Remember the Night: a Heroes of the Night military romance novel (7 page)

BOOK: Remember the Night: a Heroes of the Night military romance novel
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The bright island sun bore down on her fair skin until her blood threatened to boil. She couldn't risk another quick dip in the ocean without applying more sunscreen. With careful precision, she covered every inch of exposed skin she could reach. Her back presented a challenge. Even with her long arms and reasonable flexibility, the laws of physics challenged her to cover the areas her suit didn't. Maybe next time she'd have to make a more pragmatic choice for beach attire. Considering the way Cody's eyes had darkened when she removed her cover up, the risk of third degree burns might just be worth it.

"Jason, can you come here for a minute and help Mommy?"

He looked in her direction and then back at the castle he was building for his princess.

Evelyn smiled at the look of concentration on his face as he tried to decide if getting in trouble with her provided enough of a deterrent to keeping Annie happy. "This will just take a minute, please."

"Go, brave knight. I'll guard the castle from any sand crabs or seaweed."

Annie's approval helped his decision, and he started running toward her. "I'm coming, Mommy."

Evelyn handed him the sunscreen and then lay on her stomach. "Would you mind rubbing some of this on my back? My arms aren't long enough to reach."

He sighed heavily. Rescuing this damsel in distress wasn't nearly as much fun as playing. "Okay, but just 'cause you're my mom."

She laughed. "I'll take that reasoning. Thanks."

The lotion cooled her heated skin, and Jason's small hands started rubbing it into her back. She could only hope he applied it evenly enough to not make her back look like a discarded Picasso painting when the sun finished coloring her skin.

Air became trapped in her lungs when larger hands replaced those of her son's. She didn't even need to look to know who those miraculous hands belonged to. Unsure if she could endure such an innocent caress from him, she tried to turn over. His assistance needed to end.

Pressure from his hands returned her to the original position. "Just let me finish. This only becomes a big deal if you decide to make it one. Otherwise, this is a friend making sure another friend doesn't get burned."

The emotions and responses Cody's touch engendered within her body would never be categorized as friendship. That might be the foundation, but the reactions he generated frightened her on more levels than she could name…or cared to admit.

She didn't answer but remained still and let him work his magic. Closing her eyes, she focused on nothing but his touch. With broad strokes, he moved up and down the length of her back. Each time his fingers brushed the small indentation on her lower back, rivulets of sensation journeyed from his fingertips throughout her lower body, forcing her to stifle murmurs of pleasure.
Breathe. Relax.

"All finished."

Evelyn didn't want him to be finished. Sweeping the hair that had escaped her ponytail aside to give him access, she decided to at least try to prolong the contact. "Would you mind making sure I did a good job here as well? My hair kept getting in the way."

His warm breath ratcheted the heat infusing her body up another few degrees. "Of course. I wouldn't want one of my favorite spots to kiss to be burned or peeling later."

At his words, fire spread through her body as she remembered him waking her up with soft kisses on the back of her neck. Every hormone begged her to roll over and pull his luscious lips into a searing kiss that would make the sun pale in comparison. His thumbs circled the tense knots just under the hairline, distracting her from the screaming hormones for a moment.

"That feels so good."

"Your knots have knots." The concern in his voice dragged her reluctantly from the fantasy starting to play out in her head and back into the harsh world of reality.

"Stress has always been a part of my life, and I've managed just fine, thank you."

He pushed hard on one particularly stubborn bundle of nerves.


Cody chuckled. "Maybe not managing quite as well as you thought?"

And we're done. She moved away from his touch and sat up. "Thank you for your assistance. I'm fine now."

"Curves and edges, sweetheart, that's what you are."

Evelyn opened her mouth to respond, but Annie's shout saved Cody from the tongue lashing she intended to deliver. "Daddy! Come see what my knight and I built while you were gone."

Everyone followed Annie's line of sight. Daniel and Melodie emerged through the palm trees lining the island. Daniel immediately went to inspect the sand castle while Melodie joined Evelyn.

"You look like you could use some time in the water. You're drenched in sweat."

Melodie laughed. "Traipsing through thick underbrush to look at historic and cultural artifacts tends to do that when the temperature gauge is hitting near a hundred." She reached into her bag and pulled out a necklace. "Here, this is for you. A thank you gift for watching Annie. She would've been miserable and, as a result, would've made the experience miserable for us by reminding us how a princess should not have to endure such common things as hikes through the wilderness."

Evelyn took the necklace and held it up for inspection. It appeared to be a beautiful white shell with a symbol painted on it. The picture had a diamond shape in the center with an oval loop extending from each of the four points. "What is this symbol?"

"A pagan symbol for happiness." Cody answered before Melodie.

Her sister grinned. "Yeah, what he said. We found it at a shop run by a local artisan, and I wanted you to have it." Melodie reached out and clasped her hand. "Want you to be happy."

Between Cody and Melodie's well-meaning wishes, Evelyn's patience wore thin.

"I would be happy if everyone stopped worrying about me."

A repeating vibration from Cody's bag eased the tension between the three of them, and he reached in to retrieve his phone. His gaze narrowed as he reviewed the identity of the missed call. "Speaking of worrying, that was my sister. I'm going to go call her. If you two will excuse me."

Cody walked away from the noise of the beach, the phone already at his ear.

"He makes you happy." Melodie's announcement grated on Evelyn's strung-tight nerves.

"He makes me many things. Happy isn't one of them." A half-truth was better than an outright lie. Right?

"What does he make you then?" Melodie's curiosity went to work again.

Maybe she should've stayed with Bruce and Lydia today and avoided being caught on an island with no way off. "He makes me hungry. When do we eat?"

Deflection and redirection, two skills necessary for any successful attorney. Melodie crossed her arms. "We eat in a few minutes, and I'd like to remind you that for the past several years, one of the main purposes of your life was to find a man suitable for me who would make me happy. Why can't you let me return the favor?"

"Your point is moot as I didn't successfully find a man for you. You went and found one for yourself, on a plane, no less. Maybe I should use up some of my frequent flier miles and see if I can find a passenger willing to step up. What do you think?"

Evelyn immediately regretted her words, even before the hurt registered on Melodie's sunburnt face.

"I think you've been miserable for so long, you've forgotten what happy feels like." Melodie stood. "Do whatever you want with the necklace. Keep it, or give it away. Thanks again for watching Annie."

With those words, Melodie walked away. Evelyn ran her thumb over the symbol, the ridges of the shell creating an interesting contrast to the smooth lines. How had the artist been able to render such a steady hand on an uneven surface? Cody would know.

She sighed. Probably not the best time to ask him. She slipped the necklace around her neck, which now felt a little more at ease from Cody's efforts. Why couldn't she stop associating everything happening to her with the man who beguiled her from the first moment they met? For a moment longer, she allowed herself to remember how amazing he'd made her feel when they were together in India. It wasn't just the sex—though that hovered right at amazing. No, it was more the overall affect he had on her. Supporting and challenging, understanding and direct, sincere and funny, passionate and realistic. Simple yet complicated.

Complicated. That was what he did to her life—complicated it beyond measure. She sighed and rolled over onto her stomach. Since third degree sunburn no longer factored into her concern, she could hide her face from the rest of the world. She'd never shied away from anything or anyone before because of complications. Hell, lawyers made their living making things more complicated than they really were.

Children's laughter reminded her that while she may be willing to do complicated, her kids deserved, even needed, for her to keep things simple right now. Her choices and decisions had done enough harm. What she wanted or needed to make her happy was irrelevant at the moment. The logical side of her brain applauded her sacrifice and reassured her. Her heart, on the other hand, couldn't even muster a small bit of cheer at the thought that, when this vacation ended, she might never see Cody Jenkins again. One simple truth which robbed her of the small measure of happiness she'd found since the moment he and his complications strode back into her life.

"Time to eat!" The captain's voice over the loud speaker brought Jason running toward her followed closely by Michael and Natalia.

"Mom, is it okay if Cody sits by us for lunch?"

"Of course, Michael, if that's what he wants."

Cody arrived from his conversation with his sister just in time to hear Michael's request. His dark eyes were troubled, but he smiled at her son. "Sure thing, sport. We'll see who can eat the most burgers and not get sick."

"You're on!" Michael smiled and moved to walk in step with Cody as they made their way to the picnic tables.

Jason hurried to keep up and took Cody's hand for assistance.

Despite everything, Evelyn smiled at the sight of the three of them walking side by side. She shook her head, grabbed all the bags, including Cody's, and headed in their direction. Let the complications begin.



The orange flames danced against the darkening sky while the sound of the ocean waves provided soothing relaxation in the background. Cody stared into the flames. It was either that or stare at Evelyn since everyone else had gone to bed. They claimed the day's activities tired them out.
Without a doubt, this was some great cosmic setup to force him and Evelyn together. What no one had bothered to tell the cosmos, or all the matchmakers residing in the villa, was that Evelyn had been crystal clear. He couldn't be a part of her life anymore. Sucked, but true.

Because she was a classy lady, she wouldn't ignore him or avoid activities with the group. He grinned. She'd tried that with the volleyball game, but he'd figured out how to get her to play. He understood a competitive nature, and he damned sure knew she had one.

"Is everything all right with your sister?" Evelyn's question sobered his line of thought.

"I'm not sure."

Her gaze left his and returned to the dancing flames. "If you don't want to tell me, that's fine."

Women. Why did they have to assume men were trying to be difficult?

He ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm not trying to be evasive. I'm answering the best I can. There's some shit going on, and I don't know if it will be all right."

Her focus snapped back to him. The intensity of her eyes, even in the darkness, pierced him to his very core. "Do you want to talk about it?"

So, she didn't want him in her life, but now she was trying to be friendly and concerned? He didn't want to play along tonight. "Not really."


This woman could really piss him off. "Don't fine me."

"I just did. We're here, together, for a few more days. I'm trying to be sociable." Evelyn sat up straighter, and the aggravation shone clear on her face as if it were high noon rather than midnight.

High time to set this woman straight. Springing to his feet, he moved with quickness and grace, not the norm for a man his size, to loom in front of her. To her credit, she didn't even flinch or back away.

She's hot!

Not the time to get distracted. The woman was in yoga pants and a sweatshirt, for God's sake.

"Listen. You're the one who keeps pushing me away. I'm trying to abide by your wishes when what I really want to do is drag you from that chair and kiss you senseless."

She rose, standing almost toe-to-toe with him. Her sharp fingernail pressed into his chest. "Is your skull so thick you can't figure this out?"

He grabbed her hand and lifted it behind his head, pulling her body flush with his. Did she just gasp?

Yeah, still got some surprises in me.

Her face, mere inches from his. Her breath, chocolate and marshmallow from the s'mores they'd made earlier proved intoxicating at such close range. Her body, sweet Jesus, drove him past the brink of sanity. "Tell me to stop," he whispered.

"I…" She clamped her hand on the back of his neck and brought him the short distance to her lips.

He slid his other hand down her back to pull her even closer as he angled his head to deepen the kiss.
So soft.

She slid her tongue along the seam of his lips, and he willingly opened to let her in. Their competitive nature surfaced even during the kiss as their tongues battled for dominance. He tangled his other hand in her hair, the silky strands sliding easily through his fingers.

Her deep throaty murmurs heated his blood and issued direct orders to his lower half. He wanted her so badly, but he needed to make sure she wanted it to. Moving away from her lips just enough to speak, he had to ask. "Tell me what you want, Ev. Those beautiful lips are sending me mixed signals."

She rested her head on his chest, and he moved his arms to embrace her.

"I won't be angry, I promise. Disappointment might be on the table, but not anger."

After several long moments, she pulled back.
Not a good sign.
She brought her fingers to his face and cupped his cheek. "Almost every fiber of my being begs me to give things with you a try."

Leaning forward, he kissed her on the forehead. "Tell me where these rebel fibers are camped out, and I'll search them out and convert them to our way of thinking."

Her smile eased the worry lines around her beautiful eyes. "It can't be like before. We'd need to go slower, take our time. Really get to know one another. I can't do anything to upset the boys right now. They've been through enough already."

He kissed her again, "They seem to like me well enough. I'll find some things us boys can do…"


Her brusque cutoff surprised him. "No, what?"

She stepped farther away.
Definitely not a good sign.
"No. After this vacation is over, I need you to stay away from the boys. No one can know about us giving this a try. I won't have my ex using it against me or giving anyone else ammunition."

"You worry a lot about what others think of you." All the euphoria from the kiss was replaced with a dull ache in the front part of his brain.

"It's part of who I am. If you want a relationship that lasts more than one night with me, then you have to be willing to take the good with the bad."

She made a valid point. He pulled her closer again, moving in slowly for the kiss this time. If she pulled away, he'd let her go. The blue of her eyes disappeared as her lids descended. Taking advantage, he rained soft, light kisses all over her face. If he were a betting man, the part of her working for the resistance resided inside that beautiful head of hers. He wanted to make sure she knew what she'd be missing if the opposition won.

When her lips parted, he didn't require further invitation. Covering her mouth with his, he kept the pressure light. Silk sliding against satin. So smooth. So sexy. Her hands fisted in his shirt, pulling him closer, but he held back. Finally, he broke the connection. "Nice and slow, that's how we'll do this. I'll agree to stay in the shadows for a bit while you figure this out, but not forever. Okay?"

She kissed his lips again and then sank into his embrace. "Okay."

After a few minutes of holding her, he lowered them into the chair, adjusting her so she could comfortably sit on his lap. She snuggled in and put her arms around him. He kinda liked the softer side of Evelyn.

"You want to tell me about your sister now?"

"No, not really. I'd rather talk about you. You want to tell me about the ex?"

Her head shook against his chest. "Not really."

"Then how about we forget about talking tonight, enjoy this beautiful fire before it dies out, and you just let me hold you. Sound like a plan for our first date?"

Her body vibrated slightly, maybe from a chuckle. "Sounds perfect."

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