Reign of the Vampires (25 page)

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Authors: Rebekah R. Ganiere

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Suspense, #Action & Adventure, #978-1-61650-659-9, #Vampires, #Dystopian, #Paranormal, #Rebekah, #Ganiere, #The, #Society

BOOK: Reign of the Vampires
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She pushed him off. The runes from Mason’s chest had burned into her skin, leaving behind their symbols on her like a brand. Danika’s head snapped up in alarm; Mason stared at her chest. His runes glowed.

“You burned me.”

“I didn’t know.” He still stared.

“What did you do to me?”

“Nothing. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize...” He moved away, and sat on the edge of her bed.

An emptiness chilled her body. “What’s going on?” She sat up and pulled her robe closed.

Mason hung his head in his hands.

“What is going on?” she demanded.

He turned, his eyes full of pain. He reached out and pulled her robe down a bit to the place where the mark sat. “I’m sorry,” he said again. His finger rubbed the scars. “We should’ve stopped.”

Anger rose within Danika. What the hell was going on? They’d just made love, and now she had a brand on her skin, and he was
to her? Her brain moved faster than she was able to control. Moments earlier, she’d felt so connected to him, and now he was shutting her out. “What happened to me last night? And why were you in my shower?”

“You had too much of my blood, it needed to be diluted, so I had you drink from Matthew.”

“And my shower?”

He hung his head again. “Chase wanted to see you. We couldn’t stop him from insisting on coming in. It was the one thing I could think to do to get him to leave.”

“To take a shower in my room while I slept?” she asked confused. His eyes met hers and an icy chill traveled over her. She remembered the feeling of the rug, lying on the floor in the bathroom, and Mason in the shower. She closed her eyes in disbelief. “Chase thought you were in there with me.”

He didn’t deny it.

That’s why Chase had looked at her that way tonight. After his little pep talk about not mixing pleasure again, and now she was. And after what had just happened between her and Mason... Everyone must have heard. Surely William had, at least.

“You need to go. If Lord Garon hears that you’ve spent the day in my room, he’ll kill us both.” She pulled herself together. Danika moved away from the bed. Keeping her back to him, she tied her robe tighter and pushed at her messy hair.

“So you’re going to go through with it then?” Mason pulled her by the arm to face him.

“Yes.” She yanked her arm away and ran her hands through her hair. “No… I don’t know. Right now I don’t have a choice.”

Mason forced her to look at him. “You have a choice, you always do. You’re stronger than you think. And with William and me by your side, you’re better poised than most.”

“Mason, please.” She pulled away again. Her weakness sickened her. This had gotten so out of hand. She couldn’t think straight with him so close. Just standing near him made her want to take him into her bed again. Mason closed the distance between them. His eyes still flickered with golden light.

He tugged her body into his as he kissed her hard on the lips. She shivered, and need built inside her once more. Mason stepped away, putting his shirt on, not buttoning it. “This isn’t over between us, Danika.” He glanced down at her mark. “Now more than ever, we cannot be parted.”

“What does that mean?”

“You and I. We...” Mason stopped. “You won’t be mated to Garon. I’ll kill him before I let that happen.” Mason’s viciousness made her body tremble. He turned and left without another word.

She stared at the closed door, wishing he’d come back and then she looked down at her chest. All the burns had faded to nothing. All but one. One rune, no bigger than a silver dollar, remained branded into her skin. It had faded almost to the same porcelain color as the rest of her skin, but there was still a faint discoloration. She ran her fingers over it. It was hot to the touch and made her think of Mason. Vampires didn’t scar. She wondered for the millionth time what Mason really was. She’d never heard of anything like this before, and there was no one to ask. The last thing she needed was to give the kings another reason to question her.

Deep down she didn’t care. She hated to admit it, but her feelings for Mason were stronger than she’d like. Dread filled her. This was so much more than she’d ever bargained for. She straightened her spine as logic took over. No matter her feelings for him, she had to do what was best for her coven and her company.

She had to mate. And Mason had already told her that he couldn’t be changed. It wasn’t unheard of for Vampires to have affairs with their minions and slaves, even after mating. She assumed that if she mated with Garon, he’d have any number of affairs because gods knew she wasn’t going to lay with him. She would never bear that man a child. She wondered if she and Mason ever had a child what it would look like.

Danika scowled. What had happened between Mason and her had been a mistake, nothing more. Overcome by the emotions of the day, they’d given in to lust. Even he’d said they shouldn’t have gone that far. Good. He knew it and she knew it, so she needn’t worry about him having any problems when their relationship didn’t go there again. She’d find a mate, and that would be the end of it.

* * * *

Mason lay on his bed, paralyzed by what had happened. Her scent lingered on his skin, her taste in his mouth, the feel of her blood inside. He rubbed his face. What had he done? He’d almost performed
The Bonding, on Danika. He’d made love to her, he’d
Rune Sehlek,
Rune Transferred, with her, and in the end he’d left more pent-up than when he started. He stretched out on his bed, his silky pajama bottoms rubbing against his hot and sensitive thighs.

Mason had known she was the one for days now. There was no use trying to fight the truth of it anymore. There was no good way to tell Danika what had happened between them without exposing himself. He had to protect her. Not just from the Vampires, but from those like himself that would seek her out now, if they knew about her.

Mason had meant what he’d said. He would kill Garon before he allowed Danika to mate with that monster. Mason had changed because of her. She’d awakened feelings inside him that he’d never had before. Passions that he never knew he possessed. For the first time he truly cared for someone, more than cared. Mason swallowed and got up off his bed. Thoughts of their furious lovemaking plagued him

There had been no time for gentle. No time to explore her like he wanted. There was only the beast, raging inside, scratching his way free to take Danika for himself. Mason had had no control. He’d been with females before. But none who’d ever meant anything.

And now more than ever, he was tied to her. If she took him to an airport and hired a private jet to fly him to freedom, he’d jump back in her car and stay. There was no freedom for him now. After what had happened, he’d do anything to keep her safe. Now that she bore his mark, he was connected to her in ways even he didn’t understand yet.

Mason paced in front of the open window, running his hands through his hair. He let his mind wander. Eventually he raised his eyes to the ceiling and blew out a huge breath. He loved her. More than loved her, she was his now. Flesh of his flesh. His heart was bound to hers for eternity. He was hers to command.

Mason looked out the window at the bright, clear blue, cloudless sky. A bird chirped in a distant tree, the morning breeze blew across his skin bringing with it the scents of freedom. The dogs were out, patrolling the grounds. There were at least a dozen of them, and the vamp guards on top of that. He should’ve run when he had the chance. He should have killed the rogues and run and kept on running until he could no longer run.

Who was he kidding? Since tasting her blood, he’d known he couldn’t leave her. It had been ages since he’d drank blood from another. And it had taken every ounce of restraint not to drink her dry on the spot. Her blood, even now, flowed and cooled in his veins. Driving down his temper and helping him control the beast within. But when she kissed him, it was all he could do to not unleash on her. He’d been unable to control himself tonight. What he’d witnessed with Garon and the kings had made him more possessive than ever. He had no words for the anger he’d felt, and more than anything he’d felt the overwhelming need to claim her as his own.

Maybe he’d subconsciously wanted to
Rune Sehlek
with her, to make her see that she was his.

He hung his head. What was he going to do now? He was supposed to be a servant, a slave in a Vampire’s world. But he wasn’t, and he never would be. All it would take was one command, one ritual of the ancient words, and she’d be his. But to do so would send up a beacon to those still hunting him. They would find him, and her. And when they did, they’d use her to get to him. He couldn’t put her in more danger, not now. She had enough problems without him raining down brimstone on her head.

She was his, and he was hers. Against everything that had happened to him. Against all the years he had spent trying to stay away, against every painful memory of his childhood. Like it or not, a Vampire was his mate.





Danika awoke the next evening to a loud ruckus downstairs. She pulled on her robe over her bra and panties and headed out into the hallway. Both William’s and Mason’s doors were open, but they weren’t inside. Yelling floated up from the entrance hall.

“I need to speak with her now,” said an angry Neeman.

“It can wait until she is up,” said Mason.

“I agree,” said William.

“This cannot wait.” Neeman’s voice rose higher.

“What is going on here?” Danika eyed the scene. Neeman looked a bit worse for wear. He had a healing cut above his eye and a swollen lip. Behind him was the entire Tracking Squad, all looking a bit beaten up.

“I need to speak with you. Now.”

“I’m sure that whatever you have to say can wait till I have finished dressing,” she said. Several house slaves came out of the kitchen. A few coven members peeked at the disturbance.

“I assure you, Danika, this cannot wait.” Neeman advanced up the steps.

Her blood began to rise. She flew down the stairs at him, baring her teeth.

“You may call me mistress, or lord; you lost the right to call me Danika years ago, Neeman,” she snarled, inches from his face. All eyes were on her. After everything that was going on around her, she couldn’t afford another disrespect.

Neeman continued to stare at her in silence, and just when she was about to strike, he adverted his eyes and lowered his head. “I meant no disrespect, my lord,” he said, loud enough for everyone to hear. Then he leaned in. “I simply thought that it might be most important that I inform you that I have four rogues in my trunk, one of whom is not quite dead.” He lifted his eyes sideways to glance up at her.

She froze. Things couldn’t get worse. Just then, Garon and two large bodyguards walked up the front steps and into the house.
Oh for the love of—

For a moment, they locked eyes, then Garon scanned what she wore, or didn’t wear, and his expression turned to disgust. “Is this how you run your coven, Lord Danika? By entertaining company in your underthings and dressing gown?” he spat.

She straightened, her robe open in the front. Her gaze pierced Garon unflinchingly. “What are you doing here, Lord Garon? You were not given welcome to enter my home.” She twirled her ring, trying to control her anger.

Garon’s rage was apparent. “I’m afraid, Lord Danika, that I do have business here. For the next fourteen days, your business is my business. The three kings have given us a period to...learn to cohabitate. Therefore, it’s my duty to stay here and learn about both you and this coven.”

“There will be no cohabitating for you and me, Lord Garon. As you can see, I already have a coven-full. You, should you wish to stay in my territory, will stay in your hotel and away from me at all times. Know now that when fourteen days are up, I will not be your mate.”

Lord Garon walked forward, stopping just short of the staircase where Neeman, as well as his trackers, stood guard in front of her. “Lord Danika, your impetuousness may begin a war that you cannot get out of. It would be a shame for the three kings to have to come in and appoint a new coven leader in your stead, due to your childish behavior.”

“Is that a threat?” she spat.

“Call it a mere suggestion that you closely examine your behavior with me from here on out.”

“I think it is time you leave my home.”

“I’ve been given permission to be here, and I will leave when fourteen days are up.”

Mason moved quicker than a Vampire and stood inches from Lord Garon’s face. Garon’s bodyguards rushed forward to defend their master, but Neeman and the trackers were right there at Mason’s side.

Mason’s large form towered over the thin Vampire. “I believe you were asked to leave.”

“And I believe,
, that you have no right to even speak to me,” Garon shot back. “That will be one thing that’ll be remedied when I am mated to Lord Danika. You slaves will learn your place.”

It was her turn to rush forward. Her teeth bared, she growled low in her chest. “You will never be mated to me, Garon. And my slaves are none of your concern, and never will be,” she said. “Now leave my home before I’m forced to remove you myself.”

Garon stood his ground, and she thought that she was going to have to remove him physically, when Chase spoke from above.

“Lord Garon, why don’t you and I go for a ride, and I can show you some of the sights of the city?” Chase moved along the landing toward the stairs.

Garon’s gaze flickered from Danika, up to Chase. “Thank you, I would most like to get to know this city better, as it seems I’ll be spending much time here in the future.”

Chase walked down the stairs, all eyes on him. He stopped by Danika’s side. “After you.” He gestured Garon toward the exit.

Garon’s gaze raked Danika one last time. “I will see you later.”

Chase stood by Danika for a moment. “He’s right, Nika, you need to think this through a bit better. Whether you choose to go through with the mating or not, our coven cannot afford a war, and that is where you’re headed if you continue on this way with him. I’ll try to keep him out of your hair, but you at least have to be civil to the man. And for heaven’s sake, please put on some proper attire. I know you have no need for modesty, my dear, but many of us more old-fashioned Vampires still do.” Chase bent and kissed Danika on the top of the head and then headed out.

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