Requisite Vices (16 page)

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Authors: Miranda Veil

BOOK: Requisite Vices
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“Okay well, you asked for a list, and so I typed one out with the intent of sending it as a message…”

“That’s fine. Just read item by item. No need to spruce it up for me.”

I clear my throat and bite my lip as my heart threatens to shatter my ribcage.

“Two thin twelve foot ropes, one pair of metal handcuffs, one pair of rope handcuffs, one vibrator and one pair of…uhm…beads.”

“Beads hm? What kind of beads?”

It’s embarrassing, and he’s pushing for me to admit what they are. I’m sure he knows full well what kind of beads they are.

“A… uh. Well, they’re anal beads…” I can feel the blood burst into my cheeks, threatening to set my face on fire from sheer embarrassment.

“Ah. Very good. What about the rest of your homework?”

I nod, and bring up the folder in my phone I’ve made solely to hide those pictures, then hand it over reluctantly. There are far more things in that phone than those pictures. Texts, calls, my entire illicit contact list…

He swipes through the photos with an uninterested look on his face, which only heightens my anxiety, then hands the phone back to me.

“Ropes and handcuffs? You’re not such a novice after all, are you Miss Roman.” He says casually.

“Very much a novice, I’m afraid. Just because I have those things doesn’t mean I’ve actually had someone use them on me. It’s been mostly for my own experimentation. My own interest in it…”

“Experimentation? On yourself?”

“Well yes, the best I can at least.” I muster a small laugh. “It’s made for a few panicked moments when I’ve gotten myself tangled and was too embarrassed to call for help.”

He laughs, and squeezes my thigh, causing me to squirm under his hands. He takes notice, and that steeled gaze turns to a budding flame.

“Please stand for me, Miss Roman.”

I oblige, convinced my beating heart can be seen pulsating through my skin and clothes. My fingertips press against my palm; nails bite into soft flesh in an attempt to calm my own nerves, and perhaps, to convince myself that I’m actually here with him again. It feels as if years have passed since I’ve felt his touch.

“It’s quite hot, now that the sun is out, don’t you agree?”

I nod. The sun is streaming through the windows, turning the living area, with its large windows, into a giant green house. He stands from his seat and draws close to me. I can feel the heat of his skin against mine as he looks down at me, our foreheads an inch apart. He’s so close and I want nothing more than to strip him down and run my hands over his heated skin. I want to feel that desire, that passion, seeping from him. I want to drink in his scent and feel his fingers drawing me to a much needed release, and yet, I daren’t move a muscle. The ache grows as we stand in silence; the tension in every fiber of my body intensifying by the second. The minutes drag by and he says nothing, his eyes staring deep into mine until he unravels me. I tilt my head, my lips aching for a taste of his.

It’s been so long…so long…hasn’t it? How long has it been?

I feel like the night before never happened. It didn’t, did it? Adrian doesn’t exist, but Alex... I can’t push him out. I don’t want to push him out. I want him to envelope me and never let me go.

He smirks, pulling just out of reach of my lips. That’s it. That’s the look. That look in his eyes when he knows he has me.

“If you would be so kind, please remove your clothes, fold them, and place them on the table.”

I smile, slyly, and begin to slowly pull my clothes off before him. I make no mention of the still open door that I neglected to close upon entering, or the unshaded windows. My eyes are on him, and I will damn well make sure that his are on me. The last few days didn’t happen, and now I’m here with him again. I’m his again.

I lift my arms, pulling the hem of my shirt up with them. Then the pants, slowly, achingly tugging them from my wiggling hips. If he’s going to be demanding, then I will take some of this for my own pleasure. I want him to ache for me; for him to want me the way I want him.

Obediently folding my top and pants, I place them on the table as requested, then bend over in front of him to remove my socks and shoes, being sure to offer him a full view of my body from behind. I can hear the floor creak as he shifts his weight. Smiling, I run my hands up my smooth legs then stand and face him, reaching behind to unsnap my bra and toss it on the neatly folded pile of clothes. I move to the couch and sit, spreading my thighs for him. I’ve wanted him every waking moment since the day we met, and it’s about time I’ve shown him just how much. Grinning at him, his eyes fixate on my body as I slip my hand from my breasts between my legs, lightly teasing myself through my panties. My eyes flutter, and my mouth gapes as I sigh and moan.

“Miss Roman, I don’t believe I asked you to sit.”

“Alex…” I moan as I slip a single finger under my panties and lightly tease my dampening slit.

“Stand up. Now.”

I smirk, my defiance finally peeking through and putting its foot down. I’ve been lost in lust for this man, and I’ve finally got him here in front of me. I will let him know what it feels like to ache.

The power in his voice is hard to hold against, but I hold my ground, and pull my panties to the side, offering a glance at what the thought of him does to me. I gaze into his eyes and watch as those budding flames transition to a growing hunger.

Carnal and blood thirsty, he takes a deep, shuddering breath and sits in the arm chair across from me. Leaning forward, he places his elbows on his knees.

“Cassandra, we need to talk about the rules.”

“I thought we had this discussion? Or did we not finish it. That night was a bit of a blur for me, honestly.”

“We started. You gave one rule for the night, but threw yourself at me shortly after, and I dare say, we didn’t quite get around to finishing our discussion.” His head drops, his hand slipping along the back of his neck, and rubbing thoughtfully as he stares at the floor between his feet. “Cassandra, I don’t normally do things like that. There’s always structure. There are rules. Everything is hashed out beforehand so we know what to expect from one another. …Do you know what this is?”

I sigh, the burning need in my body being smothered by his abrupt change of subject.

“Do I know what this is? To be quite honest, I don’t. I don’t know who you are, or what you want with me. What
this, Alex? Do you just like it a little rough now and then? Does spanking get you off? I’m all for spanking.” I smirk, leaning forward and resting my elbows on my thighs. I peek at him as he raises his head, staring at me with an amused look in his eyes. “How deep does the rabbit hole go, Alex…”

“I need to know hard limits, soft limits, and your desires. I need to know what
want, Cassandra. I need to know what excites you; what makes your blood burn with desire. And most importantly, I need to earn your trust.”

I cock an eyebrow and rifle through my thoughts. Do I have any hard limits? I’m familiar with limits, but I’ve never sat down and had a talk with someone about desires and what I would and wouldn’t do. Usually the conversations are about them. Their wants and desires…I don’t often bring my own needs into play with my lovers. In the end, I wind up getting what I need, anyhow. What else matters?

“My trust?”


“I barely know you.”

“Well, we’ll have to fix that at some point, then, won’t we?” He leans back in his chair, his fingers lightly dancing along the arm rest. “I need to know what I can, and cannot do with you.”

“I’m uh. Honestly, I’ve never had this kind of conversation with someone before. I don’t know if I have any hard limits, though I guess if I had to name anything…the thought of human excrement’s and blood isn’t exactly my thing. In addition to being incredibly unsanitary, it’s a bit dangerous, isn’t it? Speaking of which, we should probably…I’m assuming condoms will be a consistent thing?”

“Of course, unless you have another option. In the off chance that you do…” he leans back, grabbing a few papers from the coffee table and handing them over to me. I glance over them, thumbing through the three pages.

“These are…”

“Lab reports. Yes. To remove any doubt, of course. I’m not running around with any hidden diseases, and I have not engaged in any other sexual activities since you and I met. I’d assume something similar from you, as well, if you prefer to forego the usual latex jacket.” He steeples his fingers under his chin and eyes me, a smile in his eyes.

“So this is something monogamous then?”

“I told you before that I tend to get a bit wrapped up in work, and can’t really dedicate myself to a more long term or traditional relationship, but it doesn’t mean we can’t have a bit of fun, if you’re willing.”

I’m trying desperately to grasp his words, but they’re sliding through me like water. Seeing him so close, being able to smell his scent and feel the heat from his body. His words no longer hold the same meaning. They’re lustful promises whispered to a parched body, washing over me and coaxing me closer with the songs of promised pleasures. The more he talks, the more I want him and the less control I have over the movements of my own body. I’m sitting before him, near nude, trying to keep the conversation going and failing poorly. I want more from him. More than he can offer me, but I would kick myself for walking away from him. I’ve never been so…enchanted.


I stare blankly at him. I hear him, but my mind isn’t able fully comprehend what he is saying. My blood is pounding in my ears, an electric current washing over me from head to toe and back again, poising me on the edge of pleasure.

“I want you.” I stutter.

“Please try and keep yourself focused.”

“Alex, I don’t care what you do to me; within reason of course. I’m willing to try anything once, and I haven’t exactly had many experiences with a ton of different fetishes. The ones I have had experience with have been a bit less extreme, and on the more mundane side. Some blindfolds, some scratching. Nothing extreme, and so, I think it’ll be fun to find out something new. If there’s anything I don’t like, I’ll let you know and we’ll go from there. Is that acceptable?”

He stares at me with a mixture of confusion and disbelief. I guess he wasn’t expecting that kind of response.

“I suppose. It will need some revision as we go along…”

“I want to see how far I’ll go. I want to see how much I can take, and experience all the things I’ve only ever fantasized about in my most fevered dreams. I want us to push each other’s limits, and maybe, finally, find some contentment at the end of the night. That’s what I want right now…out of…whatever this is.”

“Pushing limits? Do you know what you’re asking, Miss Roman?”

“Oh, I hope so.” I smirk.

He stands, pulling me up into his arms in one swift motion, and presses his lips against mine. My body crashes against his like a wave on the cliffs as I liquefy, dripping through his gripping fingers. I inhale deeply, drinking in the scent of his body as his arms wrap around me tighter. His touch, fueled by animalistic desire, surges through my skin. I moan against his lips, relishing in the feel of our bodies pressed perfectly against one another. My fingers slide up the side of his face, teasing over the rough, unshaven beard, and tangle themselves in his hair. I love the feel of his curls in my hands, and can’t help but caress each lovely twirl. His fingers grip my back, slipping down to my panties. He shows no remorse as he pulls them, their thin fabric straining against his fingers till they finally gave way and tear. The feel of cloth ripping leaves me stunned and aching as my body erupts in a deadly mix of pent up desires for him alone; fabricated by my addicted, delusional mind during lonely nights. The cage lifts in that moment, and my slavering beast consumes my body.

My skin prickles, each muscle tense as if assaulted by a raging typhoon as he wraps his arms around me and lifts, my legs wrapping around his waist. His hands grip under my thighs, holding me firmly in his grip, then kneels, leaning me back to rest on the couch. His hand slips along the floor under the couch, and he pulls out a thin, coiled rope.

“Do you trust me? Right here and now…do you trust me not to hurt you?”

I nod, breathless as my heart pounds out a rhythm that sings of heat and passion against my ribs.

“Stay still.” He orders, though it seems near impossible.

My body is pulsating with each beat of my racing heart. It’s no longer my own, and the overpowering strength of this raging monster is almost too much for me to handle.

A few deep breaths, and I manage to still my trembling body, if only for a few seconds. He straddles my thighs, pressing his forehead against mine. The heat of his breath washes over my skin as I struggle to keep myself from tilting my hips up against his body. Grabbing my wrists, he joins them above my head, then weaves the rope around and between them, securing them together from wrist to elbow in a delicate series of complicated knots with deft, expert fingers. His heated breath drips onto my skin, his lips following, gently kissing down my temples and over my cheeks as he secures the rope to the frame of the couch. My arms are bound tightly above my head, and I can’t resist testing the knots. I tug hesitantly, and find I can barely move them. Damn. He’s good.

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