Remove the Empty Spaces (5 page)

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Authors: T.A. Chase

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Remove the Empty Spaces
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The only thought in Ion’s brain was how soon could he get Adrien into his bed, and was he hungry enough for food to leave his apartment. It wasn’t until his lungs burnt from lack of oxygen that he decided to take a step back.

Adrien didn’t let him break their embrace. He rested his forehead against Ion’s, and they slowed their breathing together.

“I want you, Ion. More than I’ve ever wanted another man before, and that’s saying something.”

A small jolt of jealousy hit Ion, but he knew it was stupid to feel that way. Adrien was a mature male with money and power. Of course, he was going to have a lot of lovers before Ion. A tiny voice in Ion’s head said that he wouldn’t be having any other lovers after Ion if Ion had any say in it.

“I want you as well, Adrien.”

Adrien took a step back, leaving his hands at Ion’s hips. “But I want us to have dinner together, and get to know each other better before we jump into bed. I think we’re looking for the same thing here, and it isn’t a quick roll in the hay.”

Ion shook his head. “It might seem odd, because I’m not that old, but I’m tired of the club scene and hook-ups. Maybe it’s because I have big plans for myself, and it doesn’t seem like a lot of the guys I run into are interested in that.”

“Maybe you just needed a mature man to see the possibilities with you.” Adrien dived in for a quick peck. “We should be going. Our reservations are for eight o’clock and we don’t want to be late.”

Ion grabbed his jacket, and his keys. He checked his back pocket to make sure he had his wallet. After locking the door behind him, he followed Adrien to the elevator, getting a chance to see that his assumption was right. The slacks Adrien wore made his ass look perfect.

There was no one on the elevator, so Ion crowded close to Adrien, sliding his hand around behind Adrien to grab his butt cheek. Adrien simply grinned at him while pushing back into Ion’s hand.

“You better be careful what you start, Ion, because we might not make it to dinner if you keep it up.”

Ion shrugged. “Maybe dinner’s overrated.”

Adrien laughed. “It might be, but humour me on this. I’d really like you to know it’s more than just sex between us. I think we have the possibility of something marvellous.”

After giving Adrien one last squeeze, Ion removed his hand from Adrien’s cheek to entwine their fingers together. “All right. Tonight, we’ll do it your way.”

“Thank you.”

Ion loved walking out onto the sidewalk, holding hands with Adrien. Both women and men checked them out, and Ion grinned as Adrien hailed a cab for them. When the vehicle stopped at the kerb, Ion opened the back door and Adrien slid in. After he joined Adrien, his date told the cabbie where they were going.

They settled back to enjoy the ride across town.

* * * *

“Dinner was great. Thanks so much,” Ion said as he and Adrien left The Bridge Café.

“It was good. This is the first time I’ve been there. I’ve heard good reviews on it.” Adrien flagged down a taxi. Before one arrived, he turned to Ion. “Where would you like to go?”

Ion frowned. “Go? What do you mean?”

“Would you rather go to my place? Or do you want to go back to your apartment?” Adrien smiled. “Either way is fine with me, as long as you understand that we will be ending up in bed wherever we go.”

A shiver cascaded through Ion at the thought of having sex with Adrien. How many fantasies of them together had he had since starting at Bellamy International? All of them would be coming true in minutes.

“How about we go to your place? I can always run home tomorrow, and get clean clothes.” Ion really was hoping Adrien would agree to let him spend the entire weekend.

“Sounds like a great idea.”

A cab stopped, and Adrien held the door open for Ion. After he slid in, Adrien joined him in the back seat. Adrien gave the driver his address, then wrapped his arm around Ion.

Ion rested his head on Adrien’s shoulder, comfortable with not saying anything at the moment. He put his hand on his soon-to-be lover’s thigh, slowly trailing his fingers up and down the firm muscle. Each time he got close to the nice-sized bulge behind Adrien’s zipper, but didn’t actually touch it.

He grinned when Adrien covered his hand, putting a halt to his teasing.

“I don’t want to go off before we even get naked, Ion,” Adrien murmured close to his ear. “The first time I come with you, I want to be inside you.”

Ion felt his hole clench at the comment. He whimpered softly, and Adrien chuckled.

“If I can’t tease you, you can’t do it either,” Ion complained.

“Hmm…honey, just wait until I get you back to my place, I’ll show you how much I can tease.” Adrien nuzzled the side of Ion’s face.

Ion’s cock stiffened, and he shifted slightly, trying to find room in his pants. He stared out of the window, watching traffic go by as they travelled through the city to Adrien’s apartment.

He stood on the sidewalk, waiting for Adrien to pay the driver. Staring up at the building, Ion couldn’t believe how modern and beautiful the place was. He glanced over at Adrien when the man came up next to him.

“This is a nice place,” he said.

Adrien gestured towards the door. “Let’s go up. My apartment is the top floor.”

The doorman greeted them as they entered. “Did you have a good dinner, Mr Bellamy?”

“I did, Guilleme. This is Ion. I’m sure you’ll be seeing a lot of him from now on.”

“Nice to meet you, Mr Ion.” Smiling, Guilleme nodded at Ion.

“Nice meeting you as well.” Ion was stunned by Adrien’s introduction of him. It made him feel good to know Adrien really did mean what he’d said back in Ion’s apartment about this being a serious relationship.

As they continued on to the elevator, Ion looked around at the glass and steel walls that were very architectural beautiful.

“Do you own this building?” He had to ask.

Adrien pressed the call button. “Yes. Bellamy International bought the place three years ago. I took over the top floor and had it renovated into one apartment instead of three. I have a house in New Haven where my boat is moored.”

Ion stepped into the elevator when it arrived. Adrien followed, then put a key into the panel.

“You have a boat?”

“Yes. I bought it when I became CEO and President. I’d seen how my dad would come home full of stress and annoyed, and he ended with heart problems. I didn’t want to be like him.”

The doors closed, shutting them into a world all their own. Adrien encircled Ion’s waist, pulling him near. Ion snuggled close, enjoying the tender moments as much as he knew he would the sex.

“I’d always liked sailing, so I decided I was going to buy a boat and sail as often as I could to help relieve the stress. It’s been working so far. I’ve been in charge of the company for seven years now, and I’m still healthy.” Adrien laughed. “Of course, it helps that I don’t smoke, and don’t drink to excess like Father did. Also, I work out at least four times a week, if not more.”

“Is that why you had a gym put in at the main headquarters?”

Ion took advantage of the gym while he was at work. He didn’t often get a chance to go afterwards, because of classes.

When the elevator slowed then dinged, Ion stepped back slightly, but didn’t break the embrace. He walked into the foyer of Adrien’s apartment. It had hard wood floors, and Ion had a feeling those floors went through the entire space.

“I put the gym in because I want everyone to have a chance to get healthy. I’m not forcing anyone to do it.” Adrien drew Ion farther into the apartment. “Why don’t you sit and I’ll pour us some wine? What do you like—red or white?”

“Whatever you’re going to have is fine.”

He sat on the couch, staring all around him. While the furnishings spoke of money and luxury, they weren’t so outrageous that Ion wouldn’t feel like he could put his feet up on the furniture. In fact, he kicked off his shoes, then curled his feet under him as he sat on the couch.

“I love your place,” he called out.

Adrien strolled back in, holding two glasses. “Thank you. My mother helped me decorate after the renovations, though I had to rein her in at times. She really wanted to put in a ton of antiques and leather. I kept telling her that isn’t who I am. I’m not about flashing my money around.”

Ion took his glass from Adrien then sipped. Adrien sat next to him, and Ion took a moment to soak in the warmth emanating from him. He leaned into Adrien’s side, relaxing as he drank.

“Would you like to see my bedroom?”

Chuckling, Ion set his glass on the coffee table, then turned to look at Adrien. “That’s really smooth. Do you get many men with that?”

“I haven’t done bad.” Adrien smirked as he stood, offering his hand to Ion. “We both knew it was going to end up there any way.”

“True.” Ion let Adrien pull him to his feet. “You must think I’m easy.”

“No more easy than I am. I’m not a playboy anymore. I was when I was in my twenties. Hell, being the only son of one of the richest men in America gave me a big head.”

Ion reached down to press his palm against Adrien’s fabric-covered cock. “I do see what you mean about a big head.”

Growling, Adrien yanked him forward, then crushed their lips together. Ion loved the forceful way Adrien manhandled him. He admitted he was more of a bottom than a top, though he didn’t mind fucking a guy once in a while.

He melted against Adrien, encircling his waist to press as close as he could get with clothes on. Adrien slid his hands down Ion’s back to grab his ass. Ion moaned, rocking his hips into Adrien’s.

Opening his mouth, he allowed Adrien to sweep in, teasing and tasting every inch of his mouth. He sucked on Adrien’s tongue, doing all he could to turn Adrien on until the man’s control broke.

Adrien tore his lips away from Ion’s, then bent slightly to throw Ion over his shoulder. Ion chuckled as Adrien carried him down the hall towards his bedroom, or at least Ion hoped it was the bedroom.

“Sorry. Got closer than I thought.”


Ion heard the click of a doorknob, then Adrien stepped through into another large room. The doors he was talking about were the enormous mahogany double ones leading into Adrien’s bedroom. He grunted when Adrien dropped him onto a soft mattress.

“I need you to get naked as soon as possible,” Adrien ordered him.

Struggling to sit up, Ion glanced over at him, and what he saw made his mouth water. Adrien already had his shirt off, and was working on his pants. A large expanse of tanned skin covering a muscular chest with a light dusting of hair had been revealed, and all Ion wanted was to run his hands all over that flesh.

He crawled across the bed in Adrien’s direction, reaching out to trail his hands over Adrien’s chest, down his washboard stomach to stuff them under Adrien’s pants. Ion wrapped his hand around Adrien’s cock, stroking it hard and fast.

“God, your hand feels amazing. I bet your mouth would feel even better.” Adrien slid his hand around the back of Ion’s head, encouraging him to move closer.

Oh, he was more than willing to get his lips around the thick length between Adrien’s thighs. He scooted to the edge of the bed and braced one hand on Adrien’s knee while keeping his grip on Adrien’s erection.

After opening his mouth wide, Ion swallowed Adrien down until he hit the back of Ion’s throat.

“Holy shit! I can’t believe you can take the whole thing.” Adrien tightened his hold on Ion’s head, then tugged on his hair to get him to move.

Ion started bobbing up and down, letting his spit drip down to cover the entire length of Adrien’s cock. He used his hand to pump as he sucked. Adrien thrust in time with him, and Ion loved how his jaw was stretched by Adrien’s girth. He couldn’t wait to get Adrien’s dick in his ass.

After doing everything he could think of with his mouth and tongue, Ion reached down to fondle Adrien’s balls, rolling them in his palms.

“Jesus, Ion. I want to fuck you so bad,” Adrien confessed.

Ion glanced up to meet Adrien’s heated gaze. He quirked his eyebrow, and Adrien snarled. He held Ion’s head still, then slowly slid out. Ion whimpered when Adrien pushed him onto his back.

Adrien ripped Ion’s shirt open, and the buttons flew across the room. “I’ll buy you a new one.”

“I don’t care. Just get me naked. I want you inside of me now.” Ion lifted his hips off the comforter, giving Adrien as much access to Ion’s pants as he wanted.

Swearing while he fumbled with the buttons on Ion’s pants, Adrien tore the zipper open, and Ion groaned at the strength Adrien displayed. He was quickly stripped of the rest of his clothes. He spread his legs, offering himself.

“Shit.” Adrien turned away to dig through the drawer of the nightstand next to the bed. “Thank God.”

Ion looked to see Adrien holding a bottle of lube and a strip of condoms. The triumphant grin on Adrien’s face made Ion smile. His heart cracked a bit, and Ion found himself falling a little in love.

Adrien crawled on to the bed before wedging between Ion’s legs. Ion propped himself up on his elbows so he could watch what he was doing. He bit his lip when Adrien licked a line from the base of Ion’s cock to the head. Adrien slipped the tip into his mouth, playing with the slit until Ion tried to thrust his erection further in.

He barely noticed the pop of the lube bottle, but he hissed as Adrien rubbed the cool slick between Ion’s cheeks. Ion pulled his legs up to his chest, giving Adrien room to move.

“Please,” he begged, wishing for more than just Adrien touching him. “I need you in me.”

“We have to stretch you first. I don’t want to hurt you, Ion, no matter how much I wish to fuck you.”

Ion slid another inch deeper in love, and he stretched his free hand out to run his fingers through Adrien’s hair. “I’m thrilled that you care enough to make sure I’m not in pain, but I really want you, and I’m not a patient person.”

“All right,” Adrien agreed.

After pouring some more lube on his fingers, Adrien pressed one in, and Ion moaned, letting his head fall back. He rocked the best he could, trying to fuck himself on it. Then Adrien added two more fingers, filling Ion, but not as much as he wanted.

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