Retraining the Dom (4 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Denys

BOOK: Retraining the Dom
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Her voice was soft. “What do you think?”

His fingers clenched around his glass.
“Maybe, but she
consented, and I would have stopped when she called her safe word.”
ignored whether what he had done was sane or not.

“As I understand it Sean had to pull you off her when she did cry her

Trey’s stomach clenched. He had been so out of it he hadn’t been aware,
just furious that he had been stopped. But as soon he had rounded on the owner
of the club he knew he had gone too far.

“I’m sorry. That was wrong. I’ve always stopped at that point before.”

Olivia nodded and continued. “Okay, but what about the second rule?”

He frowned. “I said it. To stop when the sub uses their safe word.”

“Yep, but that comes under the category of consent, and we’ve covered

“I’m not sure what you are getting at.” He was confused.

She cocked her head on her side. “You obviously know the standard rules,
so don’t parrot them back at me. But did you ever get any pleasure out of
beating her that way?”

Where the hell is she going with

“My rules are very simple—as long as you are consensual and safe and
using your implements safely, then have fun.”

“What the fuck?”

She raised one of her haughty eyebrows again. “If you aren’t enjoying
it, why are you doing it?”

I am so not going there
. Holding her gaze he turned the tables
on her. “So why are you in the lifestyle? Why do you do it?”

Olivia dropped
his stare to look at the file once more. Trey pondered whether she was using
the file as a prop to avoid looking at him. However, he wasn’t expecting her
next question.

"What about
hard limits, Trey?"

He frowned
trying to follow her rapid changes of conversation. “My subs know they have to
accept all forms of implement with me.”

“That’s not what
I meant. What about you? Do you as a recipient have any boundaries?”

As he tried to
hide his grimace, Olivia shook her head. "I know you don't want to do this,
but I need to know if you are going to freak out on me. It's the first thing we
ask any new sub."

Trey glared at
her. She may well be right, but he wasn't a sub, and she certainly wasn’t using
any instrument on him!

Olivia sighed.

He tried to hold
his temper and not storm out.

"Do you
have something you need to tell me?"

Her voice was gentle,
and when Trey looked at her, startled by her question, he could see compassion
in her face.


He put all his
disgust of the situation into his expression and noted a score for him when she
visibly shrank back.

exactly are you digging for,
Some deep, dark secret?
Maybe the reason I became a
Dom?" His voice was rasping.

However, she
came right back at him, quick in her delivery. "So why did you?"

no. There's no way I'm divulging that!
He decided to
change tactics and stop being defensive. He grinned mischievously. "I used
to be a sub, but my first Mistress decided to switch and wanted me to paddle
her. I didn’t look back after that." He was surprised by how pale she
suddenly went. Did
have a hidden secret,
"And what's your reason for becoming a

Olivia frowned.
"This is about your retraining, not mine. And I think you are playing with
me. So we will do a quick fire round."

He seemed to
have diverted the question for the time being, but what was a quick fire round?

or flogging?"

"Excuse me?"

The look of long-suffering
she gave him made the corners of his mouth turn up. He wondered why she had
agreed to do this.

answer the first thing that comes into your mind. This is about your
preferences. Doesn't matter if they are your Dom
and dislikes, your answers will give me some clues to you as a person."

His smile faded.
He wasn't sure this was a good idea, afraid he would give too much away. "Are
you sure you're not a closet psychologist?"


He sure preferred to give a
flogging over a spanking any day. Spanking was too intimate, and he didn't like
the sound of flesh on flesh. His face tightened.
Do not go there
, he told himself.

or Cross?"

He shrugged.
"Both." That wasn't an issue.

or rope?"

On the other
hand, that was. There was no way he was going to be restrained by her, or
anyone else, come to that. "Neither."

Olivia seemed
startled by this answer. "Sorry?"

He had to say something,
so he spat out an answer.

This seemed to
appease her. "Don't you think it's easy to get out of that?"

Trey smirked.
"Aren't your dominance skills up to it?"

She leaned
forward, her breasts pressing together to provide wonderful cleavage above the
low cut vivid green top she wore. He worked hard to avoid dipping his eyes to
enjoy the view. Olivia continued to move in until her face was only a few
inches away. Trey snorted at this show of strength, but he didn't shift back as
many might have done in the face of a big woman entering their personal space.

"I don't
need to restrain my subs. I trust them to keep their hands on the handles,
bars, whatever."

He leered.
"Well, if you reward them with those gorgeous tits I'm not

That flustered
her, and she sat down with a thump, a startled expression on her face.

She tried to get
him back to the matter in hand.
“Um, safe words.”

“What about
them?” He was still amused by her distraction.

Olivia tapped
her pen impatiently against the file. “I need to know your safe word in the
event of you being unable to continue during your training.”

Trey was aware
of how thorough Olivia was and could see why Sean thought she would be a good
trainer, but he was determined not to let her get under his skin. He leaned an
arm over his chair, and considered this. There might, of course, be a
possibility that he’d get under hers.
would be interesting.
He relished the forthcoming confrontation. “My safe
word is woody.”

Chapter Three


Olivia walked slowly around
Trey as he stood in the middle of the training room.

Click. Click.

The noise of her heels on
the wooden floor was unusually loud. The only other sound was Trey’s breathing,
which seemed to be getting heavier with her every step.

It reminded her of her first
time in a
club with her late husband, Rodney.
They had been young and eager, and nervous as hell.

Shaking her head she dispelled
those memories. They were too painful. She stopped walking. Fortunately, she
was behind Trey, and he couldn’t see her expression or think her weak.

He had stipulated that their
first session take place in private, and Olivia had readily agreed. She knew he
didn’t want others to see him being embarrassed in public, but equally she
didn’t want the members around in case
tried to
dominate her. That would be disastrous. She also took care to cover her chest this
time, not wanting any more comments about her breasts, and wore a black leather
jacket, which she zipped up to her shoulders.

Returning to her study of
his body she said, “Hmm.”

Olivia chuckled to herself as
he stiffened. She had given an occasional comment as she walked. But really
what she really wanted to say was “yum”. Trey looked good in the black shirt,
which moulded to his brawny torso, and black trousers, which outlined a lovely,
firm butt.

Pretending nonchalance when
he had arrived, he had arrogantly led the way into the room, but after her
demand to stand in the middle as she did her tour of his black-clad body it was
clear that he wasn’t as unaffected as he pretended. She guessed he’d had time
to think about what might happen since they had met in the restaurant. His hands
clenched, body tensed, and his eyes darted to the door as if he was about to
flee at any second. Anyone would think him nervous, but with Trey it was more
likely to be anger.

“What are you doing, Olivia?”

She looked up slightly startled
by his sudden question.
“Inspecting you.”

He had turned his head over
his shoulder and now glared at her. “And how exactly will that help in my

She placed her hands on her
hips. “We are revisiting the basics.”

Trey eyed her with disbelief.
Olivia sighed. She wasn’t sure if her plan would work. “Okay, that’s enough of
my external examination. Now strip.”

It was a good thing she was
a couple of feet away because he suddenly whirled around to face her, his anger
evident, as he looked like he wanted to beat the crap out of her. “

Arching her eyebrow she gave
him her best “exactly who is in charge here” look. His body language clearly
showed what he felt. His fists were clenched, his shoulders tense. She steeled
herself. “You heard me, Trevor.” She used his full name deliberately hoping it
would denigrate him, remind him who was controlling this scene. “I wish to
inspect your body just as I would with any new sub. I can’t do that properly
with all your clothes on.”

Trey stepped forward a few paces.
They might be on a par height-wise when she had her high heels on, Trey being
over six feet, but in his rage he seemed to loom over her. She swallowed
nervously and had to fight the desire to give in. Needing to show dominance
back she found there was just enough room for her to cross her arms, while she
tapped an impatient foot.

“I—am—not—a—sub.” His teeth
were clenched.

Olivia used her best
patronizing sigh. “I know. You’ve mentioned this on occasion! But part of the
retraining is intended to show you what it is like from the sub’s point of

“Who says?” Trey started to

Actually she had decided on
what the training would consist of. Sean trusted her to know when Trey’s
excesses were curbed. But since Sean had talked her into this mad plan in the
first place, and she was strongly regretting agreeing, she felt no remorse dropping
him into it. “It was part of Sean’s requests.”

However, she wasn’t
expecting Trey to suddenly storm toward the exit. “Fucking bastard, I am going
to tie him to one of his Crosses—upside down—and rip his cock off. I don’t care
if I’m barred for life.”

It took all of her years of experience as a
to put enough authority into her call—that, and the fact that she was naturally
loud. It was enough to stop him in his tracks.

His fingers were on the door
handle when he turned to look back at her, somewhat reluctantly.

Olivia had to stop herself
breathing a big sigh of relief. She put her hands on her hips accentuating her
voluptuous chest, despite the jacket. It wasn’t intended to be sexual since
they were covered up, just dominant. She had learned over the years to use her
physical attributes to the best effect to intimidate.

“What exactly did you think
we would do, Trey? Go over what
stands for?
Reiterate being safe, sane, and consensual?
You know those
and have clearly forgotten the ‘sane and safe’ part of it, so I need to use
different teaching methods to show you what you are doing wrong. And how better
than to show you what it is like from the sub’s perspective than have you
experience it?”

Her impatience was showing
by the time she finished, her voice rising and sounding shrill. She was angry
with herself for beginning to lose it.

Trey released the door and
ran a hand through his hair. This was a sign that he was not in control. It was
something she had noticed in the past and was looking out for. Finally she
could relax a little if he accepted her as the one in charge.

Her voice was calmer when
she spoke. “You know I’m right. So, please do as I ask and take your clothes

However, Trey still
hesitated by the door, so Olivia deliberately looked at the watch on her left
wrist. That was enough to get him moving.

“Fuck it.”

Olivia watched him, trying
to keep her face impassive, as he angrily tore off his clothing. When he got to
his shirt, instead of undoing all the buttons as she thought he was about to
do, he simply reached over his shoulders and pulled it off, flexing broad
muscles as he did.

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