Rescued (Flowers of the Bayou) (12 page)

BOOK: Rescued (Flowers of the Bayou)
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Hurrying over to the second box she made short work of it and reached in to reveal the hat that went with it. It too was very pretty, with its bobbing little hummingbird that clung onto the shear lace. It was made so that the lace came down to barely cover your eyes and the hummingbird looked as if it was hovering over a flower on the far left side of the hat.

There were gloves shoved in the bottom made of the same lacey material that hung from the hat and packed down at the very bottom was a parasol to match. Smiling to herself Amelia flicked the back of the hat. “Well Amelia today we’re going to play dress up.”

Cleaning could wait. Grabbing her white undergarments she quickly threw them on and then went over to the dress. Carefully she undid the tiny yellow buttons that lined the back and daintily stepped in.

Pulling it up and sliding her arms within the sleeves Amelia reached around the back and frowned it would have been easier if someone was there to help her button the back, still she could do it. She’d done it many times before.

Spinning in the mirror Amelia twisted to the side to make sure she had done them correctly and was more than happy to see that she did. Dragging the brush through her hair once, she decided not to brush out the soft ringlet curls she had at the ends, but instead reached for a clip and pulled the top portion into it so that it still hung down but half was up and neatly pinned the hat into place. Next came the gloves, which she slid on with ease in spite of the fact that they were made of lace. Frowning Amelia picked up her camisole, she was all dressed up, but where exactly was she going.




Melanie linked her arm with Jordan’s holding him to her snuggly to her. She wanted everyone to know that at least for the time being Jordan Bradford belonged to her and no one else. Tilting her head up she smiled sweetly at him. He was bored she could tell but she wouldn’t fold and suggested they go indoors for maybe some more entertaining activities.

In a few days, he would be gone, and once again she would be left behind for who knew how many months. No, today was her day and no one was going to spoil it. She was sure she’d miss him a little more this time around. He would write her one letter upon arrival stating he was well and his health was fine, and another upon departure, both short and to the point. Feeling a slight rumble in her stomach Melanie turned her attention back to the present and her apparent hunger. “I’m famished, couldn’t we stop for a bite.”

Jordan tilted his head in her direction, they had just not too long ago eaten breakfast, but if she was hungry she was hungry. Hell at least she would eat, he hated a woman who picked and pecked at her plate.

Looking down the cobblestone street Jordan took in the sights and searched for a decent place for their early lunch. Fancy French restaurants lined the streets but he had tired of their cuisine some time ago.

At the moment he wanted good old fashioned cooking without all the sauces and wines. Flicking the tip of her chin playfully he waved his hand down the vast street. “And where would you like to dine, my dear?”

“Let’s see such a large variety, Hartman’s, no that doesn’t seem like your taste. Then there’s Elaine Bower’s, or maybe even that little French restaurant on the corner  what’s it called, oh never mind I can’t recall.” Melanie said in a huff.

“We could always go back to the hotel and entertain ourselves there.”

Squinting her nose up in disapproval, Melanie continued to scan the area. None of the restaurants would want her as a patron. “As pleasant as your last proposition is, it’s a divine day and I’m not actually starving so I’ve devised another plan since I have every intention of spending my time out here with you. I’d love to go to the park the river is bound to be stunning.”

“The park? Where will we find privacy in the park”?

“It’s not about privacy it’s about scenery.”

“Whatever you desire my dear.” Jordan teased. He would go this once not because he wanted to but because after all it would pay off greatly by the end of the night, and he would do most anything for a pretty face.

Melanie pulled him behind her as they made their way up the small hill and to the bench that sat on top of it. Pulling him down alongside her she gazed out contentedly at the water. “It’s beautiful isn’t it?”

“Yes I suppose it is.”

“You suppose. Come on Jordan look its simply gorgeous.”

“You’re gorgeous.” Jordan grinned at her.

“Well thank you very much.” Melanie leaned against his frame lazily. Amazed at how happy the man next to her truly made her. “How has that sister of yours been doing? I saw her not too long ago at this very park with Amelia.”

Jordan looked down to her his interest peaked. “Is that a fact, just the two of them?

“No Amelia was with that beau of hers but they must have got in some tizzy, I seen her flying out of there not too long after she arrived. He was looking madder than a wet cat”

The memory of a night a few weeks back flooded back into his mind and he started to put the pieces into their proper place.

“How long will you be away?”

“What?” snapped out of his thoughts he answered “I don’t know, a few months, why want to come along?” Jordan looked into her green eyes and smiled. It would after all be nice to have a woman to take along on his trips, to hang on his arm at all the pointless parties.

“You’d tire of me rather quickly.” Melanie spoke, being the voice of reason. “And I think I would become deliriously jealous. I’m not naïve enough to think I’m your only woman, just the only woman in New Orleans.”

“You’re my favorite woman.” Jordan joked trying to lighten the mood, but knew that there was no chance, seeing her pouting face. “We made no promises to each other Melanie. You know that, I’m not the marrying type.”

“No but you’re not the one woman type either.” Melanie retorted bitterly.

“Why are you ruining a perfect day? You know as well as I that talking about you and I and trying to be serious is going to lead to an argument.”

“Because…do you have any idea how utterly frustrating you can be Jordan Bradford.” Melanie finished in defeat, while standing up and heading down the hill. Turning around she looked at the only man who had managed to get under her skin in her whole life. “I can’t stay mad at you for more than a few hours. So…I’ll see you tonight.” And with that she hurriedly went back in the direction she had come.

Nodding his head in agreement Jordan reached inside of his coat pocket for his cigar. Who would have thought that today he would end up on the park bench all by himself. Jordan lit the tip and inhaled deeply. He would make it up to her somehow. A necklace or maybe some earrings, any trinket would do.

Amelia peered over the top of her book; she had watched the whole scene, intrigued to say the least. Everyone knew Melanie and what she was, on occasion they exchanged words as Amelia never judged the woman. However she had never once mentioned knowing Mr. Bradford. Not that she should care of course, but seeing the two of them so close together bothered the hell out of her. Maybe she could just go over there and ask how he was doing. She could say that she had seen Melanie with him and she was wondering where she went.

No, it was none of her business what they were doing and she shouldn’t give a hoot what they were doing for that matter. Glancing once again over at him, she gave a sigh. She couldn’t help herself she was nearly dying to find out why he was so close to Melanie, dying to have him confirm if they were acquainted for other reasons than the obvious, and most of all dying to see him up close once more.

Gathering up her shawl and purse she took in a deep breath, and told herself for the fifth time it was silly to be nervous and willed her heart to slow its pace as she hurried over to him. “Mr. Bradford.” There she had done it, now it was his turn.

Jordan looked up at the face that matched the voice that was now becoming so familiar to him. Letting his eyes take in the sight of her he couldn’t help the deep dimpled smile that came over his face. She was clad in a silk yellow dress with gold daffodils lining all around her bodice, giving him a view of her honey brown breast that swelled at the top of it.

But that wasn’t the loveliest part. She looked downright beautiful today. He had to admit he’d be lying to himself if he tried to deny it. She had the blackest hair he had ever seen and it hung down past her shoulders freely and curled in large ringlets at the tips. This only complemented and set off her flawless skin that now seemed to glow in the sunlight. And her eyes, those eyes were pure gold—never had he seen the likes of them on anyone before. Her long lashes jutted out and curled and fine eyebrows arched ever so slightly in question. Extending his hand toward her, he kindly tugged her down intentionally eyeing her lips, deliberately making her uncomfortable.

Amelia felt the heat rush to her cheeks at his touch and sent up a silent prayer to God to help her not faint. “I saw you with Melanie, I thought I would come over and say hello.”

“You know Melanie?” Jordan questioned. Men knew Melanie, not young ladies and if they did they would be hard pressed to admit it.

“Yes she’s an intriguing woman.” Amelia noticed him raise his eyebrow in what she assumed to be disbelief. “It doesn’t matter what everybody else might think of her, if we went around worrying ourselves about what everybody else thinks we would think nothing of ourselves. If that makes any sense.” Amelia added at her rushed words.

“Perfect sense.” Jordan agreed “I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels that way.”

“So where is she? ”Amelia beamed.”

“I’m afraid you’ve missed her. But you still have me.” Jordan said delighted at the panicked look that came to her face.

Amelia sucked on her bottom lip in response; she would look anywhere but in his face. She could feel his eyes upon her though and sooner or later she knew she would turn and look. Hearing his soft chuckle she took that as initiative and returned to their natural joking routine, “You are enjoying this. You like torturing me don’t you.” She responded in good humor.

“How am I, as you say torturing you—have I hurt you in any way?” Jordan didn’t follow suit this time.

“No I’m sorry I’m just not having the best of days I really should be at church not accusing you of foul play.”

“I see so I am the scapegoat, but you know what I think, I think I make you nervous.” He teased.

“That’s silly, why would you make me nervous?”

“I don’t know, but I am sure I do.”

Amelia rolled her eyes at that. Anyone could tell from the wide smile spread across his face that he knew he made her nervous, but she would swallow pig spit and give up three years of her life before she’d tell him that.

“Can I ask you a question?”

“Of course Mr. Bradford.” Amelia said as she rose from her seat.

“Don’t run off I was only joking before. I can’t help but tease you. What can I say, somehow you just bring out the devil in me”?

Amelia looked back at him. “I see.” She smiled back.

Laughing Jordan followed close behind her retreating figure


“Even if I was that’s something a woman like me would never admit, and besides I can’t have lunch with you, people wouldn’t like it.”

“People, a woman like you?” Jordan looked at her incredulous.” What do you mean a woman like you?”

“You know.” Amelia said and motioned to her body and face.

Jordan frowned, for the first time he realized that maybe she believed what those few said about her was true. Well he wouldn’t indulge her. “No, I don’t believe I do. Come on, even if you’re not hungry I am and you wouldn’t want me to have to dine alone.” He asked and looked at her while she battled with her options before she finally spoke.

“It’s none of my affair if you have lunch by yourself or with dozens and though it would be nice, as I said people won’t like it.”

“Are you not the woman who a few minutes ago stated ‘I don’t care what people think?” “This is different and you know it.” Amelia stated.

“So you don’t want to be seen with me for your reputation’s sake?” Jordan tested which won him a small giggle from her.

“You know that’s not true. I don’t know the first thing about you.”

“How can you not know the first thing about me, you work for me and let’s not forget our moment at the Jackson’s.”

“You shouldn’t mention that. It’s was a terrible mistake what happened and I’m sorry for it.”

Jordan’s grin suddenly disappeared. “No Amelia, somehow I don’t think it was and I’m not sorry, so where would you like to eat?”

“People won’t approve—you’re rich, very rich, and a man. You’re admired in this city, every lady is chasing after you, pretty ladies, and you should be with them not me. And I’m…I’m just …I’m nothing, just a poor black woman. Folk’s won’t approve. Lunch with you would be inviting trouble.”

“I disagree.”

“Then you are a fool Mr. Bradford.” Was Amelia’s response.

“No Amelia, you are because you’re definitely someone, you could never be nothing, and I could care less what people think.”

“Mr. Bradford I’m starting to think you would do anything to get what you want.”

Jordan laughed. “So you’ll come?”


“Fine we can just sit here.”

“You don’t want to spend time with me.” Amelia said suspiciously. “You have the pick of the litter, you must want something, perhaps a cake or pie?”

“Pie! Woman are you daft I just want to spend time with you, I like you Amelia.” He replied more than confident. “But you are making this hard with all the bargaining you have me going through. If I wanted to be with a southern belle I would, but I’m asking you. You make me laugh and I enjoy your company, and we are friends are we not? I’m sure that’s not a crime.”

“It could be, and it has been. You know the rules between the races. We can’t be friends, not real ones.”

“You’re difficult.”

“I try not to be.”

“You are being very difficult right now Amelia. No one cares if we have lunch we have every reason to after all.”

“I don’t know,” Amelia gasped in exasperation but let a smile come to her face as she remembered his earlier words. “Alright Mr. Bradford but we will not have lunch in town. Let’s not be foolish.” Swinging her camisole she looked at him squarely. “You might prove to be a bad influence because you seem to bring out the devil in me.”

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