Richer Ground (6 page)

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Authors: Jessie M

BOOK: Richer Ground
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She was about to leave the room when she heard a tiny sound... her ears strained and she heard it again. She dropped to her knees and looked under her bed. A pale arm lay in front of her.

She stood up and ran to the landing... and shouted loudly.

Jasper... Come quick...” He was flying across the hallway and up the stairs in seconds.

She's under her bed... I don't think I can pull her out.”

He lay down and grabbed her arm and started to drag her out.

“Oh God... Debra... What have you done...?” he whispered in a shaky voice.

She lay white faced and deathly still in his arms. He picked her up and they rushed downstairs to the car. He put her on Alista's lap and they sped off to the local hospital, which was a good ten miles away, jumping a set of lights on the way. Her eyelids fluttered several times, which Ali took to be a good sign. Movement of any sort meant life.


An hour passed and the two of them sat waiting in A & E.

Debra had had her stomach pumped.

Finally a doctor arrived at their side. Apparently she'd taken an overdose of sleeping pills and painkillers. But the doctor assured them she'd be fine. They were keeping her in for a couple of days, to keep an eye on her. She was still asleep, as a result of the sleeping pills she'd already ingested.

“I suppose I ought to cancel my evening out with your mother,” he said glumly and sighed, looking at his watch.

Ali had been thinking about that. She knew her mum would cry off if she knew there was a family drama of this magnitude going on.

“No, there's no reason to, there's nothing you can do here, is there? She's asleep and she's going to be fine. I'll stay here and let you know the second anything happens, which I don't expect it will. I don't have anything else to do anyway. And Jasper, my mum never goes out, I'm sure she's looking forward to it. Go and relax for a few hours together and unwind. You can do with the break I'm sure. You can pick me up after your party.”

No, I can't expect this of you, sitting here for hours on your own with
daughter. You've been too kind already,” he objected.

Jasper... I won't take no for an answer... My mum's involved here. You can look after Debra all day tomorrow and the next. Hopefully she'll be awake then as well. Go home whenever you like. But before you go I'd appreciate a loan for a few pounds so I can get some food from the cafe, as I came out with just my phone and house key. I'm starving already.”

Of course... Here we are...” he opened his wallet and popped a ten pound note in her hand. “I'll let Richard know... it's panic over now... not that he knew there was a panic... but I suppose he should.”

I'll do that for you. I was going to call him anyway and I need something to while away the time once I've finished with the ancient magazines here.”

You're a little wonder Alista my dear. Now, take my phone number, will you?”

He called it out and she plugged it in her contacts, under Jasper R.

“I'll text you so you have mine.”

He stood up and leant down and gave her an affectionate kiss on the cheek.

“I'll go then, it's six already and I need to get myself all ship shape.”

You look just fine to me. Go slip a suit and tie on, that'll do.”

He laughed loudly. “No, my dear... I plan to look a lot better than this.”

“I'm sure my mum will appreciate it, whatever you do.”

I hope she does too.” He stood in front of her. “So... I'll see you later then, and thanks once more. You've been such a great help.”

Off you go and have a good time.” He started to walk away. “Oh Jasper... make sure you behave yourself with my mum...” she grinned.

To quote a certain young lady I know.... That's our business, I think,” he grinned back.

Well that told me, didn't it...?” she muttered and he roared with laughter as he set off through the door.

She sent him a text straight away. So she didn't forget and got a smiley face back a moment later. Then she called her friend Joss and they had a chat about work and things. She didn't mention Richer as Joss was still on shaky ground with her boyfriend at the moment. Finally she text Rick a quick summary to fill him in before they spoke...

“Debra went missing. Your dad and I found her under her bed. She OD'd with sleeps and paracetamol. BUT... she's OK... SO DON'T PANIC. I'm hanging at St Martins in A & E, for the next few hours, while your dad takes my mum on a cocktail date... DONT ASK...  It’s all fun and games here... btw your garden looks lovely.  PS... How was your day?”

She hit send and went off to the cafe for a carry out coffee.

She hated hospitals. They smelt of sickness and death.

She sipped the hot, and frankly disgusting brew, as a nurse came over and sat next to her.

“She's sleeping peacefully. I'm going off shift now but I'll let the next shift know you're here. We're waiting for a bed to become available and then we'll  move her onto a ward.”

Right. Will she be okay, long term?”

Oh yes... young people bounce back so quickly. We got most of the pills out of her before they could do any harm. A few hours more and it could have been quite a different story, but there's no point dwelling on that. She's a troubled girl. That's what needs addressing. What happens now...?”

Believe me, her family know all about it.”

Perhaps she's telling them they don't...”

I'll pass it on. Tactfully. Her dad's struggling with her, and her mum died two years ago.”

How dreadful, some families have such a miserable time, don't they? I count my lucky stars the only things I have to worry about are the gas and electric bill.”

Yeah, me too,” she agreed in complete honesty.

The nurse got up and left her. She sat and thought about it all. Despite their wealth, the Robertsons' had had to deal with a lot of problems and tragedy. Cheryl had been right. They were a sad family. They needed something nice to happen in their lives. Some brightness and happiness and fun.

She suddenly had an idea. Richer was thirty in a few weeks, he'd said. And she was going to throw him a party. A surprise party. For his friends and family and her's too. She'd rope Jasper and her mum in on it. Her mum could organise the whole thing. She'd like that. Her heart lifted high from its hospital mood as she smiled and sat back with a dog-eared old copy of Cosmopolitan.

Ten minutes later she received the call from Richer.

“Oh my God... What the hell?”

Debra or the date?” she asked tongue in cheek.

Well... both really. But Debra's okay, you say... Are you sure?”

The nurse told me she'll be fine, she's just sleeping it off at the mo. But to be honest Rick... and this is only my opinion based on my brief observation... she's stuck in that dark old house with your dad all day... it's not a good environment for her depression and to recover from all this.”

Where else is there? I'm away a lot.”

I don't have all the answers, but I can help you think of something.”

Thanks so much anyway Ali. For helping Dad out. How did you two get on by the way?” There was a note of tension in his voice.

To start with he was rude and unpleasant. Then I gave him what for and we became best pals.”

He laughed so loudly, she took the phone from her ear.

“You are so funny. I can just imagine you giving dad a what for.”

I told him to stick his upper class snobbery where the sun don't shine... kind of.”

Ha ha... don't... my ribs are killing me.”

But once we got past the class difference we actually got on very well. He's lovely. I mean it.”

I'm not sure I'd go that far. And what about this date?”

He's taking Mum to a cocktail party.”

I hope she isn't too bored.”

I don't think she will be. They've taken a big shine to each other.”

I can see the attraction, from Dad's point of view.”


She's a doll. He'll be licking her feet before they get the canapés.”

She squealed with laughter.

Then it went quiet.

Been thinking about me?” he asked.

All the time.”

What about getting Thursday off, did you swing it?”

We're all set. Order the roses and champagne and I'll arrive in my fur coat and silk underwear.”

What a nice idea.”

I don't actually have a fur coat, or want one really... and my underwear isn't silk... but I can make do...”

Ali...  I'm taking you for dinner. To the London Hilton. Get yourself a pretty evening dress.  And don't worry, you'll have your champagne. It'll be a sleepover, so bring some other clothes...”

Now I
excited! You're
taking me to the Hilton?”


I want to kiss your lovely toes.”

There's other far lovelier parts of me to kiss.”

I'll start at the feet and work up to those, nice and slowly...”

Mmmm... sounds good.” His voice sounded croaky and then he coughed, in a spluttery fashion. She'd obviously stirred Richer up. “Sorry, I'm going to have to go. I'm on a coffee break. It's a long late meeting. And very boring by the way. Talking to you has been a welcome diversion, Debra aside.”

Text me later.”

I will, 'bye beauty.”


She clicked off in a daze.

She was going to make sure this was the best night of her life. New dress, hair, nails... the whole shebang.




Chapter 7



Jasper collected her at 11 o'clock in his evening suit, looking far too elegant and sexy for an old guy. He smelled pretty good as well.

He'd already dropped her mother home on the way back from their party. She asked if they'd had a nice evening and he smiled broadly and said her mother was absolutely delightful and that he was seeing her again. Taking her to Lingfield, for a spot of horse racing at the weekend. All he needed was to find someone to sit indoors with Debra for a few hours. She said sadly, she couldn't personally help with that, because she was working, but she knew her friend Joss would probably daughter-sit for thirty quid, if he liked. Joss was always broke. They agreed to sort that out later.

After that she took the opportunity to raise the idea of the Richer party. He was all for it. The family needed a lift, he said.  They agreed that the venue should be at Jasper's. It could be set up easily there, without Rick knowing. She knew she was taking a bit of a risk, being so early into things with Rick, but parties took a while to organise. If it all went wrong between them, she could drop out gracefully.

She also dared to raise Debra's predicament with him. She tried to explain, tactfully, that Debra needed more than Jasper's stimulation. And that Creag Dhu... the Robertson's dark and dismal family seat, might be too 'atmospheric' and full of 'painful memories'... to sit in day after day, brooding and lonely. She said she had an idea and would let him know the next day. They could discuss it and see what he thought.

His whole face lit up with such a relieved smile that she wanted to hug him. She realised it was a huge weight on his mind. She also realised she was interfering with people she didn't really know at all, but still, she hoped it all worked out, because otherwise Debs might not make her next birthday. It was worth being labelled an interfering bitch or a busy-body, in that respect.

She'd been sitting and thinking for hours. There wasn't much else to do in A & E. Her sharp little mind had come up with something that might be useful to both families.

Debra had lost her mother and her best and only friend, by the looks of it. She needed female company and wasn't in the position to find it on her own. Not that she was offering herself up as a potential friend as such. She'd see how it went with Richer first. Things could fall flat and then poor old Debs could be friendless again, because it might become awkward afterwards.

No, she wasn't thinking so much along those lines, and she needed to discuss it first, but she felt her idea might just work out.

They arrived at her house and Jasper dropped her off with a kiss on the cheek and a cheery farewell, returning home to change first, and then on to his night vigil at the hospital.


“Hi Mum, how did it go?” she asked, bursting in on her as she arrived in the living room. As her eyes caught sight of her, lying on the sofa, in her black cocktail dress, with a glass of wine in her hand, she knew it had gone very well. She had a big smile fixed firmly on her face and a flushed look that Alista didn't want to examine any further.

Oh, you know... okay,” she answered vaguely, lying through her teeth.

So you're off to the races?”

Oh ha ha... but I guess we are. It's Lingfield ladies’ day... And I need a hat.”

That'll be a laugh.”

I'm thinking of my eau de nil skirt suit, the one I wore to Gina's wedding, and a black hat and shoes...”

Sounds perfect...”

Her mum sighed and sipped her wine.

“What a day it's been! All that garden stuff, Debra, and then a date to top it off... How is she by the way?”

She's sound asleep, I looked in on her before I left. She's a bit pale but I was assured she'll be fine when she wakes. Look mum, I want to talk to you. It's serious stuff... so if you'd rather it was tomorrow, that's okay.”

No, I'm all ears... go on...” Her mum sat up a little.

I'll get straight to the point, shall I?”

You usually do.”

Well it's like this... Debra needs a friend and something to do. I think she'd like you Mum... Could she help you with the garden stuff? A few days a week could do her the world of good. And I'll hang around as well, and see how it goes. I don't want to push it with her, and become a real friend, because Rick and I aren't a proper couple yet. I don't want to let her down.”

You think she'd like being around me? But I'm old!”

No you're not... You're really young minded and good fun. Look, she hasn't got a mum, or a friend. If we can get her up and running, she'll be able to find some more. We can do this. I don't think her future is very rosy otherwise... What do you say?”

But I'm in the same position as you. I'm not with Jasper either. Supposing it all goes wrong there?”

But you work for Rick. You can pick her up and take her over there. It’s neutral ground. I'm sure she'd love to spend some time in a brighter, younger place, and you can chat to her while you work. You can take her out to choose the stuff for his garden and whatever. It'll be a few weeks of things for her to do. Maybe take her shopping, get your nails done, go out for a coffee... All mum style. Nothing heavy. I'm not expecting you to adopt her.”

They had a quiet moment while her mum considered things. Then her eyes warmed and she smiled beautifully. Her mum's smile was something else.

“You know, you're a really lovely person Ali. I'm so proud of you. I didn't think I could get any prouder after seeing you graduate with your degree, but I am. I must have done something right in bringing you up,”

Tears sprung to Ali's eyes, and her mother's. She stood up and they had a tight hug.

“And you're a lovely mum. I hope it goes well with Jasper, whatever happens with Rick and me... he's a really handsome oldie...”

Oh isn't he just... And we got on so well. Like instant good friends. I've not wanted to get involved with any men after the disappointments I've had. After John, I gave men up for good.”

When was this?” Ali was surprised, she'd never heard of a John.

You were four, remember the scaffolder I dated for a while, for six months in fact....”

I don't, no...”

He was a typical builder, mouthy but attractive. He put the scaffold up when we had the roof done. I thought for a while he might be the one, but he was just like the other two, out for a bit of fun, that was all. Married, he was... to someone in Wales... He worked here in the week and went back there at weekends. He was almost living with us for the last two months... I can't believe you don't remember him Ali. Tall, blond... Used to call you chick?”

A small memory started to stir in the back of Ali's mind.

“Anyway, I didn't click... he made up excuses and lies about it all. And of course I had you two to keep me occupied. I didn't delve into where he went to when he wasn't with me. I found out about his other life from another mum at your school. Apparently we'd both been played the same way.  Anyhow, that was it for me, after that... No more boyfriends... I had my kids, my job and the house, that was enough for me.”

Jesus Mum, got any more of that wine?”

Help yourself... and Ali, the more I think about it, the more I think your idea is really wonderful. Have you mentioned anything to Jasper?”

No not yet, I needed to get you on board first. Actually, I was hoping
talk to him. Make out it's our idea, not just mine.”

Well I hope Debra goes for it... She might be resentful and uncooperative. Still, we can lead her to water, whether she drinks or not is up to her, isn't it?”

She loved her mum's little sayings.

She poured herself a glass of wine from the fridge, and they sat down together.

There's one more favour I'd like to ask. This is for me, really... indirectly.”

I want to fix up a 30
Birthday party for Rick. A surprise one. Jasper says we can have it there, at Beckingham Palace. It'll be a nice family get together. We can invite Nana, Auntie Nat's lot, and scrub up Radleigh and drag him along. It doesn't need to be a huge affair, just a few dozen of us. The Robertson's have had some real bad luck over the past few years and it'll be a happy event for them for a change. Even if nothing works out between the two men and us it'll be an evening to remember, won't it?”

And... You want me to arrange it all, I suppose?”

Pretty please....?” she asked with a cute smile. “I want to do some of it with you, but you can be the chief co-ordinator. You're so good at all that. You find out the budget from J and I'll find out the kind of food and music Rick might like... You arrange the invites. Tell everyone it's all hush-hush though... okay?”

Her mum sucked her lip, thoughtfully and then beamed at her.

“Okay, I guess it won't take long...  And actually, I love doing this kind of thing.”

The theme and colours and whatever are all up to you. I'll just get him there… somehow... hopefully we'll still be talking in two weeks.”

Two weeks?” her mother squeaked.

Less than two weeks,” she added sheepishly. “Saturday week.”

Oh my lord... I'll have a chat with J tomorrow… About everything.” She rose from the sofa, her glass now empty. “I'm off to bed now... Suddenly I'm damned exhausted...”

Me too,” Alista said with a yawn.

What a fucker of a day.


The next two days flew by in a mad rush...

She was now well and truly fit for the Hilton, her hair had been trimmed by a professional for once, and her new, side swept fringe was really cute... It was coloured a glossy, even deeper mahogany. Her finger nails, although short, we're painted a pretty peach, with a long-life acrylic polish, and her toenails painted to match. She'd even had her eyelashes dyed dark brown as well. A quick six minutes in the stand up sun bed had given her pure white shoulders a touch of colour. She didn't tan at all well in the real sun. She just went pink and itchy normally. 

After a quick shop around, she'd found a short, brown, satin strapless dress at fifty per cent off, and even more amazingly, some matching platform high heels. She raided M & S and bought a pair of stay up fine black stockings with white ribbon bows at the top and some inexpensive black satin underwear. It wasn't Victoria's Secret, but it still looked good quality.  She would borrow her mum's silver clutch purse to finish it off.


Late Wednesday night she stood in front of her wardrobe and fingered the smooth fabric of her dress as it hung on the door. She felt strangely nervous. It was a big night for her. She'd never been anywhere like the Hilton before. And never to a really smart restaurant. But all that aside, she hoped more than anything, that it all ended with a really hot bang afterwards. She was craving that more than anything in her whole life.

She got ready for bed, slid inside the cool sheets, and turned off her light. She was just about to go to sleep when her phone rang.

She answered him with a smile. They'd become quite close on the phone over the last couple of days. It was good to chat and find out things about him without the constant temptation to jump on him.

“Hello sexy,” he drawled.

Are you home yet?”

I got home fifteen minutes ago. And what a welcome... Jeez! Tell your mum I'm completely gob-smacked. The flood lights came on outside as I drove up. You know, I didn't even know I had floodlights... I thought I'd arrived at the wrong house for a minute. The whole thing is...  well, words escape me for the moment. But it's really me. The big glass ball things and all that silver pot stuff with the cute trees... It's just... actually... I don't know what it is... But I like it a helluva lot. And that stone bench under the window...  I really want to hug it...”

She's good when she has the funds... My mother... It didn't come cheap, though.”

I thought it was really reasonable when I saw the bill in the kitchen, eight hundred isn't a lot for all that, believe me.”

The garage doors are working as well.”

I didn't know they didn't work... What do they do exactly?”

The door remote is on the hall table. You can open them from your car and drive straight in the garage, and tuck Richer up for the night, all cosy and safe from Porsche joy-riders.”

I'm sure he'll appreciate it. I'll go and play with the doors in a minute.”

And what about inside... how does it feel being so organised and sorted?”

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