Reluctant Genius (65 page)

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Authors: Charlotte Gray

BOOK: Reluctant Genius
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George, Anne, 395
Germany, 37, 183, 213
Gibbs-Smith, Charles, 324
Gilded Age, 254-56
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, 301
Gilman, Daniel, 275
Girdner, John H., 221
Glace Bay, NS, 239
Glasgow, 167, 168
glass, blue, 157
glass tubes, 333
gliders, 324, 326, 364, 371-73, 39!-92
(Toronto), 148-49
glove, alphabet, 46-47
Gnome Company, 394
"God Save the Queen," 209
Godwin, Edward, 208
Gould, Jay, 257
Graham, Alexander, 6
Grand Trunk Line, 42-43
Grant, Ulysses S., 132
graphophone, 228, 353, 430.
See also
phonograph (sound-recording device)
Gray, Elisha
and Alec Bell, 138-39
multiple telegraph, 71, 80, 88, 94, 121
patents, 121, 184-85, 196-97, 198, 200
public demonstrations, 133
telephone, 121-22, 159-60
Great Eastern,
"Great Imagination, the," 303
greenhouse effect, 416
Greenock, 167
Grey, Earl, 383
Grossman, Gypsy, 232
Grossman, Maurice, 213-14, 232-33
Grosvenor, Alexander Graham Bell, 382
Grosvenor, Carol, 382
Grosvenor, Edwin, 332
Grosvenor, Edwin Augustus, 331, 332
Grosvenor, Gertrude, 382
Grosvenor, Gilbert, 332, 337, 338, 343, 345,
360-61, 382, 419, 423, 425
Grosvenor, Gloria, 382
Grosvenor, Lillian, 382
Grosvenor, Mabel, 382, 385, 416, 428, 431
Grosvenor, Melville Bell, 381, 382, 386, 394
Guiteau, Charles, 217, 222, 230
gulls, 85, 171, 321


Hale, Eugene, 299
Hale, Mrs., 299
Halifax Chronicle,
Halifax explosion, 408-9
Hamilton, ON, 161
129, 148
Hammondsport, NY, 366, 371
Harding, Warren G., 421
Hargrave, Lawrence, 324, 326
Harrison, Benjamin, 252
Hartford Courant,
Hartford School for Deaf Mutes, 38-39, 284
Harvard University, 41, 97-98, 99, 346
Hayes, Rutherford B., 205
404-5, 405
408, 409-13
headaches, 12, 15, 18, 20, 44, 114, 155, 208,
223, 251, 252, 261, 414
heater, candle-powered, 406
helicopter-like devices, 311-12, 319, 323
“Hello, Central, Give Me Heaven,” 428
“hello girls,” 428
Helmholtz, Hermann von, 21, 29, 43
Henderson, Thomas, 18-19, 149
Henry, Joseph, 87-88, 138
heredity, 229, 273.
See also under
Hill, Alice, 352
Hitz, John, 273
Home, Mary, 175, 176, 178, 180, 186, 188
“Home Notes,” 389-90, 415
Hornblower, Joseph, 258
Hornblower and Marshall, 252
houseboats, 302-3, 321, 405
house fire, 248-49, 252
Howard, L. O., 259, 407
Howe, Julia Ward, 58
Howe, Samuel Gridley, 58, 61, 267
“Hoy! Hoy!”, 157, 209, 250, 386, 400
Hubbard, Charles Eustace, 165
Hubbard, Gardiner
art collection, 334
background and character, 52-53
in Bell Telephone Company, 160, 165, 187,
189, 193, 194, 213
coal mines, 237
daughters' marriages, 100-101, 103, 106,
118, 129, 161, 205, 213-14, 260
and deaf education, 48, 58, 61-63, 66, 282,
death, 334
as father, 52, 55
finances, 77
house fire, 249
multiple telegraph, 77-79, 79-80, 86, 94,
100-101, 117, 121
National Geographic Society, 331
and patents, 78-79, 121, 152-53, 185, 411
Philadelphia Exhibition, 133
Smithsonian Institution, 334
telegraph, 68, 76-77
telephone, 120-21, 130, 154, 159, 160
travels, 187, 302, 318
at Wednesday-evening get-togethers, 275
versus Western Union, 76-77
Hubbard, Gertrude McCurdy
and Alec Bells work, 80, 95-98, 155-56
appearance, 126
background and character, 52, 53
daughters' marriages, 103, 104, 105-6, 112,
119, 129, 144, 161-62, 214
death, 383
as mother, 55-58, 62
sight, 260
travels, 65, 183, 302, 318, 345
in Washington, 206-7
Hubbard, Gertrude ("Sister"), 54, 57, 65, 183,
209, 213, 226, 232
Hubbard, Grace, 54, 57, 58, 89-90, 126, 215,
252, 260, 302, 383, 425
Hubbard, James, 136
Hubbard, Mabel.
Bell, Mabel Hubbard
Hubbard, Marian, 58, 60
Hubbard, Roberta, 54, 57, 58, 89-90, 101,
126, 214, 226, 232
Hubbard, William, 129, 136-38
Hubbard bill, 76
Hyatt, Alpheus, 258-59
“hydrodromes,” 392, 404, 413, 429, 433
hydrofoils, 392, 393~94, 403~5, 406, 407-8,
409-13, 418, 423, 431


induction balance, 228
Industrial Revolution, 10, 25-28
insomnia, 15, 223, 414
International Telephone Company, 213, 215
iron lung, 223.
See also
vacuum jacket
Irving, Sir Henry, 208
Italy, 348-50


James, Henry, 99, 102
James, William, 99, 277, 278
Japan, emperor of, 328
Johnson, Ed, 256
Johnson, George, 31, 36, 147, 148, 164
Johnson, William, 225-26
Johnston, Joseph E., 200
June Bug,


Keller, Arthur H., 266, 267, 269, 270-71
Keller, Helen, 266-68, 269, 270-73, 274-79,
280, 282, 288-90, 355, 413-14, 422
Keller, Kate, 267-68
Kelly, Charles, 208
Kelvin, Lord.
Thomson, Sir William
kites, 326, 338-40, 354-55, 357-6o, 366-67,
369-71, 376, 392, 394, 431
Kitty Hawk, NC, 364-65
Kruuesi, John, 256


LaCour, Paul, 121
Ladies' Club Board, 300
Lake Keuka, 371, 373
Langley, Samuel Pierpoint, 275, 321-23, 324-
27, 331, 338, 339, 346, 349, 354, 364, 365
language, transcription of, 10.
See also
Lash, Jack, 413
League of Nations, 415
Lee, Robert E., 56
L’Epée, Abbé de, 38, 281
Liberator, The,
lifeboats, 406
Life of Stalin
(Trotsky), 427
light, sensitivity to, 114, 315, 414
lightning, 27
light waves, 204
Lilienthal, Otto, 324, 326, 364
Lincoln, Abraham, 56
lip-reading, 32, 37, 38, 57, 268-69
Lister, Joseph, 230
Livingstone, David, 10
Lobrichon, Timoléon Marie, 223
Locke, Abby, 67, 69, 90, 136
Lodge, The, 294-95, 305, 382
See also
Beinn Bhreagh
London, 174, 176, 344
London Society of Arts and Manufactures, 172
long-distance telephone, 399-401
Longfellow, Annie, 69
Longfellow, Edith, 69
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 99, 236, 237,


Mabel of Beinn Bhreagh,
302-3, 321
Mackenzie, Alexander, 165
Mackenzie, Catherine, 388-89, 390, 415,
416, 419
MacNeil, John, 388
Macpherson family, 242
Maid of the Mist,
Manly, Charles, 354
manual alphabets, 8, 46-47, 270
Marconi, Guglielmo, 199, 310
Marthas Vineyard, 297
Mary (maid), 382
Massachusetts Board of Education, 32, 33, 41
Massachusetts General Hospital, 41
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),
41, 43, 129
Massachusetts legislature, 60, 61-62
Massachusetts State Board of Health, 229
mathematics, 254, 328
Mauro, Cameron, Lewis and Kerkham, 199
Maxim, Hiram, 324, 326
McClure, S. S., 395
McClure's Magazine,
336, 395
McCormick, Cyrus, 198
McCurdy, Arthur, 238-39, 244, 294, 304, 305,
323, 333, 361, 372
as Alec s assistant, 308, 334, 348, 354, 359
McCurdy, Augusta, 90, 126
McCurdy, Caroline, 126
McCurdy, Douglas, 361, 367, 369, 373, 376,
377-79, 391,411
McCurdy, Lena, 126, 144
McCurdy, Robert, 54, 55, 77, 127
McCurdy, Susie, 359
McDermid, John, 377-78, 387, 415
McDermid, Neil, 359
McDonald, Alexander, 313
McDonald, Donald, 333-34
McKinley, William, 330
McNeil, Hector R, 354
"Memoir upon the Formation of a Deaf
Variety of the Human Race" (A. Bell),
229, 286
Mendel, Gregor, 297
Mendenhall, Thomas, 258
Menlo Park, 256, 348
metal detector, 218-21, 309
miasma theory of disease, 229-30
(Keller), 276, 288
Miss Miggs (cow), 245
Mitchell, S. Weir, 301, 302, 307
Monaco, prince of, 405
monkeys, 226, 227
Monte Carlo, 393-94
Montessori, Maria, 395, 396-97
Montessori education, 394-97
Montessori Educational Association, 396
Montgolfier brothers, 311
Montreal, 22
Morgan, J. P., 257
Morse, Edward, 258
Morse, Lucrese, 27
Morse, Samuel F. B., 26, 27, 91, 198
Morse code, 26

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