Revelation (33 page)

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Authors: Erica Hayes

BOOK: Revelation
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Oh, shit. His fingertips brushed the sensitive spot deep inside her, and she gasped in forbidden pleasure that threatened to undo her. “Lune. I’m going to come. Make love to me. Please.”

She felt him smile, and he eased his fingers from her, a caress that made her flesh throb, frustrated. She wanted him to fill her now. He stood over her, dark and massive, and deliberately undressed, showing off for her, peeling the dark leather from his neat hips and hard ass and long muscular thighs until he was naked in silvery moonlight. He sparkled, desire
glimmering over his skin. His cock jutted, a drop of moisture already shining. Her eyes ached. He was magnificent.

Slowly, he climbed up her body on all fours, hot sparks shedding from his wings to caress her. She trembled, deeply aware of his heat-blue gaze raking over her, the flush sweeping her skin.

He nudged his hips between her thighs, and trailed his glittering hair over her flank. “Shall I untie you, beauty?” he whispered. “Or should I take you like this?”

Her breath hitched. “Would you untie me, if I asked?”

He shifted his hips so his hot silky cock slid along her wet flesh. When she groaned and pressed against him, his wicked little grin weakened her will. “You’ll just have to trust me, Morgan. Do you want me to untie you?”

Crimson desire misted her vision, but fear spiked cold.
Yes. Please, God, just let me out of here before I crumble
…But she clamped tight on her panicked nerves. “No. Don’t. I don’t want to be afraid. I want you like this.”

Lune took her mouth in a heated kiss that dizzied her. “I want you any way I can have you,” he growled, and he found her entrance with a swift nudge and pushed inside.

She shuddered, her flesh clenching around him. Hot, perfect. And so hard, like satin-coated iron. His sultry flavor filled her mouth, his fiery kiss tortured her lips. She fought to relax, to let him take her deeper. But it wasn’t just his flesh becoming part of her. She felt him in her deepest secret places. In her soul, where for so long she’d been cold and alone.

Her heart ripped raw, vulnerable. “I can’t. I want to, but I can’t…”

“You can.” His blue eyes burned dark, but he didn’t move inside her. He just caressed her hair and kissed her, hot, rich with angelscent, so tender that her heart broke open all over again.

Tears lit flames in her eyes. Her angel was far bolder than she. He didn’t shrink away from the edge. He just jumped, and trusted he wouldn’t hit the ground.

Her heart teetered, and fell. And she sighed, and kissed him deeper, and wrapped her thigh around his hips, welcoming him.

He shuddered, pushing deeper inside her, muscles clenching in restraint in his arms and thighs. When she moaned in hot
delight, he slid his hand under her bottom and pulled her to him, seating himself fully at last.

So hot. So full. She strained against her bonds, her body lit aflame. And then he moved, and the smooth friction exploded inside her like fireworks. Her flesh ached, so deep that she cried out, shuddering. Nothing had ever felt so good.

He groaned, moving a little further with each stroke. “Heaven, Morgan. You’re perfect.”

She arched her back, falling into him. God, he felt so good inside her. Her breasts rubbed his chest. His sparks tingled over her skin. His hair tumbled in her face, across her lips, hot and sweet and silky like the part of him that was inside her. Her tied fists clenched, frantic. She wanted to touch him, grab his feathers, rub her palms over his straining muscles as he pleasured her. But she wanted to stay like this, too, and let him love her until she died.

He wrapped one arm around her waist, pulling her to him on a flick of wings. Her muscles clenched in fiery delight, drawing him on, pulsing around him. He bent to take her nipple in his mouth, and she cried out as tension pulled a hot wire from her aching breast straight to her core. He sucked, drawing her tighter, hotter, harder. The angle made his cock rub against that secret spot in her flesh, grinding rich pleasure deep inside her with every thrust, and when he growled and bit her nipple hungrily, her muscles spasmed and she broke apart.

Lightning struck her center and speared outwards, rich neon light along her nerves. Harder than before, hotter, until stars flashed in her eyes and she panted, dizzy with insane pleasure.

Lune rode it with her, sweat sliding between them, holding her body tightly to feel her every clench and shudder, and his cock swelled ever harder inside her as he drank in her pleasure and swallowed it with a growl. His lips burned hers, hungry. “Morgan. You’re beautiful.”

When the shocks faded, she struggled for breath, her blood afire. His kiss made her drunk and dizzy, and her flesh sparked electric, wanting more. She wasn’t done. She still wanted him. Wanted total surrender. “More of you, Lune. Make me come again. I need you.”

He laughed, breathless. “You ask too much, woman. I can’t do this much longer.” His damp hair caressed her face, delicious
with his golden scent. He slid his hand between them to stroke her. Her little bud swelled under his caress, torturing her. He groaned into her mouth at the feel of her. “I love that. You’re so hard there. So eager for me.”

She couldn’t talk, only moan helplessly. He kissed her mouth urgently, flexing to fuck her ever deeper and harder and hotter. Another orgasm hit her, shattering, and this time he groaned her name and came after her, a sizzling burst of heat, his flesh shuddering and pulsing so deep inside her she couldn’t breathe.

Heat glimmered over them, heavenblue. He crushed his mouth to hers, swallowing the last of her cries with his own, and while she was still dizzy with pleasure, he untied her hands with a smoking flash of glory and crushed her to him like he’d never let go.

She murmured against his chest, dazed. His heart beat swift and hard against her cheek. His cock still slicked hot inside her, his hair falling over her face, his dark wings shimmering under the moon, and she never wanted him to move.

But he would, of course. And then she’d be alone again. Unless…

She sucked in a breath, trying to find her lost voice. “Lune…”


“Mmm.” Lune tried to breathe, but air wouldn’t come. His pulse still raced. His flesh still tingled deep. His wings still flamed, ablaze in sweet delight, and that weak, dizzying heat that swallowed his limbs and wouldn’t let go was surely blood, streaming from his savaged heart.

At last, he gulped a lungful of Morgan-scented air, and it floored him all over again. Heaven, she was amazing. So far above everything he’d dreamed. Her kiss made his veins sing like glory, her delicate skin against his a fragrant miracle, her soft wet flesh surrounding his the most insane pleasure he’d felt in three thousand years. And when she came on him…His cock twitched in hungry memory. He’d nearly lost it right then.

Hell, he’d nearly lost it the moment he’d slid inside her. Her eyes aglow, that lovely hair loose, the moonlight caressing her beautiful curves…And holding her in his arms like this, still inside her, her limbs lazy with pleasure and their mingled scents coating her skin like warm honey, made him want her again.

His throat swelled. Heaven had gifted her to him, and that miracle of mercy still rocked him giddy. But her gift to him was so much greater.

He didn’t deserve it. Didn’t deserve her. But now she was his,
and he’d never leave her. Never let her out of his sight. Spend the rest of eternity proving he was worthy.

“Lune.” She pressed her cheek to his chest, damp.

His pulse jumped. Shit. Tears? Had he hurt her? He wanted to smack his stupid head into the wall. Already he’d fucked up. He was used to leaving before he had the chance. How was he supposed to fix this?

She tilted her chin up, her eyes still glazed bright with their love but shadowed deep inside. “Did…did you like me?”

“Huh?” His pleasure-addled brain couldn’t make sense of it.

“You know. Was it…” She flushed. “I know I’m not very—”

He stopped her with a kiss. “Silence,” he growled, nipping at her lip. “You
very. Any more
and I’d be dead.”

She laughed, guarded. “You’re sweet. But you don’t have to say things you don’t mean.”

Anger fired his nerves, a burning echo of their pleasure. Not at her, but at the ungrateful, careless assholes—lovers? shit—who’d made her feel that way. “Things I don’t mean? Heaven, Morgan, I’ve dreamed about you every minute since I saw you, and you know what? Compared to the real thing, my imagination sucks.”

Her eyes glowed, smoky. “Really?”

“Yes, really.” His wings twitched, hungry. She was so sexy, her hair spread on his chest, her luscious breasts pressed against him in sweat. Her scent grabbed him by the balls and wouldn’t let go, and he growled and rolled onto his back with her atop him. His dick hardened, still inside her. It hurt, but he didn’t care. Her trembling slickness slid on him as he swelled, a deep pleasure that made him groan. “Shall I prove it to you?”

She gasped, and giggled. “Whoa. That was fast. Some weird angel mojo?”

He gritted his teeth. “No. You’re just the sexiest woman alive…oh, fuck.” Damn, it was hard to talk with his cock inside her. He wanted to crush her, wrap that gorgeous hair in his fist, hold her down and tease her mercilessly, pleasure her with mouth, fingers, feathers, until she begged him to fuck her or she’d die.

But not now. Not yet. Sweat prickled his skin, the effort of holding back. She needed affection, safety, reassurance that he
wouldn’t leave her now. Not the raw and bleeding edge of his desire.

But she was so tight and smooth and hot…he just had to move. He thrust upwards, into her warm depths, and already his balls stung hard for release. She moaned, that sexy little sound that turned him on. God, he loved this. Loved the sounds she made, the way her nipples jutted, the dark flush in her skin as her pleasure rose…

He swooped to his knees, settling her astride his lap, and impaled her with a powerful thrust, all the way in. “Ride me.”

Her head fell back, her rose pink lips parting, a sigh of pleasure. He gripped her sweet ass as she moved, and tasted her breasts, those swollen pink nipples hard and springy on his tongue. She gasped, clutched his hair, dragged him close. Her flesh squeezed him, that pulsing rhythm he strove for. “Oh, God, Lune,” she gasped. “I’m coming again!”

Dimly he registered her surprise. Like she wasn’t used to four orgasms in one session. He reminded himself to hunt down her former lovers and beat the losers senseless for neglecting her, and then all rational thoughts flashburned to hot desire as she moved faster and harder and her cries rose to a scream as she let herself go.

Heaven’s bleeding grace, she’s beautiful.

Heat exploded in his balls, and his muscles jerked and he spent himself as deep inside her as he could go, the aftershocks of her orgasm still clenching his rock-hard cock. He gasped, rocked to the core, his vision blurring as the pleasure wrung him dry.

Her hair spilled in a fragrant wash on his shoulder as she collapsed against him, and he held her, dazed. How in heaven had he ever held it together the first time she came on him? She was too much. Too wonderful. Too perfect.

He crushed her to him, kissing her hair, and words swelled in his throat, so compelling and terrifying, he gulped. Insane, beautiful words like
. The kind of words that would frighten her away if he said them too soon.

He took a steadying breath. “Morgan—”

Above him, glass shattered.

His raw-cut nerves jerked, and on pure screaming reflex, he dragged his wings back and dived.

He hit the loft’s wooden floor, rolling with Morgan in his arms, and half of hell poured down on the bed.

Broken glass rained from the skylight. A gaggle of furywraiths screeched, their leathery skin afire. They slashed hungry claws at the cushions, straining for skin and flesh. Six of them, each as big as a man, deformed necks curling birdlike, arms and legs blackened like burned toast and wiry with muscle. Sticky black batlike wings sprouted from their shoulders, flapping in ashen stink.

The furywraiths spread out, menacing, their beady red eyes shining with malice. Acid splashed from their gnashing beaks, setting the bed alight in the blessed patch where Lune and Morgan had lain.

Were they Vorvian’s hellscum? Lune could smell greedy demon breath on the wraiths’ skin. It didn’t smell like Vorvian. But their hellspelled wrath spilled unholy fire into his blood. He should never have brought her back here.

Then again, he hadn’t expected her to survive the curse.

Lune leapt up, dragging Morgan behind him. She yelled, teetering over the loft’s edge, but he held her arm fast, wings astretch to hold their balance.

“Let me go!” She fought, the wraiths’ spellfury staining her eyes black, and she curled a cruel lip and sank her teeth into his wrist. He held on. The furywraiths’ stink was making her angry, irrational. When he killed the skanky fuckers, she’d be free.

Lune wished his sword into his free hand—the wrong hand—and the creatures hissed and fell back, shielding their eyes from the dazzling blue flame. His mind raced, calculating distances, trajectories, the force he’d need to drop them. One ducked its ugly head and struck for Morgan’s belly, and Lune slashed its legs off in a hail of stinking black blood. “Get away from her, hellshit.”

But danger stung his feathers hot. Fuck. Fighting left-handed—and naked—wasn’t ideal. But he couldn’t let go of her. It was twelve feet to the floor. If he dropped her, she’d break.

The crippled wraith scratched for his face, its yellow talons dripping with neon-green wrathpoison. Its five friends cackled and closed in. Three dived for Morgan at once, and Lune leapt backwards, landing on the edge on his toes. Morgan shrieked and dangled. He cursed, muscles jerking. He could flash out.
They’d only chase him. He couldn’t face six at once with a sword, not in such a small space, not with Morgan to protect. But he had to kill them all.

The hellspawn tilted crafty eyes at each other. They grinned. And all six of them leapt into the air, the razor-beaked points of a six-pointed star, and dived for Morgan at once.

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