Rescued (Flowers of the Bayou) (44 page)

BOOK: Rescued (Flowers of the Bayou)
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“Why is that man bringing you gifts?” With this question he placed down the wooden horse.

“Are you starting with that again. Grady is a friend.”

“A male friend, who shouldn’t be calling on you. You’re my wife and I will not be made a fool of.”

“You do a right fine job of that yourself.”

“Should I let you do it?”

“You are being ridiculous. I’ll hear no more of it.” Amelia snapped.

Jordan tried to remain calm but inside he was seething.  As Amelia waived a hand of dismissal toward him.  She was out the door he’d just entered and descending the stairs.

“Amelia I swear if that man ever shows his face in this house again I will divorce you.”

Amelia stopped in her tracks ignoring the knock at the door and Helmsley as he walked by to answer it. “Then draw up the papers. You are too resentful for your own good and I will not let you insecurities rule me.” Amelia moved into the foyer just as boisterous voices could be heard entering the hall. Planting a smile on her face she gave Jordan a look of warning as three figures entered the room. Nathan waltzed into the room determined to set eyes on the woman his friend had married. He seemed stunned into silence if not only momentarily upon first seeing her. He was also the first up from his chair, eyes roaming the crème coffee colored woman before him. “You’ve done well Bradford, bloody well.” This woman was one of the prettiest women he’d seen.

“I don’t think I’ve done all that bad myself.” The man held his hand out to her and Amelia took it and was immediately pulled into his embrace. “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance Lord Crombly.”

“As it is mine, you are a vision.” Nathan stammered.

“I appreciate the flattery; at this stage it makes all the difference in my esteem.”

“Then your confidence must be at an all-time high because you are breathtaking.” Nathan enjoyed her smile as she led him toward the sitting room. He allowed her to sit him down and watched as she gracefully poured and served him a glass of water.

“I feel so lucky, surrounded yet again by so many handsome men. I don’t know how women are supposed to manage when the three of you are in a room. I feel hard pressed not to swoon.”

Nathan chuckled loudly at that. “You’ve a silver tongue.”

“I’ve learned from present company.”

Jordan watched the two banter back and forth and decided the subject would be best set aside and brought up later. No doubt he was being overzealous. It was warming to see the two getting along. He’d known Nathan would like his wife but it was rewarding to see just how much. Taking a seat next to Jasper, Jordan relaxed and continued to observe their exchange.

Amelia caught herself cringing at a sudden and sharp pain in her abdomen, but quickly hid her discomfort behind a smile and moved to stand by a seated Margaret. “Would you like a refreshment?” There it was again before she could finish her sentence but this time she could not hide the grimace in time or keep her hand from flying to her stomach.

“Are you alright sweetheart?” Margaret was up quickly offering Amelia her seat. “Sit down.”

“It’s nothing.” She half lied, not sure if it was nothing or something. “But, I do think I will sit.” The pain was beginning to dull and Amelia found that she was able to breathe again. “Tell me about yourself Lord Crombly.”

“Nathan remember, not much to tell I’m a confirmed scoundrel.”

Well I’ve found scoundrels to be the best type of men. We are going to get along just fine” Sipping a cool glass of water, Amelia bristled again as a pain coursed through her again but much duller. “You were not at the masquerade ball?”

“I was in Scotland at the time, and unable to return in time.”

“No matter, I’m sure it would have bored you as much as it did my husband” Margaret offered. “It was the most magical thing I’ve ever experienced.” Amelia sighed into her cup a dreamy smile on her face in remembrance. “It was the first time I really danced.”

“Keep me on your dance card. I don’t mind a waltz.”

Amelia nodded in acceptance. “Shall we head to the dining room?” Taking Jordan’s extended hand Amelia let him pull her up and with his hand on the small of her back lead her out the room.

“My Alice is someone you must meet!” Nathan offered up an arm to Amelia who took it gratuitously.

“Your Alice? Jordan you didn’t tell me Nathan was married?” Amelia accused her husband who had fallen off to her side.

Jordan cut his eyes at Amelia. “Because Amelia he isn’t”

“I think that is the first time I’ve heard you call Amelia by her real name in ages.” Margaret quipped.

Jordan gave little pause to Margaret and pulled out a chair for both ladies as they entered, seating Amelia to his left as he settled down at the head of the table. Georgia was still asleep he had tried to wake her earlier but she was asleep for the night it would seem. Still he’d given word to put something aside for his little girl. The food was being brought out before they could even strike up a conversation and Amelia’s faced beamed at the sight of baked chicken and butter biscuits. Of course the lamb was still there and presently being carved up and placed on Nathan’s plate. The heavenly smell of each platter floated up to tickle their senses and everyone seemed to grow silent as they enjoyed the feast before them.

Amelia was busying herself by spreading a healthy coat of honey onto her biscuit laughing at one of Jasper’s jokes when her hand stilled its motion. Suddenly she was both embarrassed and concerned. The warm liquid was an unpleasant surprise and confusing. Glancing down at her lap revealed nothing but she could feel it make its course down her leg and upon further inspection noted it forming a tiny puddle at her feet. “Margaret!” She nearly yelled panicked.

“Yes?” Margaret was about to comment on her and Johanna’s plan to throw a joint foray before her friend interrupted. “Margaret something is wrong.” Amelia whispered as the warm liquid soaked her thighs and dress.

“What do you mean dear?”

Amelia was torn between her waning sense of modesty and the urgent need to throw modesty to the wind and run upstairs drenched dress and all and wait for the doctor to arrive. Deciding on the latter she stood and motioned to her dampening front. “I think the baby is coming.”

“Why would you think a thing like that?” Cutting into her lamb, Margaret became engrossed in whatever Jasper was saying.

Amelia could have stomped her foot in frustration, Margaret’s question was beyond silly. “It could be the water running all down my leg.”

“Don’t make jokes you’ve still a little time left.”

Amelia furrowed her eyebrows together frustrated. “Yet and still I’m sure that the baby is on its way.” Amelia watched at Margaret finally tore her eyes from Jasper and looked her up and down.

“Jordan hurry get her upstairs.”

For Jordan it was like time stood still he saw his wife yet could not move— he sat there addle brained not able to respond in his shock. Vaguely he could hear Jasper shouting for one of the staff to send for a physician. He heard Amelia ask if he was alright, even heard Nathan utter something about him being a “useless idiot.” He only was able to snap out of his stupor when Nathan swept Amelia up and quickly started making his way to the staircase.

Rising he closed the gap between his wife and friend. “Give her to me.” Taking Amelia from Nathan’s arms into his own shaky but sturdy ones. Jordan was like lightning reaching their joint chamber in seconds. Placing her down on the mattress he allowed Margaret to take over. “Help me get her out of this dress.’’ Margaret’s nimble fingers were already undoing buttons but she allowed Jordan to take over so that she could find a light nightgown for Amelia to don. Deftly she rummaged through the cherry wood boudoir.

Lifting the heavy dress over Amelia’s outstretched arms. Jordan was as careful as possible. Absently he took the garment offered by his cousin and with Amelia’s help lifted the heavy frock off and slid the gown on. “The Doctor will be here soon Princess.” Jordan soothed fluffing a pillow behind her head. “Are you in much pain?

“No, it’s bearable.” Amelia answered honestly. “I’m scared.” She admitted. “It’s still a little too soon?”

“Don’t fret dear.” Margaret cut in. “We’ll be welcoming a new Bradford soon enough” She too was concerned but knew better than to let on. “Go on Jordan wait down stairs with the boys.” Kissing Amelia’s forehead he was reluctant to leave, Margaret was ordering a maid to get hot water and sheets but gave him a reassuring look that let him know she would be taken care of. So with heavy steps he made his way to the door and let himself out.

Amelia watched her husband leave, and felt relieved that he didn’t try to stay; he wasn’t very good at waiting.  Shifting her weight to her side she tried to alleviate some of her discomfort. She smiled weakly as Margaret came to sit at the edge of the bed beside her. “I can’t wait to prove Jordan wrong when I prove our baby is a boy.”

“He’ll be too pleased to feel down about it. Do you want anything darling?”

Amelia shook her head no, but leaned her head on her friend’s shoulder. “Tell me how you and Jasper met?”

Margaret gave a chuckle. “I’ve known him all my life; we grew up together all three of us Jordan and Jasper being a little older. I’ve loved him for as long as I can remember, though it took a little convincing on my part to make him realize he felt the same. You know at one point he believed he was going to marry a redheaded twit named Bernadette. Oh Amelia she was awful, but in the end I got my Jasper as I always knew I would.”

“I can see why you love him; he is kind, charming, funny and handsome. He’s been good to me.” Squeezing her hand Amelia continued. “And so have you, ever since I was young.”

Margaret just smiled. “I’m sure Jordan is going mad, I’m going to check on him and return shortly.” Excusing herself Margaret let herself out of the room and the moment she shut the door nearly tumbled down the stairs in her hurry.

The gathering of men downstairs in the study all turned questioning eyes upon her. “She is doing fine for now. I was just coming down to see if word has been sent for a doctor.”

“Of course.” Jordan moved to sit back down in his chair. Word had been sent over and hour ago. Yet no one had returned yet, furrowing his brows together nervously in a frown Jordan formed a fist.

“He’ll be here shortly I’ve no doubt.” Jasper piped up.

“Come on let’s have a drink in celebration.” Nathan grabbed the canter of port filling each glass to the brim, passing one each man, all downing the fiery liquid in mere seconds.

“Does she want anything?” Jordan inquired looking more frazzled than before. “Anything at all Margaret let me know.”

“I will Jordan don’t worry yourself so or soon you are going to need attending to yourself.”

“She’s right, you look pale as milk right now.” Nathan patted his friend’s back encouragingly. “Come outside for some air with me.” Nathan’s suggestion fell on deaf ears as Jordan roughly shook his head no.

“I’ll wait for the doctor.”

Margaret was already heading back upstairs, she’d been hoping that help would have arrived already but perhaps she was being impatient. Taking a deep breath she smoothed her frazzled appearance before entering Amelia’s room.

Amelia’s face was flushed and she pressed her lips into a tight smile fighting through a particularly painful cramp. “I was beginning to worry you’d abandoned me.” She said breathlessly.

“Don’t be silly; here let me sit beside you.” Scooting next to her, Margaret let Amelia nestle into her shoulder. “I feel so useless.”

“Now who’s being silly, your very presence is comforting. Would you mind reading to me until the Doctor arrives, there is a book of poetry on my vanity.”

“Yes I see it.” Margaret retrieved the leather-bound book in seconds making herself comfortable at the foot of the bed. She read without really reading, the words coming out blandly. Her mind too distracted to care about a book. She only overcame her nerves for Amelia’s sake after all she was giving birth.

It seemed like the words rolled off her tongue for ages and indeed they had as Margaret cleared her now strained and dry throat just as the clock chimed nine times. It had been hours and still no help had arrived. Amelia’s brow was beginning to bead with sweat and her countenance was wavering with each new and more intense pang of pain. Wringing out a wet cloth Margaret dabbed Amelia’s heated forehead.

“Thank you.” Amelia managed and took hold of Margaret’s hand. “You’ve been so good to read to me so long you’re tired that’s enough.”

“I don’t know where that blasted Doctor could be. I’m going to go check again.”

“Please Margaret stay, we’ll know when he arrives.

Of course they would know but Margaret was nervous. She wanted to leave the room she was just in the way she didn’t know how to make anything better. Instead of course she gave a weak smile. “Okay.” Taking up the cool cloth and dabbed at Amelia’s sweat drenched forehead.

Margaret was trying to keep Amelia comfortable but her hands were shaking and she felt incredibly hot. She needed air, the room was humid and unnervingly quiet save for Amelia’s labored breathing. “Sweetheart I’m going to open the window alright I know you’re warm, and then I’m going to go on downstairs and check on things. I promise I’ll be right back.” And she would be right back, marching over to the large window Margaret flipped the gold latch and exhaled in satisfaction as a cool breeze filtered in.

Sighing she felt a little bit of sanity returning to her and tried with all her might to remember everything her mother had tried to teach her about being a woman, and what that meant, and most importantly the process of birthing a child.  She had no choice but to mentally prepare for the fact she already knew, but didn’t want to believe. That she might be all Amelia had for help. Nodding absently she put on her best face. “Alright, I’m going to go give that doctor a piece of my mind because he’d better be downstairs by the time I make it there. Lord knows you’ve waited long enough.”

Amelia watched as Margaret left and weakly pushed up on her hands, trying her best to get in a position that didn’t make her body scream. She failed and for the first time she allowed herself a small yelp of frustration and pain. If they thought some white doctor was going to help her they were all mad— sad thing was, so was she for not telling them so earlier.  She was afraid to look down under the covers but she felt the uncomfortable thick wetness of the sheets underneath her. The unmistakable scent of blood was filling the room and she was becoming sadly more aware of her waning strength. Silently she prayed.

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