Remember Remember (23 page)

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Authors: Alan Wade

Tags: #spy, #espionage, #thriller, #terrorism, #action, #adventure, #intelligence, #WMD, #AlQaeda, #surveillance

BOOK: Remember Remember
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“May I have these printouts, gentlemen?

“Of course you can,” said the Captain, “do you think they will help?”

“I don’t know, but perhaps I can use them to help when interviewing the couple.”

“You don’t want to interview them on this ship do you?” enquired the Captain.

“No, of course not, that will wait until my return to England. Then it may help to know that in Rhodes they returned to the ship at different times.”

Ifan interrupted, “many couples and families do that, Major, they disembark together but return separately, I don’t think it will tell you very much.”

“Maybe, maybe not, but they don’t know I know do they, so it may just help to put some pressure on Jacky at least.”

“I need you to realise that this is a holiday cruise and all our guests are to be treated with the utmost respect and given the best service we can offer,” said the Captain, “so I do not want any disturbances on ship or even ashore between these two guests and you.”

“I will make no contact with them at all on the ship; however I do ask that with Ifan we search their cabin, and that I am able to follow them on and off ship, obviously without contact.”

“I do not even like you searching their cabin sir.”

“Captain, it is of the utmost importance we gain all the knowledge we can about these two people. I do understand your dilemma but these two may be amongst the worst terrorists we know and therefore I need to act and I need your co-operation.”

The Captain begrudgingly accepted the cabin search and it was decided it would be done while Alan and Jacky were at dinner that evening.

At 6.45 pm Alan sat on the balcony of his cabin drinking G & T, another full glass of which still lay on the table, as yet untouched by Jacky.

“What the hell do women get up to in the bathroom, he thought, “she’s been in there for nearly an hour, surely you could paint every toe nail, finger nail and the bloody porthole in that time. But there are legs to shave and make up to apply; oh leave the poor woman alone can’t you, at least she’s trying and it just may be for you,” he curtailed his thoughts, took another swig of his G & T and concluded, “so you’d better try to stay sober tonight to at least give your old man a chance should the need arise.”

He heard the bathroom door open and saw her approach. She opened the cabin door onto the balcony and looked ravishing, wearing the minimum of make up but to good effect, with an off the shoulder white dress which accentuated her sun tan. She gave him a twirl and the dress, cut slightly above the knee, ballooned out.

“Bloody good legs,” he thought.

“Can you see through my dress? I need to know because I don’t want people to see my underwear.”

“No, but why be concerned about that tonight?” He smiled.

“Because I’m wearing stockings and a teddy and it’s a long time since I’ve dressed like this.”

His hand stretched out to touch her thigh and found the bump of the suspender which held her stockings, “Wow, maybe it’s my lucky night!”

She pulled away and sat down, “How do you know all this is for you, cheeky sod?”

“Sorry love, I might have guessed, it’s the captain’s party tonight and you do like a man in uniform don’t you?”

“And out of one,” she laughed.

He finished his G & T then turned to her and said, “Let’s go down to dinner, it’s well past seven.”

“Can we book a table in the private restaurant tonight, just for a change, it’s so romantic and we can dance between courses.”

“Wow, I never know where you’re coming from, are you making a play for me?”

“Alan, one of your biggest problems is subtlety, if I am making a play for you, you don’t have to throw it back in my face. Just get on with it and see what happens, give the lady her chance at some dignity, do you understand thicko?” she growled.

“Sorry love, maybe I spent too long in the army.”

They both ate spaghetti carbonara washed down with Veuve Cliquot, non vintage. She followed with chicken stuffed with spaghetti, he with hake in a white wine sauce. The piano music was slow and romantic which made Jacky want to dance and as they glided across the floor he thought, “This is the first time I’ve actually held her since Turkey.”

The meat course was declined and they finished their meal with fresh fruit and a little cheese. The second bottle of Veuve Cliquot was opened but after one glass, they decided to take the rest back to their cabin.

“Just put on the side lights and some music,” she asked as she stood on the cabin balcony looking out to sea.

“Do you want another glass of champagne?”

“Not just yet love.”

She turned to look at him and took hold of both his hands. “You’ve been very nice to me on this holiday, never too pushy, attentive and patient. I like that in a man and I wondered if there was anything in me that you would like?” she pulled herself into his arms and put a finger across his mouth, “Remember, don’t make the smart remark, use your mouth for other things.”

He gently kissed her neck and more firmly her lips. His hands pulled her body close to his, their mouths opened and tongues flicked into and out of their mouths. He found the zip on the back of her dress and surprised himself with how agile his hands were in opening it to her buttocks. His hands gently caressed the straps from her shoulders and, still kissing her he slipped the dress from her body onto the floor.

He moved his mouth from hers to kiss her neck and shoulders and looked across at the ceiling to floor mirror the wardrobe doors offered and sighed, “Oh my god, you’re gorgeous.”

Her straight slim legs were covered in nylons to half way up her thighs, they were held in place by white silk suspenders hanging from a pure white silk teddy. Her bottom was so small, her waist incredibly thin and her back arched in, then out to her slim shoulders.

“Gorgeous love, absolutely gorgeous,” he whispered as he opened the top three buttons of her teddy to expose her breasts. Their mouths met again as his hands caressed her firm small breasts, moving his fingers in circles and then lifting them to stroke her nipples, which firmed to his touch.

Her hands were running up and down his back feeling the strength of muscle in his neck and pulling her body to his, she could feel his erect penis wanting to escape its captive clothing. His hands were on her buttocks and at the top of her thighs between her stockings and the teddy. He picked her up and laid her gently on the bed, smiling down at her as he opened the four buttons that restrained the bottom of her teddy. His right hand went back to her breasts as his left caressed her crotch and found her vagina.

“I’d like to lick you down there,” he whispered and slid his body down the bed as she closed her eyes and moaned acceptance.

“Turn around and lick me this way.”

He turned his body until he felt her hands running up and down his erection. Her hands found his zip and gently eased out his penis and he grunted as her hands squeezed him firmly.

Now the talking stopped as his tongue flicked across her clitoris and entered her vagina to lick inside her. She tried to concentrate on sucking his penis but found she was pushing her vagina and buttocks more and more into his face. She pulled her mouth away and gasped. “I’m going to come soon, oh god don’t stop now, don’t ever stop this. I’m there, I’m there!” She sat up slightly and placed both her hands on his head trying to force more and more of his mouth and tongue into her, then moments later fell back. “Oh stop now, please stop, just for a minute.”

He pulled himself away and lay on his back, looking at his erect penis.

She sat up on the bed, smiled at him and took hold of the base of his penis which she straddled and slowly lowered herself onto. “Oh that’s good, that’s good,” he moaned.

She rolled back and forth on her knees and heels and he watched her breasts wobble with each motion then looked down to see his penis appear and disappear deep into her body.

“Tell me when you’re nearly there.”

“Now, I’m nearly there now,” he moaned.

She pulled her body off his penis, took hold of it in her right hand and lowering her head down took him in her mouth.

“Oh that’s good, that’s bloody marvellous,” he gasped.

.She lifted her head off his penis then scrambled up the bed to lie with him and cooed, “was that OK for you sir?”

“Bloody gorgeous,” he said as he grabbed her and kissed her then laid back and looked at her while caressing her shoulders and right breast, “not many girls will do that love.”

“If the moment’s right then it’s right to do it,” she sighed and snuggled closer to him.

They lay there together for some time saying very little, just happy to be in each others company, but eventually decided to take a stroll down to the wine bar for one last drink before retiring.

They made love again the following morning, not one of those quick shags that so many men want first thing, but a slow, measured and mutually satisfying experience. Afterward she sat up in bed drinking coffee and asked, “What do you actually do for a living; because money seems no object to you, but how do you earn it?”

“I do nothing special you nosey lady,” he responded and moved his arm around her back to caress her right breast.

“I’m not being nosey, I just want to know if we have anything in common I suppose; I mean apart from me serving you in the Brown Cow and serving you here,” she teased as she squeezed his limp penis, “I don’t know where we’re going.”

“We’re going to Dubrovnik love, but if you don’t stop squeezing me down there you’ll see nothing but the ceiling and four cabin walls.”

“No, I’m serious,” she retorted. “I mean do we have anything together or are we just using each other?”

“I don’t know love, I don’t know, maybe it’s just nice to be used sometimes.”

“Well maybe we could use each other more often,” she responded, “for no other devious reason than we get on and like each other’s company.”

“At this precise moment in time that sounds good to me and I certainly don’t want you being driven back to the airport by some Croat you meet in a bar in Dubrovnik.”

She jumped out of bed and angrily turned to him pointing her finger, her face snarling, “You bloody well abandoned me in Turkey, what the hell did you want me to do, stay in my room all day and await your bloody pleasure, should you deem it right to bloody well turn up once in a while?”

“God you look gorgeous when you’re angry!”

She stared at him, her breathing still coming in short deep gasps, raising and lowering her breasts.

“Our first argument, it must mean we’re getting to like each other!” he blurted.

“Like each other! How the hell can I like you when you keep insinuating that I’m a bloody tart who’ll get laid by any guy I meet in a bar? I’ve worked for years in the damned Brown Cow and half the male population of Stockport have tried to get into my knickers some time or other, usually when they’re half pissed and “wifey” at home doesn’t understand them. But you’re still the only one with any success from that side of the bar,” she exploded.

“OK, OK love I apologise, I was out of line. I suppose I was jealous of that Turkish guy, he seemed to get all the fun and I got all the bills.”

“Well, you didn’t exactly go to Turkey to be with me did you?”

“No I didn’t and I’m sorry, you probably think I used you.”

She sat on the bed, seemed to calm down and then began to cry softly, “I haven’t been with another man since then and you’re the only one I’ve been with from the Brown Cow, the only one. I’m not a tart but I’m not a nun either.”

He smiled at her, stroked a tear from her cheek, then pulled her body into his.

“Maybe we should begin to use each other more often love, by the way, the last time I made love was to you in Turkey.”

She snuggled into him and looked up into his face. “My, my, aren’t you a slowy. I thought you were doing it with that woman who gives you the come on in the Brown Cow.”

“Not on your life, with women like that you wonder who she was giving it to the night before in the car park; I don’t like that sort of woman.”

“Well, well, then maybe we can keep this going when we return to England.”

“Let’s wait and see, eh?”

She pulled away again and bent down looking for her knickers.

“God you’re beautiful, you have the perfect arse and diamond shape at the top of your thighs.”

“And that seems all you’re interested in, getting your cock in my arse!”

“I’ve never even tried that!” he snapped.

“You know what I mean. I suppose I was going too fast for you, but I actually thought we might have something a bit different together, a bit special,” she exclaimed.

“Maybe we do love, maybe we should continue this back in the Brown Cow, let’s wait and see eh, learn to walk before we run?”

She found her knickers and walked off with them in her hand toward the bathroom.He watched and put his hands between his legs squeezing himself and thought, “Bloody beautiful, even better naked than dressed. That’s right Alan, keep concentrating on the sex aspect, that’s all you’re in it for, don’t even begin to think that you’re falling for her. That’s just for kids, in any case you can’t get involved now, this identity won’t even exist in a year’s time and it won’t look good on her CV – ‘was courting a man who is now the most wanted in the world’.”

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