Riptide [Kismet Cove] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (13 page)

BOOK: Riptide [Kismet Cove] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“That’s why.” Evan chuckled and pinched her nipples between his fingertips as Rory’s hands came over her thighs and parted her labia. Without another word Rory lowered his head and let his tongue swipe along the entire length of her pussy and Jess cried out at the pleasure of it.

She clutched at Evan’s wrists, bracing herself against the sensual onslaught that Rory’s mouth and tongue were unleashing on her clit.

Rory plunged a long, thick finger into her channel and groaned. “She’s so tight.” The words came out muffled, but Evan clearly understood because his arms tightened around Jess and he kissed her hard.

Jess’s body was a sponge, soaking up every glorious touch and sensation. Hands and mouths stroked and sucked until she was quivering and panting, suspended on the precipice of an orgasm. Evan lifted his head and stared into her eyes, his own gone a stormy blue-gray in his passion.

“I want to watch you come. I want to see your beautiful face when it happens.” He pinched her nipples harder than before. “Come for us, Jess.”

His words triggered her release and her body shattered into a thousand pieces, each one of them vibrating with the force of her orgasm. Jess’s heels drummed against Rory’s back as she arched hard against his mouth, and she could feel the rumbling vibration of his groan as he drew her clit into his mouth and focused all of his attention on the sensitive pearl.

Evan carefully kept her head above the water as she bucked and thrashed, so lost in her pleasure she could do nothing but trust in the two men holding her. Rory’s tongue lashing extended her release, demanding nothing less than her complete surrender. Only when the last of her shuddering cries finally quieted did their touches gentle, soothing her instead of arousing. As Rory submerged his shoulders and freed her legs to drift, Jess could barely find the strength to sit up and lift her head from Evan’s chest.

She felt herself passed from Evan to Rory and she didn’t have the energy to do anything more than curl into his arms and lay her head on his shoulder.

Rory held her wrapped in his strong arms, but she could also feel Evan’s hand resting lightly on her hip as if he wasn’t ready to let go of her completely.

“That was…” Evan trailed off, a note of awe in his voice.

“Indescribable,” Jess whispered.

“Just the beginning,” Rory added and hugged her closer. “If you’re still interested, that is.”

“I thought you said he didn’t have a sense of humor?” Jess glanced at Evan and then back at Rory with a shy smile. “I wanted you both before this. Now? Now I just want to know how this is going to work.”

“Ev, grab us those drinks, will you?” Rory nodded to the tray and the three of them rearranged themselves so that Jess was sitting in Rory’s lap, her legs entwined with Evan’s to serve as a sort of anchor. As they all sipped their hot chocolate, both men paused and then downed a healthy measure of the contents before they stopped again.

“So that’s what it’s supposed to taste like.” Evan grinned. “I’m never going back to powdered pouches of crap again.”

“It tastes like a chocolate candy cane. What’s in this?” Rory asked and scooped a finger’s worth of half-melted whipped cream out of the mug and offered it to Jess. She sucked the cream and his finger into her mouth, swirling the tip of her tongue over him slowly, savoring him and his offering.

“I’m pretty sure she can’t answer your question if you’ve got your finger in her mouth,” Evan pointed out, his expression one of complete enthrallment.

She released Rory with a laugh and shrugged. “It’s nothing special, just milk, chocolate sauce, a pinch of cinnamon, and a dollop of peppermint schnapps.” Jess licked her lips playfully. “And of course, whipped cream.”

She felt Rory’s cock pulse to life beneath her, and a fresh surge of arousal coursed through her in response. She’d never come so hard in her life, and now she was eager to go again. Her men had quite the affect on her, and she was quickly learning to love it.

She took a drink and tried to organize her thoughts, but she quickly realized there was only one way to ask what she wanted to know.

“So how does this work? Am I dating one of you and sleeping with you both? Dating both of you? Is this all going to be a secret?”

“You’re dating both of us,” Rory and Evan said in unison and she had to laugh at the possessive tone they were both using.

“Well, that’s pretty clear.” She grinned at them both. “And it’s really cute the way you guys answered that together.”

“She’s calling us cute again,” Evan grumbled.

“I noticed. We’ll punish her for that later.”

“Don’t you dare bring up spanking me again. That is never, ever going to happen.” Jess glowered playfully at Rory. “Forget it.”

“Oh, sweetheart. It’s rarely in your best interests to tell Rory something is
happening. He tends to take it as a challenge. Though in this case, I’m really going to enjoy watching how this unfolds. If I’m lucky, it’ll turn out to be my new favorite fantasy.”

Rory cleared his throat. “Do you want this to be a secret? The three of us?”

Jess sensed there was a lot riding on this answer, and she looked from Rory, to Evan and back again as she considered her answer. Both men were watching her with carefully blank expressions, but she could read the glimmer of hope that showed in both their eyes, peeking out from behind the masks they wore.

“I don’t like secrets. I don’t like lying, either. But I’m not the one who lives here full-time and has friends and family and jobs at stake. So if you want me to keep this a secret, I will.”

“What do you mean you don’t live here full time?” Rory’s arms tightened around her and she felt Evan’s hand return to her thigh.

“You said your father gave you the cabin, so we assumed you were going to be living here from now on.” Evan’s voice had an edge to it now, and when she looked at him there was a look of pure determination on his handsome face.

“Well, I’m staying for the winter, absolutely. I have to finish my book and this is the perfect place to do it. After that…I’m not sure. I like it here, but I haven’t made up my mind yet.”

“Stay,” Evan asked her. “We just found you, Jess. Please don’t say you’re going to leave. We don’t want to keep you a secret. We want to have you in our lives. I know this is all a bit fast, but believe me, this is not some sexual adventure we’re on here. We want
In our lives, in our bed, and in our house as soon as we can get you there.”

All the blood drained from Jess’s face and she suddenly felt light-headed. This couldn’t be happening. Not like this, not so quickly.

“I think you’re scaring her, Ev. Dial it back a bit before she decides were crazy.”

“She can’t leave us.” Evan shook his head and looked over her shoulder to Rory. “You know that.”

“But she doesn’t know it, not yet.” Rory pressed a kiss to Jess’s cheek and then lowered his voice to a stage whisper. “You see what I mean? I told you, he’s the delicate one, and a drama queen.”

“Bite me,” Evan snarked, but some of the intensity faded from his expression.

“That is never going to happen. The only one in this hot tub I’m planning on biting is Jess.”

Jess took in a slow, cleansing breath and then let it out again before she started speaking. “So you two want to date me openly. No secrets?”

“Tofino isn’t like Toronto, Jess. We’re a lot more laid-back out here. We wouldn’t be the only unconventional relationship in town, not by a long shot.” Rory glanced at Evan and the two seemed to have another of their silent conversations. When it was done, Evan was the one who spoke next.

“My parents are in a polyamorous family group, so are Rory’s. Many of the families that live in Kismet Bay have a two man, one woman ratio. It’s just the way we live.”

“Really?” Jess was caught between relief and curiosity. Relief that if there were others already living this way, it wouldn’t be necessary to hide it so much. And she was really curious to know how this could work in the long-term. “So if I stayed, we could live like that?”

“Could and would, baby. Evan and I have always known we’d live that way, if we could find the right woman to share our lives with.”

“So you two…” Jess blushed and waved to the two of them. “You two aren’t, um,
each other, right?”

“Did she just ask if we’re banging each other?” Evan asked, spluttering and choking on the hot chocolate he’d been drinking as she’d asked her question.

“Hell no, we are not with each other that way!” Rory declared with a great deal of volume. “He’s like a brother to me. I love him, but I’m not in love with him and I never will be. We’re not bisexual, we only like women. Specifically we like one woman, you.”

“Okay.” Jess managed to keep most of the laughter out of her voice. Not all, but most. “So, do you guys have separate bedrooms?”

“She’s getting down to the technical stuff now, so does that mean you’re going to be with us?” Evan asked, looking hopeful.

“I’m seriously considering it, but I have a few more questions. And then there’s something I need to tell both of you.”

“I’m glad you’re considering it, because if you do say no, I should warn you that we’re not giving up that easily. It would be easier on all of us if you just give in now.” Rory nuzzled her ear. “I’m not letting you go, baby. And to answer your question, yes, we have separate bedrooms. Our house was built for people with our lifestyle. It has two regular bedrooms and one large master suite with a bed big enough for three. Sometimes it will be all of us together, sometimes just one of us, and whenever you need time for yourself, that will be your bedroom and private space. We don’t come in unless invited. At least that’s how it works with my parents.”

“You’re talking like I’m moving in with you,” she pointed out.

“I’ve seen your bed. We’re not all going to fit that well,” Evan observed with a laugh.

“I’m not ready for that, not yet. Bad enough I’m naked with both of you and have no intention of letting you go home tonight. But moving in when we’ve known each other just over a day? That might be moving just a little fast.”

Rory nodded. “We’ll get you a key anyway, but you’re right. This must be feeling a little fast for you.”

“And it doesn’t for you? Neither of you?” she asked, surprised by their instant denials.


“Not really,” Rory told her. “But we’ve wanted this our whole adult lives.”

“How many others have there been?” Jess asked, her mind suddenly filled with images of her men with other women, loving them, sharing them the way they were now sharing her.

It was Evan who answered. “If you’re asking if we’ve ever shared a woman in bed before, then the answer is yes. But it wasn’t all that often, and we’ve never taken a woman back to our house for sex. If you are there with us, you’ll be the first and only woman we’ve ever brought home.”

“Okay,” Jess said simply and reached under the water to squeeze Evan’s hand as she wrapped her free arm around Rory’s neck. “This is insane, but I’d be crazier to say no and never give this a chance.”

Both men whooped with pleasure and first Rory and then Evan kissed her until she was breathless. She finally managed to get them to stop long enough for her to get her breath back.

“Before you guys celebrate my lapse in sanity, there’s one more thing you need to know.”

Both of them looked at her, concern on their faces.

“What is it?”

“I didn’t tell you the whole truth about what I do for a living.”

“You’re not a freelance writer?” Evan looked confused. “Why would you lie about that?”

“You lied?” Rory’s voice was a low, unhappy snarl. “I don’t like liars.”

Jess twisted around to look at Rory and quailed at his dark expression. His eyes had narrowed and his lips were drawn down in a thin line.

Evan reached out to lay a hand on his arm. “Rory, stop it. You’re scaring her! C’mere, sweetheart.” Evan drew her out of Rory’s arm and cradled her against his chest, and Jess burrowed against him.

“Chill out, bro, or you’re going to ruin everything.” Evan’s hands stroked up and down her back, soothing her. “He didn’t mean to scare you, Jess.”

Jess nodded, but she didn’t want to look at Rory. There was darkness in him she’d not seen until that moment, and that revelation stunned her.

“I’m sorry, baby.” Rory’s voice was softer now. “Jess, please look at me and tell me you forgive me?”

Jess looked up and fell into Rory’s dark-brown eyes. He was looking at her with such regret, and one hand was reached out toward her, hovering a few inches away.


She let go of Evan to take Rory’s hand and he squeezed her fingers tightly but made no move to draw her out of the security of Evan’s embrace. “So, what do you do for a living?”

“I’m a novelist. I don’t tell people that because they get a bit weird about it.”

“Why would anyone get weird because you write books for a living?” Rory asked, but behind her she felt Evan’s chest start to vibrate as he began to laugh.

“I think Evan’s guessed the answer to that already.”

“So, sweetheart. Just how successful a writer are you? New York Times Bestseller? Midlist? I Googled you and nothing came up under your real name, so I’m betting you write under a pseudonym.”

She blushed and laughed at the same time. “You Googled me? Vivian is right, I totally suck at this dating thing. And uh, to answer your question, I’ve had a few books on the bestseller list.”

“A few!” Evan whistled low. “So you’re sexy, talented, can cook, and you’re famous? Rory, we totally scored. I don’t know what we did to deserve her, but I’m never giving her back.”

“I’m hardly famous,” Jess protested. “I do all right, but I’m hardly one of the rock stars of the writing world.”

“What do you write?” Rory asked, still holding her hand tight.

“Crime thrillers. A series of them, actually. Though since my mother died I’ve barely written a word until I came out here. I’m way behind on my deadlines and my publisher is having kittens about it.”

“Wait, this is too good to be true. You write
crime thrillers
? Rory loves those things. They’re the only books he owns that aren’t about fishing or sailing. What are the titles of some of your books?”

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