Rio's Fire (15 page)

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Authors: Lynn Hagen

BOOK: Rio's Fire
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Unable to ignore his panther any longer, Rio strode from his classroom and walked next door. When he grabbed the handle to pull the door open, he found it locked. Rio glanced into the small window feeling his heart lodge in his throat. What in the fuck was Mrs.

Crumble doing?

The science teacher was advancing toward Fire, who was throwing things at her and screaming for her stay away from him. Rio saw the state that she was in and knew in a heartbeat that she was the demon.


He yanked furiously at the handle but the door wouldn’t give.

Fearing for his mate’s life, Rio punched the glass from the door, stuck his arm in, and unlocked it from the other side. But he still couldn’t open it. The demon had to be using some kind of magic to keep it closed.

“Stay the fuck away from him, you bitch!” he shouted through the small window.

The demon turned its head and gave a bloodcurdling laugh. “I need his body. This one won’t last me through the night.” The demon waved a hand over his body.

Hadn’t Fire told him that demons like this one didn’t go after paranormal creatures? “He’s fey,” Rio shouted through the hole he
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had created, hoping like hell that stopped the demon from trying to kill Fire.

The demon shrugged. “Oh my. That’s even better. Feys are sweet little morsels. Their blood is like a sugar rush.”

It sickened Rio that the demon could be so blasé about taking a life. He wanted to tear it apart limb from limb. As his anger rose higher and higher, Rio fought desperately not to let his black panther free. They were in a school full of humans. He couldn’t shift in public.

And it was odd as hell to hear Mrs. Crumble talking like this—

even worse, cackling.

“I thought you didn’t like otherworldly creatures?” Fire asked as he began to throw glue bottles at her.

“I normally don’t. But feys have always been an exception.”

Tired of fucking around, Rio looked behind him to make sure the hallway was clear before he started pulling the door apart. Once enough of the door was shredded, Rio wedged his way into the room.

The demon spun, setting its sights on him. It saddened Rio to know that the real Mrs. Crumble was dead. But he couldn’t allow the sorrow to take hold. He had a mate to save and a demon to kill.

The problem was, Rio had no clue how to kill this damn thing.

Although his parents meant well, he cursed his sheltered life. A little exposure wouldn’t have hurt and would’ve come in handy right about now. “How do I kill it?” he asked his mate.

Fire picked up a stapler and slung it at Mrs. Crumble’s head. “Do I look like a demon slayer to you? I’m as clueless as you are. I’m running from a little old lady who is out to eat me. Think of something…soon.”

Maybe the trick was to make sure she didn’t eat her next victim. If the demon didn’t have a fresh body it might just wither away and die.

Of course that was only in theory. He wasn’t even sure how long it would take before the thing keeled over. “We just have to make sure she doesn’t eat you.”

Rio’s Fire


“That’s my number one goal,” Fire said sarcastically as he picked up a world globe and threw it at her. “But somehow I’ve a feeling she isn’t going to wait much longer.”

Fuck it.
Even though exposing the nonhuman world was the last thing he wanted to do, Rio was not about to let the demon have his mate.

Rio shifted and attacked. There was no way he could be blamed for defending his mate. If anything, Maverick could lie and say that Rio escaped from a zoo. Rio began to maul the creature, trying his best to stay away from the row of sharp and serrated teeth in the science teacher’s mouth.

This type of demon might not eat shifters, but Rio could see how desperate the creature was becoming. It snapped its jaws, trying to lock onto any part of Rio it could find. Rio opened his mouth, ready to sink his teeth into Mrs. Crumble’s skull when the science teacher fell over, a strange gurgling sound filling the room.

There was a broken leg from a chair sticking out of Mrs.

Crumble’s neck. His mate was standing there, panting heavily, a shocked expression on his face. “It worked,” he said in surprise. “It freaking worked!”

But before they could celebrate, the demon sprang from the floor and landed on Fire. Rio used his powerful muscles as he rammed his panther body into the demon. He knocked the creature halfway across the room.

Just as Mrs. Crumble sprang to her feet once again, Tank burst into the classroom. He had some strange spike gripped tightly in his hand. It almost reminded Rio of a railroad spike, only it was crimson colored and had a strange handle on the end.

Rio quickly moved out of the way as Tank closed the distance, shoving the spike into Mrs. Crumble’s skull. The science teacher screeched, falling to the floor and writhing around. Rio moved back even further as the body began to…melt? He wasn’t sure if that was
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the right description, but soon nothing was left but comfortable patent leather shoes and a flowery dress—and a black stain on the carpet.

“What the hell is that?” Fire pointed to the spike that was lying on the floor.

Tank walked over and picked it up. “Haven’t a clue. Panahasi gave one to each of us warriors with instructions on what to do with it if we found the demon.” Tank held the spike up in front of him with a smirk on his face. “Guess the demon leader knew what he was talking about.”

Rio shifted and grabbed his mate, pulling Fire into his arms, and thanking his lucky stars that his mate hadn’t been killed. He had been so busy defending Fire that he hadn’t noticed how badly he was shaking.

Pressing his face into Fire’s neck, Rio inhaled the sweet scent of his mate. “I love you, Fire.”

His mate seemed shocked, and then he gave Rio a soft smile. “I love you, too, Rio.” His mate pushed closer into Rio’s arms. “But I’m pretty sure you standing here naked will be frowned upon.”

Leave it to Fire to point that out. Rio turned toward Tank. “How did you know what was going on?”

Tank shoved the spike into his back pocket as he glanced down at the black mark on the carpet. He shuddered before the man looked at Rio. “Every sentry had an area of town they were assigned. Mine happened to be the school.”

That explained why Rio had seen Tank here even after he started giving Fire a lift home.

“I just so happened to be coming inside to check things out when I heard all the ruckus.” Tank pulled his shirt off and tossed it toward Rio. “You might want to get out of here before someone sees you. It’s going to be hard enough explaining the demolished door and Mr.

Crumble’s disappearance.”

Rio snagged the shirt and pulled it on. The damn thing hung to midthighs. Tank was a big man, but feeling as if he were a small kid
Rio’s Fire


playing dress up only proved just how mountainous the man truly was.

* * * *

Fire sat in the chair across from Maverick’s desk, Rio sitting next to him. It had been two weeks since the demon attack. It had taken a team of cleaners to get Mrs. Crumble out of the carpet.

Rio and Fire had also taken their classes on their field trip to the art museum. Fire was still debating what was worse, a demon trying to eat him or a school bus full of hellions.

“I didn’t fire Mr. Fishman.” Maverick leaned back casually in his chair, his booted feet resting on his mahogany desk. His fingers were intertwined and resting on his abdomen. “Although the man irritates the shit out of me, he hasn’t had enough complaints to toss his ass out.”

“What about him running for mayor?” In the past two weeks Mr.

Fishman had made it very clear that he was campaigning for the mayor seat. He boasted and bragged around school, telling the other teachers that it was about time Brac Village saw some changes.

Was the man blind? There were plenty of changes going on around town. New businesses were opening up and new faces were everywhere. It seemed Maverick’s business proposals were becoming widespread news and attracting paranormal beings from all around.

For the first time since meeting the alpha, Fire sat there and watched the man nearly fall of his chair with laughter. “Do you honestly think he has a leg to stand on? These are
people, and I highly doubt they will want anybody else taking over.”

He would’ve thought the alpha would have been enraged that Mr.

Fishman wanted to take over the town. The man hadn’t even seemed angry when Fire told him about Mr. Fishman wanting to purge all the queers from Brac Village.

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But Maverick didn’t look in the least bit worried or pissed. As a matter of fact, he looked amused.

Freaking weirdo.

Maverick sobered and then cleared his throat, pinning his gaze on Fire. The look made Fire squirm in his seat—especially when Maverick tossed five one-hundred-dollar bills onto his desk—the exact amount Fire had used for his bet. His stomach began to knot as his entire body perspired.

Maverick studied him for a long moment before he spoke. “I have to hand it to you, Fire. Only you can find the most inadequate bookie around. I had a talk with our little friend and found out he had forgotten to place your bet. I also had a word with him about illegal gambling in my town. Let’s just say that source has dried up. Mr.

Fishman was meeting with the bookie to find out information about you. Apparently the principal knew about your problem and was trying to dig up more information to use against you.”

Fire sat there motionless, afraid to make one single move. He wasn’t sure if the slight smile on Maverick’s face was good-natured, or if he was plotting Fire’s demise. How Principal Fishman knew about Fire’s gambling problem was a mystery, but it seemed the strikes were adding up against him as far as the principal was concerned.

In the man’s eyes, Fire was a queer gambling addict who was a spy for Maverick. Yup, that explained why the guy was constantly on Fire’s case, always watching him.

“Thanks,” Rio said. Maverick gave a slight nod toward Fire’s mate and then fixed his gaze right back on Fire.

“I’m going to leave your punishment for your slipup to Rio. You are officially his problem now.” Maverick tossed a small key to Rio.

“But I’ve always arranged for some meetings at the rec center with Thomas. You are a gambling addict, Fire. If you don’t get help, it’s going to not only ruin your life, but everyone’s life that you care about.”

Rio’s Fire


Fire thought he was going to faint. It didn’t seem real. Was he finally going to get his bracelet off? He was sitting there a quivering mass of excitement, yet the desire to run from this place was no longer there.

What Maverick was saying was nothing but the truth. Fire had realized this already, but hearing it coming from such a powerful and caring man only drove the fact in deeper that he needed help.

Fire knew that not only did he need to attend meetings, but he wouldn’t leave Brac Village and ruin the best thing that ever happened to him. Not just being mated to Rio, which was fabulous.

But just the thought of leaving his kids behind tore at Fire’s heart.

“And since you are no longer on lockdown,” Maverick began. “I will no longer force you to work at Brac Elementary. You’re free to quit the job.”

Rio stiffened next to Fire. He could visibly see his mate’s jaw clenching, but Rio didn’t say a word. Fire loved that the panther was leaving the decision up to him. It only showed him that Rio respected his choices.

Turning toward Maverick, Fire shook his head, wondering if he was insane for what he was about to say. The alpha had forced Fire to grow up when he demanded Fire become the art teacher, but it was Rio and the kids at school that had changed Fire’s life—and for the better. “I want to keep my job as the art teacher.”

* * * *

Fire peered over the bench seat, looking out over the parking lot.

“There is no way I’m sucking your cock in the parking lot of a fast food joint,” Fire said to Rio who was sitting next to him, hard cock in hand. “I won’t do it.”

“Oh come on, darlin’. It’s our lunch hour. Nobody is going to pay any attention to my truck. Where is your sense of adventure?”

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Fire narrowed his eyes at his mate. “Ever since you broke into the principal’s car and house, you’ve been on this adventure kick.” It was as if his mate was an adrenaline junkie now. What the hell had he created?

Rio turned until his back was pressed into the driver’s door, stretching his right leg across the seat. He began to slowly stroke his cock, enticing Fire. “I just want to have a little fun.” His mate slid out his bottom lip in a pout.

Goddamn, the man was sexy.

Fire chewed on his bottom lip as his eyes once again darted around the parking lot. “If we get caught—”

“We won’t get caught.” Rio tapped his boot against Fire’s thigh.

“Come over here and swallow my cock down your throat.”

Fire had never had sex out in the open before. He was a nervous damn wreck. Knowing he would give Rio whatever he wanted, Fire growled at his mate before he dipped his head and engulfed Rio’s erection.

“Holy fuck!” Rio shouted as his hand gripped the back of Fire’s head, his hips bucking.

Fire grinned around Rio’s shaft. He loved making the man shout.

His mate was always a controlled lover, always making sure Fire was the one screaming or begging. To see Rio lose control like this was a goddamn ego stroke of epic proportions.

“That’s it, darlin’,” Rio gritted out between clenched teeth. “Make me come.”

Oh, he planned to.

Unsnapping his own jeans, Fire palmed his own aching erection and began to stroke the heated flesh as he—Fire jerked up, glancing around. “What was that noise?”

“Not a fucking thing. Now get your sweet-ass lips back on my dick!”

Fire’s eyes swept the parking lot of The Pit before he dipped his head back down, once more engulfing Rio. When his mate pulled
Rio’s Fire

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