Regrets of The Fallen (Victis Honor Book 1) (18 page)

BOOK: Regrets of The Fallen (Victis Honor Book 1)
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Haruka appeared on deck in seconds, making it to Bella’s side in another second and looking at her. “Okay?”

“Mostly,” Isabella said, lowering her hands and looking at Freya. “What

The pirate queen was grinning, rushing for the main mast and beginning to climb towards the crow’s nest with incredible speed and agility. “Maddis, get passin’ out
th’ plugs!”

Another scream forced everyone to shut their ears again. A well-dressed man moved up to Isabella and Haruka, handing them each two small cork-like objects. “These won’t help much, but they’ll keep your brains from spilling out your ears. I suggest putting them in now.”

Isabella blinked, looking from them to Haruka. The monk shrugged, stuffing one in each ear, and Bella followed suit. “Eeyahoo!” Freya shouted from the crow’s nest, patting the back of the man up there with her. “Comin’ from th’ northwest!” The pirate at the tiller spun it, turning the ship in the direction Freya had yelled out.

Isabella shook her head. “I don’t get it,” she said. Haruka was staring to the northwest and Bella followed her stare. “What’s
… Oh.”

There appeared to be a storm heading straight for them, pointed and full of violent lightning and wind, churning the waves wildly as it passed. That was only noticed for a second, though; it was the spirit that drew their attention. It appeared to be a woman, or woman-like, ethereal and semi-transparent, with long white hair that flowed around in the air like it was underwater. It wore a tattered white dress that acted the same way, and had bony hands and a gaunt, almost skeletal face, with black pits for eyes. The worst part was that the
specter floating over the ocean towards them had to be six stories tall at the smallest, at least twice as tall as
The Black Wake
. It opened its mouth and emitted another piercing scream, and they could see the air itself distort before the gaping maw as pain shot through them.

Freya landed beside them, still grinning. “That,
me friends, is a banshee. Th’ lost love of a sailor who died at sea, she went insane with grief and waded into th’ ocean t’ find ‘im. These things are doomed t’ travel th’ oceans o’ th’ world forever, callin’ out th’ name o’ their loves, though y’ can’t understand it. Every call pulls ya closer t’ death. Once she gets closer you’ll hear ‘er cryin’ an’ wailin’. Creepy stuff. Worst part is if y’ live long enough for ‘er t’ touch the ship, though.”

Isabella glanced at her nervously. “What happens then…?”

“Ever heard o’ ghost ships?” Freya chuckled. “We’ll be a lot like her. Not somethin’ I want, dunno ‘bout you.” A cannon shot sounded and Freya spun to see a cannonball sail all the way over to pass harmlessly through the banshee. “Who the fuck fired that?!” the captain yelled. “You can’t ‘urt a spirit like that, ye daft fools, you’ll just make ‘er mad!”

“What do we do?” Haruka asked.

Freya looked at her. “Well, t’be honest, I’ve only ever run into one, an’ I didn’t succeed in killin’ it.”

Isabella blinked. “Then… How did you survive?”

“Long story. Point is, this’s my chance, an’ I know how t’ do it, but I need ‘elp…” She grinned. “Help like you.”

Haruka and Isabella both nodded. “What do you want us to do?”

“Ha! I love it. Get yerselves t’ the bow, an’ use whatever magic y’ got t’ distract ‘er. We’re gonna ‘ave t’ ram her.”

“Ram her?” Haruka blinked. “But you said…”

“Her touchin’ th’ ship an’ the ship rammin’ ‘er are two different things.” Freya paused. “At least, I ‘ope they are. ‘aven’t tried it m’self.” She waved a hand. “I’m sure it’s fine. Get up there!” She laughed, running off to the tiller.

Haruka sighed and Bella looked at her questioningly. “Okay, so… Which part is the bow?”


“Right!” Isabella grinned at her. “Come on, Ruki, this is another thing to add to the list of things we’ve conquered!”


“She’s got the right idea!” Freya yelled back as she spun the tiller, fighting against the massive waves that tried to shake the ship off-course now. “Everybody dies, girls, an’ I intend to deserve it!”

The two ran for the front of the ship, dodging pirates as they ran in all directions. Everything had to be constantly adjusted to survive the wild, rapidly changing wind and waves. The ship’s size prevented an easy capsize, but the skill and experience of the crew was what would hold them on course. Isabella and Haruka stood on the very front of the ship, side-by-side, watching the approaching spectral behemoth. The banshee emitted another scream but it was much louder now; they nearly fell off the ship from its effects.

Banshee wails did several things, all of which they noticed in succession. First, they caused pain, increased with every wail. Second, they drained strength and stamina, making you feel weaker and tired. Both women noticed this as well. Haruka launched a fireball at the spirit and Isabella whirled her sword around, causing a blade of wind to fly out. Both spells impacted the creature and appeared to get its attention, if not really hurt it, as the black pits it had for eyes seemed to focus on them. It emitted another scream, and that’s when they noticed the third effect of a banshee’s wail; the unraveling of magic and enchantments. Haruka had no trouble, as her spells came from the use of her chi. Isabella, however, realized she had quite a bit of trouble.

Her eyes went wide as she pulled her sword close, feeling the enchantments on the scabbard weakening. Another scream brought her to her knees with a cry of pain. Haruka grabbed her shoulder, about to ask what was going on when she noticed the color of Bella’s hair and eyes flicker, changing only for a second. She cursed, standing and unleashing a sword made of flame towards the spirit. It connected, but she couldn’t kill it early; she wasn’t actually doing damage. One final wail shattered the enchantment on Bella’s scabbard, and then the sword, Mercy, was no longer restrained.

Bella’s scream somehow caught the attention of the pirates, as it was different than the banshee’s, full of pain and torment rather than sorrow. Haruka had to leap back as a burst of energy flowed from Isabella, shredding the deck around her.
Protect… Protect
… Have to protect!
Her body was lifted up as her hair and eyes changed to a shining gold. Her sword became silver and created a golden shield in her left hand. Haruka recognized the state from the fight with the Elemental; she was glad it was this one she’d become.

Freya shook her head, blinking a few times and squinting into the wind. “Am I seein’ that right?”

Isabella’s feet returned to the deck and she looked up to the banshee. “You will not harm these people,” she stated, running up to the edge of the ship. The crew watched wide-eyed as she launched herself off towards the banshee. Haruka cursed, racing along the deck. She controlled the energy within herself and increased the strength and ability of her core and legs as she ran, speeding up before she leapt after Isabella.

Freya rubbed her eyes, watching for another second before throwing her head back and laughing. “They’re as crazy as I am!”

Gold light encompassed Isabella as she slammed into the banshee, stabbing her sword into its chest. It unleashed a horrifying wail that made Bella’s world spin and sent pain shooting through her body. Still she managed to leap up as a bony claw larger than she was swiped at her. It swept back rapidly and knocked her up, and she found herself in the air directly in front of its gaping maw. Her eyes went wide as she heard it sucking in air for another wail; she could only imagine what would happen to her when it unleashed that with her directly in front of it.

Haruka hit the banshee’s chest and sprinted straight up, slamming her shoulder into its jaw. Purely physical objects simply went right through it, but Haruka was a monk and very well trained at lining her body with energy, so its jaw slammed shut, cutting off the scream but sending it into a rage. A hand smacked Haruka down but Isabella caught her wrist, jamming her sword into the banshee to stop their fall. Haruka grabbed the spirit’s tattered dress, holding on beside Bella. “You’re insane,” she stated as the banshee wailed again, weakening their grips.

Isabella blinked a bit and then smiled at her. “You’re as insane as I am, Ruki.”

Haruka blinked herself, staring at her. “Bella…?” Was she not different, like during the past transformations? No, she was, but… there was something else…

“I’m here, Ruki,” she answered. Her gaze shot up and she raised her shield, blocking the claw that tried to attack them.

Haruka looked back, noticing the ship was close. “Bella… Gotta jump!”

“Right! On… ah!” The banshee’s other hand caught Bella from behind, ripping her away and raising her all the way up before the banshee’s face. It unleashed a piercing wail that rent the wind and made the air vibrate and she went limp, her sword and shield slipping from her grip. Her transformation reversed now that she was unconscious, her hair returning to blue. The shield disappeared as it fell and the sword changed back, the scabbard reappearing around it.

“Bella!” Haruka didn’t even glance back at the ship as she raced up the banshee’s body, catching Bella’s sword as it fell past her. She tossed it back onto the ship and leapt up, landing on the banshee’s wrist. The banshee screamed directly in her face, but Haruka just growled. Energy burst into life around her fists and she slammed them into the massive spirit’s face, knocking it back with each punch. It wailed in pain and dropped Bella; Haruka looked back in panic as the knight fell, but she only fell a few feet.

Freya grinned up at her, her hand around Bella’s waist. “Can’t let you take
the fun. Time t’ get off!” The banshee swiped a claw at her but she leapt backwards off of it, drawing her pistol and firing. A large burst of magic erupted from the barrel, slamming into the banshee. It screamed and reached out one last time, but Haruka’s hand slammed straight between its eyes, stunning it. The monk then leapt off after Freya as a Death Mark appeared on the banshee’s face, exploding behind her and eliciting yet another scream of pain.

Haruka landed beside Freya on the deck, immediately taking Bella from her arms. Freya turned, standing beside them as the banshee loomed directly in front of the ship. It never got the chance to move, and the ship pierced its spectral body. The banshee released one final death wail as it shuddered, the waters rising up around it. It then seemed to shatter, every piece of it fading away in seconds. Moments later the ship floated in calm water with no sign of the spirit or the storm remaining.

The crew cheered, congratulating each other merrily. Freya knelt beside Haruka, who was inspecting Bella with concern. “She unconscious, or-“

“Unconscious,” Haruka said without hesitation.

“Alright, let’s get ‘er t’ bed, nothin’ y’ can do until she wakes up.” Haruka looked at the pirate captain and Freya shrugged. “She’s fine, if she’s not dead. Banshee wails jus’ weaken you a lot, so she’ll be sleepin’ for a while. Unless she’s in a coma, bu’ that’s a small chance, an’ even then she’ll probably wake up ‘cause we killed th’ thing that did it to her.”

Haruka sighed, cradling her as she stood. “Hope you’re right.”

“I’m always right. Well, most o’ th’ time. Usually. 50-50 at least. Anyway, t’ bed.”

Haruka nodded, heading for their cabin. At least they hadn’t run into that thing while on the other ship; Haruka had no doubts they’d be dead if they had. Pirates congratulated her as they passed, but it was the concern they expressed for Bella that meant more to her. They didn’t know her, but they admired what she’d done, and wanted the chance to tell her so, which was something she could respect. As she laid Bella on the bed and Freya explained why she was sure she’d be fine, Haruka found herself glad to have ended up on this ship.




Isabella walked through an empty town, inspecting buildings as she passed. She seemed to be the only one in the entire town, and it seemed to have been abandoned a long time ago. Cobwebs and dust covered everything; old wooden beds and chairs had broken down from rot and pests. Signs of looting were visible, showing there was nothing of value left here. “This is really weird,” Bella said to herself as she wandered through the silent streets. “Wasn’t I just on a ship with Haruka…?”

You still are.
” Isabella turned to see a version of her, but with crimson hair and eyes, and colder features. She was leaned up against a doorway with her arms folded, watching her.

Bella squinted at her. “Bale?”

No, I’m the other personification of your demon side that you hear in your head all the time.

“That’s mean. Guess I was right.” Isabella folded her arms, tilting her head. “So… what? I’m in my head?”

Sort of.
” Bale shrugged and gave her a grin. “
Welcome to ‘officially

“Great,” Bella sighed. “As if encroaching insanity wasn’t enough.”

You spend half your days talking to two voices in your head, each of which is just a version of your fractured psyche. You really think it’s just been ‘encroaching’?

“I guess not. I like to think I’m at least sort of sane, though.” Isabella looked around. “So what is this place? Or, what is it representing? And where’s Bai?”

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