Reign of the Vampires (23 page)

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Authors: Rebekah R. Ganiere

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Suspense, #Action & Adventure, #978-1-61650-659-9, #Vampires, #Dystopian, #Paranormal, #Rebekah, #Ganiere, #The, #Society

BOOK: Reign of the Vampires
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The three kings walked through the parting crowd. Chase stayed behind with the fourth man she couldn’t make out. The kings were dressed in the finest of Italian suits, each a different color. Sherman, the king who resided on the East coast, was first. Tall and thin with white hair pulled into a ponytail, he had light brown eyes and deep wrinkles in his face. He was dressed in a conservative navy blue suit with a light tie. He walked past the crowd, speaking to no one, his sights on Danika.

Melton followed Sherman. Short and on the wide side, his gray pinstriped suit made him look like an old-school mob boss. His round face and beady eyes were dark as his jet black, slicked-back hair. He smiled politely to everyone, but didn’t speak. Melton was the king with whom Danika dealt, since he was over the mid-west territory of the United States. He nodded to her and gave a tight smile as he passed and joined Sherman on the platform.

It was Vinton who came last, the youngest of the three kings. He lived in California and he looked it, with his shaggy blond hair and gray, stormy eyes. He had a kind and boyish face, though he was over three hundred years old. When the three men were on the platform, Sherman stepped forward to speak.

“We thank Lord Danika for allowing us to join you. We would also like to welcome William Baker into our society, and we wish him well in his transition period. We are glad there is such a happy occasion in this Coven House today. We hope this is a sign of many great things to come. We’ve heard there’s to be a new baby born, as well. We send out our great happiness to the parents, and wish Sinya a speedy and healthy pregnancy and birth. But we do not wish to interrupt this great celebration, so why don’t we adjourn to dinner? Lord Danika, if you would lead the way, please,” he finished, motioning for her to move forward.

Danika bowed, and with William leading her out, she held her head high and walked the long stretch through the crowd out to the front hallway. She noticed no one as she passed. At that moment, she wanted nothing more than to be done with dinner, to find out what the three kings wanted, and to get them out of her house.

She stopped on the opposite side of the entrance, near the dining hall. William held a tight smile on his face. Mason stood on her other side, wearing a look of rage. She didn’t know what had set him off, but he stretched his neck several times and clenched and unclenched his fists.

Mason took a step behind her with his back to the door as her guests approached. Her body shook so hard she feared she might fall to the ground. William’s grip tightened on her arm, holding her up. A hot hand touched the bare skin of her spine. It warmed and relaxed her.

When the first group of couples met them to welcome William, Danika took the opportunity to step back, getting closer to Mason. She needed his strength. Groups came and welcomed William, clapping him on the shoulder as they passed. The rise and fall of Mason’s chest soothed her somewhat.

The last of the guests approached when the three kings exited the atrium, talking with Chase and another man. The group waited in line behind the others. The nearer they got the more pronounced Mason’s fidgeting became. She shifted her weight and rested her hand by her side. It was then that she saw why he was so upset. She grabbed the leg of his pants. He whispered something in her ear, but she couldn’t focus long enough to understand it.

She had to keep it together. No matter what happened, she had to appear in control. Her mouth went dry and she pushed at her hair. When they reached Danika and William, she tried to stop staring.

The kings stepped forward. “Thank you for welcoming us, Lord Danika. We’re glad we were able to be here. Hopefully we can speak after everyone has retired from the festivities,” said Sherman.

“As you wish.” She gave a slight bow and smile.

They all, in turn, welcomed William, who smiled and thanked them for coming. He held his own better than she did. As Vinton was saying his welcomes, Chase stepped up with the guest whom she dreaded.

“Welcome, William.” Chase didn’t smile. He turned his attention to Danika. “I see that Mason likes to keep you close.” Chase glared at her.

“He takes his job very seriously, Uncle. Having this many people around, even in our home, tends to make him nervous.”

Chase turned and motioned the other man to step forward. “Lord Danika, may I introduce—”

“Lord Garon. We’ve met before. I wasn’t aware that news of our small celebration had reached all the way to Las Vegas.” She did not extend her hand to him.

“I know a great deal about what goes on here in Chicago,” Garon replied. “But those are not items for discussing whilst you have guests.”

“Lord Garon, you are welcome to join us for dinner. But afterward, I would ask that you make your leave. I have no business with you, and Chicago coven business is Chicago coven business.” A note of anger rose in her voice and she had to remind herself again to remain calm. Without another word she turned to William, took his arm, and with Mason close behind, she walked to the head table and sat between William and Vinton. It took everything she had to stop her hands from shaking when her soup arrived. This was worse than she could’ve imagined.





The dinner wound down at three, and Danika couldn’t have been more relieved. After she and William shook hands with everyone, and thanked them for coming, she shut the front door, leaned upon it, and closed her eyes.

The kings and Garon had retired to the study to await her while she changed. She opened her eyes to find William staring at her with questions written all over his face.

“They didn’t call for you, so you don’t need to worry. You can go upstairs. It’s been a long couple of nights, and you have done a wonderful job. Thank you for everything.”

“No, thank you, for doing this for me, my lord. I’ve not felt like I belonged somewhere since my mother died. You changed that. You’ve changed
. I belong now, I have a home. Thank you for that. And if it’s all the same to you, I’d like to join you in your meeting.”

Danika smiled. “I’m glad you’ve found your place. Honestly, I don’t think I would have made it through the last few weeks without you at my side. You’re a great friend.”

William returned her smile.

“But, I’m afraid that unless you’re called for, you haven’t been invited. And as much as I would love for you to join me, it’s better that you rest. You’ll hear all about it tomorrow evening.”

William frowned, but nodded.

“Come, help me upstairs to change.” A few house members milled around. Danika wondered if Chase had known the kings and Garon were coming.

The house slaves moved much slower, but were still cleaning up from the celebration. She walked up the stairs with her hand on William’s. Mason followed. There hadn’t been a chance to speak to him since they’d gone down to the celebration. She wondered what he would say if they did speak. He’d taken everything in from his statue-like stance behind her at the dinner table. When they reached her room, she turned to him.

“Mason, when was the last time you ate?”

“Last night.”

He’d spent the whole evening watching after her and she hadn’t even seen to his basic needs.

“Mason, why didn’t you say anything? Go downstairs now and eat before the house slaves devour all the leftovers,” she said.

“I stay with you till

She didn’t want to argue with him. It did make her feel better to have him there, but he needed to eat. She shook her head. “No, you need to eat. Go.”

“No,” he said.

Her eyes narrowed. “No?” she questioned.

“No, thank you, Lord Danika.” His voice was flat. His tension hung in the air.

She scowled and turned to William. “Will you please be so kind as to go downstairs and get this behemoth something to eat?”

“Of course.” William bowed.

After he left, Danika stood for a minute, then blew out a long breath. “You’re so stubborn that now a vampyr is waiting on you. You do realize that any other Vampire would have you punished for such insubordination, don’t you?”

He stared at her, silent.

“Well you can’t eat standing here in the hall, come in.” She sat on her bed and pulled off her shoes. She sighed and rubbed her feet for a minute, then stood and walked over to the wardrobe. Slipping out of her dress into nothing but panties
she studied her wardrobe to figure out what would be appropriate.

Danika pulled on her blouse and turned. Mason watched her intently. She smelled his lust from all the way across the room, and it made her body quake. She’d forgotten he was there and realized she’d just been almost naked in front of him. For the first time, she felt self-conscious.

William entered with an entire tray of food. He set it down on the coffee table and turned to Danika. “Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you?”

“I’ll be fine, thank you. Good morning, and sleep well.” She smiled. She found that smiling was something she’d been doing a lot lately when she got nervous.

William said his goodbyes.

Danika fixed her hair, while Mason wolfed down everything on the tray. When he finished, she walked to the door.

“Good morning, Mason. I’ll see you tonight.”

“Absolutely not!” He rose from his seat. “I told you before, I’m not leaving your side until they’re out of this house and out of this state.”

“Mason, they didn’t ask for you. Taking you with me could cause your death.”

“I’ll take my chances.” He crossed his arms over his chest

“Well, I won’t. The best way you can protect me is for you to be alive. So you’ll do what I say. You’ll go to your room and sleep.” He was at her side before she took another step. He grabbed her by the arm. The sensation of his skin on hers gave her goose bumps.

“With all due respect, I’m coming with you.”

“Why don’t you do what you’re told?” she whipped. “Why do you act like you’re the master and I’m the slave? Do you have any idea what would happen if they thought I couldn’t even bond you?” Danika pulled away and pressed her fingers into her temples. Her headache had returned. “You act more like a mate than a slave.”

“I won’t leave you while Garon’s here. If it means they try to kill me, then it does. It’s a chance I am willing to take. And I may be your slave, but I refuse to act like I’m your lesser.”

“I never said you were lesser than me.”

They stared at each other for a tense moment. Mason loosened the collar of his shirt and rolled up his sleeves. She didn’t understand their relationship, but she did understand one thing, more than anything she wanted him there.

“Keep your mouth shut and your ears and eyes open. Don’t say a word, no matter what you hear. And do not move a muscle unless someone puts a hand on me. You understand?”


She just wanted this over with, and without bloodshed if possible.

* * * *

The house was quiet when Danika and Mason made their way toward the study. There were a handful of slaves finishing up the dishes. As Danika stepped into the kitchen, they turned and bowed.

“There are dishes in my room; please have them taken care of before you go to bed. And my linens and towels need changing, as well.” She eyed Mason, remembering she needed to find out why he’d been in her shower.

Danika headed for the study. She stood at the door and took a deep breath, then pushed it open and stepped inside. Around the conference table, Chase sat on one side while the kings and Garon sat on the other. She’d interrupted a conversation. When the men turned and faced her, she tried to keep her spine straight.

“Come in please, Lord Danika,” said Sherman. Danika stepped in with Mason following. “We did not invite your guardian to come to this meeting.” He frowned.

“I apologize, Sherman, but due to recent events my guardian feels more at ease being in my presence while there are guests in my home. The number of unknown people here tonight has him on edge. I beg your indulgence in the matter.” She gave a winning smile. While she hadn’t put a ton of emphasis on the fact that they were guests in her home, she wanted to let them know this was still her house.

Sherman didn’t say anything for a minute, but then inclined his head. Danika continued over to the head of the table. Mason followed close behind and stopped behind her chair, pulling it out for her. There was just enough space between her and the kings for comfort, and she was as far from Garon as possible.

“You seem to give your guardian much leeway,” said Garon.

“I give him leeway to judge for himself that about which I’ve given him command. His job is to protect me, therefore I take his suggestions for that job seriously.”

“I would never allow a slave to have a say in anything pertaining to me and my affairs.”

“Yes, well I’m sure that you and I have a difference of opinion on a great many things, Lord Garon. For instance, I would never presume to come uninvited to another lord’s house. However you’ve seen fit to come to mine this evening,” she retorted. Danika’s anger rose the longer she was in Garon’s presence.

“He came as was deemed necessary, due to his request,” said Sherman.

“I don’t understand.” Danika looked from one man to another, and finally to Chase. Her uncle stared at her sympathetically.

“We’ve been hearing rumors of troubling things here in Chicago, Lord Danika. We’ve heard of the rogue who shot at you, hitting your now-fledgling, William Baker. Also I believe your guardian was attacked, were you not?” asked Sherman, addressing Mason.

“Yes,” Mason replied.

“And there was more than one, correct?”


“And then there is the nasty business with Xenock, I am afraid. Of course we do not blame you for any of these things, Lord Danika. But we’ve become concerned for you and your coven. We were under the assumption that the rogues were wiped out. But now it seems they weren’t, and they’re coming out in numbers.”

“With all due respect, King Sherman, I don’t believe that two isolated incidents can constitute a problem worthy of your coming to visit me. I’m already on top of the problem and should have any issue, if there is one, taken care of within the month.”

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