoid of the incredulousness from moments before.

“Bloody hell, I know her,” Brynmore exclaimed. Then his voice turned to angry words. “The lass is
a whore!”

“But...” Saxon glanced at Radford.

her?” Radford exclaimed, then he added in a deadly quiet voice, “The lady told me this herself.”

“Then, there is some explanation,” Brynmore replied. “Nia O’Shea is from a good Irish family. Bloody hell, we are related somewhere down the line. Aye, my mother was a very dear friend with her mother, before she and her husband died.”

“Then why, the hell, could I not find any bloody O’Shea, when I looked?” Radford asked with a demanding tone.

Brynmore’s gray eyes narrowed. “O’Shea is her mother’s name, not her father’s. Dunmore was his name. There must be some reason that she is using her mother’s name.”

“Because, she
a whore,” Radford spat quietly, while perversely enjoying Brynmore’s shoulders stiffening as though he had been insulted. Then suddenly, Radford sighed as though all the air left his lungs and his anger escaped with it. “Not that I care that she is a
fille de joie
. Damnation, I care simply that she was paid to...” He could not finish.

“To bed you,” Saxon said quietly.

“Is, Nia, this woman, Saxon, that you told me Radford was involved with?” Brynmore asked.

Saxon nodded. “Much more than simply involved, I think,” Saxon added.

Radford looked up at them not speaking, but knowing his face spoke of his answer. “For money,” he whispered.

“There must be an answer,” Brynmore insisted. “I must see her.”

“I...” Radford hesitated, then strengthened his voice, shaking his head, then starting again. “You need to discover who did this, who paid her. For what reason, because...” He could not go on.

“I understand,” Brynmore replied. “Saxon can fill me in on the rest.”

“She was at the Boars Head,” Radford said, then as he turned away, he uttered,
, make sure she is safe.” Then he stalked from the room.

Nia sniffled as she folded a shimmering dress into the small valise she’d opened on the bed in her room at the Boars Head Inn. She’d brought the dress for the masquerade ball this evening at Radford’s estate. Somehow in the back of her mind, even without knowing Benny’s further instructions she’d assumed that she would be attending the ball. It had simply seemed like to her, to be another perfect place to enhance the mysterious seduction.

“It is better this way,” she mumbled, not convincing herself at all. How could she have made such a jumble of everything? How could she so callously blurt out that she was a whore to Radford without further explanation? “Because there is no further explanation,” she chided herself miserably. “Those ladies did you a favor. They saved you from seeing Radford’s accusing face. O-Or his disgust!”

Nia’s voice broke as she tried without success to turn her attention back to her packing. She knew she was lingering, only it was the hardest thing she’d ever had to do. To leave now and turn her back on Radford. Even though she knew that he could not possibly want her now.

“But at least he has read Benny’s letters by now and he will k-know.” Her voice caught. “He will know that I made l-love to him instead of taking the money.” Suddenly there was a knock upon the door and Nia quickly wiped away a few tears and called, “Enter.” She’d been expecting the Inn’s maid to help her. She reached to shut her valise as she heard the door opening, and then she turned toward the person entering.

“Laird Duneagan!” Nia gasped, so thoroughly surprised that she wobbled and sat on the bed, before her knees gave way. “Blimey!” It was all she could think to say as Laird Brynmore Duneagan looked down on her with a welcoming quirk on his lips.

“Lady Nia Dunmore,” he replied with a short bow. “Bloody hell, Nia! It has been too long.” With that said, Brynmore strode forward and grasped her hands pulling her up before him. In her surprised state, Nia could do nothing more than acquiesce to his lead and before she knew it she was embraced in a huge bear hug. Late, she remembered to hug her friend back.

“Ach, lass, it is so good to see you. It has been entirely too long. Shame on us,” Brynmore rumbled and Nia could feel it in his chest, where they embraced tightly and suddenly she burst into tears. She was completely mortified, yet she could not stop as she bawled into Brynmore’s tartan, which was thrown over his shoulder.

“Aw, I thought so,” Brynmore said as he rocked her. “Let it out, lass. Let it all out.”

An embarrassing ten minutes later, found Nia sitting on the bed clutching a hand-linen to her nose that Brynmore had provided as he sat next to her on the bed.

“What brings you here, Bry?” Nia sniffled. “How in the world have you run across me like this, after all these years?”

“Ach, I truly do regret that it is so long, lass. I should have come after your parents passed. But the war.” Brynmore shrugged. “Still, it is no excuse after I returned to England.”

“No, no Bry.” Nia patted his hand. “I never expected you too. We were all so sad to hear of your family’s loss. You got my letter? So many, Bry,” Nia added sadly.

“Aye, I got your letter. It helped, Nia, surely it did. Ach, Nia, I was just so...” Brynmore paused, then said, “I just found myself avoiding anyone that would remind me how many I’d lost. Both my brothers, Da, and Uncle Claymore.”

Nia squeezed his hand. “I am so sorry, Bry.”

Brynmore lifted his head looking at her. “Aye well, you know well enough that life goes on, Nia. And as to why I have found you here, well, I should tell you that, Radford, is one of my closest friends.”

BOOK: Regency Rogues Omnibus
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