Rent-A-Stud (17 page)

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Authors: Lynn LaFleur

BOOK: Rent-A-Stud
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Jade groaned. “You aren’t making this easy.”

He grinned devilishly. “Good.” With one tug, she was back in his arms. “I’ve made a very good living with Coopers’ Companions and most of what I’ve earned is in the bank. I wouldn’t have any problem supporting us.”

“You’re moving
too fast.”

“I move fast when something is important to me.” He ran his hands up and down her spine. “Spend time with me. Let me show you how good we can be together.”

“You’ve already shown me how good we can be together.”

“I’m not talking sexually, although I’ll admit I intend for the sex to continue at every opportunity.”

“Thank goodness.”

Zach chuckled, but quickly became serious again. “The first time I saw you, walking down your hallway toward me, I forgot to breathe. That’s never happened to me. There isn’t a doubt in my mind or heart how I feel about you.” He kissed her gently. “A chance, Jade. Give us a chance.”

She could do that. She could spend more time with him, see if it might really be possible to have a future together.

She wanted it to be possible.

“We could give it a try and see what happens.”

Zach smiled. “That’s all I ask.”

Chapter Fifteen


Zach stepped through the entrance to Coopers’ Companions whistling “I Can’t Get No Satisfaction”. The song had worked well for him one week ago. He saw no reason to change now.

He’d found out seven days ago today that he would be Jade’s escort to her hospital’s gala. His life had completely changed since then. He’d been happy being an escort, but no more. He didn’t want any other woman but Jade.

God, he loved her. Waking up with her in his arms this morning had felt so right. He could hardly wait until they made it permanent. He didn’t want to spend one night without her.

“Where the
have you been?”

Brent’s roar made Zach turn. His brother stood in the doorway to the office, a ferocious scowl on his face. “Good morning to you, too, Brent.”

“Don’t give me that ‘good morning’ shit. I’ve been trying to call you for two days. I’ve left half a dozen voice mails on your cell. Why haven’t you called me back?”

Zach passed his brother and walked into the office. “I’ve been busy.”

“Too busy to check your messages?”

“I took the weekend off.” He flopped down in one of the two chairs before the desk. “Haven’t you ever taken a weekend off?”


“I guess I’m not as dedicated as you.”

Still scowling, Brent sat in his own chair and reached for a stack of papers on top of the desk. “I’ll let it slide this time.”

let it slide
? Who’s the oldest here, Brent?”

“Age has nothing to do with this, Zach. We’re running a business. You don’t ‘take the weekend off’ without checking in.” He fanned the papers in his hands. “I could’ve set you up both Sunday night and last night. I had to send Rod in your place.”

“We’ve never gotten any complaints about Rod.”

“Yeah, but it should’ve been
, Zach.”

“I can’t go on every date. I’ve slacked off lately since I’ve been working on my house. You know that.”

Brent frowned. “Yeah, I know that. But you are the escort most requested, the one who’s built our reputation.” He shook the papers toward Zach. “I’ve already taken twenty-five calls this morning from women who need an escort this weekend. We only have fifteen guys, counting you and me.” He slapped the papers back down on the desk. “I knew we should’ve hired more escorts months ago.”

“However many you think we need to hire, add one more. I’m quitting.”

The stunned look on Brent’s face would’ve made Zach laugh if this wasn’t such a serious matter. Brent’s mouth opened and closed, then opened and closed again as if he didn’t know what to say.

“You’re what?”

“You heard me. I said it quite clearly.”

Brent chuckled. His chuckle turned into boisterous laughter. Zach waited, his temper slowly rising, while his brother guffawed.

“That’s good, Zach.” Brent wiped his eyes. “I needed a good laugh.”

“I’m not joking. I am no longer an escort as of this minute.”

Brent’s laughter abruptly died. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about quitting. I’m talking about having a life of my own with one woman.”

“Wait a minute, wait a minute.” He held up his hand, palm out. “What one woman?”

“Jade Talmage.”

Brent’s eyes widened and his mouth slackened. “Jade Talmage? The old broad you took out Saturday night?”

Zach clenched his hands into fists on the arms of his chair. “Jade is not old, and she’s not a broad. I highly suggest you watch your mouth, little brother.”

“My God, Zach, she’s almost
! What did she do to you? She couldn’t have been that hot a fuck.”

“Yeah, she was that hot, but it isn’t just sex, Brent. She’s charming and lovely and fun to be with—”

“You sound like you’re spouting lines from some 1950s romance novel! Grow up, Zach.”

a fine one to tell
to grow up. You can’t see past a woman’s pussy. I see
about Jade, and I like what I see.”

“The next thing you’ll say is you
her,” Brent said with a snarl.

love her.”

“Christ!” Brent surged to his feet. Placing his palms flat on the desk, he leaned forward and glared at Zach. “This is insane! You can’t leave the business for one woman.”

“I’m not leaving the business. I’ll still work in any way you or Michelle need me to. But I won’t be an escort. I won’t cheat on Jade.”

the one the ladies ask for! They all want a piece of that big dick you carry between your legs. Apparently, so does Jade Talmage.”

That’s enough
!” Zach stood also and returned his brother’s glare. “Watch your mouth, Brent.”

“Or what? I see your clenched fists. You gonna hit me, big brother?”

“Don’t push me.”

“Hey,” Michelle said from the doorway. “I could hear y’all outside. What’s going on?”

“Your brother is a fucking fool.” Brent threw the comment over his shoulder as he brushed past Michelle and out the door.

Michelle watched him leave, wincing when the front door slammed. She looked at Zach. “You want to explain what happened here?”

Zach adored his sister. He figured Brent was a big boy and would get over his temper tantrum. Zach didn’t want to hurt Michelle in any way. “Sit down with me, Chelle. I want to talk to you.”

“Sounds serious.”

“Yeah, it is.”

Zach followed Michelle the short distance across the room to the loveseat. He waited until she sat, then sat beside her. Leaning forward, he clasped his hands together between his thighs as he tried to figure out how to tell her about Jade. “Brent and I had a difference of opinion on something.”

“You and Brent had a fight. That’s a lot more than a difference of opinion.”

“Yeah, well, you know how Brent is. He flies off the handle over everything.” Zach shifted on the loveseat and cleared his throat. “Chelle, I’m no longer an escort as of this morning.”

The confused look on his sister’s face didn’t surprise Zach. While Michelle didn’t know any intimate details about his dates, he and Brent both teased her about sex. They liked to watch her blush. “You’ve quit? Why?” A look of fear filled her eyes. She grabbed his forearm. “You aren’t sick, are you?”

“No, no, nothing like that.” He laid his hand over hers and squeezed. “I promise I’m fine.”

“Then I don’t understand.”

“I’ve met someone, Chelle. I was her escort Saturday night and I… Well, I fell for her hard and fast. I don’t want to be with any other women. I only want Jade.”

Michelle blew out a breath. “Wow. This is really sudden, Zach. Are you sure?”

“Very sure. I love her, Chelle.”

She clasped her hands together in her lap. Zach recognized that signal. She was about to turn on her “mother-mode”.

“I heard some of what you and Brent said. I have no idea about your…physical endowments, and I certainly do
want to know. That would be
too much information. But I do know we’ve built this business mostly because of you. Brent is business-minded and an organizer. You’re a natural charmer. The women love you, and they ask for you again and again. Can you really give that up?”

“I’m a third of this company, Michelle. I’ll still work here, in whatever capacity you, Brent, and I decide. Maybe you can even teach me that spreadsheet program you use.”

She wrinkled her nose. “You’re completely hopeless on a computer, you know that.”

Zach spread his arms. “So I’ll interview prospective escorts, or mow the lawn, or cook. I’ll do

“I just hope mowing the lawn will be enough for you.”

“I’ll get all the sex I need from Jade.”

She blushed, which was exactly what he wanted. “You’re getting into that too much information territory, Zach.”

“Sorry.” He kissed her cheek. “I love to tease you.”

“Yeah, I know. You don’t have to love it
so much.” She pushed a lock of her brown hair behind one ear. “Why is it you and Brent can make me blush so easily? I don’t have this problem on dates.”

“Because we’re your brothers and know which buttons to push. And don’t mention your dates. That would be TMI territory for me. Thinking about my baby sister having sex makes me cringe.”

Michelle grinned wickedly. “Want details about David? He’s really—”

“No, I don’t want any details about your current beau, or any others.”

“Hey, working with a bunch of hunky guys whom I can’t touch isn’t easy on a gal.”

He’d never thought of it that way. Coopers’ Companions had no rule written in stone, but Michelle had insisted a long time ago that she wouldn’t ever get involved with one of the escorts. She was a young, healthy, attractive woman. Being around all the testosterone in this place had to be frustrating at times.

Michelle squeezed his hand. “If you love her,
love her, then go for it. Brent will get over his snit in time.”

“I really love her, Chelle.”

“That’s good enough for me.” She stood and tugged Zach to his feet. “Get out of here. Go plan a special dinner for the two of you. You’re an incredible cook. Wine and dine her, then spend the rest of the night in her arms.”

“I’m not seeing her tonight. She has to work late.”

“Then plan it for tomorrow. Surprise her with your beef stroganoff. If she doesn’t already love you, that’ll clinch it.”

Zach had never invited a woman to his condo. He wanted to invite Jade there. He’d cook dinner for them, then they’d soak in his hot tub. After that, he’d give her a full-body massage before they made love.

He liked that idea. He liked it a lot.

Smiling, Zach kissed his sister’s cheek. “Thanks, Chelle. Beef stroganoff it is.”

* * * * *

Movement in the doorway drew Jade’s attention away from the financial updates scattered across her desk. Doug Lassiter entered her office, closing the door behind him.

The head of surgery did not come to her office. Jade immediately became wary. “Hello, Doug.”

“Good afternoon, Jade.”

Ignoring the two upholstered chairs that sat in front of her desk, he rounded her desk and propped one hip on the corner. The position drew his pants tight across his groin.

She really didn’t like him being here. Unsure what to do, she remained silent, waiting for him to speak again.

“I wanted to congratulate you on the gala. You did an outstanding job.”

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