Rockin' the Heart (Hot Wired) (12 page)

BOOK: Rockin' the Heart (Hot Wired)
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She shoved out of his embrace. Realizing he could
’ve stopped her if he’d wanted, she sat forward and yanked her seatbelt back on. Silence from his side.

I will not look at him.

The cookie jar! How derogatory! She wasn’t a quick indulgence for him or anyone. No one had ever managed to make her feel so trashy. And she’d dated some real winners.

You’re taking that all wrong.”

I doubt that.” She folded her arms over her chest and stared straight ahead. “The light’s

Heath shifted
, and the click of his safety restraint pinged in the tense silence of the sports car. “I don’t want to fake date you.”

Huge letdown!
A relief too, but why hadn’t he just said that? They could call off this whole charade before things got out of control. United Tab wouldn’t stand a chance convincing them to keep it up. “A tiny suggestion, stick to plain English.”

I want it to be real. That’s what I’m trying to say.”

Sam sucked in a breath and
held it. That’s what she’d thought he’d meant to say before he screwed it up with the cookie jar analogy. Now that he said what she’d been hoping, alarms went off in her head. The band’s unique cohesiveness flitted through her head. A relationship with Heath could ruin it all. Yeah their chemistry rocked her pants off and soaked her panties, but her reaction was physical. That wasn’t the type of relationship she needed or wanted in her life. And nothing she’d risk the band over.

He threw the car in gear as she pinched the bridge of her nose.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Heath.”

Her body said it was a fantastic idea. But lust and sex were precursors to
ruined friendships and broken bands. Her conscious couldn’t take that type of guilt.


He really wanted her to explain her rejection?
She gave him the first thing that popped into her head. “Jase would hate it.”

You can provide a better excuse than that.” If he gave her time she might. “Jase doesn’t get a vote. Not when it comes to our future.”

Our future?” She slapped her leg with her palm and watched him navigate the vehicle with confidence. “We don’t have a future. You, Jase, Keys, and Derringer
a future. I’m the fifth wheel in a band that doesn’t have a place for me.” He opened his mouth, she was certain to argue. “Shut up and let me talk.” His teeth clicked together, and a muscle twitched in his jaw. “I’m nothing more than eye-candy and entertainment for Hot Wired. I’m twenty years old, and I’ve lived off my brother—still living off him. I’ve not done a damn thing with my life.”

You’ve got plenty of time to decide on what to do with your life.”

Y’all had a career before you were eighteen!” She flipped her hair over her shoulder. “Maybe I’ve got too much pride, but I want to
something, be proud of an accomplishment, and support myself. I want an identity separate from Hot Wired. That’s
too much to ask.”

No, it’s not.” That admission seemed to rip him apart to confess.

Thank you!” she said dramatically.

So you’re going to pretend you’re not attracted to me?”

Huh? What
’d the two have to do with one another?

You can have what you want while dating me.”

Sam laughed.
She’d never be able to get fully away from the band, but so long as she was up underneath their thumb and always in the fans’ eyes, she’d never have a chance of making it on her own. “You’re living in a fantasy world, Heath.”

I get it if you’re scared of the idea of us.”

“I’m not,” she kept her tone monotonous.

I’m scared too.”

She sighed. He wasn
’t listening to her.

Jase will learn to deal.”

He’s not gonna have to. Nothing’s going on between us.”

And Keys and Derringer have permission to knock my teeth in and bust my kneecaps if I screw up.”

If only he knew
what kneecaps Keys referred to he’d retract his permission. “Conversation is over.”

If you don’t give us a chance, you’ll regret it.”

You’re going to regret not ending this conversation.”

When I kiss you—”

I’m not having sex with you,” panicked by what was about to come out of his mouth, she rushed the words out.

While the idea of you climaxing excites me, this has nothing to do with sex.”

Sam sucked in a sharp breath as his words put visions in her head of him pinning her down and making love to her.
Not for the first time, she wondered why she couldn’t be attracted to someone else the way she was Heath.

A cheeky grin tossed her way almost devastated her resolve.
“That shock you, brat?”

More than he
’d ever know.

Since when did you become the prude?”

I’m not. Everything is about sex, Heath. Even when you don’t want it to be or it doesn’t start out that way, everything eventually gets sexual.” She looked him square in the eye when they halted at the next traffic light. “This conversation is

Oh, it’s a long way from being over.”

Reality check, Heath Fangor, life doesn’t always give you what you want.”

hooked his fingers around her jaw and forced her to look at him. His pupils were wide, leaving a slim line of silver irises gauging her. “Reality check… I’m a rock star, Samantha Collins, I
get what I want.” He leaned forward just enough their breaths mingled. The dark outline of the cross that was inked onto his shoulder and collarbone area peeked from the collar of his T-shirt. “
I. Want. You

Sam licked her lips.
Any other time she’d say cocky attitudes put her off. Coming from Heath… the man just went from sweet and sexy, to panty dropping hawt. Hello sexual frustration. She’d rub that bitch away when they got home.

Damn him! Her physical response fueled her argument that sex would be involved.
She wouldn’t be able to date him without trying out the goods. As it was, she’d struggle not trying out the goods while fake-dating him.

What a waking nightmare I
’ve stepped into

She couldn
’t sleep with him and then look at him across the Thanksgiving table as if nothing happened. When she gave herself to a man emotions were involved. She couldn’t disconnect her mind from her body, not in that way. She was hardwired differently than most girls her age. A damn shame, but she gave all of herself when she made love. She was fairly certain Heath had never emotionally connected with anyone during sex. He didn’t
relationships so she bet sex was all about the gratification to him.

She tried to turn her head aside, but his grip on her chin tightened.
“Uh uh. I’m not letting you off the hook that easily. Face the truth and admit you’re attracted to me.”

Sam made a swirly motion with her finger toward her body and her voice sounded raw when she spoke.
“This real estate is not for lease or rent.”

Good thing I’m planning on buying the real estate.”

More breath hitching. That sounded like a declaration. A claim.

His self-assured grin had her crossing her legs to stifle the sudden discharge of desire.

The car
shot off, and she snapped against the seat.

I’m going to kiss you every chance I get, Sam.”

God help me.

The fingertips of his right hand swished along the side of her thigh. “Touch you every chance too.”

Good to know he planned a slow seduction. That gave her time to implement a plan of resistance.
Wait… he can only seduce me if I want him
. She stifled a groan She wanted him so bad, but there was too much on the line to give in to temptation.

It won’t matter what you do, there’s zero chance of me falling for you. You’re like my brother to me.”

As he zoomed down the deserted street, he sent her a challenging grin.
“Pretty lies falling from the lips of a cherub. God, brat, that makes me want to ruin you even more.”

Sam huffed
. “Believe what you want, but you’re a lot more like Jase than you want to admit.”

She wouldn
’t touch the ruin comment. This man could ruin her in too many ways, and she didn’t wish to think of it.

I’ve seen you kiss Jase. You don’t kiss him the way you do me.”

She couldn
’t argue with him there, so she ignored him by staring out the passenger window and watching the buildings zip by much too fast. No doubt he exceeded the speed limit. She didn’t look to determine his heavy-footedness.

Do you want to know how you kiss me?” His voice dropped a notch, the husky tenor sending chills along her flesh.

Hearing him say she acted like a whore with an itch that needed scratching would hurt.


Pardon?” Certain she’d zoned out and missed something in his translation, she whipped her head around to frown at him. A sleeve tattoo ran the length of his right arm to his wrist, the streetlights were spotlighting the color with rapid blinks. Folks might not think his ink sexy, but she did. She prided herself on being a tattoo virgin, but on Heath…
God, give me the strength to resist him

You kiss me like the ripest sin on this side of heaven.”

Cliché. But there’s your problem. You’re viewing me like the forbidden fruit that you can’t have. I’m no one’s challenge.” Hadn’t Derringer or Keys said something very similar? She couldn’t remember. They’d both been talking out of their ass so she’d performed the mother-load of conversation dump and erased most of it from her mind.

Silence extended as he mapped them home. As he turned on the main road leading to their residence, Heath said,
“I’m doing a piss-poor job of explaining what I feel.”

For a man good at writing lyrics,
she’d have to agree. He sucked.

He pulled into the garage and hit the button to close the door. Heath caught her arm before she exited the vehicle.

In the muted light of the room, she could determine the seriousness on his face. “Sam, you know I’m not much with words unless it comes to music. I’m trying with you because no matter what I do or say, you’ll always deserve better than me.”

You’re a good man, Heath. Don’t degrade yourself.”

Good enough for you? Keys and Derringer say no. Jase doesn’t think a saint would be up to par.”

None of them run my life.”

A slow, victorious grin stretched across Heath
’s face. He’d walked her straight into that one.

fingers bit into her nape, and he tugged her in for a fast kiss, no tongue, but just enough friction to escalate her already epic yearnings. Their eyes met in the closed space as he brushed his mouth across hers, while his thumb slid down across her neck. Ecstasy erupted across her body, chill bumps pimpled her skin, and moisture drenched her panties.

Their breath
s fanned together, his cinnamon scent disturbing her senses. How could something so common be so alluring? And she’d thought it impossible to become more aroused. Heath taught her there was a learning curve to arousal, and he was an expert instructor.

I’m glad we agree, brat.” Heath nipped her bottom lip playfully and released her.

He threw open his door, humming the tune to
You’re Mine
, one of their most recent releases, and departed the car. Inhaling and exhaling, she watched him stroll into the house without a backward glance.

Sweaty palms resting flat on her thighs, s
he sat there staring at the dashboard.

What just happened

’t she been specific that she wasn’t interested in him? Yeah, she knew she had. So why didn’t he believe her? Probably the same reason why Keys and Derringer hadn’t when they’d approached her.

She pounded her head against the
headrest. This charade of Tab’s complicated everything. Suddenly Heath wanted more than before, more than was realistic given their history.

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