Revelations (The Revelations Series Book 1) (32 page)

BOOK: Revelations (The Revelations Series Book 1)
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“I trusted you! You were like family to me!” Jenna yelled; her hurt over Alex’s betrayal turning into white-hot anger. “How could you betray me like that?” At this point, Jenna didn’t care whether she hurt Alex or not. She took a deep breath to calm the growing powers that were awakening within her.

A sinister smile formed on Alex’s face. “That was my plan all along. To get you to trust me enough to do anything I asked of you.” The amused look left his face. “And, it would have worked if it weren’t for Dylan. He turned you against me. So, I had no other choice but to eliminate him in hopes of getting you back. You see, I would have blamed it on the Angels again. And again, you would be so caught up in your grief that you would have believed me. It would have turned you against them for good and I would have won. You would never have forgiven them for killing the two people you loved most in this world, Dylan and your mother.”

Alex spoke so viciously that Jenna wondered how she had ever trusted him. She clenched her fists, her palm still moist with Dylan’s blood. She knew she couldn’t let Alex get away with all that he had done. A strange warming sensation began to take over her body, and she welcomed it as if it was a part of her.

“You must have known that if I ever found out what you did that I would want revenge for my loved ones.” Jenna took a deep breath as the energy fully awakened within her, bringing with it a newfound acceptance of who she truly was.

“I did, but I had hoped I would turn you before that happened. You must know I won’t go quietly. I will defend myself.” Alex raised his hand and sent a surge of energy toward Jenna.

Jenna dove across the broken desk, the energy barely missing her. Her reaction was swift and violent. She summoned the wind and hit him dead center in the chest throwing him across the room and slamming him into the far wall.

“How could you kill my mom? She was innocent.”

Just the thought that Alex had killed her mom enraged her even more. She wanted Alex dead, but first she wanted him to suffer. She wanted him to feel every ounce of pain her mother had when she was dying and every ounce of pain Dylan felt when he was being beaten.

Alex steadied himself. “I told you, she was a liability when she found out that my father wasn’t an angel, but a demon instead. She was going to tell you, and go back into hiding with you. I couldn’t let her do that.”

Jenna shoved the desk away from her and rose to her feet glaring at Alex with hate-filled eyes. It finally struck Jenna what Alex’s ultimate plan was for her. “I didn’t want to use my abilities to hurt people, it’s not who I am. You knew that though, didn’t you? So, you had to find a way to turn me, to make me angry enough with God to kill for you. That’s why you killed my mom, and that’s why you were going to kill Dylan if I hadn’t stopped you. You needed me to believe that God was taking everyone that I loved away from me. You wanted to make me your personal assassin. Well, your plan backfired. I’ll never join your side.”

“You would have, and you were almost there. But, I can see now that you’ll never join us, and if you’re not with us, then you’re against us, and that’s too big of a risk for us.”

Jenna knew Alex expected her to use her abilities to try to defeat him. He’d trained her well and would be prepared for any moves she made. In the end, yes, she probably could win; but at what cost, her own life? No, she had to win this by outsmarting him somehow. Luckily, she had just the way to do that. She slipped the dagger Samuel had given her out of her back pocket and lunged at Alex.

Alex twisted his body to avoid her, but she knew he would do this, because she knew his every move just as he knew hers. He always went to the left. It was his signature move. She pivoted around and plunged the knife deep into his abdomen, twisted it and then eased it out and a gush of his blood flowed over her fingers.

Alex laughed as his wound began to heal immediately and he stood up. “Do you actually think you can kill me with that pitiful little knife? You know I heal quickly, it’s one of the perks of being who we are.”

Jenna smirked, the knife still in her hand dripping with his blood. She bent down and wiped the blood off the blade with her finger, and then began to draw a circular diagram on the floor using his blood.

Alex tried to stop her, but with a flick of her wrist he flew across the room.

Jenna quickly finished the circle as Alex charged at her once again.

Jenna began to chant, and Alex stopped dead in his tracks and dropped to his knees. “Stop it!” he yelled as he struggled to stand up.

“Me asu el bindo, me asu el bind en su.”
Jenna placed her hand in the center of the diagram and it began to glow a bright red. “You see, Alex; although the angels couldn’t interfere in this little battle of ours they made sure I didn’t come here unprepared. You can thank Samuel for this lesson. I guess now you know that I’m not like you. I could have killed you, it would have been easy.” Jenna circled him, fully enjoying his pain. “But, that’s not what my mom would have wanted. So, instead I put a binding spell on your abilities to keep you from harming anyone ever again as long as I’m alive.”

“You witch, how could you?”

“I told you, I’m not like you. I won’t kill unless it’s absolutely necessary.” Jenna took a step back from Alex and snapped her fingers. Samuel instantly appeared beside her.

“Is it done?” Samuel asked.

Jenna handed him the knife. “Yes, it’s done. Is Dylan safe?”

“He is. I brought him to County General Hospital. They think he was in a car accident.”

“Good, now I’ve upheld my end of the bargain and delivered Alex to you alive, so you need to uphold yours.”

“We will. You’re free to live your life as you want. We will no longer pursue you, but remember our deal. If you try to back out on it, then Dylan’s life is forfeit. Do you understand?”

Although Jenna knew she would come to regret this deal, she had no other choice. Without Samuel’s help she would never have been able to locate Dylan in time. “Yes. I understand.” She turned and looked down at Alex. “I hope Samuel takes you to a place of great torment to you.”

Samuel bent down and placed his hand on Alex’s chest. “I’ve arranged it so you’ll be able to see Dylan without any interference.”

Before Jenna could thank him, they were gone. Relieved it was over, she made her way to the exit. Now all she had to do was explain everything to Dylan, and that she was sure wasn’t going to be easy.






me,” Jenna said to the short petite nurse who sat at the third floor nurses’ station at County General Hospital. “Could you tell me what room Dylan Jacobs is in please?”

The nurse looked up at Jenna and smiled. “Can I ask who you are?” she said as she searched through the charts on the desk.

“I’m Jenna Connors.” Jenna watched as the nurse pulled out a chart that she assumed was Dylan’s and leafed through the pages.

“Yes, here you are. He’s in room 304.” The nurse pointed down the hall. “It’s down that way on your left.”

“Thanks,” Jenna told the nurse and then started down the hall. She stopped in front of Dylan’s room and saw that his parents were with him. Not wanting to disturb them she backed up and leaned against the pale blue wall and waited. His father was the first to come out.

“I thought I saw you out here,” he said to her in a sharp tone. “I don’t think it’s a good idea that you see him. He needs his rest.”

“I just wanted to make sure he was okay. Can I please just say hello?” Jenna asked.

Mr. Jacobs shook his head. “I’d rather you didn’t,” he replied gesturing for her to leave.

With a tinge of sadness in her eyes, Jenna pushed herself off the wall. “Okay. But, please tell him I was here.” Jenna started to walk away when a slender woman with blond hair and crystal blue eyes stepped out of the room.

“Edward, I thought I heard you talking to someone out here.”

“Sara, dear, go back in the room with Dylan, I’ll be right in,” he told her.

Sara was about to retreat into the room again when she spotted Jenna and stopped. “You must be Jenna. I’m Dylan’s mother, Sara.” She smiled and held out her hand towards Jenna.

Jenna smiled back and shook her hand. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Mrs. Jacobs. You have a great son. Please tell him I was here.”

“You mean you’re not coming in?” She asked looking back and forth between Jenna and her husband.

“I was going to, but Mr. Jacobs said…”

“Sara, let the boy rest. He can call her later,” Mr. Jacobs insisted.

“Nonsense, come on in, Jenna, he’s been asking for you.” Mrs. Jacobs walked over to Jenna, put her arm around her shoulders and guided her towards the room.

Jenna could tell by the scowl on Mr. Jacobs face that he wasn’t happy about his wife’s interference.

“You know, Jenna, I think you’re just what he needs right now. Stay as long as you want. And, don’t let his father intimidate you.” She gave Jenna a reassuring squeeze before entering the room. “I can tell Dylan really likes you and that’s all I care about. I’ll take care of his father. Dylan, honey, look who’s here to see you.”

A smiled appeared on Dylan’s face the moment he saw her. “Jenna, you’re here,” he exclaimed as he sat up straighter in the bed.

“See, dear, I told you, you were the best medicine for him right now. Dylan, we’ll let you two visit. We’ll be back later to check on you,” Mrs. Jacobs told Dylan, then kissed him on the forehead and left the room closing the door behind her.

“I see you’ve met my parents,” Dylan said.

“Yes, your mom’s great. Your dad on the other hand doesn’t seem to like me very much.” Jenna walked over and sat on the edge of Dylan’s bed.

Dylan laughed. “Don’t worry about him. If my mom likes you, you’re golden.”

Jenna smiled. “Enough about your parents; how are you?” she asked cautiously not sure what he remembered.

Dylan took her hand into his and squeezed it tight. “I’ll live. How are you doing?”

Jenna detected a tone of concern in his voice. It was just like him to be worried about her. “I’m not the one in the hospital bed, you are,” she pointed out.

Dylan smiled. “You know me; it’ll take more than a beating from some half demon to keep me down.”

Jenna pulled her hand out of his and lowered her head. “I’m so sorry. I should have known.”

Dylan put his hand under her chin and turned her face toward his. “Jenna, you have nothing to be sorry about,” he told her.

“But, he attacked you because of me.”

Dylan grabbed Jenna’s hand and pulled her closer to him wrapping his arms around her. “It’s over now, so let’s move on. Can’t we agree that the only person at fault here is Alex?”

“You don’t have to worry about him bothering you again. He left town.” Jenna paused for a moment trying to figure out how to continue. “Dylan, I need to ask you something, and I want you to be honest with me,” she asked as she looked down at her hands. “What did he tell you?”

“Well, if you’re asking whether he told me that you’re something called a Nephilim then yes, he told me everything.”

Jenna tried to get up off the bed, but Dylan pulled her back down. “Dylan, please let me go. I don’t think you understand. As long as we’re together, you’re in danger.”

“And, I’m telling you, I don’t care. I love you, and that’s all that matters right now. We’ll figure out the rest later. Right now all I want is for you to lay here in my arms.”

Jenna laid down next to Dylan and laid her head on his chest and closed her eyes, taking in his scent. She loved the way he smelled. It reminded her of being at the ocean. She knew someday she would have to tell him about the pact she’d made with Samuel to save his life. That in the future there would come a day when they needed her, and that she would have no choice but to help them or his life would be forfeited.

She knew her life wasn’t going to be easy, but here in Dylan’s arms she had everything she had ever wanted, and needed. A boy that she loved, and who loved her back. Together they would figure it out.

Exhausted, Jenna drifted to sleep in Dylan’s arms and soon found herself standing on the beach again scrunching her toes in the warm sand. The warm breeze pushed along the white clouds that seemed to blend into the pink horizon. As she was staring at the beautiful sight, she saw a handsome boy with short brown wavy hair walking towards her. He seemed to possess a kind of peacefulness that made her feel as if nothing could ever harm her.

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