Renewing Lost Love (14 page)

Read Renewing Lost Love Online

Authors: Karen Ward

Tags: #louisiana, #rescue, #lost love, #hero, #marine, #wyoming

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After Bear and Stump arrive they check out
the area and find a trail of blood leading from in front of the
vacant house into the swamp. Then they all gather in the living
room of Leaf Leblanc’s house and discuss what to do next.

Pinky says shaking his head, “Well, hopefully
one of those gators I saw out in the swamp will take care of him.
They’ll be drawn by the blood. I can’t believe the man’s luck.”

The FBI agent says, “We have notified all of
the area hospitals to be on the lookout for anyone coming in for
treatment of severe lacerations or gunshots. We sent Bixby’s mug
shot to be posted in all of the Emergency Room offices.”

Bear says, “It is very doubtful the guy will
show himself around here again now that he knows we’re here. I
think we should all head back to Wyoming.”

Stump says, “I agree. He isn’t going to come
around while we’re here. He will want to take us by surprise one at
a time.”

I say, “But I just got here, I want to spend
some time with my brother.”

Pinky suggests, “Leaf, why don’t you and
Sherrie pack up and move out to Wyoming with us. With your computer
skills, I’m sure we can put you to work.” He looks over at Scoot,
“Leaf is an even better hacker than I am. In fact he taught me much
of what I know when he was only twelve.”

Blushing Leaf says, “My current job with the
government will allow me to live anywhere I want. Unless Sherrie
has an objection, I would love to move out to Wyoming and be near
Jasmine. I certainly don’t want to lose touch with her again. She
is all the family I have left. I want to meet Timmy too. He sounds

A few hours later they all head to the
airport and board Barry’s jet for Wyoming. With Scoot’s help,
arrangements have been made to ship all of Leaf and Sherrie
Leblanc’s belonging to the Rock Springs Ranch in Wyoming.

Pinky notifies Richard Dean of their failed
attempt to capture Bixby and informed him the group, including Leaf
and Sherrie Leblanc, is returning to Wyoming.

Leaf and Sherrie are amazed at the luxurious
jet the group boards. When they look questioningly at Jasmine she
tells them about the jet belonging to Barry Farrady. She explains
that Barry is a good friend of the Drake Security team and that he
lets them make their homes on his ranch in Wyoming. Sherrie’s eyes
round with excitement and she says, “You mean I’m going to get to
meet Barry Farrady, that hunky movie star?”

Jasmine laughs and says, “You’re going to do
more than meet him, you’re going to live in the same house with
him, at least until we can build our own.”


James Bixby is cursing a blue streak. Those
damn mercenaries. He should have known they were around. He just
didn’t realize that Keith Williams was one of them. Now he has
another gunshot wound and this one is going to require medical
attention. The bullet is lodged somewhere in his chest and he is
having difficulty breathing. Plus he has a deep cut on his face and
another one on his arm from his dive through the window. He can’t
just show up at the hospital. They would be sure to ask questions
and probably recognize him as a wanted man. He’ll think of
something, he has to.


After returning to the ranch Jasmine and
Timmy move upstairs to the adjoining rooms once shared by Dylan,
Skye and Damian Drake. Leaf and Sherrie Leblanc take over Jasmine’s
old room on the first floor of the main ranch house. Construction
has started on a large two story home between the one owned by
Dylan and Skye and the one owned by Goose and Evelyn for Keith and
Jasmine and their family. Leaf and Sherrie will build next door.
After Leaf learns about the operations of Drake Security he agrees
to be a consultant for them while maintaining his current job with
the government.

The day after the group returns to the ranch,
Barry hosts a party to welcome Leaf and Sherrie Leblanc as the
ranch’s newest residents. All of the residents of the Rock Springs
Ranch and those from the Rocking J ranch are in attendance.

At the party that evening, I am completely
surprised when Pinky drops to one knee in front of the crowd, holds
out a beautiful solitaire diamond ring, and says, “Jasmine, my
love, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

I turn a pretty shade of pink with tears in
my eyes, “Oh Keith, nothing would make me happier than to be your

After placing the ring on my finger, he pulls
me into a warm embrace and kisses me tenderly to the cheers of the
crowd. Then Pinky is completely surprised when Stump sneaks up
behind him and attaches a ball and chain to his ankle. After a lot
of good natured ribbing from his buddies, he turns to Stump and
says, “Just you wait. Your time is coming.”

After everyone has retired to their
respective homes, Keith walks with me upstairs to tuck Timmy into
bed in his new room. He reads him a bedtime story and Timmy falls
asleep before he even gets to the end.

Standing, he and I walk hand in hand through
the adjoining door to my room where he pulls me into his arms.
Lowering his head he tenderly takes my lips with his savoring my
taste, nibbling around the edges of my luscious lips. When I open
for him, he plunges his tongue into the moist warmth with a groan
rumbling from deep within. Pulling me closer he presses my hips
tightly against his erection. Moving his lips down the graceful
curve of my neck, he says, “Oh Jasmine, I want you so much. Please
tell me you want me too.”

I pull out of his embrace saying, “Keith, we
need to talk about something.” I turn and walk over to the

Dread washing over him, Keith says, “What’s
wrong Jasmine? Tell me.”

Pulling back the curtains and looking out
into the night I take a deep breath trying to gather my courage and
then say, “I can’t marry you Keith.”

Stunned, Keith sinks down on the side of the
bed and says, “I don’t understand Jasmine. Why? Don’t you love

Turning back toward him, I look into his face
seeing the deep hurt. With tears in my eyes, I say, “I’m sorry
Keith. I don’t want to hurt you. I can think of nothing I want more
than to be your wife and Timmy’s mother, but I’m already

Anger flows through Keith, “Why are you just
now finding it necessary to share this little detail with me?”

Tears streaming down my face now, I explain,
“It evidently is one of the things I blocked. The doctor told me I
would probably remember more as time went on. It hit me when I saw
you on your knee with the ring in your hand. I didn’t want to ... I
couldn’t tell you in front of all of those people. I’m so sorry.” I
hand him the beautiful ring, turn, and walk back to the window
silent sobs shaking my body.

He closes his fist around the ring. Anger
still in his voice Keith asks, “So, you’re married to Bixby?”

Nodding my head with tears obvious in my
voice, I say, “Yes, he made me marry him in Nevada when we were on
our way to the compound in Idaho. We stopped at one of those little
wedding chapels in some tiny town in the middle of nowhere. I don’t
even remember the name. He told me he would kill me if I didn’t
marry him or if I made any attempt to get away or notify the
minister of anything other than how much I loved him.”

Keith says, “But you were only fifteen, it
can’t possibly be legal.”

“It’s legal. He made me do it again in Idaho
after I turned eighteen.”

Keith rises from the bed and begins pacing
back and forth from one end of the room to the other. He lays the
ring on the bedside table. I turn from the window and watch him,
tears still streaming from my eyes. After a few minutes he stops
and turns toward me and asks, fear in his heart,

“Jasmine, do you love me?”

I look deep into his eyes, “More than
anything. I have always loved you.”

Smiling with relief he says, “Then we’ll work
this out ... somehow. Let’s just take it one day at a time. We
don’t have to get married right away anyway. Let’s wait and see
what happens with Bixby. If necessary, we’ll file for divorce
although that is not my first choice.”

Shuddering with revulsion I say, “I can’t ask
him for a divorce. He’ll kill me!”

Keith pulls me into his arms brushing the
hair away from my face, “We’ll cross that bridge if we have to, for
now, let’s just take it one day at a time, all right?” Waiting
until I nod in agreement, he then says, “Now, kiss me.” He lowers
his head and takes my lips with his. Pushing his tongue past the
barrier of my teeth he delves into the warm recesses of my mouth.
After long moments he pulls away, breathing heavily, and pleads,
“Make love with me Jasmine?”

I am shocked. James Bixby never asked me to
make love to him. He always demanded I make love to him. Looking
into Keith’s eyes, I see his love for me glowing in their depths
and in answer to his question I reach my hands up and begin
unbuttoning his shirt. Baring his muscular chest I run my hands
tenderly over his muscles. Then nervously I take his hand and lead
him to the bed. Not sure how to proceed because I only know what
James Bixby liked, I say, “Show me Keith. Show me how to love

He lowers his head to mine kissing away the
remnants of my tears and then takes my lips again, plunging into my
warmth. He pulls me close then begins to pull my blouse up from my
waist, slowly raising his hands until he reaches my breasts.
Brushing his thumbs softly over my nipples he relishes my sharp
intake of breath. Then he raises my blouse over my head and tosses
it to the floor. He then removes my jeans and shoes casting them
aside. Throwing back the covers of the bed he picks me up and lays
me down on the soft sheets.

Quickly removing his own clothes he joins me
on the bed. He looks deeply into my eyes and whispers, “First, I am
going to show you how much I love you Jasmine. You just lay here
and let the feelings come, all right?” Then he takes my nipple in
his hungry mouth suckling me through my lacy bra. He says,

“Oh Jasmine, I love your breasts! They are so

I don’t know what to think. James Bixby never
wanted to please me or give me pleasure. He only wanted to take his
pleasure from me. He brutally used my body seeking his own
fulfillment. Unsure what to do, I enclose Keith in my embrace
savoring the feel of the bulging muscles of his back beneath my
exploring fingers. Seeking out each ridge, each valley lightly
scoring them with my nails. I am drowning in new and long forgotten
sensations rocketing through my body and moans of pleasure escape
from my lips and I begin to move restlessly on the bed. When he
shifts his attention to my other breast I arch my back and grasp
his head firmly to my breast craving the warm moistness of his
mouth against my sensitive nipple. I love the feelings Keith is
creating in my body.

Keith is starving for her taste. Her moans of
pleasure are driving his desire ever upward and he knows he needs
to slow down before he loses himself completely.

He moves from my breast back to my mouth
struggling to regain his control. He nibbles at my lips then kisses
down the graceful curve of my neck. He runs his tongue around the
outer edge of my dainty ear and nibbles at my lobe.

He moves his hand down over my stomach and
hooks his thumb into the top edge of my panties quickly pushing
them down my legs and onto the floor and then unhooks the front
closure of my bra. He slowly moves down my body paying homage to
each breast before moving lower to my stomach trailing kisses.
Moving his hand to my most feminine place he gently pushes my legs
apart so he can gain access to my secrets.

I am really confused now. Why is he touching
me there? What am I supposed to do?

He moves further down my body plunging his
tongue into my navel as he explores the folds of my warmth with his
fingers, seeking my very core. Finding me wet and ready he gently
inserts two fingers into my warmth and hears me moan as I arch my
hips up to meet the thrusting of his fingers.

Oh God! That feels so good! What is he doing
to me? my fingers close around handfuls of the bedding as my head
begins moving restlessly on the pillow.

He moves between my legs, one arm wraps
across my body holding me in place. Then he buries his face in my
curls inhaling my feminine essence before tasting me. Gently laving
my sensitive flesh with his tongue and suckling my most sensitive
nub as he gently moves his fingers in and out of my warmth.

I am shocked. What’s he doing? No one has
ever kissed me there! Oh God! What is this wonderful feeling? Oh!

When he feels me tense he raises his head and
says, “That’s it Jasmine, come for me Sweetheart. Let me feel you
come apart in my arms.”

I am dizzy with sensations. A vague memory
from many years ago is trying to surface and I feel pressure
coiling in my belly. I am moving restlessly and I hear my moans as
I try to get closer and closer to that elusive memory. Keith is
suckling on my sensitive nub and then all at once I crash over the
precipice into a world of bright lights and pleasure beyond measure
screaming my release. He is suddenly there absorbing my screams
into his mouth as he rocks against me. As I drift back to earth I
have a vague sensation of being filled and when I open my eyes I am
staring into the love filled eyes of my Keith.

Lowering his head he kisses me deeply then
says, “I love you Jasmine,” as he begins to move slowly inside of
me savoring the contractions of my feminine muscles around his
bulging shaft. He says, “Wrap your legs around me Jasmine. Hold on
tight and let’s fly away together.”

Loving him more with each movement, I wrap my
legs tightly around his waist and begin to move with him relishing
the delicious friction of our joining. Sex with James Bixby was
never like this. This is absolutely wonderful. I feel the pressure
building once again deep in my belly. I raise my hand to his face
and stroke him gently my love glowing in my eyes as our bodies’
rock together in unison. I gently pull his head down to mine and
dive deeply into the warm recesses of his mouth gently sucking on
his tongue in rhythm to the movements of our bodies.

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