Renewing Lost Love (21 page)

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Authors: Karen Ward

Tags: #louisiana, #rescue, #lost love, #hero, #marine, #wyoming

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When Barry sees the hole, he says, “Well, I
was thinking about putting in an outdoor pool anyway. He just saved
me little money.”

When Jasmine looks out at the destruction in
the yard she is shocked and wonders what happened to James Bixby.
Leaf puts his arm around her shoulders and says, “He’s dead
Jasmine. He blew himself to smithereens. We watched on the security

She asks, “You’re sure? You saw him die?”

Leaf responds, “I’m sure. He is scattered all
over the backyard.” She turns her face into her brother’s shoulder
and breaks down into sobs of relief. Her nightmare is finally truly

Timmy places his little arm around her waist,
“Don’t cry Miss Jasmine. He was a bad man and now he can’t ever
hurt you.”

She kneels and pulls the little boy into her
arms whispering through her tears, “Oh Timmy, you are so precious.
How did I ever get lucky enough to have you for my son? I love you

Smiling Timmy says, “I love you too Miss
Jasmine. Would it be all right if I call you Mommie now?”

Smiling through her tears Jasmine says, “I
would love for you to call me Mommie.”

The ambulance arrives and carries Stump to
the hospital in Cody, Wyoming where he is immediately carried into
surgery. All of the members of the Drake Security team and Barry
have to stay at the ranch until the FBI completes their
investigation except Bear. He and Jesse head to the hospital in
town to wait for word on Stump’s condition.

The Hazmat team arrives and begins the
tedious task of cleaning up Bixby’s remains. Because he had been
exposed to rabies, everything has to be thoroughly cleaned. Even
though the rabies virus doesn’t live long outside the host’s body,
it is always better to be safe rather than sorry.

As the ambulance drives away carrying his
buddy, Pinky places his arm around Jasmine and she turns her head
into this chest. He wraps her in his embrace and they both take
comfort in the fact their nightmare is finally over. Pinky prays
that his buddy, Stump, will survive. He prays that Bixby didn’t
take him away from them.

Richard Dean, the FBI agent, spends several
minutes examining the area where the bulk of Bixby’s remains are
located as well as the damage to the house and barn. Then he says,
“I must say, I am glad I don’t have to wonder what killed him and I
am very glad he is finally dead. That man made those of us in law
enforcement look like bumbling idiots. With all the blood he had on
his hands having to spend tax payer dollars to send him through the
court system would have been a travesty.”

Pinky says, “I too, am very glad he is
finally dead. As far as I’m concerned he still got off too easily.
He should have suffered the long slow painful death the flames
would have caused him.”

In the middle of the afternoon Scoot’s cell
phone rings and he answers, “Scoot.”

“Scoot, it’s Bear. Stump is finally out of
surgery and doing well. The surgeon says he is a very lucky man.
That knife missed a main artery by less than half an inch. He did
lose a lot of blood and has a collapsed lung but should be fine
after a few months. The doctors are going to give him the rabies
series just to be safe. He not only had contact with Bixby but the
knife Bixby used to stab him is probably the same one he used to
gut that wolf.”

Scoot breathes a sigh of relief and says,
“That’s really good news Bear. I’ll let the others know. When we
went back and reviewed the security video, it showed Bixby jumping
him from behind when he walked out of his bedroom. He was calling
Pinky’s name when he walked out so he must have heard some noise
and thought Pinky was in the office. Stump never even had a chance
to defend himself.”

Bear asks, “Have you been able to determine
for sure that he came across the back pasture?”

Scoot answers, “Yeah, he cut the fence and
walked across the pasture. He didn’t even bother to cover his

As soon as Richard Dean tells them it is all
right, the Drake Security team head to the hospital in Cody
Wyoming. Of course, the Paparazzi are out in mass trying to get the
details about the explosion and other activity at the ranch. As
they approach the front gate, Barry says, “We probably should give
them a statement. Otherwise they are not going to leave us

Pinky says, “Sure, it’s not a problem. As
soon as they realize you are not the one that left here in the
ambulance they should back off.”

Barry steps out of the SUV, “Ladies and
gentlemen, I am going to make a statement then I would ask that you
leave us alone. This morning, we had an intruder at the Rock
Springs Ranch. He was a man on the FBI’s ten most wanted list. His
name was James Bixby. He died but not before setting fire to my
barn and injuring one of my friends that lives at the ranch. The
explosion you heard was caused by explosives he was carrying when
he got caught in the fire. We are headed to the hospital now to
check on our friend who was injured so please give us some privacy.
I will give you updates as we know them.”

“Mr. Farrady, Mr. Farrady, can we get some
pictures of the damage to the house and barn?” hollers one of the

Another reporter hollers, “Why did the Hazmat
team come?”

Barry, looking over at Pinky shakes his head
and says, “The Hazmat team was called because we had some fuel
spilled and yes, I’ll let one of you guys come in tomorrow and get
some pictures as long as you promise to only take pictures of the
damage and then let it rest after that.”

When they get back in the car, Pinky says,
“How do you stand this? It would drive me nuts.”

Barry says, “It drives me nuts.”

When they arrive at the hospital they are
once again surrounded by media and Barry repeats his statement and
then Scoot, Goose, and Pinky encircle Barry and shove their way
through the crowd and into the building. They make their way up to
the ICU where Bear and Jesse are waiting for the next time anyone
can visit with Stump.

When they enter the room, Bear smiles and
says, “I’m glad to see you made it through the circus in one piece.
The doctors are keeping Stump sedated so he isn’t awake but the
doctor is very encouraging. He still is on a respirator and when
they back off on the drugs he comes back to consciousness quickly.
They are expecting to be able to remove the respirator tomorrow and
stop the sedation in a couple of days.”

When the nurse comes to the waiting room to
escort the next group of visitors, Barry and Pinky follow her to
Stump’s room. He is attached to all types of equipment and when
Pinky sees him, his eyes fill with tears. He walks over to the bed
and lays his hand on top of Stump’s and he says, “Hey Buddy, you’re
going to be fine. Bixby is dead and everyone is safe. You
concentrate on getting well. We love you man.”

Barry says, “Hey Stump, I’ve got that deed
ready for you to sign. As soon as you are able I’ll call the
contractors and we can start building your house. Somewhere out
there is a lucky lady that will share it with you. You’ll have a
house full of kids before you know it.”

Pinky says, “Hey, you’ve got to hurry and get
well. Jasmine and I can’t get married until you’re well enough to
be my best man. I wouldn’t dream of having the wedding without you.
Besides, Timmy needs his Uncle Stump to make sure he learns all the
right lessons growing up. We’re going now but we’ll be back
tomorrow. You rest and get your strength back.”

When they returned to the waiting room, Scoot
and Goose take their turn going to see their buddy.


Texas Safe Search ended up finding a total of
fourteen bodies at the compound in Idaho that was once the home of
both Melanie Brentwood Farrady and Jasmine Leblanc. Besides Keith
Williams and Jasmine Leblanc’s infant son, one was a man that died
of natural causes and twelve were young girls between the ages of
fifteen and twenty that had disappeared over a period of twenty
years. All were ruled to have died from physical abuse and sexual

Once the remains were identified, primarily
through dental records, Keith and Jasmine began receiving letters
of appreciation from families all over the western United States
thanking them for funding the search that recovered the remains of
their loved ones.


Jasmine Leblanc and Keith Williams are
married three weeks later in a small ceremony in the chapel at the
hospital in Cody Wyoming. Stump, Clarence Kincaid Jr., sitting in a
wheelchair, serves as the best man and Melanie Brentwood Farrady
serves as the matron of honor. The bride is given in marriage by
her brother, Leaf Leblanc. Timothy Williams serves as the ring
bearer. The entire extended family from the Rock Springs Ranch
crowds into the chapel to witness the nuptials.

Standing in the front of the chapel beneath
the cross, dressed in a black tuxedo, Pinky is so nervous he is
shaking. He can hardly believe that his beloved Jasmine is finally
going to become his wife. It has been a long difficult road that at
times seemed impossible. His heart is pounding with

He glances down at his buddy, Stump, very
pale but steadily improving. His eyes fill with tears and he sighs
with relief. He is so thankful Stump is on the way to a full
recovery. They came so close to losing him because of James Bixby.
He remembers seeing him lying so still on the floor of the office
the day Bixby stabbed him, his life blood staining the floor. It
would have been devastating if Bixby had taken his best buddy from
him. It is truly a blessing that he is alive and able to be here
with him on the happiest day of his life.

When the music starts he glances toward the
back of the small chapel and he sees his precious adopted son,
Timmy, walking slowly toward him grinning from ear to ear, holding
the pillow with the wedding rings in front of him. He grins back at
him his heart overflowing with love for the child. A tear slides
down his cheek as the thinks about the son Bixby took from him and
he thanks God again for blessing him and Jasmine with Timmy.

Then he sees her, his beautiful Jasmine
standing at the back of the church, clinging tightly to her
brother’s arm. She is so beautiful she takes his breath away. Her
auburn hair is hanging loose, falling in waves around her
shoulders. She is dressed in a flowing white floor length gown and
a sheer veil covers her face. She is carrying a bouquet of spring
flowers. As she slowly advances toward him, his heart speeds up and
a grin slides across his face. Just a few short months ago, he
believed she was dead. Now she is here about to become his wife. So
much has changed. He quickly whispers a short prayer of thanks for
her safety. He is truly blessed to be here today, the love of his
life walking toward him and soon to be his wife.

Jasmine’s heart is pounding furiously and she
is shaking so badly she hopes her legs will continue to support
her. She can hardly believe that she is here, walking down the
aisle of this little chapel wearing a beautiful wedding dress,
toward Keith, her one true love. He is so gorgeous standing before
the altar in his black tuxedo, his auburn hair glistening in the
lights from above. It feels like a dream and she is afraid she is
going to wake up on the hard bed in the freezing cabin in northwest
Montana with James Bixby lying beside her. She shakes the thought
from her head and takes a deep calming breath.

She glances over at her brother, Leaf. He
grew into a handsome man during her absence and she is so proud of
him. She is so thankful he is here with her today. He squeezes her
hand and smiles broadly warming her heart. She looks back at Keith
and he smiles at her and her heart overflows with love. This is
real, it’s not a dream.

She and Keith repeat their vows while gazing
deeply into each other’s eyes. Then, surprising everyone in
attendance, the minister looks at Timmy and asks, “Timothy Ronald
Westbrook Thompson Williams, do you take Keith and Jasmine Williams
to be your Mommie and Daddy for all time?”

Grinning from ear to ear he says as loud as
he can, “Yes! They’re the best Mommie and Daddy in the whole

Everyone in attendance chuckles at his
enthusiasm. Then the minister says, “I now pronounce you husband,
wife, and son. You may kiss your bride.”

Keith turns to Jasmine, slowly raising the
veil, and takes her lips with his in a warm tender kiss. Then he
bends down and raises his precious Timmy in his arms sitting him on
his left hip. He extends his arm to Jasmine and they face the
crowd. The minister says, “Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Williams and their beloved son, Timmy.”

The audience erupts in applause and cheers as
the happy threesome walks back down the aisle to the back of the

After the ceremony, the group enjoys cupcakes
decorated with wedding bells and punch in paper cups. A small tray
of oatmeal cookies makes its way around the room landing in Timmy’s

Stump is still extremely weak but he is very
happy he got to be the best man at his buddy Pinky’s wedding and
tears cloud his eyes as he watches Pinky with his new wife and
their precious son. Their road to this night has been long and very
difficult. He is actually very jealous, not just of Pinky, but of
all his buddies. He’s the only one now that hasn’t been lucky
enough to find the perfect woman and have a family. Barry and
Melanie have a new baby. Goose and Evelyn have twin boys. Scoot and
Skye are expecting their son any day. He wonders if he will ever
find a woman to love and make him a father. He can only hope.

He looks over at Samantha Wells. Bixby almost
killed her too. He remembers how guilty he felt the day Scoot told
him Bixby had come so close to ending her life. She was very lucky
the bullet only grazed her forehead. He really needs to apologize
to her for being such a bully. He admits that he has been
unreasonable at times. Something about the woman drives him insane.
Every time she opens her mouth he wants to stuff a rag or something
in it. Maybe he should try stuffing his tongue in it. Yeah, that
would be a lot more fun. He’ll have to think about trying that some

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