Read Resisting the Billionaire Collection Online

Authors: Drew Sinclair

Tags: #hot romance, #steamy romance, #series romance, #billionaire romance, #romance trilogy, #billionaire bad boys, #billionaire brothers, #billionaire alpha male romance

Resisting the Billionaire Collection (69 page)

BOOK: Resisting the Billionaire Collection
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How had he waited so long? She had received
the wildly extravagant pink diamond ring on Thursday and it had
lain on the bedroom floor like junk for three long days. All that
time he knew what was in there but had never said a word or given
the slightest clue. What kind of man was he?

"Good." She heard a whisper behind her and
jumped. The voice was close to her right ear. It was her secret
admirer alright, at his most guttural and lustful. Or was it just
the effect of the darkness or her inability to see his facial
expressions? Her whole being strained to hear more, feel more,
sense more.

"I know I can't convince you with words."
His voice was moving around her. "I can't convince you with
expensive gifts or money." The effect was disorienting, but
intensely exciting. "So I only have one thing left to give."

The blindfold tightened around her forehead.
He was right behind her now. She gasped slightly.

"It's important that you see nothing.
Absolutely nothing. Are you in complete darkness now?"

She nodded affirmatively.

"Good." He walked around in front of her and
went down on one knee, rested his hands very gently onto her
thighs. The effect was electrifying. The touch of a man had never
been so thrilling.

"The only thing I have left to give MJ, is
this." He lowered his mouth to her knees and drew in her scent. She
felt his breath on her skin and shuddered in response. Now she knew
she wouldn't move, she would obey his commands and let him take her
as high as he knew how.

His lips and tongue began to explore higher,
his hands ran along her thighs to her hips and squeezed her flesh,
cajoling and stoking the fire rising inside her, coursing through
her thighs and plunging between her legs.

MJ heard herself moan and
then instantly stifled it.
Why hold
She thought. She allowed another
long, uncensored moan to come from her lips as her thighs

The sound of her response goaded him

Joshua’s thick, strong, desirous fingers
moved to her hips and then to her waist. His hands seemed to
encompass her and then moved higher, passing lightly over her
breasts, her engorged nipples. Her breath was coming hard and fast
now, matched by his.

His fingers found the buttons on her blouse
and she felt herself become gradually exposed. She could see
nothing but only imagine his eyes feasting on her increasing
nudity. Every heave of her breath made her ample bosom swell, rise,
and fall. He was free to take his pleasure, to watch, and

He undid her bra and it was pure relief as
her heat rose. She felt first his breath and then his lips against
her nipples. She put her hands to his head and felt the thick dark
mane of his hair, but he immediately pushed them back.

"No." He grunted, huskily. "Not yet." His
lips left her, she wondered what error she might have committed but
quickly he was behind her, his hands on her shoulders.

"Put your hands behind you." He whispered.
She knew what was coming next. Now was the time to say no if she
was ever going to. Instead, she reached back and felt one powerful
hand encircle both her wrists and in an instant she was shackled.
The pain of desire ran through her. Now she was at his mercy.

"Just for tonight, you’re mine." His deep
voice echoed in her ear. "Mine and only mine. Other men might serve
you, embrace you, but for now you belong only to me. Do you

MJ nodded her head, afraid to use her voice
in case it betrayed her. She would have to beg for release if the
ecstasy of pleasure became too much for her.

In an instant he was in front of her again
and his invading hands found the top of her short skirt and
underwear, drawing them down to her ankles, his fingers fondling
her thighs and legs as they descended. She had on nothing else but
her boots. There was nowhere left to hide, but she didn't want to
anyway. Instead, she wanted the hunter to have his prey, to satisfy
his unspeakable lust for her body.

He buried his head in her thighs again,
plundering, exploring, and driving her wild with desire. She tried
to reach for his head but her hands were manacled behind her. His
powerful arms pushed her thighs apart and his mouth delved deeper
towards her pussy. Her inability to resist made it all the more
exciting. She knew that all she had to do was say the word and it
would end, but how could she? Her body was already shaking with
desire. Her only fear was that she might pass out in ecstasy.

Suddenly he had left her again. She felt
strong hands on her waist and she was lifted into the air. When she
came back down again, he was in the chair below her. Her ass slid
down along his hard, taut, muscular body and she felt his cock bend
below her, his shaft pressing into the lips and folds of her pussy.
God, she wanted him inside her now so badly. She felt his pulsating
member throbbing against her with pure male desire.

Strong arms encircled her from behind and
drew her back against his rock hard abdomen and broad chest. Her
bound arms squeezed against his determined flesh. She felt his warm
breath on her neck, her shoulder, next to her ear. Spasms of
pleasure shuddered through her body as the first precursive orgasms
shook her body, as the head of that massive cock begin to find its
selfish, egotistical way inside her. She felt hands on her knees,
caressing her inner thighs, strong arms around her shoulders and on
her breasts, shafts and bolts of pleasure coursed through her.

What is this?

Her mind and body were unable to make sense
of what was happening to her, but she had no intention of breaking
the intense sensuality of the moment with words.

There were at least two men in the room with her.

"Don’t be afraid." She heard Joshua say, his
cock pulsating inside her as he spoke. "You are mine and only mine.
No other man can take you tonight. I will kill anyone who harms
you, anyone who makes any claim on you. Just for tonight."

MJ nodded her head in mute agreement and
there was a soft murmur of assent from another male voice. The
other man touched her tenderly and affectionately, but something
about him suggested the same thrilling air of sexual arrogance that
Joshua had exuded since the first time she laid eyes on him.

MJ began to moan, to cry out. Then she felt
the hands on her ankles, gently, carefully, inexorably pulling her
legs apart. Her boots were carefully removed, leaving her entirely
naked now. Her body shook as the hungry cock below her pushed ever
deeper inside and began to thrust rhythmically.

How many were there
Whoever they were, they maintained
absolute silence. Only their deep, heavy, excited breathing made
their presence obvious.

She pushed her manacled hands down between
her ass and his groin and he was rock hard everywhere. This
billionaire was obviously obsessed with staying in perfect physical
condition and her plunging hands clearly excited him more as his
muscular body became ever harder and he began to push still deeper,
lifting her quivering ass with each powerful thrust.

"You’re mine. Only mine." He said. MJ moaned
loudly, with abandon as she welcomed him inside her. The hands on
her ankles separated her legs more, allowing his hot love baton to
go deeper still.

And then a brazen tongue began to lave her
clit in front. MJ had no power to resist and at last gave in to a
series of heart-stopping orgasms.

Joshua gave a long, pained groan of
exhaustion and then collapsed behind her. Strong hands lifted her
again and turned her around in mid-air. When she came back down, he
had already recovered his strength.

His energy was still intact, his intense
lust for her rapidly returning his cock to diamond hardness as she
settled down onto him, bending the spear of his desire deep within
her channel, still hot from the passion of their love.

The rising wave of her orgasms gathered
again. Someone gently pulled back her head and devoured her exposed
neck and throat. His breath was tender in her ear, his hand
powerful but gentle on her breasts. Another man was behind her, on
his knees worshipping the curves of her exposed back with his
daring tongue, exploring every nuance of her anatomy down to her
ass, forcing her to higher ecstasy with each brazen lave of his
masculine tongue.

There were three of them
at least.
Oh my God. No.

The presence of the other men was
disturbing, exciting, unimaginably forbidden, wild, and free.
However, it was the man underneath her who caused the most distress
by far. Such sweet distress.

He was huge inside her. Maybe it was the
blindfold that made him seem so much larger than life. His hands on
her ass began to lift her violently up and down. The other men
stood back but continued to steady her with their hands as Joshua
locked into his second orgasm and their pubic bones pushed together
in violent rhythm, forcing her needy clit against him again and

MJ’s orgasms were beginning to flow into
each other and she no longer cared about the strangeness of so many
men around her. All she could think about was the man below her and
how she longed to wrap her arms around him as he came to the peak
of his desire, but her arms were still manacled behind her.

All she could do was lock him tightly with
her channel, squeeze his straining cock with her hungry and lustful
pussy until he exploded again inside her. She felt his energy
subside and heard the whimper of his release. Her own wave of
pleasure had just crested as she was torn from her lover’s hands

The handcuffs were removed and she was
placed on her hands and knees on the floor. Soft, silken sensations
greeted her, everything still multiplied tenfold by the darkness of
her blindfold. Two powerful hands fixed her wrists in place and the
man in front of her began to tenderly kiss her, as though they were
high school sweethearts. The contrast of his sensitive lips and
tongue with the commanding, domineering hold of his hands on her
wrists was jarring, exciting, confusing.

More strong hands gripped her hips and upper

"I need you. God, I how I need you." She
heard Joshua say as his hands locked onto her legs and he searched
for passage inside her. Another set of hands settled onto her knees
and lower thighs each side of her.

Christ, there are four of
This was his gift, this exquisite,
insurmountable, unconscionable pleasure.

Joshua slowly teased her with his massive
re-engorged cock. Would she be able to take him again? This was
number three already. Her orgasms so far had surpassed anything she
had ever experienced. MJ’s heart was pounding in her chest as
though she had just run the New York Marathon. Her mind was
incapable of thought, her mouth incapable of words.

She tried to flee him but his hands were too
powerful. Joshua held her hips in place and invaded more deeply
inside her.

One of the men -- she couldn't tell which
anymore -- reached up and began to circle her twitching clit with
expert fingers, while Joshua slowly increased the pace of his
desperate lovemaking. The heat of his cock coursed through her and
his savage member grew in stature each time it battered the
ramparts of her channel.

MJ heard the screaming of a madwoman and
realized it was the sound of her own voice. Her shrieks of abandon
contrasted starkly with the tight, strained silence of the
assisting men in the room. Only Joshua, taking her pussy violently
from behind, could be heard struggling to stifle whimpers and moans
as he battled his way to climax, fighting like a lion to prolong
his pleasure.

His loins pounded against her ass. She
longed to grip his greedy balls with her hand and squeeze him to a
bone-shaking orgasm, but she wasn't allowed. It would have to be
her pussy again. She contracted like a vice onto his member and
heard him whimper as he thrust himself impossibly deep inside

Then at last she felt his powerful body
weaken and shake like jelly as the strength drained from him for a
third time. He collapsed across her back for a moment, desperately
trying to kiss her shoulders while she continued to vice him with
her hungry, obsessive depths, but he was pulled from her by the
other men.

MJ was nearing exhaustion now. The
continuous stream of earth-shaking orgasms had brought her near to
her limit. Could she take any more?

She would have to.

The men gently turned her over and laid her
down onto the silken rug below her. She was positioned with care as
though she were a priceless work of art to be displayed in a museum
and then stretched out like a canvass in four directions by three
sets of strong hands. One man to her arms, one each to her

Soon Joshua’s hot, powerful body, rippling
with taut muscle and desire came upon her again and he entered
swiftly, his strength and energy restored at the sight of her
exposed and helpless form. He was hungrier for her than ever.

The hands on her limbs disappeared and
although she couldn’t be sure, MJ felt that they were now alone
together, just she and her passion-inflamed lover. No disembodied
hands restrained her; only the strong possessive arms of her man,
taking her, loving her, his lips claiming her as his own.

She was exhausted and tried to resist but
there was nothing she could do. His shuddering member was already
deep inside her, buried to the root, his rock-hard tip plunging
deep within, his bone-hard shaft pounding her hungry but exhausted

She knew him so well already, the growing
pace of his obsessive desire was by now familiar to her. His
intense lust began to lift her again. "Only you." He grunted as he
struggled against her.

BOOK: Resisting the Billionaire Collection
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