Requisite Vices (17 page)

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Authors: Miranda Veil

BOOK: Requisite Vices
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He slides down my body, his tongue twisting over my body in an agonizing dance. I writhe beneath him, his tongue sparking a dozen stars to erupt along the surface of my skin. My eyes flutter, the worry and anxiety over feeling so exposed has become buried beneath a heady mix of lustful desires. He slips his tongue between my breasts and down my stomach, and as he approaches my hips, he smiles and pulls away. Placing his hands on the arms of the chair, he draws himself up and settles across from me.

My chest rises and falls too quick to count; my heart throbbing along with the rest of my body. I’m panting, struggling to control myself. Pulling away from me was agonizing, as if he’d severed a limb with a rusted machete. The pain was immediate, tearing through my body and leaving me to fall deeper, that hungry beast tearing pieces of my flesh and devouring me from the inside out. I tug against my binds, whimpering and begging.

“Please touch me.”

His eyes flicker with a combination of hunger and amusement as he watches me thrash about on his couch like a fish on a hook.

“We will finish our discussion.”

I whimper, tugging against the harsh ropes until they bite into my skin, threatening to rip the skin from my wrists, but something about the pain is almost soothing. It gives me something to concentrate on, and I draw in a shuddering breath and nod.

“How are you supposed to respond? Come now. We’ve gone over this once, and I hate repeating myself.”

“Yes, Sir.”

He smiles, leaning forward and running his finger lightly along the inside of my knee.

“You look delicious like that, and once we’re done talking, we can get back to it.”

How can he exhibit such control over himself? The heat coursing through me is enough to bring me to the brink of orgasm, alone.

“Since you seem unable to focus long enough to tell me what you want and don’t; or rather, too inexperienced in this type of relationship to do so, I will tell you what I expect of you.”

I guess my earlier spout wasn’t good enough for him. His gaze holds mine once firmly and I’m hypnotized by them.

“I expect you to make yourself available whenever I call upon you. I’m not an unreasonable man, and so, if you have prior engagements, we can work around them. Though we haven’t spent too much time together, after our first meeting, I realized that you have quite an insatiable hunger. With that said, I do expect you to exhibit control over yourself. This is, more or less, a monogamous relationship, with few exceptions that may be discussed at a later date. I need to trust you, and you’ll need to trust me in turn.”


“Therefore, I fully expect you not to engage in any unapproved sexual relations with other men, or women for that matter. Understood?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Mm, you can be such a good little girl. You’re doing so well controlling yourself. I haven’t seen you thrash against those bonds for several moments, now.”

He moves his finger from my knee and trails the tip further and further up, tracing circles along my inner thighs. I bite down on my bottom lip. I want to please him. I want to show him that I can control myself.

“Very good.” He comments “When we stay the night together, I expect to wake up the next morning with a show of what a hungry little slut you are.”

  Slut? Is that what he thinks of me?

Somehow the sound of it doesn’t sound degrading to my ears. It’s almost like a compliment. I can see the desire grow in his eyes as his finger slips between my thighs, teasing along already damp lips.

“And my little slut is exactly what you’ll be, isn’t it?”

I’m doing everything I can to hold myself from moving, but hearing his words causes me to whimper.

What has he done to me?

“Y…yes, Sir. I will be your little slut.”

Oh god, it feels good to say that. Why does it feel so damn good?

“Very good. Do you have any comments? Any additions? Suggestions?”

I shake my head, not daring to speak, as I’m sure the words that may fall from my lips at this point, would be a jumbled mass of incoherent sounds.

“Cassandra…” and I can see the disappointment on his lips. I guess I have a lot to learn about what he wants.

“No, Sir, I have nothing to add at this time.” I blurt out; my body on the edge of falling to miniscule pieces.

He moves next to me on the couch, his finger sliding smoothly inside of me and tracing slow circles inside of me. His lips are at my neck, breathing in my scent and littering my skin with lingering kisses. I shudder against him.

“You’re quite wet, aren’t you?” he purrs. His voice causes my eyes to flutter. Oh how I love hearing him speak.

And this time, a nod is sufficient for him as he plunges his finger deeper into me. His tongue lightly, lazily licks along my earlobe as my phone begins to vibrate from the table. He glances over, and stands, leaving my body to steam. Walking over to it, he glances at the screen, then brings it back to me. Smiling, he swipes the screen to answer it, and places it to my ear.

“You have a call, Miss Roman.” he grins.

My eyes open wide, my mouth falling open as I stare at him in disbelief. He’s teased me for what feels like several lifetimes in the span of the time it takes someone to eat a quick breakfast and down some coffee, and now he expects me to speak to whoever is waiting on the other line?

“Speak.” he mouths.


“Cass, where are you? It’s nearly 8 and you still aren’t home yet. Are you on your way?”

Fucking Riley. Of course it is. Who else would it be?

“Oh, uh, no. Something came up. I’ll be home later, okay?”

There’s silence on the other end. It’s impossible to hide anything from her, but what would I tell her? ‘Sorry, Riley. I can’t come home right now. I’m too busy hopefully getting screwed so hard I won’t be able to sit down for a week without feeling pain.’? Yeah. I’m sure she’ll take that well.

“Cass, what is wrong with you. What’s going on? Are you like, addicted to drugs? Are you off at a bar this early? I don’t even know where you run off to anymore.”

She’s hysterical, and Alex is taking this time to move his lips to my sensitive breast. His tongue wraps around my nipple, letting his tongue dance along my skin as he suckles and nibbles on the hardening nub. I’m trembling from pure exaltation, and it’s a struggle to keep my breathing normal. His hand is still holding the phone to my ear and he’s gazing up at me with a wicked grin curling the corners of his mouth.

“Riley, this really isn’t the time…”

“It’s never the time! You never have the time, anymore! What’s happened to you?! To us?! And who is that fucking guy that seems to have twisted you into a knot?! I’ll kick his fucking ass!”

I’m blushing as he stares at me. I’m sure he can hear her from the phone, she’s certainly loud enough. He tilts my head so I’m holding the phone between my ear and shoulder then smirks as he kisses down my stomach, and I squirm in shame. I hate my stomach, and it makes no sense for me to suddenly become self-conscious, but something about him touching it and kissing it makes me uneasy. His eyes flash against mine, holding me firmly.

“Shhh…stop hiding from me…” he coos.

His fingers pry my thighs apart, grip behind my knees then they lift them till my feet rest on the edge of the couch. I feel like a puppet; his hands molding me into the perfect position for his plans. He then grips my hips firmly, and tilts them forward.

Please don’t…not now.

“Riley, I really need to go.”

There’s no way I can hold it together with her on the phone for long. Not with him…

“No. You’re going to explain everything to me. Right now. I deserve to know what the hell is going on and where the hell you are! I
about you, idiot! You’ve never hidden things from me, before! ”

His tongue traces the outer edge of my pussy, moving ever closer to the center as he holds my thighs apart. I’m struggling to clamp them together, to hint somehow…to beg him not to…but he’s surprisingly strong for his lean stature. He’s holding my thighs spread without much effort and gazing up at me as if waiting for me to continue the conversation.

“I’ll tell you when I’m on my way home.” I snap.

“That’s not good enough!”

She’s screaming, on the verge of bursting into hysterical tears, and I’m caught somewhere between ecstasy and grief.

“I know it’s not. Just please don’t worry about me. Please just…”

My sentence is cut off with a sharp gasp as he buries his mouth between my thighs, his tongue lightly flicking over my clit before plunging deep into me. It slithers around, drawing circles and coaxing waves of pleasure from my body. My thoughts grow hazy, my hips tilting higher to meet his mouth. I bite back a groan of pleasure, my eyes fluttering as the room grows hazy and clouded.

“Riley, trust me, please.” I manage to stutter. “I’ll call you when I’m on my way.”

He pulls the phone down from my shoulder, never missing a beat with his lips and tongue, and hits the ‘End Call’ button before Riley can reply. He tosses the phone to the side where it begins vibrating wildly against the wood floor, but I’m too far gone to care.

Moving up, he kisses me passionately, slipping his soaked tongue between my lips. In my ravenous hunger, I return his kiss deeply, sucking his tongue and lapping the taste of my body from his lips. Reaching up, he unfastens my hands from the couch, then leads me down the hall and up the winding stairs to the bedroom, by the rope. He places me on the bed face down, slipping pillows under my hips to prop me up then ties the rope to the head of the bed and moves behind me. Leaning down, he kisses along my spine from my lower back to my neck, causing my back to arch in response and my lips to gasp. Words seem to fail me, as I’m washed away by his presence.

He crawls onto the bed behind me and places a hand on my lower back, letting his thumb dip down and gently rub against my ass, as he positions the tip of his cock against my dripping lips.

“Mm yes, you will be perfect…” he moans as he slides into me in one, smooth thrust.

Slowly, he rocks his agile body back and forth, sliding every inch of his impressive cock into me, burying it deep then drawing it out for a second and repeating. The ravenous beast within me roars in triumph, finally being given what it’s wanted and craved. It spreads its arms, stares into the sky and roars in exaltation, sending my skin prickling and my hair to stand on end as its voice pulses through my body.

He picks up speed, the tip of his thumb tentatively slipping into my tight hole as slams inside of me. Faster, faster, and I feel every inch of my body throbbing in pleasure. More…more. I need more.

The nails of his free hand dig into my hip as he guides me back onto him. His panting, grunts and moans dance in the air, mingling and mixing with my own. Louder and louder; my moans drift effortlessly though my lips and my vision grows fuzzy and dim, my eyes choosing, instead, to roll back and enjoy as he takes every inch of me, and makes me his. As our bodies slip into a common rhythm; his thrusts become more intense and my body presses back against him to drive him deep. The movements become a blur, an unconscious need that doesn’t require my brain to give the go-ahead. It’s an instinctual coupling, and I can think of nothing. Nothing except the feeling of his body against mine.

“Please…please don’t stop” I beg through gritted teeth.

My muscles tense, my wrists tug against my bonds, fingernails biting into my palm. My heart forces blood through my veins in time with his thrusts. Just as I teeter on the edge of the precipice, his hand slips down my back and knots itself in my hair, tugging back.

“Come for me.
for me!”

My voice rings out for the entire Quarter to hear, and I can’t stop it. The screams flow unchecked, mixed with the mutilated fractions of words somehow stringing themselves together into incomprehensible begging. A desperate plea for him.

Finding renewed strength, he thrusts harder, threatening to rip my body into pieces. My orgasm crashes against my body with the strength of fifteen Mack trucks, and leaves me blind. My vision shifts from pure blackness to blinding red speckled with dancing lights. Every sound…every material thing in the room slips and melts, falling away from us and leaving our bodies exposed. The world around us falls away as we find ourselves caught in this beautiful, sweat-splattered dance, and I love every second of it. I breathe it in and taste it on my lips. I feel it in every cell…in every spark that gives me life, and know I’m hopelessly addicted to a drug like no other.

My heart slows its racing rhythm; my muscles too exhausted to tremble.  The weight of his body collapses upon my back, where he stays for a few seconds, and his thumbs use this time to run lightly over my shoulder blades. He rolls to the side, still struggling to catch his breath, and releases the ropes from the headboard. His fingers delicately loosen the binds around my wrists, the indentation of which can still be seen against my skin, and the rope falls lifelessly to the floor. As he turns me on my side, he holds me close, pulling my head to his chest. Neither of us can speak as we lay there; sweat glistening from our skin from the morning’s workout. His heart is pounding, beating out an intense rhythm in my ears as he reaches over and strokes my hair gently, and after several moments, it seems he’s found his voice.

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