Ridin' Dirty: An Outlaw Author Anthology (OAMC Book 1) (24 page)

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Authors: Blue Remy,Kim Jones,MariaLisa deMora,Alana Sapphire,Kathleen Kelly,Geri Glenn,Winter Travers,Candace Blevins,Nicole James,K. Renee,Gwendolyn Grace,Colbie Kay,Shyla Colt

BOOK: Ridin' Dirty: An Outlaw Author Anthology (OAMC Book 1)
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“Rebel, next time I need someone taken care of, you, my friend, will be my first call.”

I know he means it as a compliment; it’s high praise coming from Cage. He and Cooper aren’t known as being soft, but right now I have no desire to gloat over this, right now all I want is to get back to Ruby. I nod and give a chin lift, then leave the warehouse as quickly as my bike will take me.

Chapter eleven



I’ve been escorted to a building site just off the Vegas Strip by four of the Donati family. Their mood is sombre, and I don’t like the fact that I am on a building site, I have no desire to become part of the foundations. Outwardly I am calm, but inwardly, I scan my surroundings looking for an exit.

“Well, if it isn’t Salvatore Agostino!” I turn around to see a middle aged man in an Armani suit, I can only assume he is head of the Donati family in Vegas. He’s all smiles and has his arms open wide. Slowly the smile slips off his face. “You do me a dis-service by not telling me you were in Vegas, where’s the respect?” All humor has left his voice, and the arms that were once open and welcoming, are now at his sides.

“Forgive me, I meant no disrespect. I’m not here on business for the Abruzzi family, merely another business venture, I should have checked in with you when I arrived. Please be assured that nothing I do here is related to my family, or impacts yours.” My tone is neutral and my demeanour is relaxed. Casually I undo my jacket and place my left hand on my hip, if things are going to get messy, I don’t want to be slowed down.

“Opening a new casino doesn’t impact on us?” he asks.

“Perhaps you would do me the honor of telling me who I am talking to?” I ask.

“You don’t recognize me?” I shake my head. “I am in charge of operations in Vegas for the Donati family, Carlos Rovere.”

. I may not recognize him, but I do know the name. He isn’t known for his negotiating skills, but rather his ability to get the job done, no matter the cost.

I extend my hand, and take a step toward him. “Salvatore Agostino,
in the Abruzzi family, pleased to meet you, Carlos.”

He bridges the gap between us, and takes my hand. “I know you are a
in your family, but that doesn’t give you free reign here.”

“And last I checked, your family didn’t own Vegas. We are all players here.” I straighten my jacket, and look around at the men in the room who are trying to look bored. “Why have you invited me to this….?” I spread my arms wide and look around at my surroundings.

“Invited?” Carlos smiles. “And here, I was thinking, we’d successfully transported you here for a quiet chat.” I take two steps away from him and position myself, so that all of the men in the room are now in front of me. I say nothing, and then I smile at him, and raise my eyebrows. “You know we have an informant in the Savage Angels, he used to be in the Dark Warriors, they’re useful if not barbarous. They’re quite good at being our lap dogs, doing what we wish, and Buzz tried to tell us that you’re working for the Savage Angels, as if someone of your stature would work for

“It’s true, I am here on behalf of the Savage Angels, my family will be getting a cut, but this is a deal for the – what did you call them – barbarians?”

He looks surprised as he glances at his men. “Can you believe this guy?
family will get a cut? That’s it?” I nod. “Hmm, well, I think my family deserves a cut, too, if that’s really what’s going on.”

“Forgive me, Carlos, but why should
family get a cut?” I ask calmly.

“What did you say? We are all players here? Yeah, well, we want to play.”

I raise my eyebrows at him, and place my hands on my hips. “I will need to talk to the Savage Angels, feel them out, see what they want to do.”

“Fine, you have three days to fix this. Oh, and don’t worry, Sal, we’ll find
,” he says with a snarl.

They all leave, and I let out a sigh of both relief and frustration. Relief that they didn’t pour cement on me and leave me here, and frustrated at this whole fucking deal.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial Dane.


“Dane. It’s Sal. Things have gotten…complicated.”

I listen to his intake of breath, then he says, “Tell me, Brother.”

Chapter twelve


President of Dark Warriors


The bar’s packed, the music’s loud, and I’m sitting out front admiring the dancers, I normally stay in the back away from the public. Everyone’s having a good time, they’re all drinking, partying, and playing hard.

My gaze settles on my VP, Travis, I can tell from his body language he’s not happy. He’s pacing and talking on his phone. When his eyes lock with mine, he stops pacing and heads toward me.
this can’t be good
. I stand.

Savage Angels attacked
prospects, both of them are in hospital.” His jaw is set, and he looks like he wants to rip someone’s head off.

“Why?” I ask.

“Why what?” Travis growls.

“Use your head man, why the fuck would they go after us? What did the prospects do?”

“I don’t give a fuck, Steve, if they fucked their women and burned their Clubhouse down, they
do not
go after our members.” Travis steps toward me pressing his chest into mine. He’s a good friend, but I am in charge, and I will not tolerate a challenge to my authority.

I lock eyes with him and snarl, “Step. Back.” He drops my gaze and retreats back. “Go to the hospital, find out what fucking happened, and keep me posted.”




Travis has been gone for over two hours, and the longer he’s gone, the more agitated I become. I sent two of my most trusted to the hospital to find out what’s going on, the prospects and Travis are nowhere to be found. All phones go to voice mail.

Have the Savage Angels gone after my VP?

Jordan, my Sergeant at Arms, walks into the room, and from the look on his face, he isn’t happy.

“What?” I growl.

“Prez, from what I can gather, it looks like Travis and the prospects burnt down a tattoo parlor.”

“Why the fuck would they do

“It has ties to the Savage Angels, and Prez….”

He looks nervous, and I realize I am taking my frustrations out on him, so in a calmer voice I ask, “And what, Jordan?”

“Salvatore Agostino and Dane Reynolds are here, and request a sit down.”

I sit back in my chair; my mouth falls open as I stare at Jordan.

“They’re here? In our Clubhouse?” I ask incredulously.

“Yes, Prez. They’re out front. Should I show them through? I’ve already patted them down, no weapons.”

My surprise turns to laughter. “Okay, Jordan, let’s see what Reynolds and Agostino have to say, and find my fucking VP.”

Jordan disappears. I run a hand through my hair, and scrub my face.
Could this fucking day get any more fucked up?

The door swings open, and in walks Dane. Must be ten years since I’ve seen him, and the fucker only got bigger. I stand and walk toward him, his hand is already extended, and as I clasp it, he pulls me in closer, and slaps my back with his other hand.

“Hey, Steve, how’s it going?”

“I’ve had better fucking days. What the fuck is going on?”

“All in good time. Would you sit down with King, Sal, and myself? And anyone else you’d like?”

“Why would I want to do that?” I ask.

“Because we have a story to tell you, about the Donati’s that you may be interested in,” says a voice from behind Dane.

Dane moves out of the way and says, “Steve, this is Salvatore Agostino, Sal. He’s a moody motherfucker, but he’s family.”

Sal frowns at Dane, and shakes my hand.

moody. I’ve just had enough of Vegas,” replies Sal.

“It’s not for everyone.” I look back at Dane. “Call King, let’s get this sorted.”

Chapter thirteen


President Savage Angels MC


Steve and I go way back. At one time, he looked at joining us, but he loved Vegas more, and back then, he had no hope of going up through the ranks. I’m not surprised he’s President of the Dark Warriors, he always had a good head for business, and an iron fist. There is no grey for Steve, it’s black or white. Choose badly and he’ll deal harshly. Loyalty for him is the only thing that matters.

I’m lounging in one of the chairs in his meeting room, trying to appear calm and at ease. There’s no love lost between the Vegas Chapters of the Dark Warriors, and the Savage Angels. Pity, they would have worked well together, and together they could rule this town.

Some of the senior members of the Dark Warriors are sitting around their table with me, studying me. I’ve tried small talk and only got one-word answers, I fucking hate small talk anyway, so now, we’re all sitting in silence. Sal keeps fixing his jacket, the only sign he’s uncomfortable. I know he’s been away from his family for too long, he’s getting fucking soft. I no longer stray far from home, either. Almost losing my woman Kat, first to bullets, then because of my own stupidity, makes me appreciate what it’s like to have a home, and soon I hope to fill it with our children.

A door opens, and I see King, Rebel, Cage, Cooper, and another Savage Angels member. The room goes quiet, I stand and give King a bear hug, startling him.

“Fuck, Dane! What are you a fucking pansy?” says King in a raised voice, but it’s filled with humor.

“How the fuck are you? Been keeping Rebel safe?” I glance at Rebel and give him a nod.

“Keeping Rebel safe?” He sighs and looks around the room. “I wouldn’t fucking be here if he, and these two, knew how to follow fucking orders, would I?”

Cage and Cooper straighten up, and look at me.

“King, what the fuck are you on about?” I ask.

“I’m here because Rebel, Cage and Coop beat up a couple of prospects, aren’t I?” replies King.

“What the fuck?” I stare at Rebel and take a step toward him, he immediately takes a step back and raises his hands.

“I had just fucking cause, Prez, I swear. They beat up a woman, Ruby, she had nothing to do with anything,” he replies, his tone is pleading, and he looks to Cage and Cooper who nod.

“Why didn’t you take this to King? Why didn’t you contact me? Who the fuck gave you three permission to start a fucking war!” I roar at them.

Steve walks in with three men, two look pretty beat up. He turns to those two.

“You beat up a woman? Why?” Steve demands.

Both men look uncomfortable, one glances at the other and says, “We thought the girl was the old lady of that one –” he nods at Rebel “ – we thought she could give us information to help you. Travis told us to follow the new guy, we just thought –“

“Who the fuck told you to think?” asks Steve in a low deadly voice.

Travis answers, “They are loyal soldiers, Prez, they—“

“I told you to come back to me.” Steve turns and faces Travis. “I did not give you permission to burn down a fucking tattoo parlor, that if you had fucking asked, has no fucking ties to the Savage fucking Angels!”

“Gentlemen, if I may?” asks Sal, we look at him. “Please sit. We have much to discuss.”

Steve looks at me, I shrug and take a seat, everyone else follows.

“Not you,” Sal says, placing a hand on the chest of the Savage Angels member I don’t know. “You will stand and face judgement, Buzz.”

“Who the fuck are you?” demands Buzz.

“Sal, what the fuck is going on?” I ask.

“Steve, do you recognize him? He used to be in your Chapter. He now works for the Donati’s, and informs them of every move the Savage Angels make,” says Sal in a cool, business tone.

“You are out of your fucking mind!” yells Buzz.

“No, I heard this from the Donatis themselves. You are an informant, and the Dark Warriors are nothing but barbarous dogs who do their bidding.”

Steve inhales sharply and looks from Sal, to me, then his eyes settle on Buzz. I, too, look at Buzz; I assume everyone else is staring at him.

“King, are you going to take this fucking Italian’s word over mine?”

King looks at Steve. “Was he in the Dark Warriors?”

“Yes, briefly.”

“He’s a fucking traitor, he deserv—”

Steve stands, knocking over his chair as he rounds on his VP. “You will hold your fucking tongue! You acted without authority. You disobeyed me.” Steve reaches for the VP patch on Travis’s jacket, and rips it off. No one speaks, and then all eyes go back to Buzz.

“What do you want to do with him, King?” I ask.

“They hang traitors, don’t they?”

Buzz makes a run for the door, but is soon captured and thrown to the ground.

Steve looks at him on the floor, and then raises his eyes to Sal. “Barbarous dogs?” Sal nods, Steve inhales deeply, flaring his nostrils as he exhales, anger bubbling just below the surface.

“I have a business proposal for you, Steve. You and me, we go way back, no bullshit, no fucking about. I’ll give you time to think about it, but I can’t have you in bed with the Donati’s. In fact, it’s time the Donati’s took a back seat in this town.” He eyes lock with mine, and his smile is bitter.

“What, so we can get into bed with the Abruzzi’s? What makes you think they’re any fucking better?” Steve responds.

“Not the Abruzzi’s directly.” I nod at Sal. “He’s good people, and you will need to pay a tribute to his family, but it’s not excessive, and you’ll own a casino, a fucking license to make money.”

“What’s the catch? There’s always a fucking catch,” says Steve.

“No more wars with the Savage Angels. No more fucking bullshit and I’ll need all the cash you have, including the hidden accounts, fuck it, I even want your children’s university funds.”

“Is that all?” he laughs mirthlessly. “Why not just bend me over, and fuck me while you’re at it?”

I stand and walk toward him. “Brother, I’m guessing whatever you have isn’t going to be enough, and I am willing to front you the rest. Buying a casino isn’t fucking cheap. There’re lots of hands to grease. Yes, that does include the Abruzzi’s, but you will be out from under the Donati’s, and you’ll have us, and the Abruzzi family to protect you, safety in numbers. And there’s just one more thing –” Steve purses his lips and raises his eyebrows at me. “No more drugs, and no more gun running, too fucking easy to get caught. You do this, you do it legit, and I promise, it’s all green from here on out.”

Steve laughs and his men follow. He nods, and places his hands on his hips. “Right and I’m just supposed to fucking believe you?”

Sal steps forward. “You know, Dane, you go back. If he is trying to fuck you over, what will happen? There will be a war and that’s not good for business. The Savage Angels are moving with the times, the Dark Warriors are being offered a chance at the golden ring. With Dane’s and my help, your club will survive and thrive. Think it over, you have till midnight tomorrow. We can’t give you anymore time than that, the deal with this other casino only just came up, we need to move now. If you don’t want it, we will move on it without you.”

“Talk it over with your most trusted, Steve. I’ll call you later today.” I begin to walk away, and he grabs my arm.

“You’re not fucking with me, are you?” Steve asks.

“Told you, Brother, no bullshit, life’s too short.”

All the Savage Angels members leave the room. I slap Sal’s shoulder when we hit the sidewalk.

“Well, I think that went fucking well,” I say with a grin.

“You think?” asks Sal.

“You didn’t discuss working with the Dark Warriors,” growls King.

“No time, Brother. Trust me when I tell you this deal is good. Now, what are you going to do with Buzz?” I ask.

King smiles. “I think in the interests of MC relations, we should use Buzz here, which in turn will save his life, and get him to arrange a meet with the Donati’s. Where we will, of course, fuck those pompous assholes up.”

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