Rocky Road (8 page)

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Authors: Susannah McFarlane

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction/Action & Adventure/General

BOOK: Rocky Road
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Back in the dressing room, Pinky-poo was excited to see EJ and another Chum Chew made her even more so. EJ took out her phone and pressed 4-6-6-3 into the keypad and a woman's voice answered immediately.

Home Delivery Service—straight to your door any time, anywhere.'

‘Agent EJ12 requesting home delivery, express please,' replied EJ.

‘Roger that,' said the woman, ‘and for how many this time, EJ12?'

EJ thought, she wasn't completely sure. ‘Maybe about 500,' she said.

‘Oh, we've already started rounding the
agents up. They were easy to see with that pink hair! We also picked up Shady Lady earlier. Good job, EJ12. This mission should see you win big points in the Shining Stars competition. So, is it just you for the limo?'

‘Well,' started EJ.


‘Just one extra,' she said looking at Pinky. ‘Shady seems to have left her dog behind.'

‘Okay EJ, make your way to the back of the stadium. Agent REV1 is waiting for you there.

EJ changed back into her clothes and removed her make-up. With Pinky under her arm, she left the dressing room and headed for the backstage door. Sure enough, the long white limo was waiting outside, with Agent REV1 standing by the open door.

‘Well done EJ,' she smiled. ‘I saw you from the back of the stadium. You were awesome. Do you
think you might take on the role of lead singer of the Pink Shadows permanently? I hear there's a vacancy and having seen you perform, you would be great.'

‘Thanks but I don't think so,' laughed EJ as she got into the car. ‘I think I'll stick to school concerts.'

‘Well settle back and enjoy the drive home,' said Agent REV1.

EJ did just that. She made herself another raspberry spider and relaxed. Then her phone rang. It was A1.

‘Well done you, EJ12. Another outstanding mission.'

‘Thanks A1. What about the False Note virus? Were we able to stop it?' asked EJ.

‘Stop it and destroy it,' reassured A1, ‘It's all gone.' We have been able to clean it from the internet and Shady Lady is now singing solo under
guard. You will be pleased to know that the other band members didn't know anything about Shady Lady's plot so you haven't lost one of your favourite bands after all. They will find a new lead singer and be back in the charts in no time, I am sure.'

EJ smiled. ‘That's great. I won't miss Shady Lady but I was going to miss the Pink Shadows' songs, they're fantastic.'

‘Yes, they are quite groovy,' agreed A1. EJ smiled at A1's choice of adjective as A1 continued, ‘Oh, and one more thing, EJ.'

‘Yes A1?'

‘A message from your mum: no more pets.'

‘Oh no,' said EJ looking at Pinky.

‘Don't worry, Agent REV1 has been looking for a little dog. I think she may have just found one. That's all, EJ12.

The driver's window slid back. ‘I'll take good care of her, EJ,' said Agent REV1. ‘No more perfume and pedicures and definitely no more being squashed into handbags. She will get plenty of exercise. But you should get some rest now. I hear you have a big week coming up.'

The talent competition. EJ had nearly forgotten about that. But now, as she stretched out to take a nap, she realised that she wasn't nervous, just excited. She couldn't wait to perform with her friends.
And she had a great idea about how Squishy Music could do their song.

The next Friday at school was the big day, the We've Got Talent competition. The school hall had been set up like a concert stadium and was packed with students and parents. The atmosphere was electric!

Squishy Music was backstage waiting to go on. The girls' act was after the boy burping the alphabet and before the preps pretending to be leaves. Emma had butterflies in her stomach but they were the excited butterflies not the really nervous ones.

‘Hey, where's Nema and her band?' asked Emma. ‘I can't see them listed on the program.'

‘No, they split up,' said Hannah. ‘Apparently Nema got too bossy, even for the Nemettes, so they left the band. When Nema tried to register as a solo act, the teachers said it was too late.'

‘Oh, that's a pity,' said Emma. Even though she didn't think Nema had been very nice, she did feel a little sorry for her.

‘Maybe she will be less bossy to her friends now,' said Hannah. ‘How good would it be if Nema was nice again?'

Emma agreed but she wouldn't count on it happening. Nema just seemed to be bossy all the time these days. Emma missed the old Nema.

‘Anyway, who's going to be the lead singer?' asked Isi. ‘We still haven't decided.'

‘You don't have to do it if you don't want to, Em,' said Hannah.

‘No, it's fine Han, it is really. And, actually, I had an idea,' said Emma. ‘Why don't Elle and I do it together as a duet?'

‘That could be amazing,' agreed Isi, ‘but have you practised?'

‘I think we will be okay,' said Emma, smiling at her friend, who was beaming right back at her.

There was a teacher talking on stage, introducing the next act.

‘Hey, that's us,' said Elle. ‘Come on!'

Hannah came up and put her arm around Emma. ‘Good idea about the duet, Em, but are you sure you are okay?' she asked.

‘Absolutely,' said Emma, ‘with a little help from Elle and all of you.'

she thought to herself,

Emma Jacks and EJ12 will return in
Read the first chapter at

Did you miss Book 1?

The heat is on as someone seems to be melting the polar ice cap.
Special Agent EJ12 needs to crack the codes and keep her cool to put the evil-doer's plan back on ice. That's the easy part.
As EJ12, Emma Jacks can do anything. So why can't she handle the school Ice Queen of Mean, Nema?
Perhaps she can after all...
Did you miss Book 2?

Evil agency SHADOW is up to something in the middle of the rainforest. Something that could see them get the jump on SHINE.
Special Agent EJ12 needs to leap into action. She must crack SHADOW's codes and trust her instincts to foil their plans and save the rainforest.
That's the easy part. As EJ12, Emma Jacks can do anything.
So why is the state gym competition so hard?
Perhaps it isn't after all...
Did you miss Book 3?

SHINE's solar energy station is under threat from the evil agency SHADOW. Special Agent EJ12 needs to lighten up. She must crack their codes and overcome her fears to stop them before they turn the lights out on the SHINE network.
That's the easy part. As EJ12, Emma Jacks can do anything. So why is she worried about going to her best friend's slumber party?
Perhaps she isn't after all.
Book 5 coming in June 2010

SHADOW is cooking up a new invention which could put SHINE in a real jam. It's a recipe for disaster. Special Agent EJ12 needs to be patient and keep her eyes peeled. She must get inside the chocolate cake factory, find out what is going on and stop SHADOW's plan.
That's the easy part. As EJ12, Emma Jacks can do anything. So why is the school fund-raiser such a problem?
Perhaps it isn't after all...

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