Remove the Empty Spaces (9 page)

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Authors: T.A. Chase

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Remove the Empty Spaces
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Grunting, Ion rubbed against Adrien, but when his elbow hit the table leg, he stopped. He rocked back on his heels, then stood. Ion held out his hand to help Adrien off the floor.

“I’m too old to be messing around on the floor. Maybe even the couch. I want my bed when you fuck me.”

Adrien wrapped his arm around Ion’s waist. “What if I want you to fuck me?”

Ion looked at him. “Are you serious?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?” Adrien looked puzzled for a moment, then his expression cleared. “Unless you’re a dedicated bottom?”

“No. I like to fuck and be fucked. Either way as long as we both get off, I’m happy.” Ion nuzzled Adrien’s jaw. “Let’s go to bed.”

“Wait. Do you have any homework that needs to be done? I don’t want you to get in trouble for not having it done.” Adrien gestured towards Ion’s messenger bag.

“Don’t worry. It’s just reading, and I can do that at lunch tomorrow.” Ion wasn’t interested in stuff he could do without too much trouble the next day. He wanted Adrien in bed as soon as possible.

Ion encouraged Adrien to move towards the bedroom, and his soft mattress. “I have supplies in my room, Adrien.”

“Then let’s go.”

Adrien’s smile caused Ion’s heart to skip a beat and his cock hardened even more at the sight. There was a hint of arrogance in the expression, yet there was also a glimpse of uncertainty in his eyes. Ion wasn’t entirely sure what Adrien would be nervous about, but he planned on erasing it from Adrien’s mind.

Ion escorted Adrien to his bedroom, not worried about whether it was neat or not. They were going to mess up the sheets anyway, so who cared if they were clean. He stumbled over a shoe on the floor by his bed, then landed on his mattress, tangled up in Adrien’s arms.

Adrien wiggled and shifted until he was lying on top of Ion. He spread his thighs, letting Adrien wedge himself between them. They rocked together, and Ion groaned as their groins rubbed against each other. All he could think about at that moment was being naked, and feeling Adrien’s body pressed to his.

“We need to be naked for the rest of this. I don’t want to come in my pants.” Ion tugged on Adrien’s shirt.

“All right, but you shouldn’t have pulled me down on top of you, or I would’ve been undressed by now.” Adrien winked as he jumped to his feet.

Ion laughed. “Sorry I was so clumsy.”

He stripped, tossing his clothes all over the room. Adrien was more meticulous about undressing, but of course, since his shirt probably cost more than all of the clothes in Ion’s closet. God knew it would’ve cost Ion at least three months’ rent to afford Adrien’s suit.

Adrien placed his shoes under the chair in the corner, then folded his clothes before lying them on the seat. Ion was on the bed with the blankets and top sheet pulled to the foot of the mattress when Adrien finished. He stroked his cock, and Adrien studied him for a moment.

“Where are the supplies?”

“In a box under the bed.” Ion gestured vaguely towards the floor.

“You couldn’t have put them in a more convenient place like your nightstand or something like that?”

Ion watched as Adrien knelt by the bed to reach under, then pull out the box Ion kept his condoms and lube in.

“Your mom doesn’t come over to your place very often, does she?” Ion stared at him as Adrien opened the top to grab a strip of condoms and the bottle.

Chapter Six

Adrien paused in the middle of tearing one of the packets off the strip to think about what Ion had said.
Your mother must not come and visit very often.
He shuddered at the thought of his mother going anywhere near his supplies. He tried to count how many times his parents had been to his apartment in the city. Maybe once when he first moved in there, but after that, they always stayed in their own place when they came to Manhattan, or he’d go out to their place in the Hamptons to visit.

He wasn’t close to most of his family, though he got along best with his father, maybe because Adrien was more like his father than his mother. His siblings didn’t work, relying on the money the corporation brought in to keep them in the life they’ve become accustomed to. Oh, they did charity work, or at least his sister did. His brother spent his time jet setting from one fun place to another.

Adrien and his father often discussed what they should do about Alain, but Mother always managed to distract his father before anything could be done. Adrien had given up hope of his brother ever growing up. Then his father would get talking about his racing team, and Adrien would just let it all go.

His parents rarely met any of the men Adrien dated. Maybe it was because secretly he was embarrassed—either by his lovers or by his parents. He’d never been able to figure out which one it was.

Ion shifted on the bed, and Adrien found his gaze landing on Ion’s cock. Why was he thinking about his family when he had something much more tempting spread out in front of him?

“How about we don’t talk about our mothers in the bedroom, huh?” He climbed onto the bed, then straddled Ion’s hips. After handing Ion the lube, he tore open the foil packet to get the rubber out. “Why don’t you get me ready? I’ve been thinking about riding you since last weekend.”

“You don’t bottom very often, do you?” Ion grinned as he popped open the top of the slick. He squirted some on his fingers before closing it, then setting it aside.

Adrien shook his head. “Not really, but it’s not because I don’t want to get fucked. Most of the time, I guess, the men who go out with me expect me to top because of who I am and what I do.”

Ion rubbed his fingers together, spreading the lube over them. “Being the CEO of a Fortune 100 company makes you a take-charge kind of guy, and most guys would think you wouldn’t want to give up your control, even in the bedroom.”

“That might be more true than I think, but I still do like to get fucked hard and fast sometimes.” Adrien leered at Ion before turning around, presenting his ass to Ion while grasping his shaft with his hand. “Why don’t you get me ready?”

“Yes, sir.” Ion smacked his butt before running his fingers along Adrien’s crease. “I always thought you had a great backside. Those Italian suits of yours certainly show it off nicely, and now being up close and personal with it, I’ve decided it’s a shame you keep it covered.”

Adrien shook his ass in Ion’s face. “I can’t very well walk around the office naked, Ion.”

“True. No one would get any work done.” Ion caressed Adrien’s hole, and Adrien gasped.

It had been a long time since anyone besides himself had touched that most private of places. Adrien liked how it felt, but he wanted to get his mouth on Ion, so he flipped over. He arched his back, then focused his attention on Ion’s cock.

He took Ion’s length in, wanting to take his mind off any sort of commitment towards Ion just yet. Adrien knew it was coming because he already felt differently about Ion than any of his other lovers, but he wasn’t ready to make the kind of serious commitment no protection would entail.

“Hmm…your mouth is almost as nice as your ass.”

Adrien tensed slightly as Ion pressed one of his fingers into Adrien’s. He appreciated the fact that Ion invaded him slowly and carefully, understanding that Adrien would be tight after not having bottomed for a long time.

Somehow they managed to get into a rhythm, him sucking on Ion’s cock and Ion stretching Adrien’s hole. He got lost in the feel of Ion’s fingers relaxing him, and how Ion’s erection filled his mouth. Pleasure simmered under his skin, building and expanding until he thought his flesh would split from the pressure.

He groaned as Ion removed his fingers from his inner passage, then patted his butt cheek.

“Turn around. I want you to come on my cock, and I’m pretty sure you’re close to it.”

Adrien shifted, allowing Ion to slide out of his mouth then slipped a condom on Ion. After swinging around, he grasped Ion’s shaft, holding it in position while he slowly lowered himself down on it. Ion held his hips to help balance him as he settled. Adrien bit his lip, loving the way it felt having Ion stuff him full.

He paused once Ion’s hard-on was inside him. Bracing his hands on Ion’s chest, he stared down into Ion’s dark brown eyes. Concern showed in them, as well as lust and an emotion that looked very much like love.

“Are you okay?” Ion stroked Adrien’s hips, seeming to try and soothe the small twist of pain from him.

Adrien bit his lip, thinking about it for a moment before he nodded. “I’m all right. Feeling really good, actually.”

He tightened his muscles around Ion’s shaft. Ion gasped, and Adrien grinned. He pushed up until just the tip of Ion’s cock was inside him, then he dropped back down, almost slamming their bodies together.

“You might want to take it a little slower, since you haven’t done this in a while,” Ion suggested.

Adrien shook his head. “I’m fine, Ion.”

He began to move up and down, enjoying the sensation of Ion sliding in and out of his ass. Adrien jerked a little when Ion wrapped one of his hands around Adrien’s shaft, letting it fuck his fist.

Losing himself in the pleasure of the moment, he wallowed in the way Ion made him feel. He could see why so many guys enjoyed getting fucked. The fullness in his passage, and how Ion drove his need higher each time he nailed Adrien’s gland.

His cock swelled even more as his balls drew tight to his body. His passion built at the base of his spine, then exploded through him. Cum spilled out to cover Ion’s hand and his stomach.

Adrien groaned and trembled as his climax rocketed through him. His muscles massaged Ion’s length, drawing a low moan from him as well. Ion let go of Adrien, then gripped his hips to start driving up into him. Bracing his hands on Ion’s chest, he rode out his climax along with Ion’s.

When all the strength drained from his body, Adrien collapsed on top of Ion, who grunted, but didn’t push him away. Adrien sighed as Ion encircled his waist to pull him close. He did wrinkle his nose at the stickiness between them, trying to make a note to clean up before they fell asleep. As much as he liked Ion, he didn’t want to be stuck to him in the morning.

* * * *

His alarm buzzed, and Adrien reached to turn it off. Instead of hitting plastic, he hit warm flesh.

“Ow! What the hell?”

Opening his eyes, Adrien found himself looking into Ion’s irritated eyes. Ion rubbed his shoulder where he’d smacked him. The alarm kept going off, and Adrien groaned.

“Can you shut that off?”


The mattress shifted when Ion moved, and once the noise went silent, Adrien sat up in the bed. He stretched his arms over his head. Ion rolled out from under the covers, then stood. Adrien watched as Ion scratched himself before heading to the bathroom.

After standing, Adrien started to dress, pulling on his clothes while he listened to Ion finish up in the bathroom. He’d just completed his call to his driver when Ion came out. The man stopped when he spotted Adrien standing there dressed except for his shoes.

“You leaving already?”

He tried to ignore how Ion looked, naked and his cock half-hard. They needed to get to work and he didn’t want Ion in trouble for being late. It didn’t matter what time Adrien got in. Being the boss had its privileges.

“You have to go, and I’m going home and change before I go into the office.” Adrien leaned over to brush a kiss over Ion’s lips. “If I take a shower with you, I’m not going to be interested in anything except taking you back to bed.”

Ion nodded. “You’re right about that. You should probably head out. I’ll see you at work.”

“Wait. Before I head out, I want to know what made you change your mind about me meeting your parents. You said you thought we should be together for a month or so before I went to Sunday dinner with you.” Adrien took Ion’s hand, then squeezed it gently.

“I had a talk with my brother about you. Not you specifically. He doesn’t know who you are, but he knows I’m seeing someone. Anyway, I said something about bringing you to meet them, and he told me not to push it.” Ion frowned.

“Not push what?” Adrien shook his head.

Ion glanced away, then met his gaze again. “My parents know I’m gay. I told them when I left for college. I admitted it to myself when I was like fifteen, just never said anything to them before because I knew they’d have problems with it. They’re old-fashioned, and still believe that I just need to meet the right girl to prove that I’m not gay.”

Adrien blinked as he worked through what Ion said. He had issues with his parents, but they’d never once told him he just needed a wife and everything would be fine. Whether they were happy about him being gay or not, they never said a word to him about it. Of course, he didn’t care how they felt either, and hadn’t since he went to boarding school.

But Ion obviously did care about his parents and their opinions, though it sounded like Ion was reaching his own line in the sand.

“I want them to meet you, Adrien, and I’ve made the decision that if they can’t accept you as family because I care for you, then I don’t want to be a part of their family anymore.” Ion shoved his free hand through his hair. “Why is it okay for them to accept Bogdan’s wife, but not you simply because you’re a man, and it wasn’t done in their time?”

Adrien slid his hand around to cup the back of Ion’s head before bringing it forward to rest their foreheads together. “Don’t get upset about it, honey. They’re your parents, and they love you. Maybe it’s not unconditional like we’re taught to expect from our family, but they still care about you.”

Ion shrugged. “Maybe they do, but they don’t really show it. All I hear is why am I working as a mailman when I could be making more money doing anything else. They don’t seem to understand that I’m doing what I want to get more experience. Sure, it might not be as important as being a doctor or lawyer, but it’s a step on the path to a better job for me.”

He got Ion’s thinking on the whole working from the bottom up in a business. His father had groomed him to take his place from the moment he came out of his mother’s womb.

“Have you ever brought someone home to meet them?” Adrien stepped away when his phone buzzed. He checked the screen to find a text from his driver that he was downstairs waiting. “Can we have the rest of this conversation today at lunch?”

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