Her Teacher's Temptation

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Authors: Alexandra Vos

BOOK: Her Teacher's Temptation
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Her Teacher’s




© Alexandra Vos 2015


All rights reserved. This book or any
portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without
the express permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations
in a book review.



Also by Alexandra Vos:


Young Adult Novels

The Reluctant Assassin



Young Adult Novellas

The Kissing Ban


New Adult Novellas

Hunting Him



Warning: This book contains
drug use and domestic violence. It is not suitable for anyone under the age of




Flicking the
burnt out end of the blunt onto the ground, the weed was already hitting me. When
I looped my arm around the neck of the guy in front of me, nothing could stop
my wide grin. “Thanks for sharing,” I said, husky both from shouting over the
music and from how turned on I was. The man, Ollie, he’d told me about ten
minutes ago, leant down to kiss my neck and I arched my back into him. His
tight brown curls tickled my chin.


“My pleasure.”
His breath against the shell of my ear sent a shiver down my spine and I barely
stopped a loud gasp spilling from my lips. My body hummed with desire as I kept
his face close to mine. “Shall we get out of here?” He inquired suggestively,
fingers tracing the bare skin of my back that my dress revealed.


“Let's go,” I
replied instantly, double checking that I was still grasping my black clutch
containing the essentials. I knew Meg and Hannah wouldn't be expecting me to
come back after coming outside with this guy, so I wasted no time in saying bye
to them.


Ollie hailed
down a cab and I struggled to keep the nervousness from the pit of my stomach.
I'd been home with one guy from a club before and knew that the chances of him
being a maniac were rather limited, but I was still completely vulnerable in
this situation.


The desire that
was pumping through my veins urged me on, though, especially when Ollie dragged
his hands through my blonde hair and placed a soft kiss on my jaw after doing
his seatbelt up. His pale blue eyes met mine teasingly and he rested a hand on
exposed thigh. My need for contact was being wrenched up by the minute and I
really hoped he didn’t live too far away.


We pulled up
outside an average looking apartment block and Ollie paid for the taxi, despite
my offer to go halves. Luckily it was in the city centre and so it wouldn't be
a long walk of shame home in the morning.


I was shoved
into a number of walls before we actually got to Ollie’s room and I groaned
each time he was pressed fully against me, lavishing any skin he could get to.
I almost pitied the various people living in the flats below and above – it was
lucky no one saw us, even if it was nearly two in the morning.


When inside his
overly messy apartment, I wasted no time in removing my high and painful heels.
On the way to the bedroom I attempted to get the zip at the back of my dress
down, but it had needed Meg to do up and so Ollie was going to have to help me.


Ollie's hand
quickly took over, dragging my zip down my back at an agonisingly slow pace. I
squirmed from the urge to spin around a lock lips with my handsome lover for
the night, but resisted, putting up with his ministrations and biting the
inside of my cheek as my skin was set on fire.


As soon as I
was naked, I dragged him to the bed, and didn't hesitate in showing him exactly
what his teasing had done to me.



Chapter One


I ground the
end of my cigarette into the concrete with my incredibly unattractive school
shoes. Pulling a face, I turned to Meg. “I really haven't missed this.” Due to
study leave, we'd had a massive ten weeks of summer and I was anything but
ready to return to the dreary goings on of school life.


“And they replaced
Miss Taylor as well,” she revealed, making my scowl intensify.


“What?” I
demanded. “They can't have done. She was my favourite teacher. Now there's
literally nothing I'm looking forward to today. Other than going home,” I
added, slipping my rucksack back over my shoulder and checking for teachers
before we hastened round the side of the building, back to the main courtyard.


he's pretty hot, though,” Meg informed me, moving her eyebrows up and down comically.
“Even if his teaching will never compare.”


I chuckled.
“Not worth,” I groaned, waving to Hannah, who'd just gotten off the bus. “He'll
probably think he can get away with being an awful teacher since everyone will
be too shocked at having someone young.”


“You know
you'll get top marks anyway,” Hannah pointed out, joining the conversation
without hesitation. “And what are we even talking about?”


We all shared
laugh before heading into the building, along with the masses, in wait of our
new timetables. Last year I'd been lucky enough to have a free Friday
afternoon, cutting my school week short and always allowing me to get my work
done before whatever fun we could find on the weekend. I doubted I'd be that
fortunate this time.


“Hi girls,” Dr.
Reegan greeted as we walked through the door to tutor. It was in this room that
we'd all become so close. Since this was a sixth form only college, everyone
was new to each other and it hadn't taken Meg, Hannah and I long to gel. We had
so much in common that it was almost natural the way we fell in step with each
other. “Had a good summer?”


“It was
brilliant,” Hannah replied dreamily. She'd finally gotten with her supposed
life-long crush, who had gone to her old school and was living on the other
side of Sheffield. She'd spent the majority of last year complaining about how
much she missed him – I wasn't sure if listening to how great they were
together this year was going to be much of an improvement.


Dr. Reegan
chuckled and retrieved three sheets of paper from her desk. “Here you go. You'd
better hurry up and jot them down in your planners, I think we’re starting lessons
early today because they want to do some information checks. Why they couldn’t
just do those in tutor, I don’t know.”


morning's off,” Hannah hummed in delight. “It makes me so happy that this time
next week I'll still be in bed.”


“I have Tuesday
mornings, but I’m just glad to get any days where I’m not being woken up at
seven AM,” Meg’s handwriting was something I’d always been jealous of and I
watched in envy as she jotted down the schedule in cursive writing.


I scowled at
mine. “Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons off. How could they do this to me?
Early Friday's were the best.”


“At least you
won't have to go straight from school to work anymore, though,” Meg pointed
out. “That was always a ball ache.”


“Yeah,” I tried
to accept the positive. I worked at a restaurant in the centre of Sheffield Mondays,
Tuesdays and Wednesdays so that my weekend was always free for more exciting
activities. It had been really stressful getting from school to home to get
changed and then back to the restaurant in time last year, so I supposed her
reasoning was valid. I’d gotten changed in the school toilets far too many


I scanned for
when my actual lessons were and was lucky enough not to have any double
periods. They'd been so much of a drag last year that I'd almost fallen asleep
multiple times. I was sure they couldn't be beneficial to my education.


“Mr. Wright,” I
pulled a face at the name. “Why would Miss Taylor leave, anyway? She was the


Meg chuckled.
“Come on, it'll be fine. We have good texts this year,” she pointed out. “So at
least you'll enjoy the writing even if you hate the teacher.”


I made a noise
and pulled a face before Dr. Reegan started speaking. “Everyone off to your
first lessons, and don’t be late. The admin stuff is really important to get


“Guess we'd
better go and find out if this English teacher is going to be any kind of
replacement.” Meg pulled a face as we stood up and double checked the room
number. I was grateful it was the same room we were in last year, since that
meant no confusion in having to find new seats. Meg and I would retain our desk
near the window that we'd always preferred.


“How was
America?” I asked her conversationally whilst we walked. English was in another
block at the back of the campus, so we had a few minutes’ walk to get there.


“It was amazing.
Though I've got a horrible feeling the jet-lag is going to suddenly hit me half
way through the day.” She'd only gotten home yesterday, but hadn't wanted to
miss out on the first day of school.


“Any summer
romances?” I teased.


“No,” her
shoulders slumped. “We can't all be as lucky as you.”


I laughed
outright. “I don't think being taken home from a club a couple of times by
random guys counts as romance. Not that I'm complaining. And not that you
didn’t accomplish the same thing, either.”


After my one
night stand with Ollie at the beginning of the summer, I'd gained a bit more
confidence and been less wary of guys approaching me in clubs. There was no
point in hiding the fact I enjoyed sex and I wasn't opposed to having some
summer fun. I'd slept with a couple more guys over the summer and it had been
an experience, though not one I wanted to make a regular habit of. Besides, my
fake ID wasn’t likely to hold up forever.


The one guy
that I had been genuinely interested in over the past year was going to uni in
London this year and so when he finally asked me out at the end of the school
year, I'd forced myself to decline. I didn't want to get involved in something
that was only going to end up in a complicated long distance relationship. It
had been a shame, though: we’d been really good for each other.


Other than my
nights out it had been relatively boring. I’d entered a few writing
competitions and watched far too many DVDs.


“We're going to
have to find boyfriends now anyway,” Meg began seriously. “Hannah's obsessed
with Ryan, so I need someone just to show her how annoying she is.”


I chuckled.
“Yeah, well, I mean there's a whole new year of guys for us to choose from
now,” I suggested. “And we're older, therefore ten times more attractive to


Meg giggled.
“I'll take your word for it.”


Laughing, we
opened the door into the still virtually empty English room. My eyes widened
and I found that my legs had stopped moving when I spotted the familiar curly
brown locks, piercing blue eyes and attractive face. “Oh no,” I breathed,
making myself join Meg in walking to our table, which just had to be opposite
his desk. At least there were a few desks separating us.


Meg's eyes were
flicking between Ollie and me excessively quickly, as if to confirm that he
definitely was the person she thought he was. Thankfully, he hadn't looked up
from his papers yet and noticed me.


“It can't be,” Meg
spoke in hushed tones, focusing all of her attention on me now. “No way. No.


“I can't
believe this,” I complained in a whisper, my insides twisting. “How did this
happen? It's bad enough that Miss Taylor is gone, but really?” I groaned and
buried my head in my hands. “This is so weird.”


Meg let out a
high pitched giggle. “It is quite funny though.”


“No!” I
objected immediately. “Not funny at all! I've slept with our English teacher,
Meg,” I put it into words. “Not funny. Not funny. Oh my God. Please tell me
this is a joke.”


Ollie lifted
his head then and glanced around the room to see how many of his class had
arrived. As his eyes swept the space, they locked onto mine and widened, almost
comically. He opened his mouth as though to say something, but then forcibly
shut it again. Heat rose instantly in my cheeks and I brought myself to look
away from him and back at Meg, panic evident in my expression.


“Don't tell
anyone about this,” I warned her seriously. “Not even Hannah, if she doesn't
already recognise him.” I held in another sound of displeasure and let my eyes
fall back on our new teacher. He’d returned his attention to his papers, cheeks
a flattering shade of pink.


“I bet you
think he's doubly hot now,” Megan taunted, her face so smug I wanted to punch


I was on the
verge of saying yes until I realised what the implications of it were. “No! Of
course not,” I denied it despite the heat that swam through my body. Nothing
could stop me remembering his hands and lips drawing pleasure out of me all
night long. “This is crazy,” I repeated the sentiments again. “I've got to try
and take him seriously as some kind of authority figure for the rest of the


Meg chuckled.
“It'll be fine.” She tried to console me. “It's not like you had an actual
thing. It was one night.”


“Yeah, but-”


“One night,”
She repeated. “You didn't even know his last name until now.”


“I suppose.”


“See, it's


“But I've seen
his dick!” I exclaimed, trying not let my voice heard by anyone, despite how
much I wanted to shout about my unlucky situation.


Meg burst into
an uncontrollable fit of giggles whilst I watched on helplessly, praying that
there had been some kind of mistake. Meg was making so much noise that Ollie
looked up and his eyes met mine again. I let out an inaudible sigh as they
flickered away and he stood up, causing the now full classroom to quiet, much
to Meg's struggle.


“I'm Mr.
Wright,” he sounded confident and I could tell he was making an extra effort to
not look in my direction. “I'm going to be replacing Miss Taylor. I'm guessing
you all know our texts this year?” He checked, gaining several positive
responses from the class. “Right, well, we're going to be starting with 'The
Taming of the Shrew', I'll hand out the copies now. I’m also handing out an
information sheet with your personal details. You just need to check they’re
all correct and hand them back in to reception tomorrow.”


When he reached
our table with the copy of the book, he glanced at me warily, shaking his head
slightly as he put the plays on the table. I could tell he was just as creeped out
by the situation as I was and that he was willing himself not to give anything


There was also
anger concealed in there.


I’d lied about
my age and he’d been tricked. It hadn’t been illegal, the age of consent was
still sixteen, but picking me up in a club implied I was an adult.


“This is really
amusing, though,” Meg repeated her earlier sentiments, earning a glare from me
as I tried to focus on the lesson. We would likely only be reading today, so at
least there was some consolation in that. I could concentrate on the confusing
Shakespearean language and try not to let my thoughts wander to my
lover-turned-teacher who I was stuck with for the rest of the year.


I didn't end up
managing to concentrate much for the rest of the hour and a half session. I was
torn between wanting to admire the appearance of the man in front of me and
wanting to cringe at our intimate history. I wore a scowl on my face. It was
too weird. I wasn't even sure what I was supposed to think.


When the end of
the lesson came, I dawdled in packing my things away. Meg watched me knowingly.
“Don't tell anyone,” I warned her. “I will hit you, hard. I really don't want
that kind of attention. And it would be kind of unfair to get him fired before
he’d even started.”


She smirked,
but I knew she wouldn't drop me in it like that. “Have fun,” she sung instead,
leaving the room almost skipping.


I grimaced,
waiting until the last person had filed out of the room, before approaching Mr.
Wright's desk and deciding what I was supposed to say. I figured that I should
start referring to him as Mr. Wright in my head, so that it'd become habit.
“Well, this is awkward,” I finally made myself say, trying not to flinch
against the anger which had taken over his expression now that we were alone.


He leant back
in his chair and faced me, running a hand through his tight curls. “Yeah, maybe
because you used a fake ID. I would never have slept with you if I knew you
were seventeen.”


“We smoked
weed, you’re hardly in moral high ground position. It’s just an unlucky


“I was upfront
about that. I offered and you said yes, there was no lying involved in that,”
he argued back, fingers drumming against the desk as he stared me down. I was
glad he stayed sat; if he’d been towering above me, I might have actually felt
a bit uneasy.


“How old are
you?” I asked instead, really not wanting this to be even worse than awkward.
If he actually hated me then it would be unbearable.

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