Riley (The Kendall Family #3) (17 page)

BOOK: Riley (The Kendall Family #3)
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The Marine smirked. “Would it be cruel of me to get you super horny and make you wait so long?”

“I could learn to hate you if you’re not careful.” She pulled away from him to pull up hotels in Spain. “Where should we stay?”

“Somewhere romantic? We won’t have time to enjoy more than each other, but it’s the thought that counts.”

She leaned against him. “Sadly, I’m not familiar with romantic places anywhere, so let’s see what we can find. I’m in the mood to splurge, at least for a night.”

“We’ve both come into some money.”

Jordan pointedly ignored the reason that was true. Together they searched for a hotel and found one overlooking the Mediterranean, where spa services and fine dining awaited them. They agreed on one final night of enjoying their lives there just in case those lives came to an end. Neither wanted to think about it much until driving to Paris, so for now they pretended like they were on vacation together.

Before long, they boarded the full plane from Boston to Dublin, a long flight that began after midnight. Most of the other passengers were already looking glassy-eyed, but neither Jordan nor Riley felt tired. After the “fasten seatbelts” light went off, the pair occupied themselves by discreetly making out until Jordan excused herself to the bathroom, and that’s where she had a naughty idea. On her way back to Riley, she noted that most of the passengers were asleep. The flight attendants weren’t paying much attention to anyone. She slipped into her seat next to Riley and whispered in his ear.

“I’m super horny. Have been for hours. What do you say we join the mile high club?”

He cocked an eyebrow. “You’re not a member yet?”

The question surprised her. “No. Are you?”

Riley smirked. “I’m about to be.”

“I’ll go first,” she said, squeezing his cock through his pants so that he moaned. “Give me a minute and then follow.”

“I can hardly wait.”

Jordan went back toward the plane’s rear, where noise from the engines might mask any sounds they’d make. One guy met her gaze as she went, but she’d long ago learned to mask her expressions, and made a show of seeming bored. She reached the rear bathrooms, which were across the plane from each other, and checked one was empty before entering.

The place hardly had room for one body, let alone two. This could get interesting fast. Deciding to strip while she had room to do so, Jordan pulled down her pants, enjoying the cool air on her already wet pussy. It just made her womb feel that much hotter and it began to tremble in anticipation. She left the pants and panties around her ankles and unhooked her bra, then slipped that and the shirt off. She was about to slide a finger inside when someone knocked on the door.

“That you, honey?” she quietly asked.


Recognizing his voice, Jordan unbolted the door and opened it to see Riley’s eyes bulge in delight as his hot gaze raked over her. He cast a glance back toward the sleeping passengers and grinned like a schoolboy on entering the cramped lavatory. Closing the door and bolting it, Riley then squeezed both her tits in strong hands and she gasped until his mouth closed over hers, tongue darting inside. She responded for a moment before pulling back.

“Kiss me later,” she panted. “Just fuck me.”

“You’re so fucking hot,” he complimented her.

She furiously undid his belt buckle while he pulled down the zipper. A snap of the button and together they shoved his pants and underwear passed his crotch, Riley’s half-hard cock springing free and bobbing. Jordan’s greedy hand encircled the shaft, giving him two gentle tugs that caused a rush of blood to engorge his manhood in her grip. While Riley worked his pants farther down, she cupped his smooth balls and rolled her fingers back and forth. Her other hand caressed his cock up to the head, where she teased the sensitive underside as his dick stood straighter in the air every second.

“I’m gonna ride you,” she announced, pushing him toward the toilet. Riley let her shove him onto the seat, where he spread his legs. Jordan climbed over them to face him, her proud tits slapping his cheeks as she roughly got into position, hands on his brawny shoulders. Riley squeezed her ass and held his cock still for her as Jordan lowered herself without preamble, the slick folds of her pussy brushing against him before she devoured the head.

Riley let go of his manhood and brushed his fingers against her pussy even as she engulfed the rest of his cock, her pussy expanding with ease at the familiar feel of her man. For a moment, wild elation had Jordan’s heart pounding. She’d waited hours for this and just savored the fulfillment, her body lighting up with arousal. Her taut flesh rippled with desire and she ground downward, mashing her clit into his pubic bone.

Riley’s hot mouth surrounded one breast while one hand tugged at a stiffening nipple. She whimpered, wondering if the roar of the airplane engine would drown out the roar of her orgasm when it came. The thrill of getting caught ramped up the throbbing in her loins. This was a different kind of danger than what she normally faced and she decided that she rather liked it.

A knock on the door caused jolts of fear, adrenaline, and then arousal. She stiffened and Riley shuddered at the effect of her pussy tightening. Biting her lip, Jordan slid up and down, throwing caution to the wind. That someone stood just inches away and didn’t know what they were doing gave her a thrill that surprised her. As long as it wasn’t an air marshal ready to arrest them. But fuck it, you only live once. She heard the other bathroom door open and shut and figured they were safe, so she gave Riley a honeyed kiss.

Not for the first time, she intended to drive Riley wild, but he did it to her instead, making her long for a time to get sweet revenge. He had it coming. His finger, already slick with Jordan’s essence, pressed beneath their pubic mounds to find her sensitive clit. She lifted up to provide access, the feel of his dick sliding inside her making her rise up. Then she thrust down again. Suddenly she couldn’t stop herself. Grabbing his shoulders, Jordan began fucking Riley, pumping her pussy up and down. Not content to just sit and relax, he rapidly raked his finger back and forth across her clit.

“Oh God,” Jordan hissed.

“You like that?” he huskily asked.

“Fuck yes. I love everything you do to me. Oh shit, I’m cuming!”

A surge tore through Jordan’s vagina as arousal turned to pulsing tremors and she erupted, silently screaming his name into his ear.

“It’s okay, baby,” he approved. “I’ve got you.”

Jordan moaned and collapsed onto him, saving her energy for stifling her cries. She flung her head back as Riley put both hands behind her to keep her upright and she luxuriated in the orgasm. He rocked his hips and she joined him, not sliding far but enough to give him what he needed.

“Your pussy is like fire, Jordan.”

“So is your cock.”

“Here come the flames.”

“Scorch me, Riley!”

His soft cries filled the airplane bathroom as his cock swelled and a massive load of cum burst into her pussy, the hot liquid dripping down the length of his dick, out of her, and down around his heaving balls to fall into the toilet. Seeing him reeling from pleasure, she leaned forward and buried his face in her lush tits. He squeezed her close, taking a deep breath of her scent, murmuring words she couldn’t hear. But she didn’t need to. They understood each other perfectly well with their clothes off. Clinging to each other, they savored the moment but tried not to get carried away

“I guess we shouldn’t push our luck,” she finally said.

Riley pulled back, eyes dazed. “True. Let’s clean up. We can cuddle after.”

She kissed his forehead. “I love that Mr. Masculine still wants to cuddle.”

“Anything that gets me in contact with you, baby,” he said, as if joking. He swatted her rump and she slid up and off of his manhood with regret. Her pussy still quivered delightfully. His cock still throbbed as they cleaned up and flushed everything down the toilet. They had most of their clothes back on when another knock at the door sounded, followed by a man’s voice announcing it was the air marshal.

Chapter 14 – Barcelona

“Oh shit,” whispered Jordan.

Riley put a comforting arm around her. “We’ll pretend you were airsick, so try to look woozy.”

“Not too hard,” she admitted, grinning, “because I am.”

He chuckled and they unbolted, then opened the door, seeing a plain-clothed man in his twenties with a stern expression. “Hey man,” Riley began, sounding companionable, “she’s not feeling well. Maybe you can help us back to our seats.”

The marshal’s expression turned sympathetic. Jordan feigned a shaking hand before her face as she leaned on the marshal for support. “Sure,” the guy said, clearly flustered by the lovely woman being so close to him. “Next time ask one of the attendants first.”

“Sure. Sorry.”

They exited and worked their way down the aisle with Riley following between the rows of sleeping passengers. The marshal even asked if Jordan needed any medicine and she pretended she did, so he came back a minute later with a flight attendant, who offered her something for an upset stomach. After being left alone, Jordan fixed Riley a look and murmured something about being impressed. He knew a thing or two about acting nonchalant and the power of a beautiful woman to overwhelm a guy.

As the flight continued, the pair cuddled for a while and then fell into as deep a slumber as the cramped plane would allow. The morning’s stopover in Dublin lasted long enough to get breakfast at the airport, but little else, and they resisted the desire to repeat their high flying carnal pleasures again on the short flight to Barcelona, when too many passengers were awake. They were both a little sleepy from the poor night’s rest.

Riley hadn’t been to Spain before and wanted to look around, and since they had shopping to do, they checked into the hotel and went out for a few hours, their internal clocks having them not ready for bed as early as it would come upon them, despite their fatigue. That was just as well, for their plan to capture Thomas hadn’t been discussed in detail but they’d agreed that doing it at night was probably better, the later the better, and they’d still feel fresh. To that end, they intended to stay up late by local time and sleep in rather than adjust their internal clocks.

It had only taken one shopping trip as a teenager with his sisters for Riley to vow never to do that with a woman again. They took forever and never made up their minds. His only other shopping with a woman had been for lingerie, a feat he repeated now with Jordan in an upscale shop. For her, the experience of shopping with a guy was new, and she beamed at Riley, getting horny at each outfit change. She whispered to him about getting laid right there, but getting caught was too easy. By the time they arrived at the hotel and entered their rooms, she couldn’t stand it anymore and disappeared into the bathroom for a minute. He stared out the window, thinking to try out the bed before going out for dinner. She apparently had similar ideas.

Watching the sea, Riley overheard the bathroom door open and remarked, “Great view.”

“I have one better,” she replied, voice sultry.

Riley turned and gaped at the sight of her in a scarlet lace teddy, two holes cut out for the nipples, long pink stockings drawing his gaze to her legs and the treasure above them, where tear-away crotch-less panties revealed her sumptuous pussy. He’d never seen her done up before, ruby red lips, blushing cheeks, and long lashes framed by her silky hair, which she’d brushed out. She’d put on red nail polish at a perfume counter earlier, and as she neared, he caught the erotic scent of her, both sprayed on and natural. His cock stirred. His heart pounded. His eyes burned with desire.

As Riley went to embrace her, she put both hands on his muscled chest. “Not so fast,” she purred. “You’ve driven me crazy once or twice but not let me return the favor. It’s time for payback.”

“I can hardly wait,” he huskily replied.

“Good.” She hooked fingers into his waistband and pulled him toward the bed, where she pushed up his shirt, palms pressing into flesh until she lifted the shirt over his head. She knelt before him with her legs spread and back arched to make her breasts stand more proud. Letting hair fall before her eyes, she gazed up at him through long lashes and licked her lips. Riley thought she’d never looked more stunning, his heart pounding.

She bent to untie his shoes and slip the socks off, then bent down and gently kissed his toes. “Would you like me for your pleasure slave?”

Riley cleared his throat. “I think I’m already

“That’s the spirit.”

She pressed her hands against his calves, then knees, then thighs as she pushed her way up to his crotch, which she surrounded, massaging him everywhere but the sizeable bulge straining at the jeans. Riley’s moan told her what she needed to know. Her fingers yanked at the buckle, button, and zipper before she pulled the pants down. Riley wondered why she insisted on keeping his underwear on, but he’d find out soon enough.

She got the jeans all the way off and slid her hands up his bare, muscled hamstrings, then under the boxers to his firm ass. He shivered, the arousal spreading from his cock, down his balls, across his perineum, to his anus and glutes. His dick was hard enough to push aside the waistband and rise above it, and Jordan wasted no time, leaning forward to lick the head. The wet warmth made him groan again and she finally pulled the back of his underwear down. The motion bared more of his cock, which she licked up and down.

“You’re so cruel,” he whispered. “Take me in.”

“All in good time, sweetie.” With a yank, she thrust his underwear down around his ankles, then sat back on her heels. Riley didn’t know how long he could keep his hands to himself. She patted the bed. “Sit.”

He obliged and Jordan crawled between his legs, which she spread before shoving him onto his back. Holding his thighs apart, she slurped a testicle into her warm, slippery mouth, tonguing it back and forth. She licked a finger and slipped it to his perineum, massaging it as she sucked the other testicle into her mouth. Riley squeezed the bedsheets, trying to control himself, closing his eyes.

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