Rent-A-Stud (11 page)

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Authors: Lynn LaFleur

BOOK: Rent-A-Stud
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A glance down his body at his very obvious erection quickly squashed her uncertainty.

The rose slid down her stomach and stopped at her navel. Jade quivered from the ticklish sensation. She reached for his hand to stop him…or she tried to reach for his hand. That’s when she realized her arms were above her head and completely immobile.

Jade twisted her neck so she could see her wrists. The fur-lined handcuffs kept her arms securely in place.

She whipped her head back so she could see Zach. A devilish grin turned up his lips.

“I had a hard time figuring out how to use those handcuffs since you don’t have any slats in your headboard. So I had to improvise by tying a scarf around the post and attaching it to the cuffs.” His grin widened. “Pretty smart, huh?”

Jade jerked her arms, but the cuffs and scarf stayed securely in place. “How did you do this without waking me?”

“I’m clever.” He dragged the rose down the middle of her stomach to her pubic hair. “I wanted to try out some more of the toys. I figured the handcuffs were a good place to start.”

His breath smelled of mint. Jade licked her lips, and winced at the awful taste in her mouth. He’d obviously been up and borrowed her mouthwash while her breath was bad enough to knock out an elephant. “Zach, let me get up for a minute.”

He shook his head while moving the rose over her upper thigh. “Uh-uh. I have you right where I want you.”

“I need to rinse my mouth. I promise I’ll come right back.”

Zach kissed her deeply. “You’re delicious.” He kissed her neck. “Very tasty.” He flicked his tongue over one nipple. “Scrumptious, in fact.”

He opened his mouth over the tip of her breast, sweeping the rose across her belly and hips as he suckled. The combination of sensations made her writhe on the bed. She desperately wanted to touch him. “Zach, please take off the cuffs.”

“Nope.” Bending at the waist, he dipped his tongue into her navel before lifting his head and looking into her eyes. “It’s my turn to do whatever I want to you.”

“I won’t stop you. I just want to touch you.”


Jade huffed in frustration. She didn’t fear he would hurt her. She had no doubt he only wanted to give her pleasure. But pleasure worked two ways. She wanted her hands on him, her fingers in his thick mane of hair.

His warm breath brushed across her labia. The tip of his tongue touched her clit. His position made his chin scrape over her thigh. The scratch of his morning stubble caused goose bumps to scatter across her skin. Jade sucked in her breath. “Zach, please.”

“God, you smell good. I love the scent of an aroused woman.” He laid the rose on the bed. Rising to his knees, he moved between her legs. He placed her feet flat on the bed, spread her thighs, and stared at her pussy. “You look good, too…all pink and swollen and wet.” He gazed into her eyes. “Do you taste as good as you look?”

Feeling daring—and extremely aroused—she lifted her chin a bit. “Why don’t you find out?”

He grinned. “With pleasure.”

Zach lay between her legs and slipped his hands beneath her buttocks. Jade arched her back and bit her bottom lip to keep from crying out when he licked her slit. His tongue moved over her slowly, so slowly, as if he had all day to enjoy her. It circled her clit, slid over her labia, dipped into her ass. Over and over, he licked the feminine folds, making love to her with his mouth.

,” Jade groaned, “you’re really good at that.”

He nibbled on the inside of her thigh a moment before returning to her clit. Jade moaned. Carl had been good at oral sex. Zach was incredible. He didn’t rush, he didn’t get rougher. He made love to her with his mouth as if he loved doing it.

Jade had always loved oral sex and always achieved orgasm. Never this fast or this powerful. The climax curled her toenails when it hit.

Zach had to realize she’d had an orgasm, yet he didn’t stop. He continued to lick her slit, suckle her clit. Jade had barely come down from the heavens before she began the climb again. This time, she couldn’t help crying out.

!” Lifting her hips from the bed, she pushed her pussy against his mouth. “Oh,

Jade struggled to catch her breath. When she managed to open her eyes, she saw Zach straddling her body on his hands and knees. His eyes practically glowed with heat.

“Taste how delicious you are,” he growled.

He covered her mouth with his in a voracious kiss. Jade felt surrounded by her own scent and taste…and Zach. He cradled her cheeks while he kissed her again and again. His body held hers in place. With her arms handcuffed to the bed, she literally couldn’t move.

She’d never felt so helpless…or so aroused.

He kissed each eye, her nose, her chin. “I’m gonna help you turn over on your stomach, all right?”

Right now, with the effect of two orgasms still flowing through her body, she’d agree to anything. She nodded.


Zach carefully helped Jade roll to her stomach. With the cuffs on her wrists, the new position made her arms cross. She now had even less room to move. Zach had never been into bondage or submission, but knowing she was almost helpless made his cock jerk.

Helpless or not, he had to make sure she was comfortable. “Are you okay?” he asked softly before dropping a kiss on her shoulder.

“Yes.” She turned her head on the pillow and looked at him. “What are you going to do?”

“Play a little.” He ran his hand down her spine and over her buttocks. “All right?”

She nodded her head.

“Can you raise up to your knees, or do you need me to help you?”

“I can do it.”

Zach didn’t think his cock could get any harder. Watching Jade struggle to her knees sent blood surging into his shaft. He slowly stroked it with one hand while she made herself comfortable on her elbows and knees. The new position raised her ass high in the air.

He had plans for that beautiful ass.

Crossing to the dresser, Zach located the lubricant and anal beads from the box of toys. He grabbed them and a condom and returned to the bed. Jade watched him the entire time. Her eyes widened when she saw what he held. Then they narrowed and turned sultry. She licked her lips and spread her legs another two inches.

Apparently, she wanted to play as much as he.

Zach climbed back on the bed between Jade’s legs. He couldn’t resist raking his teeth across each buttock. Jade’s body jerked, making Zach grin. Oh, yes, this would be fun.

He sheathed his cock and glided it inside her. Jade groaned softly and lowered her head to her crossed arms. Flipping open the bottle of lubricant, he drizzled a thin stream of oil between her buttocks. Zach began slowly thrusting into her pussy as he spread the oil around her anus.

“You okay, babe?” he asked.


“If I do something you don’t like, tell me and I’ll stop.”

She didn’t comment, but she also didn’t pull away from him. Zach kept up the slow, easy thrusts while he lubricated the anal beads. He pushed one bead into her ass. She inhaled sharply. Zach waited for her to protest, but she remained silent. One by one, he added a bead until all eight were inside her.

Hot. Sexy. Desirable. Wanton. All those words to describe Jade flashed through his mind. He ran his hands up and down her spine and over her buttocks while he pumped into her. He loved the feel of her soft skin, the way she arched her back when he lightly scratched her buttocks. The sound of her breathing, the rapid rise and fall of her back, showed him she was close to having another orgasm.

Her contractions grabbed his cock. Zack took the string to the anal beads in his hand and tugged.


One by one, he pulled the beads from her ass while she shuddered. Once the last bead popped free, he tossed the toy on the bed. Grasping her hips, he increased the speed of his thrusts until he pounded into her body. It wasn’t enough; he had to get closer to her. He leaned over Jade’s back and cradled her breasts in his hands. Squeezing her firm flesh, he continued to fuck her hard and fast. He heard her whimper and felt her walls begin to milk his cock again. A final hard thrust and he followed her over the edge.

The ability to think totally deserted him for several seconds. When his head stopped spinning, he realized Jade had to be uncomfortable. He reached up and released the lock on the handcuffs, then helped her straighten her legs. Still needing to be close to her, he reclined on top of her body, resting his weight on his elbows. His softening cock remained nestled inside her warmth.

He dropped soft kisses on her neck and shoulder. “You okay?” he whispered.


Her answer made him chuckle. “How many times did you come?”

“I lost count.”

“I know of at least three.”

“At least.” She pushed her hair off her forehead. “I won’t be able to walk for a week.”

“That’s the wonderful thing about sex—you heal fast.”

He smiled at the sound of her laughter. He enjoyed hearing her laugh, almost as much as hearing her moans of ecstasy.

Zach kissed her nape. “Would you like me to move?”

“Yes and no. I’m very comfortable, but I really need to use the bathroom.”

“Definitely my cue to move.” He dropped one more kiss on her nape before slowly withdrawing his cock from her pussy. “I’ll start some coffee.”

“I’ll kiss your feet if you start coffee.”

“I’m sure you can think of better places to kiss.” Zach stood and helped her from the bed. “Speaking of kissing…” Both nipples received the loving caress of his tongue. “Those need a lot more kissing today, don’t you think?”

Jade cleared her throat. “That works for me.”

Cradling her cheek, he ran his thumb over her lower lip. He didn’t want to leave her yet. “Do you mind if I stick around for a while?”

“I’d like that.”

He jerked his head toward the bathroom. “Go do your thing and I’ll start the coffee.”


Jade found Zach reclining on her bed when she opened the bathroom door. He lay on his back, one arm over his eyes. For a moment, she stood still and feasted on him. Even relaxed, his shaft looked thick and long and oh so nummy. She knew for a fact how big it felt inside her. From his tan skin to his broad chest, from his flat stomach to his strong thighs, everything about Zach’s body made her hormones scream.

His attentiveness, his consideration, made her heart swell. A woman could fall for him before she had the chance to stop it.

It’s his job to be attentive and considerate, Jade. Don’t forget that.

He moved his arm and looked at her. A gentle smile turned up the corners of his mouth. “Feel better?”


“Coffee’s on. It should be ready soon.”

“It smells wonderful.”

She walked to the bed and lay beside him. Zach rolled to his side. Propping up on his elbow, he rested his other hand on her stomach. “I have an idea.”


“Let’s shower together, then I’ll take you out to brunch. A friend of mine owns a restaurant in the Hulen area. He serves an incredible Sunday brunch until two. After that, we can go to a movie. Your choice.” He grinned. “I’ll even suffer through a chick flick if that’s what you want to see.”

“You want to shower with me?”

“Yeah. Is that a problem for you?”

“No. I just… I don’t know…” Jade stopped and bit her bottom lip, unsure how to voice her questions.

Zach inched his hand higher until it rested beneath her left breast. “You don’t know what?”

“Do you usually do this? I mean, Breanna paid for you to escort me to the gala. She didn’t pay for anything else. Did she?”

A slight frown drew his eyebrows together. “No, she didn’t pay for anything else.” He cradled her breast in his palm. “I want to spend more time with you, Jade…you and me, a man and a woman. It has nothing to do with me being an escort. It has to do with me wanting to be with you, getting to know you better.” His thumb whisked across a nipple. “I’ve never spent the night with a date, Jade.” Leaning over, he dropped a soft kiss on her lips. “I wanted to stay with you last night, to hold you and wake up with you in my arms this morning.” A crooked grin tipped up his lips. “The wild sex was a bonus.”

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