ROMANCE: Billion Dollar Question (BWWM Billionaire Bad Boy Romance) (African American Alpha Mail Order Bride New Adult) (20 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Billion Dollar Question (BWWM Billionaire Bad Boy Romance) (African American Alpha Mail Order Bride New Adult)
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Chapter 2: Insecurities


Naomi stood in front of the mirror in her bedroom, examining her body. She felt as though every aspect of her body was flawed, from her breasts and nipples to her ass. She squeezed her right breast disapprovingly. They just weren’t as firm as Sylvia’s, nor were they as big. They sagged as well, another thing that drove Naomi up the wall. Her skin didn’t have that rosy glow that Sylvia’s had.


People said that Naomi was beautiful, they always said that. It usually was because of her pouty lips and lustrous, long, shiny black hair. Men she had fucked had also complimented her breasts and loved squeezing her big ass. This one man she had fucked loved spanking her and watching her ass jiggle.


Naomi also was complimented a lot for her pussy. Her ex boyfriend used to say that her pussy was magical, that he had never in his life fucked a pussy that was as tight and wet as hers. However, Naomi at this moment felt distinctly unattractive, despite all of the compliments she had received in her life. Suddenly, all of those compliments seemed like simple words spoken in the heat of the moment, words that held no real meaning. Naomi wanted to look like Sylvia, she wanted to glow, she wanted that maternal bump in her stomach.


She realized that she found Sylvia so attractive in that moment because she looked like a true woman. Naomi simply didn’t feel feminine anymore. What with her stressful work life and her non existent sex life, Naomi simply didn’t get to be a woman these days, she never got the chance to feel feminine, so how on Earth was she supposed to feel feminine?


“Perhaps the solution is sex,” said Naomi to herself, “Maybe I need to get back out there and find me a man to fuck!” She then saw her body in the mirror again and, clicking her tongue in disapproval, said “But how can I do that when I look like this? Sylvia looked like the kind of woman a man would want to fuck. Who in their right mind would want to fuck a woman with such saggy tits? I think that even my ‘magical’ pussy will probably be loose and pathetic by now, since it’s been out of practice for so long!”


Naomi was not the kind of person to wallow. When she was face with an obstacle, she fretted only for a moment and then set about solving said problem. Hence, she decided that if she wanted to have sex but was unable to because she felt as though her looks were not up to the mark, she would have to do something to improve her looks.


It was in this moment that Naomi decided to go to the gym. Doing so would be a great idea, she thought, because it would tone her body, get rid of all of the excess fat and help her get into good, fuckable shape!


The next day, she set off for the gym. When she got there, she found that the receptionist was not at the desk. She decided to wait, and while she was waiting an extremely attractive man walked up to her and said, “Hey, can I help you?”


The man was clearly older than Naomi by at least ten years, but she couldn’t remember the last time she had been so attracted to any man. He was muscular and tall, with his biceps bulging as he stood with his hands on his hips, his shoulder muscles curving outwards in a way that was utterly delicious, and, Naomi noticed lustfully and with desire, the bulge in his pants was very formidable too.


“Hey,” said Naomi, trying to sound as confident as she could when faced with so much raw sexuality in front of her, “Yeah I’m here to join the gym.”


“Great!” said the man, extending his hand, “I’m Ryan. I’m a personal trainer here at the gym. Would you like me to train you or would you prefer to work out by yourself without a trainer?”


Naomi thought to herself, I’d want a trainer as hot as you that’s for sure, but out loud she said, “Yeah, I think it would be good to have a trainer. It would help me get the best out of my workouts, plus I would need somebody to help me create a workout and diet plan. My name is Naomi, by the way.”


“Naomi,” said Ryan, smiling as he shook her hand, “What a lovely name. Well, if you’re here to work out let’s get to it! There’s no better time to start exercising than the present.”


Naomi followed her new personal trainer into the gym, noticing his muscular ass flexing as he walked, and realized that she was suddenly excited about going to the gym. However, her excitement had nothing to do with exercising and getting thin anymore, rather it had everything to do with spending time with her incredibly sexy gym instructor!



Chapter 3: The Fateful Day at the Gym


As time passed, Naomi found herself less interested in her work and more interested in going to the gym and working out with Ryan helping her. She went to the gym every single day and worked out tirelessly for at least two hours, and Ryan was very pleased with how much dedication she was showing.


She was also utterly faithful to the diet plan Ryan had prescribed her, hoping to please her gym instructor in every way possible, just so that he would continue spending two sweaty hours with her every day.


One day, Naomi was at the gym and Ryan was helping her stretch. Naomi was touching her toes, and when Ryan placed his hand on her lower back Naomi felt goosebumps break out over her entire body. She stuck her ass out instinctively, hoping that his hand would go there, wanting him desperately to touch her like a true woman.


Ryan, however, was ever professional. His hands never strayed anywhere they weren’t supposed to. However, Naomi wasn’t fooled. She could see the bulge of his cock inside his shorts grow larger. She knew he wanted him, and after so many months of waiting and longing she had decided, like the woman of action that she truly was, that enough was enough. If Ryan was going to be professional, it was up to her to make him make the first move.


Her body had become toned and firm ever since she had joined the gym, and with her newfound confidence she was sure that she was going to be able to successfully seduce Ryan without having to put too much effort into it. After all, once she set her mind to something, there was nothing that Naomi couldn’t do!


Ryan moved behind her as she was touching her toes, and Naomi pressed her ass against his crotch. The feel of his cock against her ass sent shivers through her body, and she could feel Ryan’s cock harden after the contact but he tried to stay professional. He looked flustered, but he managed to say, “Sorry, I didn’t know you were going to back up.”


“It’s alright, Ryan,” said Naomi, her voice taking on a velvety, seductive tone, “I kind of liked it in fact.”


“Did you, now?” asked Ryan, his voice starting to take on a lustful tone as well, before he realized what he was doing and snapped out of it. “Sorry, that was really inappropriate. You’re my client, I need to be professional with you.”


Naomi strutted to Ryan and placed a hand on his solid, muscular chest. “You really need to relax, Ryan,” said Naomi, her hand sliding down to his navel and then moving away, “Learn to loosen up, you’re always so tense.”


Naomi then strutted away, making sure to flaunt her curvy ass as she did so. She went into the showers, which she knew were empty, and turned the shower on. She heard the door open behind her and she knew that she had been successful.


She felt Ryan’s strong hand on her shoulder and turned around to face him. He pressed his lips against hers, enjoying the sweet taste of her luscious lips for a few minutes. When he pulled away, Naomi said, somewhat tentatively, “I’ve never had sex with a white guy before. I don’t know, it seems like a first step almost.”


Ryan laughed and said, “I promise I’ll be gentle.” He cupped her left breast in his hand and squeezed it, saying “God your tits are so firm. I can’t believe how fucking beautiful you are.”


His hands slid down her breasts to her stomach, finally ending up between her thighs. Naomi moaned as he teased her pussy, and he said, “Fuck, I want it so bad.”


“Not so fast,” said Naomi, “I’ve got something I want to do that I’ve been wanting to do since the moment I met you.”


Naomi got down on her knees and took his shorts off. “Mmmmm,” she said when she saw his cock, thick and throbbing with lust for her, and took it in her mouth. She began to suck on it, relishing its salty taste, loving how big it felt inside her mouth, how it filled it up leaving no room for anything else.


She felt her pussy moisten, felt that familiar throb, that ache of longing inside her once again. She was beginning to feel like a woman once more.


Ryan moaned in a way that was so masculine that it drove Naomi crazy. She began to become more passionate in her sucking, trying to take his cock as deep into her throat as she could. When was finally able to get his cock right to the back of her throat, Ryan moaned and said, “I’m gonna cum!”


Naomi pulled his cock out from her throat but kept it inside her mouth and felt his hot cum shoot out of his cock and fill her mouth up. She swallowed his cum and licked his cock clean, and then stood up and brought her mouth to his ear, “Come to my place tonight,” she whispered, “I’ll give you a night you’ll never forget.”



Chapter 4: A Night With Ryan


Naomi had dressed up in a sexy, short and tight black dress, awaiting Ryan’s arrival impatiently. She had a bottle of wine ready for them and two glasses, but she had a feeling that they might not be very interested in wine this night, what with the months of sexual tension that was going to be unleashed.


When Naomi heard a knock on the door, she rushed to answer it. When she opened it, she saw Ryan standing in front of her looking positively good enough to eat. He was wearing a black shirt through which his heavily muscled body was clearly visible, and his salt and pepper hair was styled with gel.


Naomi grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him inside, shutting the door behind him. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him hard on the lips, her tongue desperately probing the inside of his mouth and wrestling against his own tongue. “Take me,” she whispered in his ear.


Ryan picked Naomi up and took her to the sofa. He laid her down and tore the dress she was wearing off of her body. Naomi gasped when he did this, but her hips arched upwards with desire, her pussy getting wet at the thought of what he was about to do to her. Naomi hadn’t been wearing a bra, and this seemed to greatly arouse Ryan. He squeezed both her breaths desirously and pulled her panties off when he was done using her breasts.


He spread her thighs open with his hands and planted his face between them, beginning to lick her pussy. Naomi felt waves of pleasure beginning to course through her body, her entire body twisting and contorting as he worked his magic on her, bringing her ever closer to climax.


He began to probe his tongue into her pussy with every other lick, and simultaneously teasing his clit with his middle finger. Naomi moaned and moaned, arching her hips, pushing her crotch into his face, wanting him to go deeper, harder, wanting him to make her his, wanting him to bring her to her first climax in almost a year.


She grabbed Ryan’s hair, and sensing the passion building within her he began to work faster and harder, becoming more passionate. Naomi felt the orgasm building up inside her.


“Yes,” she whispered, “Yes, baby, please… please…”


All of a sudden, the world was gone. Everything was blank, including Naomi. All that existed was the bliss that was flowing from Naomi’s pussy and coursing through her body in waves of the most intense pleasure she had felt in her life. Naomi was twisting in the unbearable agony of it, the unimaginable pleasure of it, she was simply holding on to Ryan, who was beginning to thrust his cock into her.


Naomi gasped as his cock went in. Her orgasm was not yet complete, and the feel of his cock going in almost seemed to prolong it. Ryan grunted and moaned as he fucked her, and he looked at her with his eyes wide open in an expression close to disbelief.


“Fucking hell, is that really your pussy, my God Naomi!”


“Yeah baby,” said Naomi, clawing his back with her nails, “You better believe it.”


Naomi spanked Ryan’s muscular ass and said, “Come on, fuck me harder, fuck me like a real man, make me feel like a real woman!”


Ryan let out a roar and began to pound Naomi mercilessly. “Fuck yeah!” she said, “Fuck yeah, fuck that cunt, pound my tight little fuck hole, make me yours baby! Make me yours! Harder, Ryan, harder baby!”


“God, Naomi your pussy is fucking magic you know that?” said Ryan as he fucked Naomi’s cunt. Naomi gave him a teasing smile and clawed his back again. She was feeling another orgasm coming on, and this one had the kind of aura that made her think that it was going to rip her apart. She couldn’t wait.


“Yeah, that’s it baby,” said Naomi, goading Ryan on, making him fuck her harder, “Do it baby, make that pussy cum baby, make that pussy cum!”


As Naomi felt the orgasm building inside her, she arched her back and said, “Oh god baby, baby you’re gonna make my pussy cum!”


Ryan began kissing Naomi’s neck as he fucked her harder, angling his cock to hit her g spot. “Oh GOD yes Ryan right there! Right there baby!” said Naomi, the orgasm building up inside her relentlessly, “Right there baby yes yes yes!”


All of a sudden the world went black again. Naomi managed to stutter, “I’m cumming,” before descending into that pit of unbearable pleasure once more. She couldn’t breathe, she couldn’t even think, she just wanted Ryan to keep going, to push her deeper and further into the orgasm. She realized she was shaking all over from the sheer force with which she was cumming.


When it was over, Naomi was breathing in short, ragged burst. She was wheezing, and sweating profusely, as was Ryan she realized. “Oh god, Ryan,” said Naomi, “That was amazing!”


“I’m not done,” said Ryan. He pulled his cock out of her pussy and picked her up. “I’m going to take you to the bedroom and treat you like a real woman. This is far from done baby, I have a lot more things I want to do to you.”


Ryan took her to the bedroom and laid her down on the bed. He spread her thighs open and inserted his middle and ring fingers into her pussy. Naomi moaned and Ryan said, “This is going to be something you’re never gonna forget, honey.”


Ryan began jerking his fingers upwards, hitting her viciously right in the g spot. Naomi screamed and looked at him wide eyed. The way he was going, he was going to make her cum a third time in the next minute!


Ryan continued pumping his fingers upwards, teasing Naomi’s clit and nipples occasionally as well. Within minutes he had brought her to the brink of her third orgasm. Naomi was completely outside herself, it was as if she was looking at her body from a completely different perspective. She couldn’t believe that so much pleasure could exist, that anyone human could give her so much to enjoy in such a short span of time.


When the fits of her orgasm were over, Naomi realized that Ryan was on top of her again. Before she knew it, he was inside her, whispering in her ear. Naomi whispered back, responding to every single thing he was saying.


“Yes Ryan, yes baby. Yes, I fucking want you baby. I fucking want it. I love your cock, baby, I love it! I want it baby!”


Ryan responded in kind, fucking Naomi harder, giving her what she wanted, what she needed. He knew just where her g spot was now, had intimate knowledge regarding the insides of her pussy, knew just where to hit her and just how to hit her in order to get her where she needed to be.


Naomi wanted to cum again. She wanted to cum on his cock four times. She couldn’t believe that Ryan was so good, that he was able to bring her to that point of climax so easily and so frequently, it was as if he knew some secret about how her pussy worked.


Ryan knew that Naomi wanted it again, knew from the way she was desperately wrapping her legs around him that thrice wasn’t enough, not the way he was giving it to her. He knew just how to get her to that point in a way that would make finally satisfy her.


Ryan took his cock out and flipped Naomi onto her stomach. He spanked her ass three times as hard as he could and propped her up until she was on all fours, spreading her ass open and ramming his cock into her. Naomi could only scream as he utterly annihilated her with pleasure, took her apart methodically until she was nothing but a hot mess.


When he hit her g spot from this angle, the effect seemed to double. Naomi couldn’t believe it, but within seconds he had pushed her over the edge, making her cum a fourth time. He could feel his strong hands squeezing her bubble butt and that just increased the amount of pleasure she was getting from her orgasm.


As her orgasm exploded within her, she was lost once more, unaware of anything outside of the pleasure bursting through her body, covering her like a blanket of fire.


When she was done shaking, when she regained consciousness, Naomi became aware of a hot stickiness within her pussy, a liquid separate from her own wetness.


“Ryan,” said Naomi, “Did you cum?”


“Fuck,” said Ryan, “I think I did.”


“You came inside me?” said Naomi, gasping, trying to catch her breath, “I’m not on birth control or anything!”


“I’m so sorry!” said Ryan “I didn’t realize in the heat of the moment!”


Naomi had no idea what to do.


Chapter 5: Pregnant!


Naomi had told Ryan to leave, wanting some time alone after what had just happened. She took the morning after pill, and prayed that it would be effective. At the same time, however, she was surprised to realize that she kind of wanted the pill to not work as well. She realized that this was what she had wanted all along, in some small way. This was her finally becoming a true woman just like she had always wanted.


However, at the same time she realized that she could simply not afford to get pregnant at the moment. She had a busy job to do, and no one to look after the child. She highly doubted that Ryan would want to spend the rest of his life raising a child he had conceived in a passion filled hour with some woman he barely knew. Men simply didn’t function that way.


If Naomi got pregnant, she would have to raise the baby alone, and that would require majorly cutting back on her job which was something that she was simply not prepared to do. She had worked unbelievably hard to get where she was, and she couldn’t bear the thought of having to stop her soaring career dead in its tracks because she was having a child.


There was always the option of abortion, of course, but Naomi didn’t want to think about that. She had nothing against women that chose to have abortions of course, but she just didn’t like the idea of having an abortion just because she didn’t have the good sense to use protection whilst having sex.


Putting the baby up for adoption was also out of the question for the same reason. It was her fault that she was pregnant, and so she was going to take care of the baby no matter what happens. This inflexibility was what put so much fear into Naomi’s heart. If she was pregnant, she was definitely going to keep the baby which meant that her career was definitely over.


However, all of this internal discussion was pointless, Naomi realized, when she didn’t even know whether she was pregnant or not. Hence, she decided to go out and get herself a home pregnancy test. When she went out to get them, she got four just in case one of them was faulty or gave her the wrong reading.


When she got back home, she rushed to the bathroom. After using the home pregnancy test, she anxiously waited for the result. When she saw what it was, she threw the test in the bin and frantically reached for another one. She ended up using all four pregnancy tests but the result remained the same no matter how many times she did it or double checked.


Naomi sat on the edge of her bed, trying to grasp the gravity of what was happening. She did not know whether she was sad or happy, whether this was what she wanted or not. She did not know what she was going to do. All she knew, without a shadow of a doubt, was that she was pregnant.


BOOK: ROMANCE: Billion Dollar Question (BWWM Billionaire Bad Boy Romance) (African American Alpha Mail Order Bride New Adult)
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