Reluctant Mates - 21 Paranormal Romance Stories (Werewolf, Vampire, Minotaur and Monster collection) (21 page)

Read Reluctant Mates - 21 Paranormal Romance Stories (Werewolf, Vampire, Minotaur and Monster collection) Online

Authors: Francis Ashe

Tags: #werewolf romance, #werewolf erotic romance, #werewolf menage, #vampire menage, #Gay Romance, #gay werewolf romance, #gay werewolf erotic romance, #first time gay romance, #gay vampire romance

BOOK: Reluctant Mates - 21 Paranormal Romance Stories (Werewolf, Vampire, Minotaur and Monster collection)
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Opening my mouth to show him where my tongue went, I repeated my name two times, and then looked at him, waiting.

“Geena,” he said, rhyming with keena, but with a hard gee sound at the front.

I nodded and demonstrated again, exaggerating the softness of the first letter.

“Jeen – jeena?”

My smile told him all he needed to know. Kalak swept me off my feet and gathered me up in his arms like a bundle of sticks. “Gina, Gina, Gina,” he repeated, as he tromped off into the forest from which we emerged not a half hour before.

“Where are we going, Kalak?”

He shook his head and repeated my name, like he was trying to remember it, but having trouble. I put my hand on his chest. His heart thudded. Heavy. Powerful. Something about my fingers on his flesh calmed both of us somewhat. His pace slowed, but still he plodded on, deeper into the green wall.

“Kalak?” I repeated, “Where are we going? Why did we leave your friends back at the graves?”

The beastman grunted something akin to a laugh. “Not friends,” he said, “they... protect. Guard. Do what Kalak say. Kalak trusts Kel, Makel and Krizik with life. They die for Kalak.”

He purposefully looked away from me again. I returned my hand to the side of his face, feeling his savage warmth under my fingertips.

Kalak gently lowered me to the floor of the forest. “Have to make sure,” he said.

“Make sure of what?” Unconsciously, I moved close enough to smell his virile musk, to feel the heat radiating from his muscles. He cracked a grin, the first in quite some time.

“Something at burying place. Those three take care.”

“No, no, Kalak, you said you have to make sure of something, with me. What is it you mean?”

Again, that smile crept across his face. After all the sadness of the day so far, it was good to see the face that I seemed to have fallen for, despite myself. The glisten in the corners of his eyes from moments ago faded as he watched me move closer.

“What is it?” I said, putting my hands on either side of his half-feral, half-beautiful face and standing on my tip-toes to kiss him. So tall was Kalak that even on tip-toes, I only reached his chin. “What is it you have to make sure of?”

Words were not Kalak’s strong suit. When he put his monstrous, enormous hand over the top of mine, I realized that I was shaking, just a little. Even with everything I’d been through in the past twenty-four hours, there was still a part of my psyche that told me this was all insane, that this was either a dream, or it was a nightmare. Either way, I could not deny the reality of the beast’s rough, leathery fingers against my cheek.

Nor could I deny the warmth that his caress caused between my legs.

Those heavy, hard fingers ran up the back of my head, pulling at tangles that all the activity had produced in my normally tame hair. Again, the raw, feral smell of Kalak’s body caught me a little off guard. It wasn’t just him, either: the dense, humid, almost oppressive heat surrounding us made the air feel thick and wet.



Wet. Hot.
The words rolled around my mind as my bestial lover rent away the tiny shreds that remained of my clothes. As soon as I was nude, I felt a drop of sweat run down my neck, tickle every pore on my chest and then collect on the end of my stiff, eager nipple before it fell off into the leaves at our feet. Kalak’s finger took the same path down my body, but he continued past my breast, down over my belly, until he brushed lightly against the sprig of pubic hair above my cleft.

“You – Gina – safe with Kalak,” he whispered in a baritone as he curled his fingers under me, around my sex. My skin prickled to life under his fingertips and he drew an expectant breath from my lips. I wanted so badly for him to just bend me over, possibly over a big root or something, and fuck me from behind for all he was worth.

Just he and I, alone, in this little stretch of forest brought peace that I had not known in years. I felt at ease. I felt safe with him. As he stroked me, his fingers slowly moving up and down my slit until they were coated in juice, this great beast, a taller than me by at least a foot, and wider by the same measure, stared straight into my eyes.

This was, at my count, the fourth face I’d seen him present. I’d seen him fierce, playful and commanding, but never until then saw the way that he must have looked at the woman who he obviously missed terribly. It was the first time I saw tenderness in his face. Kalak’s gentle smile and the leather fingertips brushing against my body took me away. I felt, strangely, like I belonged with him. I thought it absurd, but the way he looked at me and caressed me, I felt like something akin to true love was blossoming between us. In the forest, I had no television career. No one was watching me, expecting some pithy one-liner. It was just me and him.

The two of us. The rest of the world may as well have not existed.

When his fingers went over my belly they left a wet streak of sex that dried slowly on my skin in the early morning humidity. I kissed the two fingers as they rested on my lips and tasted myself; tasted what was left of Kalak from when he was inside me before. Something – something deep, deep inside me – trembled as his fingers tickled back down my body and he pulled me against his fur-covered chest with a thick, muscled forearm.

Just as he did, buttery sun dripped through the leaves in little trickles that flashed around our feet. Looking down, I saw that the huge beastman was moving his fingers against my body in a way that seemed almost nervous. Putting my hand and my cheek against his blazing-hot chest, I inhaled deeply. The fresh, living scent of the woods – dirt, fallen leaves, dew, and grass – filled my nose along with the rough, hard, wonderful smell from my beastman chief.

I must have been shaking harder than I thought.

Kalak, his hand so big and yet so gentle, smoothed my hair around my face as he slipped a finger inside me. “Shh, Gina,” he whispered, “you safe with Kalak.”

The only words that came were “thank you,” which I said as all the emotion from the day crashed into my side like a fist to the jaw. The graves flashed back through my mind, alongside the constant self-nagging that gnawed at the back of my brain about Kalak himself.

I came here, two days ago with the intent of filming these creatures; of treating them like they were my own private zoo. Now here I am. Hell of a world, huh, Gina?

As the finger in my sex turned slow, wonderful circles, I felt my knees getting a bit weak, and was thankful that he had such a strong grip. A soft moan escaped my lips. I opened my eyes to look up at him, to watch his face as he stretched me. The smile he wore was by turns raw and tender, feral and sensual.

The hair on his neck brushed against my forehead, tickling just a little. His second finger slid deep. Tiny jolts of energy shot out from between my legs and up my back. Prickles rose all over my skin every time he turned those huge, rough, and oddly gentle fingers. Somehow, I managed to summon the will to push myself up on my wobbly knees high enough to kiss his neck just below his jaw. He groaned a rumbling sound that I felt in my chest.

His fingers stretched deeper inside, curling against the front wall of my sex. So, so deep. So achingly, wonderfully deep he drove them, spreading out in ever widening circles that I felt fluttering in my pussy. The further in he went, the closer his palm got to grinding against my clit, and – oh, when he finally touched it with his hard warmth, I melted against him.

My body weakened, only supported by that thick, powerful arm behind my back. I collapsed against Kalak’s chest, my soft little moans growing ever louder. Noises that I did not know I could make, none of them particularly cute, but all of them very honest, slipped out of me. If I were with anyone else, I would have been mortified. With Kalak, with my monstrous beastman, I only had a moment’s embarrassment.

He did not make fun, no laughing, and no chortling. Instead his smoldering brown eyes just bored hard, deep inside my soul just like his fingers did between my legs.

Spinning, stretching, and pushing against me.

So deep, so good, so gentle.

The fingers on the hand not inside me brushed lightly against my side and I opened my eyes, looking up at the giant holding me. His eyes were soft, and also open. Also looking at mine. His fingers drove deeper.

When he did, I let out a squeal – pleasure and pain mixed up in a sweet, creamy treat – and realized that while I loved how gently and how soft his touch had become, that I craved something more. I longed for something harder and rougher.

I reach up behind his back and found the very tips of his huge, grey mane, wrapped my fingers around it and tugged.

His eyes shot wide open, the pleasured haze immediately gone.

I yanked again, harder the second time. Hard enough to make the giant beastman’s head go backwards.

When his eyes returned to mine, they had fire behind them. Wider open, wild and unhinged, his gaze caught me off guard. My little rough play took a turn.

A dangerous, massively exciting turn.

The beastman’s enormous fingers clutched my pussy and he wrenched his hair away from my grasp and took hold of mine. I felt his fingertips creep up my scalp, curl into a fist, and then pull.


Fiery tingles shot up over my scalp, down my shoulders and dripped onto my tits followed by a hot, red flush. My nipples stiffened and pebbled.

Unable to control my own body, my own movements, I let my knees relax. I dropped into a squatting position. With my hot, dripping pussy on Kalak’s massive thigh and his hand still grinding away, I shuddered as he yanked my hair so hard that he drove me against his leg.

My breath came harder and faster as sweat beaded up on my forehead and face, then rolled down my neck leaving wet tendrils all the way down my body that pooled in Kalak’s hand.

For a passing moment, the thought crossed my mind that I was completely alone, in the middle of the forest, with a creature that I was not even sure was in my genus. He could easily, I knew, ripped apart as he did my clothes, and leave me out here, never to be found. Terror should have gripped me. Panic should have forced me to flee. Instead, I squatted deeper and ground my cunt against the monster’s leg.

I really had become a completely new Gina.

I liked it.

Kalak wrapped my hair tight around his fist and slowly drew it down until every single one of my follicles was screaming out, crying for him to either stop, or to ram his cock down my throat and pump me full of seed. Seconds before it became too much, he eased up slightly, letting my scalp relax and breath fill my lungs.

Then, again, he pulled. At once, he yanked a handful of my hair and pushed his knee up, harder against my sex, which drove his hand deeper inside me until his fingers began to brush the entrance to my womb, that wonderful place where his cock butted up against me the night before.

God how I wanted him to ram that thing in me again, how I wanted that tree-trunk of a cock to split me open, and drill deep – before I knew what was happening, I began to beg Kalak to take me.

Pulsing waves that forced my pussy to squeeze my giant’s fingers slowly replaced the electric, stretching tingles that worked their way up my belly. The muscles between my legs started to convulse, contract, and grip his hand.

“Unnn... Please Kalak, please fuck me again, I’m begging you. I can’t take much more of this. It’s so, so good. I need you. Need...”

He silenced me with another yank on my hair that wrenched my head backwards and massaged my aching snatch against him. His fingers curled again, spread and closed in deep, sweet figure-eight patterns. All of a sudden, he released my hair and wrapped his hands around my throat.

“If Gina want Kalak, Gina have to get Kalak ready.”

He squeezed.

The fingers around my throat and the fingers in my pussy worked together to do something
to me. There was, I realized, a fine line between exciting this savage creature and
exciting him. If I were closer to his size, I could mercilessly taunt him and we would both end up covered in scratches, sweat and cum. Our thirsts slaked, and throats raw from screaming.

But, I wasn’t. Nowhere near. He easily outweighed me by three times, maybe more. His biceps were the same size as my thighs. As much as I wanted to tease, provoke and lure him into fucking me as hard as he possibly could, I knew I wouldn’t live through such a thing.

For some reason though, against all logic, I wanted to try. I wanted to see just
how much
I could take. That had the potential to be one of the worst ideas I’d ever had. Of course, it also had the potential to be one of the best.

Kalak’s fist around my neck was, just like the rest of him, at once terrifying and wonderful. He gripped and released in time with the strokes he made against the front of my pussy; the grinding of my clit against his leg. Though my eyes were closed, I felt his breathing and heard his heartbeat through his hands.

Faster it went, faster as he rhythmically clenched, held and released. Each time he flexed, I held my breath, imagining that he was choking me – imagining that I couldn’t breathe except when he allowed.

The pulsating waves in my cunt very rapidly turned to desperate grasping. When those fingers swept their wide circle inside, always lingering on that one spot in the front, the muscles on the front of my thighs, and in between my legs, flexed unconsciously.

Kalak shifted his weight underneath me, and moved my body higher up his muscled leg. The wider I was spread, the deeper inside those fingers worked and the more desperate the ache in my snatch grew. As he choked and finger-fucked me, I snaked my hand and groped around until my fingers first brushed against, and then wrapped around, his cock. Already almost the size of my forearm and no more than half-hard, as I thought about it pumping in and out, stretching my aching pussy, it was all I could do to not push him over and climb on top.

Of course, it helped that there was absolutely no way I could ever actually do that.
thought excited me so much that I decided to try.

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