ROMANCE: Billion Dollar Question (BWWM Billionaire Bad Boy Romance) (African American Alpha Mail Order Bride New Adult) (18 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Billion Dollar Question (BWWM Billionaire Bad Boy Romance) (African American Alpha Mail Order Bride New Adult)
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Chapter 4: The Truth


John walked in and I ambushed him. I wanted some answers, and he was going to give them to me.
Or else


“What the hell is going on, who are you, really?” I asked him, raising my voice, realizing I sounded borderline hysterical and tried to take a deep breath. “Are you going to hurt me? Sell me for ransom? What?”


“No, my job is to keep you safe,” John told me quietly, and I glared at him. He didn't seem to be too distressed by my outburst and that had me almost more worried than an angry or defensive response would have elicited.


“Then tell me the truth, now, or I swear to god I will knock you out and go back to my father, risk or no risk,” I blustered, hoping he'd take my threat seriously and when he laughed at me, I did it. I didn't mean too but I just reacted. I kicked him in the shins with my bunny slippers.
, that hurt me more than it did him. My poor toes.


“Bunny slippers? Seriously?” John started to howl in laughter as I held my injured toes and glared at him. Realizing I still had the small metal statue in my head I swung it at him and he grabbed my wrist almost painfully hard and made me let go of it. It clattered to the wooden floor with a clang.


We grappled for a few minutes and the next thing I knew he had my back against his chest with my arms across my chest. I tried to stomp on his toes, but my bunny slippers were ineffective against his thick leather military style boots.


“Sofie, if you stop fighting, I'll talk to you about everything, but you need to calm down so I know you can hear me,” John told me, but I wasn't ready to listen. I continued to struggle against him, wanting to be free, fighting against him until I had nothing left. No energy, no anger, I was empty.


Finally he let me go and I turned to look at him. I didn't know if I wanted to laugh or cry. I was breathing hard and finally flopped over on the couch and just sat there, placing my hands over my face for a moment. I shook my head back and forth and then looked up at him. I was a little disbelieving at my own behavior, so I could only imagine what he was thinking.


“Are you ready to talk?” John asked me and then settled next to me on the couch, he placed a hand on my knee and I hissed a breath out. I could feel the warmth of his hand on my knee. I was surprised he'd even talk to me after that little display. I guess I wasn't very scary.


“I guess I'm listening. Talk,” I crossed my arms and leaned back, not bothering to fix my bathrobe when it fell open showing off some of my cleavage. I noticed where his eyes dropped and I smirked. I might not be stronger than him when we wrestled, but I still could get the upper hand just by showing a couple inches of flesh.


“Are you serious about wanting to start over, away from your family?” He asked me gently. “I can make it happen for you, but I need to know how seriously you want that. What you would sacrifice to get out.”


“Deadly, I want out. Anything, I'll walk away and never look back. I just want a chance to live a normal life, be a normal person,” I told him and leaned forward, knowing that my entire breasts would almost be visible to his eyes. Watching him gulp I decided I liked this game and encouraged him to keep talking, though his eyes were now glued to my chest.


“I'm not a hit man. I'm not part of a mob, and I don't work for a gun for hire company,” John told me, watching me carefully.


“So what exactly are you?” I asked him curiously, he had my attention now. If he wasn't a hit man, or a hired goon, I couldn't understand who he really was, I was very confused, and my father didn't work with anyone who wasn't.


“I'm FBI; I'm here on a secret ops mission to get enough data to take down your father and any gang activity in the area. Your father knew when there was a hit on your life the only chance there was to save you was to get us involved, believe it or not, he asked us and we agreed because it's the first time he's ever cooperated or let us have access to his life. Your father agreed to turn himself in, in return for your safety. I couldn't tell you because I wasn't sure whose side you were on, and I had to figure out where your loyalties lie,” John told me and then reached out to grab my hand.


“You're telling me that you work for the government, as a good guy, but you're here babysitting me to put my father in jail? And my father
you too?” I gasped and jumped off the couch and started to pace. I wasn't sure if I was proud of my father for doing the right thing, or angry at him for not telling me the truth.


“Why didn't you tell me the truth from the get go?” I asked him accusingly. I was angry and he was the only person standing close enough for me to lash out at.


“Would you have believed me? And do you think it would have made you more or less cooperative than you've been with every other person assigned to help you?” John asked me, raising a brow at me with a look on his face that was a mix between sarcasm and disbelief that I was even asking the question.


“Okay, probably not, but why the secrets? I mean, I get that in this lifestyle everyone's an enemy. But I'm his daughter, didn't
trust me?” I asked and felt sad. He apparently was trying to give me my life and my freedom but didn't trust me enough to tell me. That hurt.


“The less you knew, the more likely our plan would succeed to draw them out,” John told me quietly.


“Wait, are you telling me I was the bait?” I asked, feeling completely horrified at the idea that the two of them would use me to nail the other bad guys.


John shrugged, “Originally that was sort of our plan, but then when the car was rigged, I realized that there was no way I would have time to check everything constantly at every moment to keep you safe. So here we are. I was on the phone with my bosses, making arrangements to get your money out of your accounts, and into a private account under your new identity. Your father is also putting enough money into it too, to ensure you're provided for. He wanted to make sure you'd have enough to have a good start if I got you away.”


“So the entire plan was for me to start over once you took down all the bad guys, including my father? When did you two plan to tell me the truth?” Quietly, I stopped pacing and stood in front of him and realized that again, I was manipulated by my father. I didn't know whether to be grateful that he at least heard my desires to be free, or angry that no one thought I needed to know the truth when my life was in danger.


“Sofie, you can go anywhere, be anything, but I have to keep you safe until we get all the information we need. An undercover officer who looks like you will be taking your place until we can nail them, once it happens, we'll make the arrests, and you'll be free,” John told me, and reached out to grab my hand. “That's what you wanted, isn't it?”


“Yes, I did, but the reality and way you are trying to explain it makes me feel like a traitor to my father,” I whispered, looking at his fingers, his eyes were still on my chest and I decided to sit back down on the couch beside him.


“You're not a traitor, you deserve better. He loves you and you finally got through to him, he doesn't want to see you dead like your mother. Have a little faith in your father and try to honor his desire to do the right thing.” John's mouth moved, and I heard the words come out, and I even understood them, but I'd already moved on.


The situation sucked and I didn't want to talk about it anymore, instead I wanted him to kiss me. It had such promise earlier and I still desired him. If this was the only time I was going to get a chance to be intimate with him, I didn't want to go to a new life without experiencing certain things.


That included being with John, sexually. The chemistry that had been brewing between us since the moment we met was only growing. The more time we spent together, the more I realized I couldn't walk away from him without getting what I wanted from him.


“I cannot believe you work for the government, you stand for everything my father has always hated,” I said shock sinking in at everything he'd just shared with me. The better question was what I was going to do with this knowledge, if anything.


“Your father is giving up everything for you, he knows he's most likely going to jail for past crimes, he may get a reduced sentence for helping me, but he's really trading his freedom in exchange for the promise of your safety and the start of a new life for you,” John told me and leaned forward to place his hand on my cheek. “Don't throw away his sacrifice on a whim. Think about what he's offering; let us take care of you. Let me take care of you. We can figure this out together. They've even told me I can go with you to make sure you adapt and get settled in your new life for a while before leaving you on your own.”


“What if I ended up wanting you to stay?” I realized that there was a good chance the longer I spent around John; the more my heart would get involved. Right now, I was just in lust with him. The kind where you wanted it bad, but if it was gone, you'd just eat chocolate and be okay.


But if I spent a lot of time with him, day in and day out, I'd grow to want to him, to wish he was around, to desire him. To love him. He's the kind of man you love. He's the kind that you could picture a white picket fence with, babies. The works. Even if he was going to walk away in the end, I wanted to seduce him. I want to be with him, and I've made up my mind.


I wondered where would we end up once we got there? Would he just walk away from me and never look back? Or would he give us a real chance. I wasn't sure. He was a hard man to read and he was sending me mixed signals constantly.


I knew he wanted me, the way he stared at my half-naked breasts showed me that if I pushed him, I could probably seduce him right here on this couch. But was one night of passion enough for me? Or did I want more?


Looking into his eyes, I debated and then leaned forward and kissed him. I'm sure I surprised him, he didn't look like he was expecting that reaction out of me, but I didn't stop. I kissed him passionately, leading until he took over and groaned into my mouth, his hands coming up to hold my head and take charge of the kiss.


Normally, I would have been irritated with a man not letting me lead, after everyone else telling me what to do my whole life; I wanted to be in control. But with John, it felt right. I was okay following his lead, at least when it came to sex.



Chapter 5: Falling For The Agent


I was getting really frustrated with things interrupting us. Whether it was John putting a stop to our kisses, or the phone ringing. This time, I had just gone to reach for his shirt to take it off him when the phone rang. He had to take it, it was his boss and he stepped outside to answer it.


I sat there poking at my bunny slippers and realizing that in some ways, I had some child-like interests. I was shaped like a woman, but being isolated and not allowed to really live my life left me in a position where I was emotionally stunted in some ways. I could see why John might feel like he was taking advantage of me, and I respected that about him.


That doesn't mean I agreed with it and it didn't change the fact I was going to seduce him whether he liked it or not. Finding out he was a good guy, and had the ability to get me free of this life didn't hurt. I was still mad at my father for lying to me, but hearing that he was trying to do the right thing by me went a long ways for having me forgive him for the deception.


“They made another hit on the target,” John told me as he walked inside. “The agent is alive, and they have suspects. They'll be getting information from them and once we get enough to make arrests, your father will give all the details on his business, and every person associated with him and any of the other families he knows about. It will be over soon and I can help you be free.”


“I guess,” I told him, a little surprised that it happened so quickly.


“Do you know where you want to go?” He seemed genuinely interested in what I had to say and I thought about it for a minute.


“Ireland.” I told him and grinned.


“Why Ireland?” He asked me looking surprised at my answer.


I stood up and walked over to him, placing my hand on his chest and fingering one of his buttons before answering him.


“Because making love surrounded by all the green hills and sheep sounds romantic. I know it is cold and rains a lot, but my accent won't stand out as much there, and I can live a normal life. Have a couple dogs, maybe a cat, a couple of kids down the road, and a white picket fence,” I told him and then frowned. What would I do for work?


He must have seen my panicked expression and put his hand to my face, leaning down he kissed me this time, initiating, distracting me. Moaning I pressed myself against him, glad that he wasn't pushing me away anymore.


I wanted him. He had better follow through this time, or I was going to rip my hair out. I couldn't handle the teasing kissing and just stopping over and over again. It was giving me the female version of blue balls and my vagina ached.


I wanted him to touch it. Grabbing his hand I guided it down between my legs, figuring that a simple gesture would get my point across better than words.


“God, you're all wet Sofie,” he murmured quietly, and his fingers slipped between my lips as he stroked me softly. When he hit my clit I cried out and grabbed his shoulders, trying not to have my knees buckle. It was intense, like a lightening zap that hit me when he thumped on it with his fingers.


He inserted a finger inside me, slowly stretching me and I pushed myself against his hand. It actually hurt a tiny bit, but I didn't say anything. I knew the first time sometime hurt but was better once they got past the skin.


Leaning forward I nibbled on his shoulder through his shirt as I lowered my hands down to the buttons on his shirt. I undid the buttons as his other hand reached inside my bathrobe and started to fondle my breasts.


When he rolled my nipples between two of his fingers I pressed against him hard. He had his hands all over me and I wanted more of him. Pulling his shirt apart I leaned forward and licked one of his nipples until it pebbled and turned rock hard. Then I repeated it to the other one. I put my right hand lower until I found his cock through his pants.


He was a large man, and he was erect. Solid as a rock I squeezed him through his pants, moaning as he started to finger me faster and his thumb patted my clit in a circular motion. He had my hips grinding on their own accord, and I felt a little like a wanton hussy. It was hot. I was standing here half naked in front of him and I wanted him to push me back and take me.


I took a step back towards the couch before I realized I had pulled away from him and then beckoned him to follow me. When he brought his fingers up to his mouth to taste my juices on his fingers I blushed. He smiled at me and then pushed me back on the couch and fell between my legs pushing my knees apart.


Before it registered what he was doing, he'd buried his face between my legs and attacked my clit with his tongue and lips and was sucking and licking on me. Letting my head fall back against the couch I closed my eyes. He put one hand on my leg and I could feel his hands digging into my leg. His other hand moved below his mouth and inserted his fingers inside me again, twisting and thrusting them as his tongue played with my clit.


I could feel my stomach muscles contract and tighten around his fingers as each lick and suck brought me closer to my own release. I grinded myself against his face until he was practically smothered and then I screamed as I came. My legs shook and everything tensed up so hard I couldn't move. Even my toes curled up.


Panting heavy when I opened my eyes I looked at him, he was wiping my juices off his face on my bathrobe before pulling it open the rest of the way to look at me. He stood and removed his boots and his pants and then laid to me on the couch. Pulling me on top of him he encouraged me to climb up and be the one to set the pace.


His cock felt like the softest velvet I've ever petted, and I let my thighs stroke against him as I pushed against him. I knew if I took him deep inside me, there was a chance it could hurt but I wasn't going to let it stop me. Straddling him I pushed myself up so I had space and braced myself on one knee and used my foot to get some leverage above him.


Pulling his cock into a straight upright position I positioned it at the opening of my vagina and slowly inched myself onto his cock until I reached my hymen and could feel the slight sting of pressure.


A little nervous, I just grinded my hips up and down slightly, teasing him, waiting to see if he'd grab me and help me, I didn't want to be the one to do it. Eventually, he grabbed my hips and yanked down as he pushed upwards inside of me.


Gasping at the sharp pain and my eyes watered, I took a deep breath and realized it wasn't as bad as it could have been. He froze inside of me and after my body relaxed around me I opened one eye to peek at him. He looked shocked.


“Are you okay?” I asked him.


Disgruntled he gave me a funny look, “You were a virgin, why didn't you tell me, I wouldn't have--”


I cut him off, “Exactly why I didn't tell you. Thank you,” I told him and then braced my hands on his chest and started to ride him, letting my head fall back and now that I'd adjusted to his size and his breaking through my hymen had stopped hurting after a minute, it felt good.


The way I'd imagined. The tip of his head was angled just right to press against a sensitive spot inside of my vagina that had me gasping on each thrust and pressing hard against the tip of his dick and rotating my hips wanting more. Before I knew what happened I climaxed again, my entire body shaking like an Earthquake as stars exploded behind my eyes.


He grabbed my hips and jerked me on top of him since I'd frozen stiff with cumming, and he reached his own orgasm shortly after I did. Shuddering against each other, I just clung to him. I didn't want to talk, but I had no regrets. I was glad he was my first.


We spent the next three days and three nights making love on every surface of that cabin, and even outside in the woods. Then the news came that I was dreading.


They were ready for me to disappear and start over, and they had enough evidence to nail the families and men they were after.


I didn't want him to go.


BOOK: ROMANCE: Billion Dollar Question (BWWM Billionaire Bad Boy Romance) (African American Alpha Mail Order Bride New Adult)
11.79Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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