Resurrection (18 page)

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Authors: Anita Cox

BOOK: Resurrection
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Sneak Peek, Chapter One, No Quarter, Book 3


Chapter One


Nala Baker took her job as the first female Alpha seriously. A serious responsibility that meant she had to be sharp physically as well as mentally. She bent at the waist, touching her toes, feeling her muscles stretching. After standing straight, she grabbed the front of her ankle and stretched her leg behind her, then repeated with her other leg before she set off down the trail, first at a slow jog.

The early morning light peered through the trees, shooting golden beams on the path before her. The cool morning air brushed against her face, cooling her body which heated up quickly during runs. Morning dew sparkled in the light, causing her face to twitch into a smile. The forest was waking. The sweet earthy aroma amplified by the dew was sweet in her nose.

It was only a matter of time before some male showed up and challenged her for her spot. It could be a member of her own pack. When they did, they’d pay for that mistake. She swore the day she took the life of her last abusive male Alpha, she’d never have a man in charge of her life again. She’d die first.

As each foot took its turn pounding against the forest floor, her heart thundered in her chest. Her thighs began to burn as she picked up the pace. She claimed the forest in her mind, obsessed over every small detail of pack business. The farmers’ production began to increase with a few suggestions by Tiffany, a pack member who was attending McGovern University, the first university exclusively for supernatural students.

Things were going well. Her arranged marriage to Colin was still stiff. They’d held hands, exchanged pleasantries and had even taken to quick pecks on the cheek when greeting or departing each other. They’d yet to take their relationship any further. It was an internal struggle for them both. Colin, still grieving his late wife and child and Nala, a victim of heinous acts of her former Alpha hadn’t been ready to consummate the relationship.

But Nala wanted more than a friendly business arrangement. Though she’d never admit it to anyone else, she mourned that special bond she’d never had. She wanted to enjoy sex again. She’d have to be vulnerable to her mate, yet seem completely invulnerable to everyone else. That was a riddle she’d yet to solve.

She reached her favorite tree, with a nice level branch, leaped up and grabbed it with both hands. She pulled herself up, lifting her chin above the branch, then lowering herself until her arms were fully extended. She repeated the movement twenty-four more times, reveling in the burn rippling through her biceps and shoulders before she dropped back to the ground and commence her run.

Five more minutes and she’d reach the main house. Slowing her pace slightly, she considered the Gnomes. Wendy Baker, Colin’s sister, had requested the Belfast pack to take the little people in. They needed protection so they didn’t have to live like rodents and in return, they would work around the pack contributing in any way they could. It seemed like a fair arrangement. Tiny houses were built among the Lycan houses. Two dozen little homes butted up to larger ones that offered protection from the elements.

In return, farmers had help milking cows, feeding chickens, and collecting eggs. The Gnomes had an enormous garden they tended with herbs and vegetables they distributed among the pack. Some of them had taken to child care, or HVAC work, running or repairing duct work in what would be cramped attic space to a Lycan. Two of the Gnomes were experts and locating, cutting and polishing jewels and had taken to selling extravagant jewelry, mostly to the Vampires, who were fond of such baubles. Though Nala had been wary of taking on what she thought would be an extra responsibility, so far the relationship had been quite symbiotic.

Zoltar, Wendy’s new mate and the Centaur King, and his men had begun manufacturing small automobiles for the Gnomes so they could get around more easily. Little jeep-like vehicles with fat tires to maneuver among rocks and branches carried the little people all over the property.

Jake, Colin’s half-brother and look-alike had been selected as her Beta. It was a less than popular decision for the women who came with her from the Scottsboro pack, but she had to blend the two packs together and Jake was a nice bridge between the old regime and the new. He was also effective and loyal, two qualities Nala appreciated.

She finally reached the main house and stopped, taking a moment to gain her composure before entering the house, which was always buzzing with Lycans first thing in the morning. Closing her eyes, she tilted her face toward the sun, reveling in the warmth of the rays licking at her skin.

“I, uh, brought you a glass of water.”

She opened her eyes and watched as Colin approached holding a glass in his hand. She found him handsome the first time they’d met. When he was nervous, he’d trip on his tongue or run his fingers through his thick wavy blond locks.

“That was thoughtful. Thank you.” With a smile she grabbed the glass out of his hand and took a long drink, thankful to have the cool water running down her throat, which was hot and dry from her run. He always seemed to attempt to take care of her in some manner, just like bringing her a glass of water after her morning run.

“Breakfast is almost ready.” He stared at her for two seconds more than was comfortable before turning on his heel and heading back into the house.

Would the awkwardness ever go away?

Releasing a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding, she followed him into the house. Maybe she should make the first move. Maybe she should plan an intimate dinner. Maybe…she didn’t know what the hell she was doing.

She took her usual seat at the head of the table with Colin sitting to her right and Jake, her Beta, sitting to her left. The two men often exchanged uncomfortable glances with each other and while it ate at Nala, the not knowing what the looks were about, she couldn't bring herself to ask her mate if there was a problem. Maybe it was because Colin was the former Alpha of the Belfast pack and his current position as her advisor was in conflict with her having a Beta whose job it was to be her right hand man. Maybe it was sibling rivalry. Whatever it was made her squirm in her chair. The tension was nearly palpable.

She sipped at her coffee then cut into her Country Fried Steak, appreciating the wonderful food she enjoyed instead of the slop she’d been fed in the not-so-distant past. Dipping a biscuit into the gravy she glanced around and watched her pack mates as they smiled and conversed over breakfast. The only place there didn’t seem to be harmony was her little corner of the table, with the mate she’d yet to bond with and his half-brother.

“I was thinking,” she started, in an effort to break the tension, “maybe we can put some crushed stone paths down for the Gnomes’ cars. I know their little cars get them around but it has to be a bumpy ass ride around this terrain.”

Jake pulled out a small pad of paper he kept in his front pocket and jotted it down. “I’ll get some quotes.” He tucked the paper back into the pocket and continued eating.

It took every ounce of control for her not to roll her eyes. “Colin, I was thinking about going into town today. Would you care to join me?” She placed her fork on her plate and folded her hands in her lap. When she turned to him she found him beaming at her, his smile wide.

“I’d like that very much.”

Her heart fluttered. She returned his smile and nodded. “By the time I’m cleaned up and finish some paperwork, it’ll be nearly lunch. Maybe we can have lunch in town?”

He slid his hand across the table and placed his hand on hers, giving a gentle squeeze. “That sounds perfect.” Scooting back from the table, he dropped his napkin on his chair and left the dining room.

She watched the back of him as he left, his head held a little higher than when he brought her the water. He even seemed to have a bit of a spring in his step.

Returning her focus back to the table, she caught the end of Jake rolling his eyes.

“Something on your mind?” she crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes.

“Not a thing.” He jerked his chair back and tossed his fork down on his plate before making his own quick departure.


“Thank you for the breakfast, Trace.” She smiled at Tracy, her most trusted female companion and who she’d intended to be her Beta before coming to the Belfast pack. Tracy had handled it well, insisting on her desire for peace being greater than any need for position. She now managed the house, which was a far cry from Beta duties. She hated seeing her friend stuck in a traditional domestic role, but Tracy didn’t seem to mind too much.

After excusing herself she made her way to room. She kicked off her shoes and walked into the bathroom, peeling off her clothes. She turned on the shower and stepped in, closing her eyes as the water poured over her. She had to think of a reason to go into town. It was a spur of the moment decision to spend some time with her mate. But now, she needed an excuse. What would they do once they arrived? Where, exactly, would they go?

She tried to concoct a plan as she lathered her hair with soap. Nothing came to mind. Jake took care of ordering supplies. Tracy had always made sure they were well stocked with feminine products. She could use some clothes. She hadn’t come with much and what little she had was wearing thin. The Alpha shouldn’t dress like a bum, but would Colin be bored out of his mind shopping for clothes?

Of course he would, he was a man.

She sighed. It was the only excuse she could devise.

After a quick conditioning of her hair and a good scrub she was rinsed and drying off.

“Uh, Nala?” Colin called through the door.

Her heart jumped into her throat. He hadn’t seen her naked yet and this was not how she wanted it to go. “I’ll be out in a moment,” she called out, throwing her robe on and cinching it closed.

“Oh, hi.” He looked away when she opened the door. “I just…uh…was wondering…Um…You didn’t say what we were doing in town. Do I need to get the truck ready?”

She felt a smirk forming on her face as she tried to hide her amusement. “Colin?”

He looked at her. “I don’t want you to think, you know, that I was trying to catch you in the shower or anything. I came to get my wallet and heard you in there.”

She let go of a chuckle. “It’s okay. We don’t need the truck. I actually need some clothes and we always have everyone around here watching us so closely. I thought it might be nice for us to spend some time together while not being under a microscope. I hope clothes shopping won’t be too much of a drag for you.”

He lifted his chin. “I happen to have excellent taste in women’s' apparel. I was considering getting a new pair of heels myself.”

She nearly gasped when he winked at her. He’d only done it a few times before. He’d always seemed to flirt with her when she least expected it, but never really when she did.

“Well, not in red. It would clash with your eyes.”

His throaty laugh made her heart ache. He really needed to laugh more. When he smiled it made his eyes squint a little at the sides. He had a sweet boyish look to him when he laughed. It was endearing and very rare, at least in her experience.

“Okay then. I’ll just go. See you in a bit.” Before she could do or say anything else, he made a quick exit.

She walked over to the bed and sat on the edge. Her heat was coming soon and she certainly didn’t want their first time to be during a heat. With a heavy heart she walked into her closet to dressed, her eyes falling to the note she found this morning hidden under her coffee cup. It’s pasted lettering warning her;
enjoy your power while you can female alpha…it’s about to end!

Other Books by Anita Cox


Interested in learning how Grace came to the Belfast pack? You can find out in the Prequel, Pursuing Grace, which is free on Amazon, All Romance, Kobo and Google Play. If you don’t have accounts at those retailers, you can download a copy straight from the author’s website at
on the Books tab.


Dirty White Candy Series

The Beginning, Book 1

Ultimate Vacation, Book 2

Trading Places, Book 3


Shifter Chronicles

Pursuing Grace, Prequel

Saving Grace, Book 1

Resurrection, Book 2

No Quarter, Book 3 (Coming Summer, 2015)




Anita has been writing general fiction, under her given name, for nearly a decade. In 2012 she strapped on a new name for a new genre and dove head first into writing erotica.

Anita Co
s erotic debut series Dirty White Candy was published in 2011, but this was
t her beginning. Under her given name she has written crime fiction (some with paranormal elements,) paranormal romance and suspense novels.

In 2014, she became a Director for the Erotic Autho
s Guild. Her altruistic nature found its purpose, assisting other erotic authors with issues specific to the genre.



You can learn more about Anita by visiting her website:

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