Resplendent (3 page)

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Authors: M. J. Abraham

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Resplendent
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“I haven’t called you since the funeral because I didn’t think you’d want to talk to me,” I told her, honestly.

“You never even
calling me so you shouldn’t have made that kind of assumption.”

I decided to change the subject before we got into an argument. I had other questions running through my mind. “So, you’re really moving back?”

I took that moment to finish my shot, then placed it on the table, and rested my arm behind her.

Savannah nodded. “I am. I arrived today. My apartment is temporary, but it was the best I could do for now. Besides, I think the move was long overdue.”

Her eyelids closed and I fought the urge to touch her temple. Her lips were another distraction. She was so close; I could feel her breath against my lips. Minty. No Cancer Packs for her. I’d kissed those lips before and was dying to taste them again. It had been so damned long since our last kiss.

“I’m sorry he’s an idiot. You should dump him,” I said, matter-of-factly.

She must have sensed the nearness from my voice because her eyelids fluttered and she drew in a quick, sharp breath, which practically forced me to move in a little bit more.

“Should I?” she whispered and raised an eyebrow.

I nodded.
Damn right she should.
“Uh huh.”

“What about your girlfriend, Dre? What’s up with that?”

I knew what she was asking. I just didn’t know
she was asking it. There’d never be anyone but her. That voice of hers sent me into a hypnotic spell when she talked. I was both mesmerized and tortured. I stared at her mouth.

“I don’t have a girlfriend. I told you she’s a nobody.”

“You’re such a dick.”

“Not with you, I’m not.” I hoped that was true.

“Really? Your memory is short.” Her chin jutted forward and I could see her swallow.

I closed my eyes and rested my forehead against hers. There was nothing wrong with my memory. I had blown it big time.

She placed her hand on my chest and pushed me back. Then scooted to the edge of the seat. Raising the glass she had said she didn’t want, she gave it an inspection of sorts and chugged it.

“Aguardiente?” she asked, eyes wide.

I shrugged. “It’s your fault. You got me into it ... I always ask for that when I want to think of you.”

She tilted her head slightly, her eyes examining mine. She was considering if what I was saying was true. And it was. I smiled, thinking I was glad her gestures hadn’t changed. Her body tensed and when she got up, I quickly did the same. I stood behind her and wrapped my arm around her waist, kissing her on the shoulder.

“Stay. Stay with me,” I whispered in her ear. Her long lashes lowered, and body went lax as she leaned against me. It didn’t seem like any big feat, but knowing I still affected her body, mind, and her desires gave me a thrill. It made me feel like a young boy again who was going on his first date, or standing in line for a crazy roller coaster, even waiting for my favorite musician at a sold out concert filled with screaming fans. These were the things only she could fill me with—excitement, anticipation, happiness…

It was short-lived, however.

“I can’t,” she said without looking at me.

I rubbed my thumb on her stomach. “We can just talk. We haven’t talked in
long. I promise I’ll behave.” It would be hard to keep that promise, but I’d try if it meant I got to spend more time with her.

She turned and looked at me, brown eyes that showed her compassion and strength. I gently cupped her face, and she leaned into my palm. That thrilled me too.

“I’m really tired and need sleep, okay? I’ve had a long day. We can have breakfast tomorrow if you want?”

I wanted to tell her we could talk all night and then she could fall asleep wrapped up in my arms.
we would have breakfast. But I guess that wasn’t in the cards for tonight. I agreed because, well, did I have any other option? When Savannah Martinez asked you for something, you said yes. I gave her a quick nod and kissed her cheek. She began to walk away before turning one more time to give me a small wave. I winked at her and watched until she got lost in the crowd and I could no longer keep track of the back of her shirt or the top of her head.

After she left, I finished off my drink, and ordered a couple more.



It was the last weekend of summer vacation right before my senior year when I met Savannah. I’ll never forget that day. Not only was it the beginning of the best school year experience of my life, but it was the last summer I had left without any responsibilities or worries. I was having a damn good time enjoying my freedom at the beach. The waves just a few feet away from us, I could smell the salt water.

“Yo, Andres!” I looked up from my watch and saw Adam standing by the cooler holding up two brewskies. “You ready for another one?” I showed him my empty bottle and nodded.

Carmin would be here soon and…

“Whoa, check out the legs on that chick!”

All eyes turned to see who Adam was talking about, and I sat up a little straighter on the ledge. Whoa, was right. Who was that? Beautiful, long hair the color of coffee beans—and the most amazing pair of legs I’d ever seen.

Eddy nudged my shoulder. “Try not to drool on yourself, big guy.”

“Huh?” I ran my hand over my mouth, instinctively.

He chuckled. “I’m saying wipe that look off your face before Carmin sees it. If she hasn’t already.”


“Your date, asshole,” he said, shaking his head. He got up and smacked me on the back of my head before turning around. “Hey, Carmin. What’s up?” They greeted each other with a kiss on the cheek.

Shit, that gorgeous girl standing beside her must be her friend. Fuck. Me.

“Hey, handsome.” Carmin looked up at me and wrapped her hands around my neck, leaning in for a quick kiss. “You good?”

I made myself focus on her brown eyes and not the slick comments my idiot friends were making about the model right behind Carmin.

“Who’s your friend?” I was trying to be nonchalant about it. People asked that all the time right? Aren’t introductions the polite thing to do?

She squinted her eyes but quickly turned around, holding onto my hands.

“Savannah.” She gestured with her hand for her friend to come forward.

I held in my breath when Savannah turned around and met my gaze. She had long lashes that framed a pair of big brown eyes, a nice color on her skin—like she always sat by the pool just long enough to get a good tan and then called it a day. She was tall for a chick, not that it mattered to me—I’m six-two. And full, pink, kissable lips. I tried not to focus on her lips, but my brain was distracted. Everything I saw about her was

“This is Andres. Andres, this is Savannah.” Carmin turned to face me and let go of my hand so I could shake Savannah’s. Her palm was cold against mine, but I could feel how soft her skin was. “…My sister,” Carmin finished, and she almost looked—smug? Sister?
Fuck. Me

“Nice to meet you,” I said.

She smiled shyly. She could be a model, I was sure of it. Not that Carmin wasn’t pretty, but they didn’t look anything alike. Carmin was shorter with athletic legs, wavy hair, a pointy nose and a thin upper lip. These two were related? I asked myself as I tried to tear my eyes away from the goddess in front of me.

Savannah tilted her head and glanced at Carmin. “Likewise, I’ve heard a lot about you.”

The girls giggled, but that left me puzzled.
She had
? I barely knew Carmin. We’d just met a week ago at News Cafe on South Beach. And besides that, how much could she have said about me? I tilted my head and scratched my jaw. I didn’t think I’d ever understand girls.

“Is that so? Because I haven’t heard a thing about you,” I responded with a smirk.

Carmin whacked me on the chest and giggled. “We were a little too busy to be talking…” she cooed, running her index finger up my chest.

I inwardly rolled my eyes. We’d made out. It wasn’t like we were
busy, but I didn’t want to be an ass, again. So I stayed quiet.

Adam wrapped his arm around Savannah’s shoulders, and I fought the urge to pull his grubby hands off of her. I had no idea why I wanted to do something like that or why I even cared—I didn’t know this chick and I already had a date. Adam on the other hand, had come alone, and this bothered the shit out of me. Grubby Palms was touching her collarbone, thanks to her gray top that hung off one shoulder.

Adam gave her a little squeeze. “Well, sexy Savannah, what’s your poison? Let’s get this party started!”

She looked over at him and held up a bottle that I hadn’t noticed earlier and said, “Aguardiente. Where are the shot glasses?”

“Follow me, beautiful.” He winked.

I made a mental note to keep an eye on him when he was with her from here on out. He was drunk and wouldn’t know what to do with such a treasure. I was just looking out for her. Really.

He raised his cup and started walking away, toward the vacation home on Miami Beach that Adam’s parents owned. I stepped in front of the girls and held the door open for them. Carmin ran in to catch up with Eddy’s chick, Amanda. Savannah stopped and looked up at me, smiling. Her smile was going to be the death of me.

“Thank you,” she said.

“You’re very welcome.” I walked in after her and gently closed the door.

“So, Savannah as in Savannah, Georgia?”

She turned her pretty little head and smirked. “Well, there’s a line I don’t think I’ve ever heard before.”

Playful girl? I smiled back. “I’m full of original ideas.”

Carmin squealed when a hip-hop song started playing. She ran to me and grabbed my hand.

“My jam! Dance with me!” I usually didn’t have a problem getting on the dance floor, and I liked this song, but I wasn’t in the mood for it. I wanted to talk to Savannah. Savannah as in Savannah, Georgia. As sweet as a Georgia peach. I smiled.

“What are you smiling about?” Carmin looked up at me, almost suspiciously. I swear it’s like women have a fucking radar about shit.

I pushed her hips closer to mine, appeasing her, and we started moving side to side with the rhythm of the music.

“Nothing—I like this song,” I said softly into her ear.

We danced to another song while the conversations buzzed and bottles clinked. We weren’t a big group and this wasn’t a club—only two other couples were dancing. I could clearly see Savannah and a few others, including Adam, talking in a corner where we had set up a table to put pizza.

With each step she took, Carmin leaned her body closer to mine and ran her fingers along my arms. Her eyes and smile insinuated what else she wanted to do tonight, but I wasn’t feeling it. She’d made it clear that she’d be an easy lay, but I could get that anywhere. No way was I going to let Savannah see that, especially since these two were related. When I saw Savannah walk over to the bar by herself, I slowly pulled away from Carmin and said, “Hey, I’m going to get a drink. You want something?”

Carmin adjusted her blouse and smiled at me. “Sure, get me a Rum and Coke.”

I nodded and made my way to the drink table.

“Having a good time … Peach?” Yeah, it sounded nice coming out of my mouth. A name just for her. I bet she tasted so sweet. I smiled when she turned around and gave me a puzzled look.

“Peach?” she asked cautiously.

“Yeah, like Georgia peaches. Ever heard

She tilted her head, and it took all I had not to close my arms around her waist and kiss her naked shoulder. “You’re right, that
original,” she admitted with a slow smile.

“I’ll call you that from now on.”

She laughed. “All right, Dre.”

“Dre? So we both have nicknames now, huh? You flirting with me?” I pulled a strand of hair off of her shoulder.
God, I hope she is.
Her smile quickly faltered, and a blush crept up her face. Not good. I made her uncomfortable.

“No, I’m sorry, I know you’re with Carmin.” She bit her lip and looked around nervously.

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