Reluctant Genius (64 page)

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Authors: Charlotte Gray

BOOK: Reluctant Genius
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organization and name, 160, 165, 201, 203
patents, 192, 195-201, 233, 398, 433
and photophone, 212, 213
reach of, 399
versus Western Union, 184, 189, 192, 193,
Bell Telephone News,
Biddulph, Lady, 181
Biddulph, Sir Thomas, 180, 181, 182
Billings, John Shaw, 258
biography, 423
birds, 322
Bishop, Mr., 349, 350
Blaine, James C, 207
Blaine, Mrs., 207
Blake, Clarence, 71-73
Blake, Edward, 186
Blatchford, Carrie, 68
Blatchford, Mary, 68, 102, 107, 109
and Alec Bell, 101, 103-4, i°9, i43~44,
192, 195
in Nova Scotia, 295, 296, 315, 384
Blue Hill
boat-building, 406
boilers, 311-12
bolometer, 322
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 215
Borglum, Gutzon, 351-52
Boston, 33-34, 40-42, 44, 50, 160
Boston Advertiser,
Boston Globe,
Boston Herald,
133, 218-19
Bostonians, The
(James), 102
Boston Journal,
Boston Post,
Boston Public Library, 41, 322
Boston School for Deaf Mutes, 32, 35-36
Boston Transcript,
44, 129
Boston University, 45-46, 76, 150
Bow Park, 24
box kites, 326
Bradley (investor), 194
Braidwood, Thomas, 37
Brantford, Ont., 23-24, 31
Brantford Courier,
24, 31
Brantford Expositor,
Bras d'Or,
Bras d'Or Lake, 237, 294, 408
Brazil, 134
Brazil, emperor of.
Pedro II, emperor of
Brewer, William H., 258
bridge construction, 353
Bridgman, Laura, 58, 267, 268, 270, 276-77
deaf education in, 37
patents, 121, 160, 172-73, 180, 182
telegraph rates, 76
telephone in, 121, 169, 172-73, 180,
182-83, 186-87
British Association for the Advancement of
Science, 170
British Bell Telephone Company, 169, 172-
73, 180, 182, 183, 184, 187
Brooks, John, 428
Brower, Judge, 199
Brown, George, 24, 121, 148
Bruce, Robert V, 195, 254, 366
Buchanan, James, 28
Buffalo and Brantford Railway, 24
Burns, Robert, 10, 126, 315
Burton, Richard, 10
butter, 245
“butterstamp” telephone, 154


Caledonia coal mines, 237, 239
call-bell system, 183, 207
Calvin, Margaret, 131
Cambridge Gas Light Company, 53
Cameron, Mrs., 171
Canada, 19-20, 21-22, 344
telephone in, 161, 165, 215, 238-39
Canadian Club, 391
Canby, Margaret, 272
Cape Breton, 236, 237-38, 297
Cape Breton Island Reporter,
carbon transmitter, 193
Caribbean, 418
Carlyle, Thomas, 216
cars, 310, 353
Cass, Lewis, 27
cats, 227
landing on feet, 342
census, 273, 346
century, turn of, 344
magazine, 336
Chancellor, Olive, 102
Chanute, Octave, 324, 365
Charles Williams Company, 82-83, 160, 165
Chicago, 152, 276, 278
childbirth, 173
China, 392-93
Choate, Joseph, 345
chorea, 300-302
circuits, 207
Civil War, 56, 63, 79
Clarke Institution for Deaf Mutes, 32, 37, 48,
62-63, 66, 268
Clemens, Sam, 161, 236, 254, 272, 392
Cleveland, Grover, 200
Clifton House, 163
clocks, 252
Cluss, Adolph, 206
coal mines, 237, 239
Cockshutt, Ignatius, 24
Colossal Arm of Independence, 132
Columbia Institution for the Instruction of
the Deaf and Dumb, 38-39, 40, 268-69,
communications, predictions regarding,
124-25, 157, 211-12, 309
composting, 386-87
Congress, 27, 282-84, 397
Connaught, Prince Arthur, Duke of, 181
Constantinople, 332
contraceptives, 264-65
Convention of American Instructors of the
Deaf(CAID), 285-87
Cope, Edward Drinker, 258
Corliss steam engine, 132-33
Cosmos Club, 331
Covesea, Scotland, 171-72, 417
cows, 245
"crazy man," 154
Crescent Grove, 245, 246, 294
Crouch, Tom D., 327 Crystal Palace, 180
Curtiss, Glenn H., 366, 367-68, 369, 371,
372, 375-76, 379, 410-11, 430
Curtiss, Rutha, 368
369-71, 391
Cygnet II,


Daily Expositor
(Brantford), 24
Daily Mail,
Daniels, Josephus, 405
Darwin, Charles, 227
da Vinci, Leonardo, 311
deaf communication
alphabet glove, 46-47
debate over, 281-88
manual alphabets, 8, 46-47, 270
deaf education
"Combined Method," 281
debate over, 37-38, 61-63, 268-69, 276,
in Europe, 37, 61, 64
oral method, 32, 37, 38
Visible Speech in, 35-37, 38-40
Volta Review,
"deaf-mutes," 34-35
causes of, 51
and heredity, 229, 273-74, 297
proportion of population with, 51
terminology, 34-35, 273
Defence Research Board, 431
Democratic Convention, 27
demonstrations, scientific, 155-56
See also under
Bell, Alexander Graham: as
inventor and scientist
depression, 15
desalination, 346, 416
Dewey, John, 397
diabetes, 414
Dickens, Charles, 5, 58, 267
Diesel, Rudolf, 310
discussion club, women's, 299-300
disease, miasma theory of, 229-30
distress signal, underwater, 204
dogs, 215, 248
talking, 16
Dolbear, Amos E., 184, 196, 197, 198
Dominion Telegraph Company, 148
Dom Pedro.
Pedro II, emperor of Brazil
double-hand manual alphabet, 8
Drawbaugh, Daniel, 198, 199
Dufferin, Earl of, 165
Dunlop, Maud, 243
ear, human, 71-73, 74
Eccleston, Marie, 17, 19, 111, 393
Edinburgh, 2-3, 6, 11, 19, 170, 416-17
Edinburgh University, 346
Edison, Mary, 256
Edison, Thomas
and Alec Bell, 346, 422, 429-30
in Boston, 43
in Canada, 42-43
character, 84, 134
as entrepreneur, 256-57
family, 256
multiple telegraph, 42, 43, 71, 77, 80, 94,
121, 129
patents, 121, 184-85, 197, 228, 256, 430
phonograph, 228, 430
public demonstrations, 133
telephone, 173, 183, 193, 195-96
and Western Union, 129, 195-96
workshop system, 348
deaf education; Montessori
Eiffel Tower, 318
electricity, 26, 88, 310
Elgin, Scotland, 170
Ellis, Wallis, 148
Ellis, William, 308, 311-12, 339
Emma (maid), 175, 177, 178, 179
Encyclopaedia Britannica,
203, 309, 420
engagements, 152
engines, 132-33, 310, 366, 367
English Visible Speech for the Million
Bell), 18
ethanol, 416
Ether Monument, 41
eugenics, 229
Evans, Harold, 256
Evening Telegram
(St. Johns), 240, 241
Experimental Researches in Electricity
(Faraday), 43


Fairchild, Alexander Graham Bell, 382,
Fairchild, Barbara, 382
Fairchild, David Grandison, 259, 352-53, 365,
374, 375, 382, 387, 390, 411, 419, 420
Fairchild, Nancy Bell, 382, 418
Faraday, Michael, 43, 88, 216
feminism, 151-52
fiber-optics, 431
fire, 248-49, 252
First World War, 402, 405-7, 408-9
Fletcher, Roberta, 395, 396
Flint, MI, 37, 285-87
flying machines
development, 311-12, 319-20, 430, 431
first flight over 1 km, 373-76
ideas for, 85, 171, 310-11
for war, 338
See also
airplanes; kites
Foraker, Joseph Benson, 329
Foraker, Julia B., 329-30
Forbes, William H., 212
Ford, Henry, 310
Forlanini, Enrico, 393-94
Fox, Kate, 155
Fox, Leah, 155
Fox, Maggie, 155
France, 183, 318, 394, 428
Freer, Charles Lang, 350-51
Frost, Jack, 359
Frost King,
"Frost King, The" (Keller), 272-73
fuel, 323
Fuller, Buckminster, 363, 431
Fuller, Sarah, 32, 36


G. H. Curtiss Manufacturing Company, 366
Gallaudet, Edward Miner, 38-39, 62, 268-69,
275, 281-88
Gallaudet, Thomas Hopkins, 38, 268, 281
Gallaudet College, 287.
See also
Institution for the Instruction of the
Deaf and Dumb
Galton, Sir Francis, 229
Garfield, James A., 217-21, 229, 309
Garland, Augustus, 200
Garrison, William Lloyd, 41
genealogy, 231, 273
genetics, 229, 297
Genoa, 348-50
geodesic dome, 363, 431

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