Retraining the Dom (13 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Denys

BOOK: Retraining the Dom
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enjoys all flicks from this particular implement, a
newcomer would be best practicing on an inanimate object.”

She knew she had to
move or lose herself completely and stepped away. “Good idea.” Was her voice as
shaky as she thought it was?

He grinned.

Damn him. He knows.
Olivia cleared her throat. “So, since
we’ve moved into the other part of your retraining, that of passing on your
expertise to another person, why don’t you give us some more tips?”

Trey narrowed his
eyes at her. Olivia stared back.

For a few moments
neither looked away, nor said anything.

Then Trey harrumphed.
“It depends on whether the ‘other person’ is a male Dom or a Mistress.”

One of the
watching, a Dom called Jonas, commented to his
companion, “Doesn’t make any difference to Olivia. She was born with balls.”

Olivia frowned at
them. Trey had made her feel feminine for the first time in her life. She
forgot her size made her feel big and lumpy and was suddenly reminded of her
real life as a
. Her voice was strident in her
irritation. “Why would gender make any difference?”

“Actually it is more
height that is the issue, as it is about center of your balance, whether you
are tall or short.”

She was mystified,
and fascinated. “Explain more.”

Looking around him,
Trey signaled for a chair to be passed up onto the stage, and Olivia’s
bafflement grew. He shushed her away from the side of
and placed the chair there instead, inviting her to sit in it.

Olivia tapped the
whip against her thigh.

Trey laughed. “Come
on. You wanted to learn more. Sit.”

She reluctantly did
as he requested.

“Now try the whip

Olivia tensed.

“Go on. You’ll see.”

She frowned. “Are you
okay for me to continue,

“Yes, Mistress.
Use it as much as you like.”

Smiling indulgently at
the sub’s response, Olivia lifted the implement and flexed her wrist. This time
it landed with the flat of the dragon head. She raised her eyebrows in
amazement and looked up at Trey who nodded knowingly at her.

“Sitting down like
that you are more straight-on to the sub, but when standing a tall woman—or a
man—usually has to angle it downward. It is more difficult to hit with the flat
side at an angle. It doesn’t always follow, but it’s something to consider when
you are practicing.”

Olivia was fascinated
by this tutorial. Then she noticed the audience standing around the stage
avidly watching them. It appeared the entire club was there.

She had to be careful
not to appear the newbie Master here with Trey in control of the scene. Standing,
Olivia gestured to the chair asking Trey to sit down. He gave her a curious
look, but did as she asked. She then rested a boot-covered foot on the edge of
the chair. By standing over him like this it was standard assertive behavior.

“So tell us how you
would finish a scene like this.”

However, Trey wasn’t
going to let her get away with this easily and ran a hand up the inside of her
calf, showing off a familiarity with her body. “It depends on whether the sub
is in need of attention. Sexual that is.”

She glared at him.

He raised cocky
eyebrows back at her, smirking.

Okay, so two can play this game.
Using the whip
handle Olivia tapped his hand sharply to release her, and then deliberately
pushed her foot between his legs, the toe of her boot nudging the bulge in the
crotch of his jeans. She heard sniggers from the crowd watching.

“The sub’s need or yours?”

Immediately Trey
tensed, and his fingers gripped Olivia’s foot holding her there. He stared at
her intently, his eyes glinting fiercely, body coiled tightly like a cornered
She suddenly knew she couldn’t go
any further or she would damage their relationship, and it meant so much to her.

The shuffle of the
crowd brought her attention back, and she swiftly stood up startled, her back
stiffening. She couldn’t continue. The
in her
was defeated for now. “The demonstration has finished.”
Her voice sounded strange, full of emotion,
even to her own ears.

Olivia was at a
crossroads. She didn’t need to teach Trey anything more, but neither did she
want to stop. She told herself she wasn’t prepared to cease teaching him
because he wasn’t ready.

Dammit. You are only kidding yourself.
The real reason was
she was deeply in love with him. Only she couldn’t tell him that.


Chapter Ten


"You expect
me to get in there?"

Olivia had her
hands on her hips and was referring to the huge hot tub, which was more of a
pool. This was a new section in the Club. Trey hadn't been particularly
impressed when Sean first told him what he had planned, but when Trey conceived
this idea he knew the hot tub would be ideal. He also knew that Olivia wouldn't
like this as it meant she wasn't in charge. That's why he didn't tell her what
he had arranged.

“What have you
got against hot tubs?”


Trey leaned back
against the wall, crossing his arms. “Oh, I get it. You’ve never had sex in one

“And you have?”
Olivia’s look of disbelief hit the mark.

He hadn’t, but
he wasn’t about to admit it.

“Anyhow, who
said anything about sex? This is supposed to be about you showing me you can
take orders during a scene as well as give them. That’s what we agreed for this
last training session.”

I will. In there.”


He chortled loudly.
Since the demo the other night Olivia had been extremely hesitant about
continuing. He knew she was on the verge of giving in to her submissive side,
and he hoped this would be the final push—and not the kind where she went back
to being a

Drop your clothes and get in.”

She still resisted.
“You first.”

Amused by her
reluctance he proceeded to strip. He couldn’t help flexing his muscles as he
doffed his clothes knowing Olivia was watching him. Her huff told him she knew
exactly what he was doing.

As he walked down
the few steps into the tub to sit on the rim, the warmth began to permeate his
skin. He thought the unusualness of it and the relaxing heat would help Olivia
overcome her submissive qualms. But he had to talk her into this first.

So engrossed was
he in his thoughts he was startled by a splash in his face as Olivia joined him
in the tub. She giggled and sank down onto a low seat, the water just covering
her breasts as she kicked the water up at him teasingly.

“You do not want
to do that, lady!” He put the full force of Domination into his voice. He
intended it as a joke, but Olivia surprised him by stopping and looking down. “My
love, you really are a sub at heart, aren’t you?”

She gasped and
sat up, her back rigid. “I’m a

“Yes, you might
affect the outward signs of being a Dominatrix, but inside you beats the soul
of a submissive.” Trey leaned forward to cup her face tenderly. “You know I’m

Olivia pulled
back. “I know nothing of the sort.”

How often have you looked away from my

Immediately her
eyes swiveled to his, anger and denial clear in their orange depths.

She opened her
mouth to retort, but he got in first. “And how many times have you given in to
my demands?”

That was an
accusation too much for Olivia, and she surged to her feet causing Trey to
shift back so they didn’t bump heads, but that meant Olivia could move forward.
She rested her hands either side of his body, her face close to his. “What of
my demands? What if I pushed you down, climbed on top of you and rode you?
Who’s the bottom in that scenario then, eh? Mr. Know-it-all.”

Trey reached up
and knuckled her chin.
you are all talk and no action.”
Expecting her to react, he was ready
when she tried to push him back, pulling her onto his lap instead, holding her
there. It wasn’t easy, Olivia being the size she was, but Trey was determined.

Olivia struggled
and water churned up, but to no avail, and she eventually stopped, her body was
still tense.

, look at me. I know you don’t want to, but I need to
see your expression.” Was he going to see Olivia, the feisty
, the submissive?

It seemed
interminable, but she finally looked at him. It was neither. Instead it was a
woman who knew what she was, gentle and strong at the same time. “I know I can
be a sub, but I’ve spent years choosing not to be.”

Trey started at
her admission. “Tell me why.” She started to look away, but he held her chin,
forcing her eyes up.

Olivia sighed.
“My husband was a pain slut who wanted me to hit harder, make him hurt. We argued
in the car, but he hadn’t been concentrating on the road and crashed. Rodney
was pronounced dead at the hospital while I merely suffered some cuts.”

He could hear
the pain in her voice as she splayed a hand over her stomach, idly stroking the
line of the phoenix. He instantly knew it covered a long-lasting scar, not some
mere cut.

“Since that day
I have never been a sub. Call it guilt, if you like. But I just couldn’t be
submissive after then.”

“How about
trying it just this once?”

His heart
dropped when she shook her head.

“Choose me.” He was
pleading. Never in his life had he asked for a sub—they came to him. But Olivia
was more than a sub. She was so much more.

She trembled almost
uncontrollably in his arms and then slumped. He breathed a sigh of relief.

“What do you
want me to do? Call you Master?”

“No, sweetheart,
I want you to do much more than that.”

Her body tensed,
and Olivia gave him a look of uncertainty. Trey knew it would be hard to get
her to give up control. He smiled to himself. She had probably thought the same
of him when she was asked to retrain him, and suddenly he had a clearer
understanding of what she had to go through. But it would be all the more worth
it to have Olivia’s submission, coming from a
used to being in charge.
And maybe her love, too?

“Do you trust

She was silent
for a moment. “If you are asking if I trust you with subs again, the answer is
yes. But it is hard for me, personally, to trust another man.”

Trey was sober.
“You wanted to know why I became a Dom.”

Olivia looked at
him intently.

“It’s my time
for confession. “I’ve mentioned my mother before, well, she abused my father,
usually after she was drunk. And she drank a lot.” He turned his face away as
he had a nasty taste in his mouth. “I watched him shrink inwardly each day,
somehow getting smaller, less of a man, never fighting back. I went from being
someone who was proud of his dad, to someone who resented him.

“I never knew
why she began drinking, but when she started on me I refused to be the same
type of coward as he was, except I didn’t realize how hard it was to stand up
to someone consumed with booze. She didn’t listen when I said ‘No’, so I spent
more and more time at school, with friends, or just out of the house until I
went to college, to avoid being slapped, hit,
He closed his eyes momentarily as the pain of the memories hit him. “Occasionally
she tried keeping me there by tying my wrist to the stair bannister, but I grew
too big.”

Trey shook his
head. “I made a vow when I left home, never would I drink to excess, and never
again would a woman dominate me. I rarely drink, and you are the only women
I’ve allowed to control me.” He glanced back at her. “I hope that explains
things, my love.”

There was no
pity in her face, just gratitude, and she reached up to tenderly stroke his
face. “Thank you for telling me.”

He kissed her
hand. “I need you to trust me, and the best way is by trusting you with that
information. You wanted me to show you that I can take share authority,
I’ve asked another Dom, Mike, to join us. The only way
you will ever give in is if there are two of us to take you—double

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