
Read Resistance Online

Authors: Allana Kephart,Melissa Simmons

Tags: #romance, #Action, #Dark Fantasy, #resistance, #faeries, #Dystopian, #New adult, #allana kephart, #dolan prophecies series, #melissa simmons

BOOK: Resistance
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Copyright © 2014 – Allana Kephart & Melissa

All rights reserved as permitted under the U.S.
Copyright Act of 1976. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, distributed, transmitted in any form or by any means,
or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior
permission of the Authors. For information regarding subsidiary
rights, please contact the publisher.




Interior design and typesetting by C.L. Foster


Cover design by Starla Huchton (Designs by


Interior art by As You Like Designs


Edited by Stacy Sanford


This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters,
places, and incidents are the product of the authors’ imaginations
or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locals,
or persons living or dead is coincidental.


The authors acknowledge the copyrighted or
trademarked status and trademark owners of the word marks mentioned
in this work of fiction.




For my dad, whose laugh and smiling face I miss every
day. ~


For Mel. Thank you for inspiring me and helping me
make my dream a reality. ~


And for Emma, whose strength inspires us every single
day. We love you, sweetie. Don’t ever stop being you.

Melissa & Allana


The year 2102—the world as it was no longer exists.
Ravaged by nuclear war and polluted almost to the point of no
return, Earth was dying. When the faeries came and brought their
healing magic, humanity was grateful at first. Centuries of damage
repaired in just five years, and during the course of that
rehabilitation, they invaded. Quietly overthrown, the human race is
now enslaved. The majority doesn’t even realize they have no free
will. Branded, herded and kept only to further the agendas of the
Fae Courts, humanity could be facing extinction.


But a resistance is coming…


Fianna Dolan has spent her entire young life
preparing herself for an uprising against the Fae. One scorching
summer night Fi's parents leave and never return. Thrust into a
position of power she never expected, Fi struggles with her new
position and the responsibility it entails. When a secretive fae
man known only as Flint breaches the city’s defenses claiming he
can help, Fi begins to doubt everything she's ever considered
truth. As betrayals and deception come to light, will Fi want the
answers she’s been seeking, or will trusting Flint lead to her



“Flint will become your favorite silly/swoony book
boyfriend & the book will keep you on the edge of your seat
wanting more.”

~Jamie, Krystal Clear Book Reviews


“Excellent debut, well written, beautiful characters,
and flowing story line. This book is a must read!”

~Tia, Goodreads Reviewer


“This is an excellent debut novel and I recommend it
highly. Definitely a 5 star read.”

~KJ, Kj Reads A Lot


“I loved reading and following a long with each and
every character in Resistance. They all seem so real as if you are
standing right there beside them and you want to reach out and give
Fi, Eirnin, Flint and Lumi all a helping hand.”

~Nancy, The Avid Reader


“Wonderful book, wonderful characters and wonderful

~Jacinta Maree, author of
My Demonic Ghost


“…these authors have taken the paranormal/dystopian
genre by storm and I am DYING to see where they take me next.”

~Jenn, Bookworm Betties


“What an amazing read!!! I absolutely loved this

~Becca, Goodreads Reviewer


“LOVED this book!! It has everything a reader is
looking forward to in a great read.”

~Ramona, Goodreads Reviewer


“…a diamond in the rough let me tell you! By far a
great dystopian novel…”

~H.P. Landry, author of


“…you will be wondering what will happen next until
the end trust me. I recommend this book and can’t wait until the
next one comes out.”

~Sue Ellen, Girly Girl Book Reviews


“Part fantasy, part dystopian, part romance, with a
strong circle of main characters and a ton of awesomeness!”

~Shelah, Goodreads Reviewer


“I simply cannot wait to see where it goes in book

~Stephanie, Goodreads Reviewer


“I found myself completely glued to this captivating
story - I absolutely could not put it down.”

~Cheryl, Goodreads Reviewer


“Five stars. Good story.”

~Medina, Amazon Reviewer


“I thoroughly enjoyed Resistance. I’m looking forward
to the rest of the series!”

~Tyffani Clark Kemp, author of the Without Rules


“It is quite an interesting read that will
definitely keep your attention. There is a mystery of secrets, lies
and deceit that slowly unfolds leading to the trust as to who is
behind it all. I definitely recommend it.”

~Maggie Thom, author of The Caspian Wine

“I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of this
book…The story was well paced and quite suspenseful. I couldn’t
wait to burn through the pages to see where it would go, and what
other surprises the authors had for me, because this book was
filled with twists and turns that kept me enthralled.”

~Roxanne Kade, author of




Prologue—Fianna Kearney Dolan

2065, Ireland


I can tell I’m dreaming as I take in the dreadful
scene in front of me. This is the second vision I’ve had come to me
in nightmare form, and I am hopeful it will also be my last. I
still feel strong arms around me and know I’m being held firmly in
the embrace of the man I love as I sleep, yet I can smell the acrid
smoke and feel the heat from the flames as I watch my father’s
house burn. I hear the screams of my father and brothers as they
roast alive in the house where I grew up. I see the flames building
and I know I have to try and help them. I command my legs to move,
but it’s like I’m being restrained by invisible bonds. I cannot
move forward. I tamp the panic down and remind myself this is only
a dream; my father is not burning alive in front of me. There is a
voice in my head suddenly; coaxing me to go home, see my boys and
prove to myself that they are alive and well. The voice whispering
instructions to me sounds like my twin sister, Aoife; dead for five
years now. Never once in her life did I hesitate to listen when she
issued advice, and I’m not going to start now. Gagging on the
stench and terrified to my bones with the knowledge that even in a
dream I cannot save my family, I stagger back from the front walk
and glance down the street to the home I share with my husband and
our two sons. There’s no smoke that I can see from here, so I try
to dispel the unease that has settled under my skin.

I canter down the short incline to reach my home;
heart pounding with trepidation as I consider what I might find
there. There is a feeling in my gut that bodes ill for my family. I
do my best to stay calm as I throw open the door and look around
the entryway, calling out, “Seamus?” at the top of my voice. I
can’t hear anything but the beating of my own heart inside the
normally animated, noisy house. My dread crystallizes into a ball
of ice that settles in my heart as I do a circuit of the downstairs
of the house. No sign of my husband or sons anywhere. Even the
normal day to day detritus of life with two boys under the age of
five is absent. Confusion wars with worry and I shout again, not as
loud this time. “Seamus? Patrick? Where are you?”

“The bedroom, Fianna. You’ll find answers there,” I
hear my sister say in her eerily serene voice and I cringe inside;
heading for the staircase to the second floor. When I reach our
bedroom, the door is slightly ajar and I hear an odd creaking
noise. I take a deep breath and wish I hadn’t instantly; the smell
brings tears to my eyes. Rot and urine assault my senses and I do
my best to stifle a sob and ignore the rancid air. With a shaking
hand I push the door inward and cry out at the sight that greets
me. My husband, normally ruddy with fervor, is gray and silent as
he hangs from a rafter. His arms hang limply at his sides and his
wedding ring is absent from his left hand. Guilt and grief tear at
me. The window is cracked open as it usually is when we go to bed
at night, and the breeze coming through has set him swinging
slightly. One of the dining chairs from downstairs is turned on its
side on the floor beneath him; leaving me a macabre image of him
stepping off and then floundering for his footing as his oxygen is
cut off.

“I’m so sorry, Seamus,” I whisper around my tears as
I back out of the door and turn towards my sons’ bedroom at the end
of the hall.

“They aren’t here, Fianna,” Aoife seems to sing in my
head; making me start to shake. I ignore her, run to their room and
push the door open wordlessly. She is right, of course. Not only
are my sons not physically present, but none of their belongings
are either. The room is barren and cold. I feel the panic rising in
me, threatening to undo me from the inside.

“This isn’t real, it isn’t real!” I start chanting to
myself as I tear through the house looking for any evidence of my
boys. “Where are they, Aoife? Tell me, please tell me now! Where
are my boys?” I am sobbing now, and the need to see their precious
little faces is too much for me to ignore any longer.
Lightheadedness takes me, and before I realize what’s going on, I’m
on my knees on the floor in the den where they love to play with
their building blocks, gasping for breath.

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