Revelations (The Revelations Series Book 1) (29 page)

BOOK: Revelations (The Revelations Series Book 1)
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Dean laughed. “I don’t envy you, man, but I would have chosen Jenna too. She’s great.”

Dylan smiled. “Thanks. I think so.” Dylan’s phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out flipped it open and read the text. “Speaking of Jenna, she wants me to meet her in the barn.”

“Well then, what are you doing here? Get out there and see what she wants.”

Dylan headed for the door. “I’ll talk to you later,” he called back to Dean.

Dylan hurried around the house toward the barn stopping for a second to say thank you to the last few kids who wished him a Happy Birthday before they headed home. He finally broke free from the crowd and made his way to the barn. He slid the door open and stepped in, then closed the door behind him.

“Jenna, I’m here,” he called when he saw that the barn was empty. “Come on, come out here.” Dylan walked further into the barn and looked around. “Are you here?” he called again.

He wondered if Jenna was still in the house and turned to leave when he saw a shadow emerge from behind the tractor. The next thing he knew his head exploded in a blinding pain and everything went black.





“Hey, Dean, have you seen Dylan? I can’t find him anywhere,” Jenna asked as she scanned the few kids left that were all heading to their cars.

“What do you mean, where is he? He’s in the barn waiting for you.”

“Why would he be in the barn? I told him I’d be right back.”

Dean turned his full attention on her. “Jenna, he just got a text from you telling him to meet you in the barn. I was standing right here when he got it.”

“Dean, I’m telling you I didn’t send him a text.” Jenna reached for her phone to show him she hadn’t sent Dylan a text. “See, here’s my…wait. Where is my phone? I could have sworn I had it.”

“Well, whoever does have it is in the barn with your man. So, you better get out there and find out who it is.”

“Thanks, Dean.” Jenna hurried to the barn; sure she would find Sandra there with Dylan. But, as she walked off the porch she saw Sandra getting in her car with her friends. If Sandra was here, then who was in the barn with Dylan? Jenna raced to the barn, images of her mother’s dead body shot into her mind. She prayed the demons hadn’t found her and were using Dylan as bait.

She pushed open the barn door and ran in searching franticly for Dylan. “Dylan, where are you?” she yelled as she hurried around the barn looking for him. Her heart dropped when she got to the tractor and saw a small puddle of liquid near the tire. She held her breath and slowly bent down to inspect it. She gentle touched it with her fingers. Her heart froze when she looked at her hand, her finger tips were covered in blood. She quickly stood up and stumbled backwards. “No, please, no, not Dylan,” she begged her eyes locked on the blood.

Finally able to break her gaze, she turned to run back to the house. She’d gone only a few steps when she tripped and fell onto the dusty barn floor. Her hand landed in another small puddle of blood. She quickly got up, franticly trying to wipe the blood off her hand onto her pants. She had to find Dylan and quick before anything happened to him. Holding onto the sliver of hope that Dylan was okay she ran to the house, yanked open the front door and hurried into the now empty house.

“Alex, Arlene?” she yelled. She needed help and they were the only ones she could go to that would understand what was going on. Getting no response she raced up the stairs, heart-gripping fear plaguing her every step.

“What am I going to do?” she franticly asked herself as she searched the upstairs for Arlene or Alex. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to try to stop her body from shaking.
Come on, Jenna, get it together.
Dylan’s depending on you. You can do this
. Jenna slowly opened her eyes. Then it hit her, her father’s book. In it he’d said if she ever needed him that all she needed was the book.

Jenna ran to her closet, her heart pounding as she threw everything off the top shelf in search of the book. Finally, seeing it shoved in the corner, she grabbed it and opened it, quickly scanning it for anything she could use to get help. Seeing nothing and on the verge of tears, she slammed the book shut and chucked it across the room.

“I should have known better then to think a stupid book would help me,” she mumbled. Then she stopped, and thought for a minute, it finally hitting her as to what her father meant. She hurried over to the book and picked it up off the floor.
Please, let me be right about this.
She prayed that she had been wrong about the way her father had spelled seam
Had it been a clue, and not a misspelled word? She grabbed a letter opener off her desk and slit the seam of the book open. Relief washed over her when she saw a piece of paper tucked between the seam and the book cover. She pulled it out and read it.


Angel girl,

If you’re reading this then you must be in trouble and need help. I can only send you help once because they will know as soon as you read the spell that you have called forth an angel and will track you. Please use it wisely.


Your Father


Jenna knew she had no choice. Dylan was in trouble because of her and she had to save him. She started to scan the spell to see what she would need when her bedroom door flew open and Arlene walked in the room.

“Jenna, honey, are you okay?” Arlene asked as she looked around the room. “I saw the blood in the barn and didn’t know whose it was.”

Jenna ran over and hugged Arlene. “Arlene, thank god you’re here!” she exclaimed. “I need your help. They took Dylan.”

“Who took Dylan?”

Jenna put the letter in her pocket. “I’m not sure, but I just know it has to be because of me. They must want to use him to get to me.”

“Jenna, sit down and take a breath. Tell me everything.”

Jenna sat down on the bed next to Arlene. “Today at the party Dean told me that Dylan had gotten a text from me telling him to meet me in the barn. But, I didn’t send him that text and by the time I got there he was gone. That’s when I saw the blood and knew what happened.” Jenna stood up and began to pace the floor. “What am I supposed to do? I have to help him, this is all my fault.”

“First of all, we can’t panic. We have to think about this. Are you sure the blood is Dylan’s?”

“It wasn’t there earlier when I was putting the table set in the loft, so yes I’m pretty sure it is.”

Arlene stood up. “Do you have any idea where he might be? Have they contacted you in any way?”


“Then we have to stay calm and figure out what to do next.”

“What’s to figure out? They have Dylan and I’m going to do everything in my power to get him back.”

“And, how do you plan on doing that? Is Alex going to help you?”

Jenna clenched her fists then released them. “I doubt it, he doesn’t want me dating him and this will be his way to prove his point.”

“Then we have to think of someone else who could help us. Someone, who could locate Dylan for you.”

Jenna stopped pacing, thought for a moment then pulled the letter out of her pocket. “I have this.” She held up the letter to show Arlene. “My dad left it for me in case I needed him.”

“What is it?” Arlene asked.

“If I’m right, it’s a way to summon an angel.” Jenna clenched the letter tight. Was it her imagination or had Arlene’s eyes just flashed a slight red glow when she mentioned what she thought the letter might be, and then back to brown? She took a step backwards as Arlene reached for the letter.

“Let me see that,” Arlene insisted.

“No, my father left it for me.” Jenna quickly folded the letter and shoved it back in her pocket.

“What are you doing? We need that.” Again, her eyes flashed a fiery glint, but this time, there was no doubt in Jenna’s mind that what she saw was no trick of the light.

The color drained from Jenna’s face. “You’re not Arlene,” she whispered as she stepped backwards away from her. “Who are you?”

Arlene’s mouth formed an evil smile as she fixed her blood red eyes on Jenna. “You know, Jenna, Jonas told me you were smart. But, I didn’t think you would catch on this quickly.”

Jenna shook her head in utter disbelief. “How long have you been possessing Arlene?” she asked. She couldn’t let this demon win. If she did, it meant certain death for Dylan, and possibly Arlene.

The demon laughed. “Not long. I wouldn’t have had to use her body at all if you had just stayed away from Dylan. But no, you had to forgive him for kissing Sandra. That, my dear, was your big mistake.”

Jenna stood her ground. “I don’t see why you would care who I dated.” She knew she had to keep this demon talking; then maybe she would slip up and tell her where Dylan was.

“Why would we care? We care because that little shit will draw out the good in you. That’s why.”

“But, I’ve always been good, so it really doesn’t matter who I dated.”

The demon laughed as she took a step toward Jenna. “Have you, have you
?” The demon circled Jenna. “Because I remember a certain party where you used your abilities on an innocent girl. Then there was the time you used them on Alex when you got mad at him.”

Jenna cringed at both of those memories. She hadn’t wanted to do anything; she was willing to just walk away. But, Alex had pushed her to get revenge on Sandra, and then he had pissed her off that night until she couldn’t help it. Jenna’s heart skipped a beat.
Oh God; it is Alex. He was the one her mother had warned her about.

“Who are you working with?” Jenna asked cautiously, hoping she was wrong.

The demon stepped in front of Jenna, her mouth twisted into a teasing smile. “You know,” she mocked. “I probably shouldn’t tell you this. You see he thinks he can still turn you. But, I think he’s wrong. So, I came here to end this. It was just my luck that you have a spell that can summon angels. Can you imagine what my kind could do with a spell like that? I’ll be a hero when I return to hell with it.”

Jenna’s hands started tingling. “I won’t let you hurt any of them!” she exclaimed as she shook her hands to try to control the fire that was begging her to release it.

“My dear, you seem to be under the impression that you have a choice. You don’t.” The demon charged at Jenna, grabbing her by the arms.

The minute she touched Jenna, Jenna felt a hot sensation build in her arms. The demon screamed out in pain, released Jenna and stumbled backwards.

“What the hell!” she snapped as she looked at her burning flesh.

Jenna gasped as she looked at the demon’s burnt flesh. Had she done that to the demon? But how?

“You little bitch,” the demon snarled as she lunged at Jenna again.

Jenna could feel the fire calling to her from within. Is this what would happen if she refused to release it? She smiled knowing this was her chance. She hated knowing she would be hurting Arlene, but her skin would heal. She needed to get the demon out of her and back into hell before she could hurt her.

Jenna grabbed onto the demon’s arms as she touched her and held tight. “Get out of her!” she yelled, holding on a little longer and then releasing her.

The demon collapsed to the floor and scrambled away from her reach. “What kind of power is that?” the demon asked as her flesh sizzled.

“It’s the ability that’s going to kill you if you don’t tell me where Dylan is.” Jenna took a step toward the demon who was huddled in a corner.

“I don’t know where he is. Jonas has him.”

Jenna took another step closer. “And, who is this Jonas you keep talking about?” The demon just stared at Jenna, reluctant to answer the question. Jenna knelt down beside the demon. “I’m only going to ask you one more time.
is this Jonas?” Jenna reached her hand out.

“It’s Alex,” the demon yelled.

Jenna stiffened as though the demon had struck her. She was right. He had deceived her for so long. But it all made sense now. The way he had been all too happy to stay with them after he had rescued her, and how he had egged her on to use her abilities for evil. And, most important, the way he had gotten mad when she had started dating Dylan. Because before Dylan, she would have done anything he asked.

Jenna’s shock yielded quickly to fury. “You better hope you’re not lying to me,” Jenna told the demon.

“I’m not. I was sent here to help him,” the demon insisted.

Jenna knelt down beside the demon and looked her right in the eyes. “Well guess what? You failed.” Jenna reached down and grabbed Arlene’s leg. The demon screamed out in agony but Jenna held tight. Then Arlene’s head tilted back and the demon emerged from her body in what looked like a cloud of black smoke.



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