Requisite Vices (3 page)

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Authors: Miranda Veil

BOOK: Requisite Vices
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Standing from the table, I bite down hard on the inside of my cheek to clear my thoughts from the effects of the wine, and Ann’s lust-filled eyes.

“I don’t think you’re in any condition to drive, Cass…”

“My hotel is just a few blocks down the road, and I’ve had one drink. I’m sure I can handle myself, Ann, but thank you for your concern. I really shouldn’t neglect my work…”

Displeasure flashes across her face, then sadness. I know she’s lonely, but I can’t be the one to help her. I can’t mix myself up with her for the sake of quick satisfaction. I swore to myself…I can’t give in to such temptations, especially not with someone I know. 

She looks up and stares into my eyes as she moves closer, desire mixed with the scent of wine streaming from her lips.

“I have a spare room…”

“Ann, I’d love to but…”

“…then you could finish reading over it in the morning.”

“I really should go. I need to. I’m sorry. I wouldn’t want to impose, and really…my work. It can’t wait until morning. I don’t have my laptop here or anything, and all my work is in my room. I promise, if I don’t make it back here tomorrow, you can email me the rest and I’ll try and take care of it.”

“Oh, alright…” she sighs, crestfallen.

She manages to crack a small smile, and I’m glad for it. I’d hate for her lapse of inhibitions to cause a tension in our relationship. As much as my body may want to, mixing ourselves up in something like that would be devastating. I’d have to cut her off afterwards in order to maintain my sanity, and I cherish the relationship we have too much to risk that on a whim.

I walk back toward the office to grab my keys from the desk, and let her show me to the door.

“Thanks again for dinner. It was wonderful.”

“Yeah, sorry you couldn’t stay for dessert.” She mumbles beneath her breath, then catches my eye with a horrified look on her face.

“I mean, pie! I made pie…” she coughs, shifting her weight uncomfortably. “Perhaps another time.”

We bid farewell then the doors close, and I’m left alone on the quiet street. The daylight has all but faded, the sun relinquishing its’ throne to overcast clouds that jealously shield the moon from view.

I relish in the night air as it washes through me, and aids in suppressing the throbbing desire in my body, even if it’s only a temporary relief. It feels good to be out in the night with the whisper of the wind playing over my skin. Being inside with Ann was beginning to make me feel a bit claustrophobic, and the heat from my body was becoming unbearable.

Slipping behind the wheel, I make my way to my hotel with the memory of her lips haunting my thoughts.





Chapter 4


Entering the front door
of the hotel, the light from the lobby envelopes me in its golden glow. Every surface serves only to accentuate the light spilling from the oversized pendant lamps, which dangle precariously from thin steel strands that cascade down from the ceiling.

I feel out of place immediately, standing there with no make-up and my hair tangled from the harsh winds that I braved just moments before.

With a deep breath, I slip through the lobby amidst the disapproving side glances of the more elegantly dressed, and catch the elevator to head to my room on the fifth floor. Pulling my phone from my pocket, I begin thumbing through the contact list as another guest slips through the doors just before they close. I don’t bother to look up, choosing instead, to concentrate on finding an evening lover to help with my flustered state.

“That was a close one!”

His voice is right in front of me, filling my ears like the deep rumbling of a dragon. The gentle, abysmal tones resonate to my core, and does nothing to quiet the desire clawing at my insides.

“What was?”

I try on a tone of nonchalance in an attempt to hide any tremble in my voice. I can feel his eyes on me, taking me in as if he were the mythical creature itself, and I was his prey. Glancing down past my phone, I catch my reflection in his polished black shoes. I look so much worse than I original thought. How embarrassing!

“The door to the lift. It nearly ripped my foot off!”

I roll my eyes. What a drama queen.

“Ah. Well it’s a good thing it didn’t. How would you walk?” I mutter, my finger sliding over the screen. What do I feel like tonight? Hm…

“I imagine I’d resign to hopping around from place to place on one leg; almost like a bunny.” He sighs, dejectedly.

The ridiculous thought of this man with the deep, growling voice of something ancient and terrifying, growing fluffy ears and hopping around is too much for me to bear. Damn my overly active imagination.

Within seconds, the elevator fills with my poorly stifled giggles.

Glancing over my elevator companion, he’s dressed in a dark brown pinstripe suit, a powder blue collared shirt, and a dark, chocolate colored silk tie. He looks to be in his mid to late 30’s, but his face seems older, worn harsh by the years. Worry lines converge on the corners of his eyes that deepen with his laughter.

Glistening eyes hold a boyish, playful light that swims along the ebb and flow of the blues and greens held within their depths. His dark hair is slicked back, and matches the color of his shoes. Parted on the side, it flows with the hint of delicate waves and curls restrained by hair product.

“Ah, so the mobile isn’t glued to your hand after all. I had feared a trip to the emergency room would be in order for you.” He grins.

His beautiful, hypnotic eyes paired with his silken voice, are enough to leave me staggering for breath.  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, miss. I’m Ethan. And what may I call you?”

I shuffle through my thoughts; where have I heard that name before? It sounds so familiar, but I’m certain I’ve never seen him. I would’ve remembered a voice like that.

He holds out his hand expectantly, and I place my hand in his. Lifting my hand to his lips, he places a delicate kiss on the top, his eyes never leaving mine. His lips are soft and warm, and my skin prickles with goose bumps as a chill rushes through me from head to toe. As I reluctantly pull my hand back, I can still feel the remnants of his kiss.

“Are you always this suave with the ladies?” I ask amidst a chuckle.

“Only the pretty ones.” He smirks

Oh, so he must be blind. I’m standing here, vaguely resembling a troll, and he’s seen fit to refer to me as pretty.

“I’m Cass.”

The elevator stops and the doors slide open onto the fifth floor. I move past him with a polite smile, and step across the threshold onto the plush, royal blue carpet.

“It was a pleasure to cross your path, Miss Cass. Are you staying in the area long?”

“Just the weekend.”

“Well, I do hope our paths cross again.”

He flourishes his hand and bows low as I leave, with an air that makes it seem as if he was born a few centuries too late. Blushing with the memory of his lips on my hand, and a flutter in my heart, I walk to my room.







Chapter 5


The room is lavishly furnishe
and looks out on to the river. If I’m going to spend a weekend in this city, I’m glad it’s in a nice room. The carpet inside matches the hallway, and feels harsh beneath my bare feet. The bed is dressed in champagne colored satin sheets and cradles my body within a cloud as I sprawl out on its surface.

Gliding my fingers over the code to unlock my phone, I begin swiping through my list of potential guests. They’re meticulously categorized into their height, eye color, hair color, body type, location and a list of their fantasies. Matching up what I want for the night with a candidate who can complement that, is important, and will ensure enjoyment for both of us. Now it’s all just a matter of finding what it is I want.

Scrolling to the M’s, I select a contact simply labeled as M.L. In the contact info is the first and last initial, description, phone number, and a list of interests. I select the number and type out the text.

*Busy? *

*Not tonight.*

*Want to be? I could use some company while I’m in town.*

*Oh! You’re in town? Where? *

La Bohème,
floor, room 518. Think you can be here in an hour or so?*

*Sure thing! I’ll see you in a bit.*

I list the address of the hotel in my last message then shut down the phone; I won’t need it again tonight. Securing the phone, my purse, and other identifying items into a small safe, I hop into the shower, pull on a short black dress, and apply my make-up. Smokey eyes, fake lashes, blue contacts and blood red lipstick make their appearance. As I pull on my heels, I hear a knock at the door, and sneak a peek through the peephole.


Her voice slips through my door, soft and sweet, and as I open the door, my guest glides effortlessly into the room. She turns to face me with a seductive smile as I close and lock the door.

Her dark, tanned skin is wrapped in a loose fitting white dress with matching sandals on her freshly pedicured feet. Vibrant, almond shaped eyes with a color reminiscent of espresso accent her soft, rounded face. Her hair falls in straight, silken tendrils, framing her face and resting just below her shoulders. It mimics the color of her eyes; a deep, rich brown that draws me in.

“It’s so good to see you. It’s been a while. Here on business again?” she asks. Her voice teases the air; gentle and sultry, like the feel of velvet against my ears.

Moving closer, her fingers caress my arm from elbow to fingertip. Her eyes are hungry, and a smile curls against her lips. She wraps her arms around me and hugs me tightly; her face burrowed against my hair as she inhales deeply, taking in my scent. 

“Yes as usual. You do make these trips worth it though.”  I smirk, as I pull back from her embrace.

I came across my lovely companion for the night, only one time before, and with the same excuse; that I often come to Louisiana on business. We met each other at a local bar in the capitol city, and the lustful look in her eyes was too hard to pass up. She never questioned me about the nature of my trips, where I’m from, or what it is that I actually do. It’s what makes our arrangement work out so well.

I felt a certain chemistry between us immediately, from the moment I caught the lascivious look in her eye. We knew each other well enough, after the hours spent, speaking of our lives, or at least, the parts of our lives we wished to share.

I learned her ambitions, her desires, her wishes, fears and needs, and amidst the coy laughter and whispered flirtations, she became mine. We shared her bed that night, and I woke just before dawn. Scribbling a hasty note accompanied by a kiss to her forehead, I left her where she lay, fast asleep. No goodbyes. I’m honestly a bit surprised she was willing to keep me company tonight. Not that I’m complaining.

She giggles at my comment, her brown hair fluttering in a nonexistent breeze. Placing her hands on my cheeks, she lifts herself on her toes, and brings her eyes level with mine. They sparkle in the dim light of the room, dancing playfully as she cradles my face within her hands and brushes her luscious lips against mine. Smiling against her kiss, my hand slips through her hair, delicately running my fingers through the silken strands.

Breathing deep, I draw her in, and the light scents of jasmine which coat her skin and hair, soon fill my nose and mouth. Tracing my fingertips along her jawline, I relish in the softness of her supple skin. Her breath catches as my fingers slip to the front of her chest, leisurely unfastening each button.

Her luscious body is quivering beneath my touch, and she grins playfully as she pulls away from me inch by inch. Dropping her fingers down my arms, her light touch tickles my skin, and she pulls me toward her until the back of her knees hit the foot of the bed. Gripping the front of my shirt, she pulls my body flush against hers. Her petite breasts press against my chest; her hardening nipples pushing through her clothes, begging for my touch.

Her eyes flutter as I let my hand drop to a hardened nipple, deliberately rubbing it through the thin white fabric. Leaning in, my lips trace along her neck. The smell of her skin is absolutely enchanting, and I can’t help but let the tip of my tongue slide along her flesh to sneak a taste. Lightly blowing on the moistened skin, a visible chill rushes through her body, shuddering through her small frame. Her arms wrap around me, steadily sliding up and down my spine as I bending down, scooping her into my arms.

Carrying her from the bed, I move toward the love seat just under the window, but the muscles in my arms are screaming. Picking her up definitely seemed like a better idea in my head, than it is in practice, but dropping her would completely ruin the mood. Besides, she seems to be enjoying it. Thank God she’s so tiny.

She giggles as I rest her on the arm of the couch, and my lips trail down the middle of her chest. My fingers finish unfastening her dress, tugging it off her body. Gripping her shoulders, I turn her to back to me and marvel at the smooth, silken skin of her back. She tosses a glance over her shoulder, a devilish grin on her lips as I press my palm against her back, pushing her forward over the arm of the couch. I inhale sharply at the sight of her naked body; each gentle curve of her body outlined in the moonlight, which peeks innocently through the window. I press my lips against her shoulder, then down her spine in lingering kisses as my hands rub over her smooth backside.

Her grin haunts my eyes as she wiggles her hips from side to side. I know what she’s waiting for, and I lift my hand, bringing it down hard against her ass. Her head tilts back as she gasps in pleasure, her skin rippling from the impact of my hand. She squirms below me, her hands gripping the couch cushions as I draw my hand back and allow it to collide again against the opposite cheek. Her skin reddens and grows hot beneath my touch. .

“Such a sweet, dirty girl.” I moan as I press my lips against her lower back and against her quickly heating skin.

“Harder…” she groans, wiggling against the arm of the couch. “Harder, please.”

I find it hard to resist such a sultry voice, and so, I give in to her desires. I bring my hand down harder, again and again, in response to her whimpers and moans. The palm of my hand stings against her skin; her nails grip the cushion so tightly, that I fear she may rip them to pieces.

I slide my tongue lightly over her hips, then the curve of her behind as my fingers slip between her thighs. Pulling her legs apart, I kneel between them and can hear her voice trembling with longing, as she whimpers and moans for me. She begs and I smile, breathing deep and taking in her sweet scent. I tug her panties to the side then push my lips against hers. She writhes against the arm of the couch, her breathing heavy and labored as I slip my tongue from my lips and press it flat against her, drawing it sedately along her slit as my hands hold her thighs spread. Her back arches, and her hand slips down her back till it’s tangled in my hair, tugging lightly upon it from behind.

Shifting on my knees, my tongue darts between her lips, the top lightly teasing her clit before plunging deep into her. It traces lazy circles inside of her, becoming quickly drenched in her excitement as it deftly works its way around and inside of her. She collapses forward once more, panting and pressing herself back against my mouth as I grip her hips and push my mouth firmly against her. The taste of her floods over my lips and tongue, sparking flames and heated desire through my veins.

I pull away slowly, my tongue trailing over my own lips in an effort to relish every drop of her. She groans and pleads with me, begging me to continue, and I grin in response. Oh how I love when she begs. Lightly nibbling on her upper thigh, I snap a quick smack against her ass.

My fingers work down to her ankles as my lips follow their trail, licking and smothering her soft skin with well-placed kisses along her thighs. My lips glide to the other leg, running my tongue slowly along her heated flesh as I slip back up her body.

Pulling her from her position, I hold her in my arms and guide her to the edge of the bed. Her body shifts, writhing in excitement, anticipation, and sexual frustration as my hands trace along the back of her thighs, resting on the underside of her knees and massaging gently. I can feel her pulse through my fingertips, pounding against them as I press my nose between her legs and kiss the dampening cotton. She collapses back on the bed as she feels my tongue probing playfully against her panties, her thumbs hooking into the waist of her panties as she wiggles herself out of them and tosses them playfully at me. She giggles as I catch her panties and place them on the corner of the bed.

Gripping her hips just above her thighs, I pull her closer to the edge of the bed. Her knees drape over my shoulders as I run my fingers along her damp slit. My lips lightly kiss along her groin, but refuse to move any closer. Not yet, at least, though her scent is intoxicating. It’s enough to make it near impossible to keep myself away, but oh how I love to make her squirm.

“Please…please don’t make me wait too long” she whimpers; her body twisting on the sheets.

Her lust-filled voice makes me ache, and after teasing around her sweet spot with the tips of my fingers and tongue, I give in to her begging. One finger slips into her and her back arches, her head pressing back against the bed as her hips rise up to grind against me. I drive my finger deeper as I press my lips between her legs; my tongue dancing its way around her sensitive little clit while my finger curls and twists inside of her. I draw moan after moan from her as she squirms and trembles on the bed.

Her voice rings out, begging for more, and I find it impossible to hold out against her for long. Her moans draw the ache from hours of pent up unsatisfied desires to the surface. I slip in a second finger, sucking and licking her wet lips. Her moans quickly turn to screams of pleasure, as her head tilts back against the bed, and her body begins to tremble. Her muscles tense; each sound from her lips draws that ache from my body closer and closer to the surface, and I soon find myself wiggling as I kneel down between her thighs, a free hand dipping between my own thighs and forcing its way beneath my soaking panties.

She’s caught in a beautiful agony, begging for release her and I work with renewed vigor. She’s so close…so close. Her screams of pleasure ring through the room, gaining in volume and intensity until her body falls limp, twitching and trembling against the bed. Her breath comes in short gasps; her body drained of every ounce of energy.

I crawl onto the bed, my body tingling at every touch from the silken sheets as I wrap her in my arms. Unhurriedly, I place kisses along her jawline and stroke her arm until she gains control over her shuddering body. She smiles up at me, her hand reaching up and gently tucking my hair behind my ear.

“It’s your turn now…” she whispers breathlessly.

“Oh, sweetie; I question your strength to accomplish such a task.” I grin. “Don’t worry about me, why don’t we sleep?”

“Oh I insist…” she growls seductively.

She presses her palms against my shoulder and forces me onto my back, then straddles my waist as she begins working my dress off my body. I can still feel her thighs shaking as she presses them against my hips.


“Shhh…” she whispers, “just lean back and enjoy.”







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