Resilience (14 page)

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Authors: Bailey Bradford

BOOK: Resilience
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Adam nodded even though Todd wasn’t looking at him. “Yeah, but I’m not sure now

they were a good idea. They might get in places we’d rather they not.”

Todd chuckled softly at first, then louder. He turned to Adam and arched a brow. “So I might smell like roses for a while, is that what you’re saying?”

Adam shrugged, feeling a bit silly for having scattered the petals on the red silk sheets, but Todd was smiling still and he seemed happy and relaxed even though his dick was hard.

Adam touched the wet tip and Todd shivered. “Come lay down with me.”

“Yes,” Todd whispered. He placed his hand in Adam’s and walked with him to the bed.

“Red sheets.” Todd touched them, then picked up a petal and rubbed it between his finger and thumb. “Soft as the rose petal.”

“Silk,” Adam explained, then he took Todd’s chin in his hand and kissed the man

breathless. They tumbled not ungently onto the bed, and Adam stretched out on top of Todd, making sure not to put all his weight on him. Todd had a clear bill of health, but Adam preferred to be careful.

“Adam,” Todd sighed, his eyelids lowering until Adam could barely see thin slits of

colour. “I need you.”

“You have me.” But Adam knew what Todd meant, and he also knew his plans to

immerse them both in hours of foreplay wasn’t going to happen, at least not this first time.

The whole evening had been foreplay, or perhaps it’d even started this morning, and now both of them were primed and ready for completion—or almost.

Adam brushed his lips over Todd’s until Todd parted his eagerly. Todd’s taste, the

sweet sounds he made, fuelled the fire burning in Adam. He ran a hand down Todd’s arm, aware of each scar, each ridge of muscle and goose bump he encountered. Then he sucked on the underside of Todd’s jaw as Todd writhed beneath him.

Adam licked down Todd’s neck, scraping his teeth over the love mark he’d left. He

loved the divot at the base of Todd’s neck, framed by the tendons there as Todd arched for him. Adam sucked, licked, nibbled and nipped his way down Todd’s chest. He knew Todd was nearly desperate for him, but Adam had to make sure Todd’s body was near to going haywire with pleasure.

He sealed his lips around Todd’s small pink nipple. Todd bucked and let out a sharp

sound. Adam grinned around the hard nub and pinched the other with his fingers. He

worked Todd’s tits for several minutes, driving Todd out of his mind from the sound of it.

Todd pressed Adam’s head down, demanding more, and Adam gave it to him even as Todd

rutted against him.

“A-Adam, please,” Todd panted, and Adam wanted to point out he couldn’t very well

go anywhere else as Todd was holding him to his chest. But Todd released him then and started pushing at his shoulders. “Please, please, Adam, please.”

It was all Todd said, over and over, and Adam scrambled to get to his knees. He pulled the lube and condom out from beneath the pillow. Then Adam rolled onto his back and

patted his chest. “Come here, Todd. Let me taste you.”

Todd’s eyes rounded and he paled, all except for the bright spots of red on his cheeks and a flush running over his chest. Adam thought he’d misstepped or that he needed to clarify, but Todd surprised him, rolling up quick and only hesitating once he had a knee beside Adam’s head. Todd frowned down at him. “You did mean, uh…this?”

Adam grinned up at Todd. “That I’m going to rim you?” And there was that delightful

shade of red, accompanying the eager need in Todd’s expression. “Oh yeah, that’s what I meant. I’m going to rim you, and stretch you, then you’re going to put the condom on me and ride me until we both shatter.”

Todd’s head bobbed even as he frowned. “Do we have to use the condom? You said—”

Adam shook his head. “I’ve always been safe, but I want one more clean test. I won’t put you at risk.” He wanted to feel Todd around him, nothing between them, but he meant it when he told Todd he loved him, and there was nothing he wouldn’t do to ensure Todd was taken care of.

Todd grumbled but didn’t protest, and Adam was glad. He wanted Todd to enjoy

everything about their first time together.

“Do you want me to turn around?” Todd asked.

Adam nodded. “Yeah, so I can get you ready.” But he’d have Todd straddle him, push

his firm ass down so Adam could rub against it another time.

Todd shifted around and got in place, sort of. He wasn’t lowered enough. Adam

hooked an arm around his hips and tugged down and back. “C’mere.” He eyed Todd’s crack, the golden-red fuzz there and the pink quivering pucker nestled between Todd’s cheeks.

“Back more,” Adam ordered, and Todd complied. Adam used his other hand to pull aside one ass cheek, then he tongued the tight little hole, a firm lick over it.

Todd made a guttural sound and slammed back. Adam took that for a demand for

more. He hummed an agreement and held Todd open as he laved his pucker. Todd began

rocking and moaning, and Adam stiffened his tongue, spearing it into Todd and drawing a keening from the man.

Adam squeezed and kneaded Todd’s ass as he drank in the taste and sounds of his

lover. Todd was babbling, senseless words, sounds, pleas, as Adam tongue-fucked him. He thought he could have done it for hours, had Todd not grabbed Adam’s dick and started stroking in a jerky, erratic manner.

Adam jerked his head aside and rasped, “Todd, stop!” He locked his knees, curled his toes, and barely kept from shooting all over the place. “Stop, oh my fucking God!”

Todd clamped the base of Adam’s dick tight. Adam’s eyes crossed and the breath

squeaked out of his lungs. “Then fuck me, Adam!”

Adam groaned and flopped a hand out, feeling for the lube. He’d had the stuff earlier—

“Here.” Todd slapped the tube into his hand. “Don’t… I might come if you touch me

too much.”

“Oh shit,” Adam muttered, because he wanted to ease Todd open, to touch him inside

and caress his gland, to drive him wild and—but he already had Todd there, didn’t he?

“Hurry,” Todd was urging him.

Adam popped the cap off with his teeth and figured he was lucky he didn’t get a face full of goo. “Can you spread yourself open for me?”

Todd didn’t even hesitate. He let go of Adam’s dick and reached behind himself. “Like this?” he asked as he parted his cheeks, exposing the rosy pucker to Adam.

“Yes,” Adam hissed. “Beautiful. You’re so fucking sexy, Todd, opening yourself for


Todd exhaled noisily and pulled his cheeks farther apart. Adam thought he couldn’t

love the man more. He squeezed the tube and poured the viscous stuff at the top of Todd’s crease.

“Cold,” Todd grumbled.

“Sorry.” Adam should have warmed it in his hands first, but, damn it, he could hardly think. He rolled his fingers through it and smeared it down, slicking Todd’s crack then rubbing it all around his hole. Todd’s opening clenched and loosened, and Adam slid a finger in. Todd’s silky heat rippled around his digit, and Adam’s moan drowned out Todd’s.

He pushed in deeper, and Todd gurgled and pushed back, taking Adam’s finger in as far as possible.

“Oh Geez,” Todd rasped, “oh da-damn, Adam!” Todd’s inner muscles clenched, his

ring squeezing the base of Adam’s finger. “Do something…”

Adam wanted to curl his finger, stroke over Todd’s prostate, but didn’t, knowing Todd was likely to come if he did. He pumped his finger in and out, slowly at first. Todd moaned again and started riding Adam’s digit, swivelling his hips when he came down. Adam took that to mean Todd needed more, so he gave it to him, slipping in a second finger, then eventually a third. It was at that point that Todd stopped moving and hissed.

Adam was afraid to move a muscle, but he spoke. “Are you okay? We can stop if—”

“Adam,” Todd growled, something that surprised Adam so much he almost jumped. “I

can’t take much more without coming, so you better hurry up and get that fat dick inside me!”

Adam pulled his fingers out and wiped them on the sheets regardless of what the damn things were made of. Rose petals stuck to his fingers. “Fucking petals!”

Todd shifted, then Adam heard the sound of the condom package being opened.

“Might need some help here.” Todd moved until he was kneeling beside Adam. He looked at Adam, trying to shake the rose petals off his fingers. “Or maybe not,” Todd chuckled.

“Just—oh,” Adam sighed as Todd rolled the rubber down his length. “Ah, you got it.”

“Yeah,” Todd said proudly. He picked up the lube and squirted some on the tip before rubbing it around.

Adam squirmed and caught Todd’s wrist. “Close, too, baby. It’s not just you.”

Todd gave him a beaming smile that faltered. “Uh, how do I do t-this?”

Adam gestured him down, and Todd came. He kissed Todd until Todd all but

sprawled on him. “You just get on me, and I’ll hold my dick up and help us both. Trust me, Todd, you can’t do anything wrong here.” Adam wasn’t going to scare him with horror

stories of what might go wrong, better to just guide Todd.

“Okay.” Todd sat up and positioned himself over Adam. He planted a hand on Adam’s

chest. “This okay?”

“Yeah.” Adam held his cock upright and put his other hand on Todd’s hip. “Whenever

you’re ready, just ease back until—” Adam hissed, no words just sound as Todd began

pressing down. The head of his dick slid through the snug ring after only a few seconds’

pressure, and Todd gasped and stopped moving as he gaped at Adam.

“Too much?” Adam asked. He was thick, not necessarily real long but, yeah, not a stub, either. It might be too much girth for Todd just yet. Adam tried to push his ass down and pull out but Todd narrowed his eyes and made that growling noise again.

“Don’t even.”

Adam stopped and Todd sank down a little more. “It feels…”

Adam’s mind spun. It felt…awful? Horrible? Painful? Like Todd wanted it the hell out?

“So good,” Todd said rather breathlessly. “My God, I don’t know how I’m ever gonna

not be sitting on your dick like this.”

Todd’s eyes seemed glazed, and Adam had to wonder if he even knew what he was

saying, but then Todd hummed and pulled up a little—and rocked down farther, almost

taking Adam all the way in.

“Todd,” Adam gritted out, needing to thrust so bad his muscles burned from holding

back. “You’re gonna drive me crazy here.”

Todd’s smile was sublime as he came up then down with enough force that his butt

slammed against Adam’s groin. “Ah, I’ll be right there with you.” Todd opened his eyes wider and dropped forwards on his hands. “I can do it like this, right? It feels good for you too?”

“Anything you do feels good for me,” Adam began, but Todd started moving his hips,

short, sharp jerks that brought friction and blessed heat and velvety tight spasms around Adam’s dick. “But especially that—”

“Oh yeah,” Todd crooned. Adam reached around and grabbed Todd’s ass, holding onto

the sweat-slicked globes as Todd rode him. “Ah! Ah, uhn—”

Adam’s ability to speak wasn’t any better than Todd’s. All he could do was grunt each time Todd came down and damn near whine when he rose up. Adam’s body flushed hot and cold, and his balls felt like hard stones pulled up taut in their sac. Adam curled his fingers, burying them in Todd’s crease. His pinkies brushed over where he and Todd were joined and Todd slammed down hard, pinning Adam’s hands.

“Yes, ungh!” Todd shouted as he gyrated, barely laying a hand to his cock before

bucking and painting Adam’s chest and belly with cum.

Adam didn’t even have the breath to scream, not when Todd’s muscles convulsed

around his length and squeezed the spunk right out of him. All he could do was gasp and pant and squirm, trying to get as deep into Todd as possible. His climax felt like it was ripped from him, like it ripped through him, leaving him raw and aching and all but

unconscious as he emptied into the condom.

“Geez,” Todd scratched out. “I gotta lay down.”

And he did, right on top of Adam. Adam was still mush, shaken inside and out. He’d

known it’d be earth-shattering when they finally made love, but he’d had no idea just what that meant. Now he did, and he thought his spine was plain melted, along with the rest of the bones in his body and probably his brain too.

But that was okay. He had Todd in his arms—well, on him, but no need to be picky—

and they were going to have a damned good life together. A great life together.

An Almost Perfect Life
Chapter Nineteen

“Hi honey, I’m hoooome!”

Todd tingled all over hearing Adam’s familiar voice calling out as he did every day

they worked. It didn’t matter who got home first, Adam still said the same thing every time.

It was little things like that that made Todd’s heart race and fill with more love than he thought he could hold. Really, some days he expected to just go all supernova with it.

“Me too,” Todd called back, completing their little ritual. He finished stirring the stew and headed out of the kitchen. The house they’d bought together a little less than a year ago was perfect for them, not too big with just two bedrooms, but on the outskirts of town, closer to their friends Gabe and Mika.

And those two were still going strong, all sappy pretty much like Todd and Adam,

although he and Adam agreed Gabe seemed different over the past year or so. Not bad

different, and not in any way he and Adam could put their finger on, but—well, as long as Gabe and Mika were happy, which they were, then it wasn’t anyone’s business.

Todd’s belly warmed and a smile stretched his lips as soon as he rounded the corner

and saw—hell, almost collided with—Adam. He loved that sappy grin Adam wore, the

slightly mussed hair and the way Adam’s eyes practically glowed as he beamed at Todd.

“Missed you,” Todd said gruffly, overwhelmed with emotions for no logical reason he

could see. It didn’t make sense that his eyes burned or the tip of his nose, as if he wanted to weep. Yet he held Adam tighter, squeezing a muffled grunt from his lover as Adam

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