ROMANCE: Billion Dollar Question (BWWM Billionaire Bad Boy Romance) (African American Alpha Mail Order Bride New Adult) (40 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Billion Dollar Question (BWWM Billionaire Bad Boy Romance) (African American Alpha Mail Order Bride New Adult)
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Chapter 9: Some Things Are Too Good To Be True


It has been 6 months since I broke up with Kurt. I did not do it nicely because I did not want him to chase me. He asked why, he called, he texted, he did everything, but I did not answer. The last thing I sent to him was a text that told him to get lost. He did not.


Although he was called for a 6 month training course shortly after I broke up with him, I knew what was going on in his life because he never stopped calling or sending messages. I never replied to any of those. I figured he would move on one day or another.


I decided to find out the sexes of my babies. I could have found them earlier, but I did not want to. I was not ready. So, at 8 months pregnant, I found myself ready. The doctor told me I was pregnant with two boys. I was happy to find that out, having lived and grown up with boys only, I had zero idea about dealing with girls.


But, at the same time, another thing was killing me inside, the fact that I was keeping the boys from their father, and that they would need him someday. I could provide them with all the material wealth in the world but I could not replace their father.


Not long after I found out about my twins sex, I decided to move back home. When Jackson saw me after all these months, having been on training with Kurt, he was surprised and shocked at the same time. He asked me who the father was and I decided not to tell him. I told him the father and I are no longer together, and he wants no part in the life of my children.


All in all, Jackson was very supportive and genuinely happy about becoming an uncle. He told me he wanted to introduce me to his girlfriend, and wanted to know what I thought, because he was thinking about proposing her.


As my due date came closer, I started shopping a lot. I was setting up rooms for the twins and there was a lot that needed to be done. And then, one day, while shopping I ran into Kurt. He confronted me and wouldn’t let me leave. He took me to a restaurant nearby and asked me to explain. He asked me how far along I was and I told him I was about 8 months pregnant. He did the math and realized that he was the father.


“Am I the father?” he asked, his voice uncertain.


“Yeah,” I said. “Kurt, I know how navy life is and I don’t want to burden you with this. You don’t have to take part in any of this. I can take care of my children.”


“Are you kidding me? Why would I not want a part in the life of my own child?” he said, tears of happiness welling up in his eyes.


“You mean you are not mad at me? You want to be a part of their life? You want them?” I said, nearly breaking down.


“Them?” he said.


“I am pregnant with twins, Kurt,” I said, “both boys.”


“I want them, Ver. I want them and I want you. You look so beautiful, even better when you are pregnant.”


“But all the things you told me, you said life was uncertain for people like you and all,” I broke down.


“That is all the more reason I want to have a family and children. That no matter where I am, I will have something to think about that makes me happy. That would be you and my children,” he said, wrapping his arm around me. We spent the rest of the evening strolling, than sitting in a cafe, making out, as I told him everything that happened in the last 8 months.


My heart was content because I knew he was genuinely happy, that he was going to stick around. He came home with me, a constant smile on his face, and carried my shopping bags. We broke the news together to Jackson, who was initially shocked and then instantly happy for us.


That night, Kurt and I had sex again. I was huge and pregnant so he could not be rough, but we had the most romantic and sensual sex ever. He fucked me 6 times, once for each month, and then later on promised that once the babies are born, he is going to make up for every week we missed, and everyday. He even said that he would like to have a daughter someday.


Kurt moved in with Vertasha. After spending a few weeks together, Kurt talked to Jackson about his future plans. He revealed his intention to propose to his sister and asked Jackson for his thoughts. Jackson knew Kurt very well, had always respected him, and he said he could not be any happier for them and would feel very happy, content, and safe if they got married, and that Kurt had his permission and blessing to marry his sister.


Kurt went all out and searched the entire state for the most precious and beautiful ring for Vertasha. He settled on a beautiful ring made of titanium, studded with rare yellow diamonds. He decided to propose to Vertasha in the coming week when Jackson’s girlfriend was going to come over for dinner.


Jackson and Kurt had been all too chummy since the last few days. I was not sure what they were up to. But I was glad that I woke up each day to Kurt’s face. I was also excited about meeting Jackson’s girlfriend.


At the dinner, Kurt pulled me to the side and took me to the balcony. He said it was important, something he wanted to discuss with me. We stood in the balcony with a full moon shining on us. Kurt reached into his pocket and his phone went off. He answered his phone, but he only said the word ‘Yes,’ three times and nothing else.


He turned to me and said, “Ver, I am really sorry but I have to go. Duty calls.”


“Can’t you wait? I am due anytime now!?” I asked, hoping he would stay.


“No, can’t. Urgent. Tell Jackson I said bye.”


And just like that he left. I went back to the table and fought back tears through dinner. I began to wonder, maybe what I had heard about the navy guys was right, and Kurt was no different. And yet, each day that passes breaks my heart a little more, and I wonder if my children will be born without their father present in the delivery room.



15 days later…


As I sit on the steps at the back of my house, I think back to sitting here with Jackson earlier this year. I look back on the conversation we had, how things were and how I used to be, and how things have changed since then. I am a completely different person now.


Back then, I was a party girl, ruling the office, clubs, and guys. Now, I sit here, pregnant with twin boys without their father by my side, and yet I have managed to be strong. It did not take me too long to accept things as they were, but it did take me a while.


Kurt left so suddenly that I had no time to take in anything. I was prepared for him to be by my side when I gave birth, not for him to leave so unexpectedly. Nevertheless, the first week since he left was terrible. Every second felt like a ticking bomb, and I felt like I was the bomb. I thought I could go into labor anytime, and every second I wished he would come back, but he didn’t. In fact, I haven’t even heard from him since then.


But as time went by, I realized that I had to get over this feeling, because this was probably going to be the rest of my life. It wasn’t just me going into labor and giving birth without him, but it was the first thing he would miss; then it would be the children’s first cries, first smiles, first steps, etc. He would miss many milestones in their lives.


So, after waiting for Kurt to call or text me for a week, I tried putting myself in his shoes, and that is when I understood that he must be actually busy; he was probably involved in some serious operation, because there was nothing else that explained how anyone could ignore their pregnant girlfriend just like that.


I didn’t text him during the first week because I wanted to see whether he would get in touch with me or not, but after that I didn’t text him because I did not want to worry him. I did not know where he was, and I definitely did not want to make things difficult for him. I knew in my heart that he would come, if he could come. I had seen the happiness and the sparkle in his eyes when he found out I was pregnant, those tears in his eyes were not fake, so I knew he would have come as soon as he could. For his own children, if not for me. On my part, I decided to be strong and march on as well as I could.


I realize it is nearly 2 in the morning, and even though I am off work, I decide to go back to bed. I rub my huge belly and whisper to my unborn kids, “It’s going to be all right.” I get hunger pangs as I pass the dining table and head to the fridge instead for a little midnight snack. The moment I open the fridge, water splashes on the floor.


“Damn it, Jackson,” I say, cursing him for putting the bottle carelessly in the fridge. Except that there is no water bottle in the fridge or on the floor. My lungs suddenly crave oxygen and I draw in a huge breath, realizing that my water just broke. I immediately pick my phone and send a message to Kurt:




And instantly wish I hadn’t.


“Sorry, I panicked. I’ll be alright, Kurt. Don’t worry about me, Jackson is with me.”


I know my doctor told me to wait if my water breaks, that the contractions normally follow soon, but I ring her anyway. She assures me that everything is fine and to call her in fifteen minutes to check with her again if my contractions don’t start. I walk around in the kitchen for about a minute or two, wondering whether or not it’s too soon to wake Jackson up. I draw in another breath and tell myself to calm down, and decide that I’ll wake him up as soon as the contractions begin, even though that might be too early as well. And right after I tell myself that, I head straight to Jackson’s room and turn on the lights.


Jackson squints, trying to see, raising his eyebrow quizzically like he does.


“Everything alright, Ver, what is it?”


“I am in…ah” my contractions begin. “I am in labor, Jackson.”


“Let’s head to the hospital,” he says, jumping out of bed.


“No, wait, it’s too soon.”


“Let’s not take any risks, Ver,” he says, concerned.


“No, this is normal. It’s gonna be a while before we head to the hospital.”


Jackson sits me down in his bed and fetches me a glass of milk, all the while comforting me and trying to calm me down. It’s as if a bomb has gone off in my brain, my thoughts running wild, my mind going crazy, only to be occasionally disturbed by a contraction.


Jackson winces every time I have a contraction, feeling more in labor than myself it seems. And I keep thinking how Kurt would be right now, wincing or comforting me if he were here. I try to push Kurt out of my mind but fail. It doesn’t help when Jackson asks me about Kurt. I shake my head and he stays quiet, although wide-eyed and looking worried. It reminds me of how Jackson was every time I fell ill when we were kids, and now here I was, having kids of my own.


About 3 hours pass like this, with Jackson bringing me water, milk, and juices, and me drinking and relieving myself frequently. The contractions become quicker.


“Jackson, I think it’s time, we should head to the hospital,” I say.


“Sure, let’s go,” he says, but looks at the door. I know he too wishes Kurt were here for me right now.


“Aaahhhh, JACKSON,” I scream, grabbing him by the collar, “TAKE ME TO THE HOSPITAL RIGHT NOW OR I SWEAR I WILL KILL YOU.”


Jackson starts sweating.


“Wait outside, let me get the car out.” He says, heading out, then turns around quickly, “Do you need me to walk you out first?”


“JACKSON,” I say, breathing heavily, “CAR! NOW!”


The pain has pushed Kurt completely out of my mind. Jackson rushes out the door to get the car, and I slowly walk to the main door. He brings out the car and gets out of it quickly to help me get in.


“Relax, Ver, relax,” he says in a panicky and calm voice, “you are scaring the hell out of me.”


“I am scaring the hell out of you?” I almost scream, “try giving birth and see how pleasant the sensation is.”


He drives and I yell at him to drive more carefully. He slows down and I yell at him to drive fast.


“Jackson, the babies are coming and I’ll have them in your damned car if you don’t drive faster!”


Jackson is sweating almost as much as I am. Tough as he is, he has never been in a position or situation like this.

BOOK: ROMANCE: Billion Dollar Question (BWWM Billionaire Bad Boy Romance) (African American Alpha Mail Order Bride New Adult)
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