Read Riding Bitch Online

Authors: Melinda Barron

Tags: #Multicultural; Contemporary

Riding Bitch (12 page)

BOOK: Riding Bitch
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“I don’t have that sort of education.” Felicia shrugged. “Just general education.”

He narrowed his eyes, as if he were assessing her. “Well, you could be a stay-at-home love slave, for room and board. Of course, if you wanted extras, like clothes or books, we’d have to negotiate the terms.”

“Oh really?” She crossed her arms over her chest. “What exactly is included in room and board?”

He stroked an imaginary beard. “Let’s see. A bed to sleep in, after you get me off. And water for bathing and drinking. Some meals—breakfast and dinner, but I think you’ll be on your own for lunch. And we’ll have to talk about TV time. I think that’s a luxury.”

“I think you’re full of it.” She tried to frown but couldn’t stop the smile that took over her mouth.

“I think you should be full of it”—he wiggled his eyebrows—“as in full of my dick.”

Felicia crossed to him and cupped his crotch. “You mean this.”

He looked down, then back up at her. “Yeah, I mean that.”

She applied a little pressure. His sharp intake of breath made her nipples hard. “Let’s see how I do at this love-slave business,” she said. “It could be an interesting job.”

“We’re going to have to do an interview first, and a test run to make sure you’re up for the…position.”

There was that sexy look again, one eyebrow lifted, one corner of his mouth turned up.

“To the bedroom with you,” he said, pointing.

“Yes, sir.” She hurried to the hallway. “I want to make sure I’m on time for my interview.”

When she entered the bedroom, she found that he’d opened the sliding glass doors that led to the patio. A warm summer breeze drifted through the screen.

“Take off your shirt,” he ordered as he came in. He sat down in the middle of the bed, cross-legged.

Felicia stepped in front of him and fingered her rope corset. “How am I supposed to get out of this without help?”

He pursed his lips as if he were in deep thought. Then he rolled across the bed toward the nightstand. When he stood up, he produced a pair of scissors.

“You’re going to cut it off? It seems like such a waste.”

“Not the corset. I’m going to cut away the blouse under it.” The sound of the scissors clicking together made her shiver.

“You’re going to do what?”

“Just put out your hands and stand still.”

Felicia backed away from him. “Again, it seems like a waste. This is a great shirt.”

“We can buy another one.”

Felicia took one more step. “Can’t you just, I don’t know, work it out from under the rope?”

“I could.” He studied his creation. “But it might take a while.”

“It might be fun too.” She licked her lips. “Like a slow striptease.”

For a moment, she thought he was annoyed. But then he tossed the scissors onto the dresser.

“Or I could just take them both off and reconfigure the rope decoration.”

“That works.” She held out her arms without being asked to. It took Ash considerably less time to undo the corset than it had to make it. When the rope was on the bed, he lifted the shirt over her head and undid her bra. His hands were like silk as they touched her skin, and she wanted to tell him that whatever he had in mind, they just needed to have sex, hard and fast.

With deft work, Ash redid the ropes. He made a halter-type bra that crossed over her shoulders and under her breasts. He wrapped rope around her midsection several times, and it felt very similar to the corset she’d worn, but not near as intricate.

“I’m going to have rope marks.”

“They’ll be beautiful,” he said as he sat back on the bed and asked her to kneel behind him. When he said, “Take down my hair for me,” she thought she would lose her ability to function. Her hand shook as she grabbed the brush he’d set on the bed. Obviously while she’d been putting away food, he’d been getting ready in other areas. She’d wanted to do this the whole time they’d been on the road, but it had never seemed to work out for her.

Felicia started with the left braid. She untied the leather thong at the end, then leaned over to place it on the nightstand when it was free. She started slowly, working her fingers through the sections, letting them fall apart in her hands. His hair was silky. After she’d undone one inch, she ran her fingers through the free ends, which were slightly crimped from being braided for so long.

When she was done with the first one, she started with the second, taking it leisurely because she didn’t want it to end.

“Do you remember the first time you did this for me?”

“I do. It was during one of our last camping trips.”

He turned to smile at her. “Courtney and Doug had just left the tent. I wanted you to do it while we were alone. I want you to know that I’ve never, ever let another woman do this.”

Her heart caught in her throat. He nodded, then turned back so he was facing away from her. “I’ve had women ask, but it never seemed right to me. It’s too personal. This was, and always will be, something only you could do.”

She’d stopped working while he was talking. She thought she might start crying, because he’d kept something like this only for her. She undid the other braid before she fanned his hair out across his shoulders.

“It’s so much longer now.” She started to work the brush through it.

“I only trim it,” he told her. They were silent for a few moments while she continued to stroke his hair with the bristles.

“We have an important question to ask,” he said seriously as he turned to her.

“Why?” That was what she wanted to know. She would press her father for an answer as to why he was determined to keep her apart from the man she loved.

“I was thinking more about whether we should fuck in here or go outside.”

“You are the most insatiable man I’ve ever met in my life.”

He laughed before he pulled away from her. When he offered his hand, she said, “I guess we’re going outside?”

The glint in his eyes told her it had never been a question. “What do you have set up now?”

“Give me your hand and trust me.” He helped her stand, and then he helped her finish undressing. His hands felt like silk as they undid the button of her jeans.

“You’re so tense, Felicia. We need to calm you down so you can sleep.”

“I don’t think this is calming me down.” She fingered the ropes. “Are we taking this off?”

“Nope.” He pressed his nose against hers, and she shivered. “You haven’t gotten the clue yet? I like you in rope.”

“I’m getting that idea.” He tugged her jeans over her hips. “I’m surprised you haven’t thought of making my wedding dress from hemp.”

“I’ve thought about it.” His voice drifted up from where he was crouched. He held her with one hand as she lifted a leg, and he worked the jeans off. They repeated the action, and then he pulled her panties down.

When she was naked except for the rope, he once again clasped her hand and started for the door. She pulled back. “Don’t I get to undress you?”

“Nope.” She thought about arguing, but so far, everything Ash had come up with had been great fun. This should be too.

At first, she thought they were going to the tent. But as her eyes adjusted, she realized they were taking a slightly different route. To the north of the tent, she could see an area lit up by four points of light near the ground.

“Did you bring a bed outside?”

“Sort of.” They stopped near a blanket. There were stakes at each of the four corners.

“You’re going to stake me out?”

“It’s just like being tied to the bed, only outdoors,” Ash said as if she should have figured that out.

“Except I’ll be on the ground, on my back.”

“Wouldn’t be the first time,” he said, and they both laughed.

“You’re right.” It didn’t take long to secure her, and she had to admit it felt very sexy. Ash knelt near her shoulder. He placed a small pillow under her head; then he leaned over and kissed her on the forehead.


“Yes,” she responded.


Felicia wiggled her hips. “Soaking.”

“Good. You look tasty.” With that he bent and captured her nipple, sucking it deeply into his mouth. Felicia lay there and let him suck and nibble. It felt incredibly seductive and more than a little naughty.

When he released the hard bud, he licked it generously. The slight breeze caressed the wet nub and sent a shiver through her body. He moved to the other side and repeated the action, sucking and licking before he moved away.

She wanted more, so much more, and she whimpered out her need.

“So sweet,” Ash said as he traced circles around her belly button. “I like you like this, tied up and wanting more.”

“Much more,” she whispered.

“Tell me,” he prompted her.

“Fuck me,” she responded.

“Tsk, tsk, so boring.”

Felicia tried to lift up. “What?”

“I believe you and I have had this conversation. We need to work on your begging, and your creativity. Tell me where you want me to kiss you, Fee.”

She almost said her lips, but then she realized that was not “creative.” And she couldn’t say her breasts, because he’d already done that just moments ago.

“How about my pussy?”

“I like that.” He straddled her, facing the wrong way to do what she’d asked. “But let’s start someplace else and move up to that. Where are you ticklish, sweet Fee?”

He lightly ran his fingers over her sides. “Here?”

Felicia jumped, laughter spilling out of her mouth. “Stop that!”

“Or here?” His fingers worked her rib cage.

“Ash!” She pulled on her bonds. The touch was light, erotic, but it was torture. She wanted him to touch her harder, and she said so.

“Harder where?” His fingers went back to her side, the touch still very delicate. “Here?”

“No!” Her laughter was deeper this time. “And that is not harder!”

“You’re going to have to direct me,” he said seriously. “I’m new at this.”

“Bull!” She pulled on her arms again, but she knew Ash would not respond to her need to be free. She had to do as he asked.

“Ash, please…” Think, she screamed in her head. “Kiss my arms.”

“Be specific,” he said as he bent to do her will.

“Trace kisses up and down,” she commanded. “But concentrate on the area where my arm bends.” She felt so off-kilter right now that she couldn’t think what that area was called.

“I can do that,” he said against her skin. His lips were damp, and he left a trail of wetness on her exposed skin.

When he was done with the first arm, he moved to the second, worshipping it just like he had the first. Felicia settled into the earth, feeling the soft dirt under the blanket. It made her a part of it, part of the nature that she knew Ash loved so much.

After he’d kissed every inch of her arms, she sighed.

“Kiss my pussy.”

“Too soon,” he said. “I need to give you a lesson on where I should touch you, don’t I?” He placed his lips on hers, kissing her deeply. “I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere.”

“Ash, don’t leave me.”

“Just a few moments, babe. I’ll be right back.”

He didn’t even move off her. Instead he reached to a spot above her head, and she knew he had this planned.

“So much for spontaneity,” she said with a huff.

“No, this is a lesson, darling.” He held a glass in front of her face.

“What is that?”

“Body paint.” He swirled a brush into the cup. “I’m going to show you a few of the more erogenous zones on your body.”

“You’re going to kill me,” she managed to get out as he trickled the slippery material over her breasts.

“What a way to go. Now, it’s true that the breasts and pussy are very sensitive to touch. But so many people forget things like the buttocks. I’ve spanked it quite a bit, so I don’t know if we’ll go there tonight. And of course, if we do, it will be after you’ve been let free.”

“Ash!” Felicia screamed. “Stop teasing me.”

“But it’s so much fun.” He ran the paintbrush up her arm. “You did get these spots, but you missed the wrists, which are very sensitive.”

The brush moved over the rope, then traced a line up one side of it and down the other. Felicia shivered as pure lust surged through her. Several times she caught herself pulling at her ropes. When she did, Ash told her to lie still and enjoy it. So she did, and it was incredible.

“Am I right?” He was leaning over her again, his face just inches above. She wondered how long he’d been staring at her, what she looked like to him.

“Yes,” she said in a breathy whisper. “Do the other one.”

“As you command.” This time she lay there and let the feeling soak into her, just as he’d said. Her nipples tingled as he kissed and painted, and her clit pulsed with desire.

But she didn’t tell him that. She wanted to follow his lead on this, see where it took them. She could lie here all night, looking up at the stars while Ash played with her body.

“Shall we move a little lower?” he asked her seductively.

“Huh?” It was as if she were floating somewhere in the stars. “Oh sure,” she said as his meaning struck home.

He inched down her body, stopping when his jean-clad bottom was on her hips. She was pretty sure they’d been this way before, but she kept her mouth shut as he painted on her belly. It felt as if he were writing letters. Finally, he made a long line with a dot under it.

“What does it say?”

“Ash’s!” he told her. “And it looks very impressive.”

His next stop was her thighs. He ignored her pussy completely as he drew circles with the brush. It should have tickled, but it made her burn, the flames licking out to touch her every nerve ending, making her want to come so desperately she couldn’t help but wiggle her hips, even though she’d told herself she was going to stay still.

“Please,” she managed to say, although she wasn’t sure how her brain was connecting with her lips and voice box to make them work.

“Not yet,” he said, even though he leaned over and placed a kiss on her mound. “Soon, sweet Fee, soon.”

The thighs seemed to be the most sensitive of the spots he’d played with. The minute the brush touched the skin just under her pussy, Felicia tensed.

“Oh…” She’d been about to say a very nasty word, but she caught herself at the last minute. Instead she moaned as he played with her, crying out for him to please, please end her suffering.

BOOK: Riding Bitch
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