Rent-A-Stud (12 page)

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Authors: Lynn LaFleur

BOOK: Rent-A-Stud
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Jade giggled.

“I’d like to spend the rest of the day with you…and the night, if you think you can put up with me that long.”

She caressed the hand covering her breast. “I don’t think that’ll be a problem.”

Chapter Eleven


Jade tilted her head back to rest on Zach’s shoulder. The warm water from the shower flowed over her stomach and thighs while his hands ran over her breasts. He’d told her he only wanted to help her bathe. The amount of time he’d spent soaping her breasts had to mean they were cleaner than they’d ever been in her life.

She had no intention of stopping him.

Sighing, she reached behind her and clasped his neck. “Your hands feel so good.”

“So do your breasts.” He plucked at her hard nipples. “I love touching them.”

“I’ve noticed.”

He nuzzled her ear. “Are you complaining?”

His warm breath made her shiver. “No way.”

Jade felt him smile against her neck. “Good, ‘cause I don’t plan on stopping. In fact…” One hand slid down her stomach to between her thighs. “I’d like to be inside here again.”

It couldn’t be possible. They’d made love less than twenty minutes ago. He couldn’t get hard again so soon.

The press of his erect cock between her buttocks proved her wrong.

Zach pushed two fingers inside her pussy. Jade flinched and gasped softly. Muscles she hadn’t used in two years protested his touch.

“Sore?” he asked.

“A little.”

“So turning you around and fucking you against the wall is out?”

Jade laughed at his language. Carl had never spoken to her like that, not even in the heat of desire. She turned her head so she could see his face. Devilment danced in his eyes.

“May I have a rain check?”

He smiled and pulled his fingers from her body. “Absolutely.”

So close to that luscious mouth, Jade couldn’t resist tugging him closer so she could kiss him. One kiss led to two, then three, until she found herself plastered against the wall while Zach devoured her mouth.

“I love kissing you,” he growled against her lips.

“And you are
good at it.”

He grinned. “Like my technique, huh?”

“Very much. You’ve had a lot of practice to master that technique.”

His grin faded. “Yeah, I’ve had a lot of practice. I’ve been with a lot of women. I won’t apologize for that.” He plowed his fingers into her wet hair. “Everything became mechanical to me. I performed like a robot—insert tab A into slot B. Maybe that’s crude, but that’s how sex seemed to me, at least part of the time. I do love sex. I love all the intense feelings, the closeness with a woman, the moment just before a climax when you focus on nothing else except what’s happening in your body.” He kissed her. “But it was a job, and it began to feel like a job. I don’t like that. With you…” He stopped and tilted up her face for another kiss. “I told you I’ve never spent the night with a date. I swear that’s true. But you aren’t just a date to me, Jade. You make me feel…” He kissed her again. “You make me feel things I’ve never felt. I want to explore those feelings.”

Jade swallowed hard. He painted a beautiful picture, but he was moving way too quickly. “We barely know each other, Zach.”

“All the more reason to spend more time together, so we’ll get to know each other better.”

“You can’t possibly be…interested in me.”

He frowned. “Why do you say that?”

“I’m ten years older than you.”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

Before she had the chance to answer his question, her stomach growled loudly. Jade blushed while Zach grinned.

“Hungry?” he asked.


“Let’s get out of here and go to brunch.” He kissed her once more. “We’ll talk more about this later.”


Zach watched Jade as she dried her body with a large dark green towel. He clutched his own towel in one hand, so absorbed with looking at her that he ignored drying himself. Last night, she’d been dressed to look her best at the gala with hair and makeup perfect. Now, she stood before him nude, fresh out of the shower, no makeup, with droplets of water still dotting her skin.

She was even lovelier now than last night.

His cock responded to the sight of her. Zach moved the towel to cover his groin so Jade wouldn’t see his growing hard-on. She’d told him she was sore, and he respected that. He wouldn’t push her to make love again until she was ready.

Even though he wished he could be inside her again right now.

His high sex drive could be considered a curse or a blessing. Zach loved sex and he loved it often. His dates never seemed to mind that he could get hard more than once in a short period of time. With practice, he’d learned to hold back his own orgasm to please his partner first. He could fuck as long as it took for her to come, whether that be two minutes or twenty.

He’d quickly become Coopers’ Companions most requested escort because of his…special talents.

Standing here, looking at Jade, he couldn’t imagine being intimate with any other woman but her.

Lowering his gaze, he began to dry his body. So many feelings were bouncing around inside him, feelings he’d never experienced. He wanted to take her to brunch so he could talk to her while they were relaxed, try to sort out everything.

He’d never been in love, so didn’t know how it felt. He strongly suspected his blossoming feelings for Jade could quickly turn into love.

“Zachary Cooper!”

Her screech shocked him. Zach jumped and dropped his towel. He raised his head to see Jade staring into the mirror. “

“You gave me a

Her horrified expression made him laugh. She scowled at him in the mirror. “It isn’t funny.”

“It won’t last, Jade.”

“But it’ll be there tomorrow when I go to work.” She turned her head and stared at the mark. “It’s the size of Grand Prairie!”

Zach walked up behind her and slipped his arms around her waist. Moving her hair aside, he dropped a kiss on the hickey. “You didn’t complain last night when I gave it to you.”

“Well, of course I didn’t complain last night. I was…busy.”

He grinned and tightened his arms around her. “I know.”

When she continued to frown, Zach tried another tactic. “Your hair will cover it. And you can use makeup, can’t you?”

“I suppose.”

“Why are you so upset? Are you afraid someone might know you had…” He dropped his voice to barely a whisper. “S-E-X?”

Her frown faded and she bit her bottom lip. “Am I overreacting?”

“Yeah, I’d say that.”

“I’m sorry. It’s just… I’m a total professional at my job, Zach. I never mix personal with business.”

“I don’t doubt that.”

She tilted her head and studied the large discoloration. “I suppose I should be proud of it. I haven’t had a hickey in at least twenty years.”

“Glad to be of service.” The reflection of her breasts in the mirror was too tempting to ignore. He slid his hands up to cup the heavy globes. “I’d be happy to be of service again right now.”

She laughed out loud. “Are you ever going to feed me?”

“Are you ever going to get dressed and stop distracting me with this incredible body?”

“I think you’re perpetually horny.”

“I am with you, that’s for sure.”

She grinned. “I like that.”

Zach swatted one rounded buttock. “Get dressed, woman.”

Still grinning, Jade clutched her cheek and skittered into the bedroom.


Jade had donned bra and panties when Zach came out of the bathroom. She watched him round the bed and pick up his tuxedo trousers from the floor.

“You’re wearing a wrinkled tuxedo to brunch?”

“Hardly.” Not bothering with his briefs, he slipped on the trousers. “I have a duffel bag in my trunk with a couple of changes of clothes in it.”

“I guess that comes in handy the morning following a date.”

Zach walked back to her. He placed one finger beneath her chin and tilted up her face for his kiss. “I told you I’ve never spent the night with a date. But sometimes I spend the night at my brother’s place. He’s slimmer than I am, so I keep clothes in my car.”

“Oh.” The heat of embarrassment filled her cheeks. She’d sounded almost…jealous. How silly. After today, she’d probably never see Zach again.

Amusement crinkled the corners of his eyes. He dropped one more soft kiss on her lips. “Be right back.”

A hollow feeling formed in Jade’s stomach that had nothing to do with the lack of food. She didn’t like the idea of never seeing Zach again. She’d known him less than twenty-four hours, yet it seemed longer. She enjoyed talking to him. She liked his teasing, his crooked grin. The sex was mind-boggling, but it was more than sex with Zach. She hadn’t “clicked” with a man since Carl. She’d dated several men, yet never had the desire to go out with them again, much less have sex with them. The interest simply hadn’t been there.

He’d started out as a rent-a-stud, but that’s not how she thought of him now.

Jade sank down on the bed. She couldn’t do this. She couldn’t develop feelings for a man ten years her junior. They couldn’t possibly have a future together. Falling in love with Zach would only lead to heartache.

He came back in the bedroom carrying a dark blue bag. He stopped next to the bed. “You okay?”

The concern in his eyes made her scramble for something to say. “Just trying to decide what to wear.”

“Ah, a girl thing.” Zach dropped the duffel on the bed. “I vote for something that shows off your tits.”

Jade laughed while he grinned. “You really are a sex fiend.”

“Guilty as charged.” Resting one knee next to her, he cradled her neck and kissed her. “You have a beautiful body, Jade. Be proud to show it off.”

She didn’t get the chance to respond to his compliment for the phone rang. After one more kiss from Zach, she picked up the receiver. “Hello?”

“It’s almost noon,” Breanna said with a hint of impatience in her voice. “Why haven’t you called me?”

“It’s Bre,” she said softly to Zach.

“I’ll get dressed in the bathroom to give you some privacy.”


“I’m here.”

“Were you talking to someone?”

“Yes, I was talking to Zach.”

“Ohmigod, he’s still
? He spent the
with you?”

“He did.”

“Wait, let me get comfortable. Okay, I’m ready. I want
the details.”

“We’re getting ready to go to brunch. I can’t talk now.”

“At least tell me he’s hung and you had four or five orgasms.”

“I can’t believe the language that comes out of your mouth.”

“You’re changing the subject.”

“I am. I have to finish getting dressed. We’ll talk later.”

“You can’t leave me hanging, Mom! Zach told me he
spends the night with a date.”

Breanna’s comment left Jade speechless for a moment. “And just when did he tell you that?”

Silence. Jade could picture her daughter biting her lower lip, the way she did when she was stalling.


“‘Oops’ is right. What did you do, Bre?”

“Uh, I gotta go, Mom. Have a nice brunch.”



Jade replaced the receiver and hurried into the bathroom. She found Zach sitting on the toilet lid, pulling on a pair of white socks. He looked up and smiled.

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