Ridin' Dirty: An Outlaw Author Anthology (OAMC Book 1) (25 page)

Read Ridin' Dirty: An Outlaw Author Anthology (OAMC Book 1) Online

Authors: Blue Remy,Kim Jones,MariaLisa deMora,Alana Sapphire,Kathleen Kelly,Geri Glenn,Winter Travers,Candace Blevins,Nicole James,K. Renee,Gwendolyn Grace,Colbie Kay,Shyla Colt

BOOK: Ridin' Dirty: An Outlaw Author Anthology (OAMC Book 1)
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Chapter fourteen



We wait at the construction site for the Donati family to arrive. I watched as King carved the skin from Buzz’s back – removing his MC tattoo. They told him they wouldn’t kill him, but I don’t think he’ll survive the night. He was told to make it to the hospital on his own, right now he’s passed out on the floor, slowly bleeding to death; guess it was better than hanging him.

The Donati’s are an hour late, we wait in the shadows, and I know they’ll come. They’ll want to know what Buzz has to offer them. Steve is also moving on the Donati’s tonight, with any luck, we will cut them down, and Vegas will be ours.

Three men walk into the building, no weapons drawn.

“Yo, Buzz! Where you at?” yells one.

I step out from the shadows.


“No, Buzz is lucky to be alive. A man cannot serve two masters,” I respond.

He looks surprised and reaches for his gun. The room is filled with the sound of many guns being cocked.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” They all freeze with their guns mid-air.

“We have no beef with you, Agostino,” he says as he puts his gun back in his holster, and raises his hands.

“You thought you could dupe the Savage Angels,
the Dark Warriors?” I ask.

He draws in a breath threw gritted teeth, flaring his nostrils. “They serve a purpose. They aren’t us, they have no idea what family is.”

Dane steps out from the darkness, gun in hand. “You see, that’s where you’ve got it all fucked up, we
what family means. You’re the ones who’ve got it all backward, you even threatened, Sal, isn’t he one of your own?”

“Yes, he is. It’s one of the reasons we didn’t kill him.”

“This is how this is going to go down.” The three soldiers turn their heads in my direction. “You will leave the Savage Angels and the Dark Warriors alone. They no longer need you. We
going to buy two casinos in Vegas, and your family is
going to cause a problem. We will pay you a one-off payment as tribute, and that will be all. You will have no say in these casinos, and you will not set foot in them unless asked. If this is not acceptable, we can –” I open my jacket to reveal my own gun, “— settle this now.”

“I will take this back to our Don. Discuss –“

“You tell him, there will be no negotiation.”

He nods and begins to walk backward, arms still raised. His men do the same, once they have cleared the building, I hear guns being uncocked, and put away.

Dane slaps me on the back. “Will they go for it?”

“If they don’t, they’re as good as dead. How do you think the Dark Warriors went?”

“Pretty sure those fuckers were out for blood, too many old wounds there, but Steve is smart, so, maybe not,” laments Dane.

Chapter fifteen



The meet with the Dark Warriors and the Donati’s didn’t go as planned. There was no gun play, but there was an awesome brawl. Both sides took a beating as I watched from a distance. Both Dane and King were not happy with me, I wasn’t allowed to take part, my job was to watch and report back.

Now, I’m standing outside Ruby’s trailer trying to decide what to do. I don’t like Vegas, but if she wants to stay, I could join the Vegas Chapter. I’m not even sure if this woman likes me. It’s been so long since I’ve thought about anyone except for Kat, that I’m not even sure what to say.

All of this runs through my mind when her trailer door flies open. Ruby has both hands on her hips, lots of makeup – I assume to cover the bruises – and her head is cocked to the side.

“Well, you coming in or what?” Ruby demands.

“I was, I was—“

“What you didn’t think I heard you pull up? Your bike is
, Rebel,” Ruby says throwing her hands in the air.

I grin at her and take two steps toward her, grab her by the waist and lift her out of the trailer.

“Rebel!” she yells, laughing.

“Damn, Ruby, give a guy a break.”

“Put me down!”

As I lower her to the ground, she entwines her hands behind my head, stands on tip-toe, and kisses me. My hands immediately go to her ass, and I walk her backward until we hit the side of the trailer, our tongues duelling with each other.

“Honey, let’s take this inside,” I say as I trail one of my hands from her ass to cup her breast.

Ruby grabs my hand and walks up the steps. My arms encircle her as I march her toward her bed. I’m kissing her neck and she tastes so fucking good. When we make it to her bed, I reach down, and pull her t-shirt up over her head, slowly I turn her around, and my eyes fall on her body. The bruises are turning yellow, and I step back from her.

“Rebel, what’s wrong?”

“I’m a fucking asshole.” Her eyes widen as she sits down. “Ruby, why didn’t you stop me? You must be in pain. Honey, we can wait.”

“What?” she murmurs.

I kneel down in front of her, and my hands start rubbing her thighs. “Your ribs, they must hurt?”

“I can think of other things we can do…” Her smile is small, and she places her hands over mine pulling them up toward her ass.

“You sure?”

“Rebel, they say endorphins can make you forget pain, how about we give it a try?” She purrs.

I push her skirt up, and drag her closer to me as I explore under her skirt with my hands. Thankfully, she isn’t wearing any underwear, I grip her ass, and she places both legs on either side of my shoulders and lays back. I bite the inside of her thigh, and lick all the way to her core. I stop, and look at her as she lifts her head up from the bed.


“We do this and you’re with me, right, Ruby?”

She removes her legs from my shoulders and sits up. “I’m not looking for a white picket fence, Rebel, I’m looking for a good time, a

“You know I have to go back to Tourmaline, right?”

“Yeah. When do you leave?” Her head drops and she starts playing with her skirt.

I place my finger under her chin, lifting her head up.

“Come with me. What have you got here, anyway? The place you worked for is gone, that just leaves this shitty trailer.”

“You think my home is shitty?” Ruby asks, her eyes wide.

“No, honey, I can see you’ve tried to make it nice, but it’s still an old trailer that probably should’ve been crushed twenty years ago.”

Ruby looks around the trailer, and when her eyes finally come back to me, she grabs my face and kisses me.

“I’ve never been to Tourmaline. Have they got a tattoo shop there?”

“No, honey, we mostly go into Pearl County to get work done. You could open up a shop in town. I’m sure Dane knows someone, we could work something out.”

She gives me a tentative smile and I’m hoping she’ll say yes. I feel my heart thudding in my chest, and then she nods.

“Is that a yes?”

“You’re right, I don’t have a job here anymore, and I’m going to run out of cash to pay for rent on my

“Ruby, I—”

“It’s okay, Rebel, I’m teasing you.
I go with you to Tourmaline, where will I stay?”

I suck in a breath, and push her backward onto the mattress, covering her body with my own.

“You could stay with me at the Compound. I don’t have a place of my own, but I’ve got money. We could get a place in town, maybe above a vacant shop so you can work your own hours, or you could live by yourself all you have to do –“

Laughter bubbles up out of her. “Rebel!” Ruby places both hands on my face and kisses me. “We’ll figure it out!”

“Yes, we will.”

I kiss her deeply and our tongues duel. My cock is so hard, that I’m ready to fuck her, but I know that she’s hurt, and I don’t want her in any more pain. I trail my hand down to her breast, and I pull down her bra, sucking her nipple into my mouth. A moan escapes her as I trace kisses down to her core, then I lick up to her belly button, back again, while my hands caress and tease her nipples. The noises she makes are driving me wild, and the taste of her skin is intoxicating. I kneel on the bed, lift one of her legs, and kiss from her knee to her navel teasing her core with my tongue, Ruby grinds herself onto my face. Slowly I lick and suck her clit, inserting two fingers into her as she rolls her hips, and plays with her own nipples. Ruby’s moans become louder, and from the taste of her, I know she’s close.

“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my—!” Ruby arches off the bed, and grabs my head with both hands, holding me in place.

Her whole body trembles, and when she lets me go, I trail my tongue up her body to her mouth. She kisses all over my face while her hands are pulling at my t-shirt.

“Tell me what you want, baby, tell me,” Ruby whispers.

“I want to fuck you, but I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Right now, nothing can hurt me. Fuck me, Rebel, fuck me.”

I search her face to make sure she’s in no pain, and all I see is lust. I get off the bed, undo my belt and jeans, and release my cock. I stroke myself a couple of times then ask, “Do you think you could get on your knees, honey?”

Ruby says nothing as she positions herself on the edge of the bed, legs spread. I’m so hard for her, that the sight of her so exposed, makes me drive myself into her.

We cry out as I continue to pump in and out of her at a brutal speed. She feels tight and slick, and a part of me is worried that I’m hurting her, but then she arches her back, and pushes backward into me. My fingers dig into her hips as Ruby matches me thrust for thrust, and my own orgasm washes over me as she continues to move. I push into her one last time, and hold her in place.

I stay inside her for a long time, stroking her back and ass, as we both return to a normal breathing pattern.

“Did I hurt you, honey?” I ask quietly.

She pulls herself away from me breaking our contact, I groan at the loss. She collapses on the bed and looks up at me.

“No, Reb, I’m good.” She stretches like a cat, and I swear she’s purring.

I turn and sit on the bed, and she reaches up and pulls me down.

“I love your baldhead.”

A chuckle escapes me. “You love my baldhead?”


“Okay then, I’ll keep it that way.”

“When do we leave?” Ruby asks.

“You tell me when.”

“How about, we have a shower, do all of that again and then talk about getting on the road?” Ruby suggests.

“I’m good with that, but I’ll need food, woman, if you want me to do that again.”

“Damn, if all you need is food, let’s get cracking!”

She leaps out of bed, heading straight toward the kitchen, her ribs apparently no longer bothering her. Ruby’s a beautiful woman, and hopefully she can cook as well as she fucks. I think I’ll take the long way home; I want to keep her to myself for a while. My brothers are going to want her ink when they see how good she is with her art, and I know more than a few of them will just want her.

I’m not sharing. Ruby belongs to me.






When she comes to the station, desperate to find her missing brother, all I want to do is help.  He’s not only pissed off a notoriously vicious street gang, but she’s affiliated with an MC whose reputation is just as bad.  I want to help her.  I have the authority.  I even have the resources of the Street Crime unit I work for.  What I don’t have is the willpower to keep my hands off her.


Chapter One



“What did you just say?” I ask, feeling like I’ve just been punched in the stomach.

The officer smirks and shakes his head.  “Look sweetheart, I know you’re worried about your brother, but the truth is, punks like him go missing every day.  He’ll turn up a couple of weeks from now in some crack house, strung out and looking for his next hit.  We don’t have time for that shit.  I’ll file the paperwork, but I doubt we’ll find him.”

With every word he speaks, my heart pounds faster and my anger grows.  My nineteen-year-old brother hasn’t been home in two days and I know something is wrong.  Derrick wouldn’t do that.  He wouldn’t just leave me all alone like that.  I don’t know what to do.  Going to the police is what you’re supposed to do when someone you love goes missing.  Now this cop is telling me that they don’t have the time “for that shit”?

I clench my fists, take a deep breath, and try to calm my racing thoughts but it’s no use.  Worry and fear for my brother, combined with the anger I feel at this asshole cop, bubble up to the surface and overflow.

“Are you fucking kidding me right now?” I shriek, as I jump to my feet.  “My little brother is missing!  You’re the police!  And you’re telling me you don’t have time for this shit?”

He leans back in his chair and cocks an eyebrow at me.  “I’m gonna have to ask you to sit down, Miss Monroe.”

I stare at him in disbelief.  His eyes bore into mine, daring me to argue.  Just seeing that look on his face allows the hopelessness I feel to overwhelm me.  My breaths come in short and shallow pants.  I take a deep breath in an attempt to slow it down and collect my thoughts.

“I said sit down.”

My eyes widen.  I can barely contain the anger in my shaking voice.  “I want to talk to someone else.”

He chuckles humourlessly.  “Sorry, honey.  I’m the best you’re gonna get.  Now sit down and let’s fill out the paperwork.  It’s almost lunchtime and I have a burger with my name on it waiting down at the diner.”

I can’t even look at this guy.  This was a waste of time.  Turning, I wrench open the door and storm from the room, retracing my steps to find the exit.  My face heats with rage and I feel murderous.  Through the haze of my anger I see several people milling about, both in and out of uniform, as I pass.  Behind me I can hear the cop running after me, angrily calling my name.

“Miss Monroe!  Miss Monroe!”  I keep storming, the heavy door to the lobby now in sight.  “Miss Monroe!  Stop right there!”

Narrowing my eyes, I freeze and slowly turn to face him.  His face is reddened and a thin sheen of sweat has formed on his brow below his receding hairline.  He opens his mouth to speak but I throw up my hand effectively cutting him off before he even gets started.

“Forget it!  You’re a fucking prick.  I’ll find my brother myself!  I don’t know how I’m gonna do that, but I refuse to waste my time on a report that you likely won’t even file.  Now, fuck you very much but I need to get out there and find my brother!”

With those parting words out of my mouth, I spin around, intending to continue my storm out of the building, but come face-to-chest with an officer wearing dress pants and a dark grey button-down shirt.  Just as I’m about to slam into him, he raises his hands to my shoulders and stops me.  He’s tall.  Very tall.

I lift my eyes, pissed that he’s trying to stop me.  I open my mouth to argue, but pause when I see him glaring over my shoulder.  “What’s going on here, Frank?”

I continue to stare up at his chin, unsure of what to do next, when I hear from behind me, “Miss Monroe here wanted to report a missing person.  I was trying to help her do that when she went crazy and stormed out.”

The man’s chin tips down and I find myself looking into the most beautiful pair of green eyes I’ve ever seen.  “Is that true Ma’am?”

I stare at him another beat before realizing that he just asked me a question.  Clearing my throat, I think back to what has just been said and I snap out of my daze.  I am instantly furious all over again.

Pulling back, I slam my fists onto my hips and turn my body so that I can see both officers.  “No it is not!” I declare.  “I came in to get help finding my brother, and this guy,” I jab my thumb in the direction of Officer Asshole, “said he was likely strung out in a crack house and that he didn’t have time for this shit.”  I look back to the concerned officer.  “I just want to find my brother.  I don’t have time to waste at a police station if nobody is going to help me.”

He stares at me while I tell my story, his jaw clenched tightly as I speak. When I am done, his eyes swing to the other officer.  “Frank, I’m reporting this.”

Frank rolls his eyes.  “Whatever, man.  The kid she’s looking for is a punk.  He’s messed up with the Crips.  There’s no way in hell we’re gonna find him.”

The well-dressed officer’s body is visibly tight and I can feel the anger coming off him in waves so I’m surprised when his eyes focus on me with a softness that makes my belly flutter.  “Ma’am, please.  Let me work on this with you.  Of course we will do everything we can to find your brother.”

I hear Officer Asshole scoff at his co-worker’s words but I’m too busy staring up at this beautiful policeman who is finally offering me some hope.  My eyes wide and filling with tears of gratitude, I nod slowly.  He gently takes my elbow and leads me past the indignant cop and right back to the room I just left.

“Have a seat.  I’ll be back in just a few minutes.”

I nod at him wordlessly and slide back down into my still-warm seat.  He stares at me for a moment before returning my nod and walking back out into the hallway, closing the door behind him.

My mind is spinning.  My anger at that jerk cop has my body shaking with adrenaline, but now that I know this new guy is going to help me, I am filled with relief.  I just want to find Derrick.  He’s all I have left since Mom moved away to live with her new husband, who Derrick and I hate with a passion.

Just then, a loud smash from out in the hallway makes me jump in my seat.  This is quickly followed by angry shouts.  I can’t make out the words from behind the closed door, but I do recognize the voice of Officer Asshole.  The shouts are quickly followed by a low, gruff mumble and then silence.

I sit quietly, ears straining to hear what comes next, but there’s nothing.  A few seconds later, the door opens and in walks the new cop.  “Alright, Miss Monroe.  Let’s get working on finding your brother.”


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