Resplendent (6 page)

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Authors: M. J. Abraham

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Resplendent
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She smiled and took a step forward, grabbing his bicep before passing her drink to him. “Deal.”

I was never a fan of tug of war. I got up and excused myself to walk into the kitchen where Julio and Victoria were cleaning up.

“Can I help?” I asked and started to stack up the dirty plastic cups.

“You don’t have to do that,” Victoria answered and smiled at me. “It’s nice to see my brother bring a decent girl home for once.”

I turned my head to grab the plates but didn’t answer.
How many girls had there been?

“Victoria,” her dad said in a warning tone.

She rolled her eyes. “That’s not what I meant. Just that the
girls he has brought aren’t as nice.” She squeezed my arm as she walked by with the container for the food. “None ever offer to help, that’s for sure,” she muttered.

I giggled and helped her separate the leftovers.

“Must be hard taking care of these two Rivera men,” I teased her.

Victoria laughed. “You have no idea.” She paused, as if thinking about something. “Abu, my grandmother, helps me stay sane.”

I sneaked a glance to take in her features and noticed how pretty Andres’ sister was. This family had good genes. Victoria was shorter than Carmin, with long brown hair, and curvy with an athletic build. However, she wasn’t tomboyish at all and looked every bit as girly in a sundress and white sandals.

“Do you play baseball too?” I asked her.

Victoria smiled and nodded. “Yeah, it’s kind of a family thing.”

“You need to raise your kids right from an early age.” Julio stopped wiping the counter to face us. “Do you play any sport?”

I threw my head back and let out a laugh. “I’m more of a sit on the sidelines kind of girl.”

“She likes photography,” Andres’ voice boomed behind me, which caused me to jump and drop some crumbs. He grabbed a trash bag and went back to the dining area.

“Well, that’s good!” Julio said and pointed his finger at me. “Something that inspires you is what it’s all about, young lady.”

He broke off a piece of Cuban bread and starting munching. I smiled at the nonchalant way he did it, not caring that more crumbs were falling to the floor. He was so down to Earth.

Victoria already had a broom in her hand. “I like your shoes,” she told me as she walked by.

We talked about shoes and baseball while we cleaned up. When the counter was sparkling, Carmin walked in behind Andres. “Let’s go, Savannah. I have a test tomorrow.”

Carmin crossed her arms over her chest and smiled at me. I was surprised that she even remembered it was a school night, much less that she had a test to take.

“You actually care?” I teased her.

She huffed. “You’re not the only brainiac in the world.”

My smile faltered. “That’s not what I meant.” She ignored me and turned around to walk away.

“I thought your curfew was at nine? I can take you home later, you know,” Andres said, looking at me, but I declined.

“It’s okay. I should get going too. Don’t have a test but still have school.”

Lola was already out front. Carmin must have called her to pick us up while I was cleaning. I grabbed my purse and waved goodbye to everyone. Victoria mentioned she’d love to hang out again.

“Make sure you come back soon, okay? You can show me some of your work.” Julio smiled warmly, and the humor in his eyes was exactly like Andres’.

As I passed the front door, Andres grabbed me by the arm gently and held me back.

“Don’t think I’ll forget that you didn’t answer my question about why you’re living with them.” His head jerked towards the door. “You’re going to have to trust me enough to tell me about yourself sooner or later.”

My chest tightened when I saw the seriousness in his eyes. I leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. “Later,” I whispered and walked to the car. Carmin had just closed her door and was already putting on her seatbelt by the time I stepped inside.

“What happened? Why did you call me so early?” Lola asked as soon as she was driving.

Carmin groaned. “It was boring. There were too many people, and Andres and I hardly got a chance to talk!”

As she went off on how she wasn’t a fan of the food, I felt my phone vibrate against my hand. It was Andres sending me a text message.


So when can I take you out on a real date? Alone?


I bit my lip and looked out the window. The idea of being alone with him made my stomach flutter. I couldn’t deny that I was attracted to Dre, but how would I manage to date him with Lola and Carmin knowing about my every move?



I couldn’t believe high school was over. Adam, Eddy, and I had gotten together with friends to celebrate our graduation. I leaned my head back and took a look at the crowd at Casola’s Pizzeria. Not surprisingly, the tables were full with only a few people waiting for an empty spot to sit. Eddy stood up and whistled, waving his arms. When I followed his line of vision, I could see that Savannah and Carmin had just walked in.

Carmin waved back, and they both zigzagged their way to our table.
. Savannah had said they might show up, but I wasn’t expecting her to. She had told me months ago she couldn’t date and had been caught in a lie when my buddy saw her with some other guy, so why was she here?

“Damn girl, you look good!” Adam said to Carmin and locked her into a bear hug.

Carmin shrieked—God, I hated when girls made that noise—and tried to push him away. “Okay, okay, you’re not letting me breathe!”

Everyone at the table laughed—except me. I was busy trying not to check out Savannah while she said her hellos. With her low cut jeans and tank top that barely covered her shoulders, she looked every bit as good as she usually did. She may have even looked older, somehow.

I was sitting between an empty seat and Adam, and instead of Peach coming by, Carmin plopped herself next to me and took away my elbow room. I wasn’t surprised. Why would Savannah sit next to me anyway? She wasn’t into me, and I had accepted that—or tried to.

She took the seat across from me, between Victoria and Christian. Christian was a friend of Eddy’s that played football. I liked the guy.

Peach smiled at me. “Hi,” she said.

I smiled back and gave her a nod, enough to be polite, but I knew it was a half-assed attempt. She looked down and grabbed her paper plate, holding it up so Eddy could place a hot slice on it.

I turned my head and started listening to what Adam and Carmin were talking about.
Was Adam flirting with her?
I inwardly smiled. I could see them working out.

Then, I heard Savannah moan. My head immediately snapped up as she took a bite of her pizza and separated the melted cheese with her fingers. She moaned again and licked her index finger. Moaning and fucking licking her finger in front of all these guys!

“Good, huh?” Christian asked, and she nodded, wiping her mouth with a napkin. “Have you ever been here before?”

She placed her slice down. “Yeah, I love it! It’s crazy how packed it always seems to be.”

“I know, but it’s the best.” He grinned, and she stared back at him. At his lips. Or was it the stupid dimple he had that all the fucking girls loved? I suddenly hated the guy. I think Victoria had a crush on him too a few years ago. I saw Peach turn her head toward me, but I quickly focused my attention back to Adam. He was telling Carmin about his latest video game, who the fuck wants to hear about that? This guy had no game. I was starting to get bored myself and it had only taken five seconds. My concentration was interrupted by Victoria’s voice.

“Savannah, Christian played football at our school. He was the quarterback.”

Savannah’s eyes lit up. I rolled my own. Big fucking deal, if you asked me.

“Really? How long have you been playing?” she asked.

“Since I was eight,” Christian said proudly. “It’s the best sport.”

I sucked my teeth but only Victoria heard it, and she raised her eyebrow at me.
What? This guy was full of shit.

“So did you graduate as well?” he asked Savannah.

“No, I’ll be a senior next year.”

“She came to hang out with us cool,
guys,” Eddy leaned over and interjected with a bump to her shoulder.

Savannah giggled.
Fucking giggled
. Is that what she wanted? A preppy college boy?

“Is that so? Perfect timing.” Christian moved his hand below the table. Was it to touch her thigh?
I swear if he fucking touched her thigh—

“Well, technically you haven’t started college,” Savannah replied coyly.

“Yet,” he countered.

She pulled a strand of her long hair behind her neck. I didn’t understand why she was wearing her hair down anyway because it was seriously hot and crowded. Didn’t girls get hot and sweaty with all that mess around their neck? Although, I bet she’d look good lying down on my bed with her long hair splayed across the covers—fuck.

I rubbed my palm along my face.

I leaned forward and decided to focus my attention on Carmin and Adam. Finally, they were talking about sports.

“Fernandez is the best pitcher right now, and I think the Mets will pick him up,” Adam said.

Carmin nodded. “Maybe, but the Dodgers will fight for him too. So far they have an eight straight winning streak and everyone knows it’s thanks to Fernandez.”

What the fuck? Carmin knows her shit.
I approved, especially for Adam who lived and breathed baseball.

“You want something else?” I looked up to see Christian standing with his plate and Savannah’s. She shook her head.

“Let’s go outside and get out of this madness.” He jerked his head toward the door, and she glanced over at me again, but I faked an itch and twisted my head.

“Okay.” The chair scraping against the floor told me that she had gotten up to follow him. Carmin laughed at something, and I could see Peach stop, placing her hand on a nearby chair. Before I could think anything of it, Christian walked behind her and then he placed a hand on her
. It seemed everyone and their fucking brother wanted to touch her there. I slammed the cheese spice jar on the table, startling everyone around me. Fuck, I hadn’t even realized I’d grabbed it.

“What?” I shrugged. They acted as if they’d never heard the sound of something slamming before. If I would’ve noticed the spice jar was this close to me a second ago, I could’ve thrown it at Christian’s head.
Stupid fucking quarterback

It looked like it was just Christian and Savannah walking out. Alone. I looked at Victoria and Eddy, who were still eating. Hadn’t they had enough? I finished off my soda and waited while Adam and Carmin kept yapping away. I refrained from getting up because it didn’t matter whether I was there or not, Savannah could talk to whoever she wanted.

“Are you almost done?” I snapped at V. She looked at me wide-eyed and wiped her hands.

“Jealous?” she asked and crossed her arms over her chest.

“Of what? I asked a simple question,” I huffed.

She pursed her lips. “So did I.” At this point, all my friends were now paying attention and glancing between the two of us.

We glared at each other. “Don’t know what you’re talking about, V.” My little sister had to learn to keep her mouth shut.

“Uh huh.” She pushed her chair back and grabbed her plate.

Slowly, and I mean SLOWLY, my friends decided they’d had enough, and we stepped out into the parking lot. I wasn’t going to
for Savannah, but she was standing right by Christian’s car, talking. I mean she was
right there
. I wasn’t going to be rude now and walk in the opposite direction so I kept my path right in front of them.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around.

“What’s wrong with you?” Victoria asked, concerned.

I shrugged. “Nothing,”

She raised an eyebrow. “Andres, did you date her?” Her eyes pointed behind me and when I turned it was obvious who she meant.

“No,” I said firmly and faced my sister again. “There’s nothing there, sis.”

Her mouth went into a straight line.

I kissed her on the cheek. “Stop worrying.” I hated that she was trying to snoop into my business, but even worse when she thought something was wrong.

I told her goodnight and continued walking to where the group was. My eyes never left Savannah. I felt a tug on my elbow.
Fuck! Would no one leave me in peace?

“Hey, I’m going to take Carmin home later. Let Savannah know,” Adam said.

“Yeah, sure.” I nodded, barely paying attention to what he was saying. He patted my back and turned around. Funny how only
one of the young girls
in that house could date.

“Yeah, that’d be fun. We could all go.” I heard Eddy say to the group, and I walked a little closer and stood behind Peach.

“Go where?” I asked.

Savannah didn’t say a word, instead Eddy spoke up, “Christian is going to arrange for us to check out his new place. I think he only invited Savannah, but we just sort of turned it into a party.” They all laughed. Except me. Had she told him no about going alone and suggested the party herself? Maybe she really
date? None of this made any sense. My friend had seen her with some guy at the movies a couple weeks ago. I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to talk to her.

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