Renegade Millionaire (15 page)

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Authors: Kristi Gold

BOOK: Renegade Millionaire
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He reached up and touched her face. “So do I, and in that case, I have an idea. We can take some of the colonel's money and open a not-for-profit birthing clinic. I'll keep my practice and you can run the place. I'll handle anything that needs to be handled at the hospital without charge. How does that sound?”

“Absolutely wonderful.” She leaned down and kissed his lips. “We'll make a great team, you and I.”

“We already do.” He surveyed her with soft, loving eyes. “And we'll hire plenty of staff, but while you're working to get things going, I can take care of Joseph, be a real dad to him. Get in some practice before we have kids of our own.”

“Ohmigosh, I forgot.” Reaching over Rio, Joanna grabbed the cordless phone from the bedside table.

Rio sent a tantalizing fingertip down her bare back. “What are you doing? Calling for pizza? I'm hungry for something else.”

Joanna batted his hand away from her breast as the phone began to ring. “Patience, Doctor. We have plenty of time.”

“I like the way that sounds,” Rio said.

When Joseph greeted her in his buoyant little-boy voice, Joanna's spirits lifted even more. “Hi, sweetie, it's Mom. I have a surprise.” As Rio sent her a heartfelt smile, as Joseph's excitement filtered through the line,
Joanna's heart soared with the infinite love she possessed for both her men.

“Joseph, honey, I've finally found you a dad.”

ISBN: 978-1-4268-8610-2


Copyright © 2003 by Kristi Goldberg

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