Romance: Menage Romance: The French Quarter Hostages (Paranormal Action Shapeshifter MFM Bear Shifter Romance) (Fantasy BBW Taboo Interracial Love Triangle Werebear Mates Short Stories) (34 page)

BOOK: Romance: Menage Romance: The French Quarter Hostages (Paranormal Action Shapeshifter MFM Bear Shifter Romance) (Fantasy BBW Taboo Interracial Love Triangle Werebear Mates Short Stories)
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“I’m going to make us something,” I said grinning, and then I climbed out of the tub.

I wrapped myself in a warm fluffy robe, stepped into a pair of slippers, and headed to the kitchen. What to make, what to make? I wasn’t much of a chef, Ben was the cook in this relationship and a great cook at that! But tonight, I was cooking. I pulled out a frying pan and turned on the stove. Then I got out a spatula, butter, cheese and bread. Ten minutes later, grilled cheese sandwiches were served. Ben laughed when he saw what I had made.

“You are wonderful!” he exclaimed, taking a bite of his sandwich. “This is exquisite. The best grilled cheese that I’ve had in a long time.”

              “Thank you baby! It’s an old family tradition.” Ben chuckled.

We ate the grilled cheese sandwiches in front of the fireplace along with glasses of wine while wearing our robes. Ben seemed to be thinking about something as he stared into the fire.

“What’s on your mind?” I asked.  He looked at me thoughtfully.

“Did you have sex with Jeremy in the pool?” he asked.

“No. He tried to. But I only let him eat me out,” I admitted. Ben smiled, relief washing over him. “Did you not want me to have sex with him?”

“I left the choice up to you,” he said.

“But you were hoping that I would choose not to.”

“Yes.” I put down my sandwich, licked my fingers and grabbed Ben’s face so that he was facing mine.

“I don’t want anyone but you Benjamin Blest. I would never have slept with him without you,” I told him. Then I kissed him. Then I picked up the rest of my sandwich and finished eating it.

“I’m tired,” Ben said. I finished the rest of my sandwich and we left the plates on the floor, heading to the bedroom hand in hand.

“If we have a girl, can we name her Linda?” I asked.

“Whatever you want,” Ben said. We crawled into bed.

“Maybe we should get a dog first. Baby steps,” I suggested. Ben laughed and this time he laughed long and hard, tears falling from his eyes. He lay back on the pillows.

“Whatever you want baby. As long as you’re happy, I’m happy,” he told me. I lay on his chest.

“Ok, then a dog it is,” I said. Ben had already fallen asleep, a smile on his face.




The next day, I woke up bright and early. It was a new day with new opportunities. When Ben got up, we got dressed and went out for breakfast. I ordered over-easy eggs, French toast, bacon and a mimosa. Ben ordered an omelet, Belgian waffles, sausages, and a mimosa. I loved mimosas, especially with breakfast.

“So what do you have planned for today?” Ben asked me as he took a bite of his omelet.

“The question is, what do I have planned for us today,” I corrected him with a smile, taking a sip of my mimosa.

“And the answer to that question would be?” he asked.

“We’re going to go pick up our baby girl!” I exclaimed, smiling big. Ben looked confused. “Today, we become parents.”

“What are you talking about Mya?” Ben asked. Instead of laughing, I just rubbed my hands together and laughed maniacally.

We had ridden in Ben’s Bentley so after breakfast, I asked if I could drive. Ben complied without a second thought. I drove us straight to an adoption center. Pet adoption that is!

“We’re going to adopt a puppy!” I announced, clapping my hands together. Ben laughed.

“You make me laugh,” he said, slipping his hand into mine.

“I love nothing more than making you laugh,” I told him, reaching up to kiss him on the cheek. We entered the adoption center, where a young blonde woman was behind the counter. She paid me no mind, only looking at Ben with these groupie eyes that made me want to claw her eyes out of their sockets, but instead I kept it composed and classy.

“How may I help you today?” she asked Ben with the biggest goofiest smile that could most definitely get her slapped.

“We are interested in adopting a dog,” I told her with my sweetest fakest smile. Her smile faltered ever so slightly, but she kept it together.

“If you follow me, I’ll show you to our dogs,” she said before leading us to the back. In the back, there were all types of animals. Dogs, cats, birds, ferrets, and I wanted them all! They were all so cute! The blonde led us to where the dogs were and I took the leisure to peruse the cages. She thought that she was going to stand and chat with Ben but he walked away from her to follow me. I didn’t even try to hide my grin.

“So what kind are you looking for?” Ben asked me.

“A small, cute, fluffy one,” I explained. There were plenty that fit this description, but I knew that I would know the one when I saw it. And I did. It was a cute fluffy, Pomeranian that ran straight to the door of its cage to see me and I just knew. “This is the one,” I announced. The blonde opened the cage and attached a leash to the dog’s collar.

“Her name is Polly,” she told us as she led us back to the front.

“Not anymore it isn’t,” I muttered. We went to stand on the other side of the counter where I was able to play with the dog whose name once was Polly. I filled out the adoption paperwork and when it was time to write down her name, I wrote ‘Ménage.’ Disapproval flashed across the blonde’s face. Ben laughed.

“Ménage?” she asked.

“That’s right. Bye now!” I said with a little wave, leading my dog and my husband outside. We got in the car, Ben driving this time. Ménage sat in my lap and I played with her throughout the ride.

“Ménage?” Ben asked.

“A little reminder of this chapter of our lives,” I stated with a smile.

“Ah,” Ben said nodding.

“I’m going to order clothes for her online,” I told him. Then I had a fabulous idea. “Oh, my god! Let’s have a photo shoot!” Ben rolled his eyes. “I’ll take that as a yes,” I said grinning. Ménage barked. When I got home, Ben went and got his camera. When he returned, he began snapping away pictures of me and Ménage interacting. After a while, I headed upstairs to the bedroom and lay on the bed with Ménage. She curled up beside me while I stroked her soft fur.

Ben took a few more pictures, then put down his camera on the bedside table and climbed onto the bed. He grabbed my arm and tried to pull me to him, but Ménage started growling. I giggled.

“Already territorial,” Ben pointed out, shaking his head.

“She knows who her mom is,” I said and kissed the little dog on top of her little head. When Ménage was asleep, I crawled over to Ben and lay in his arms. He kissed me on the forehead and then on the cheek and finally on the lips. Ben reached under my shirt, over my soft belly and under my bra to grab a handful of one of my breasts. He squeezed as he kissed me, kissing on my neck. I stuck my hand under his shirt, caressing his defined abs. His skin was soft and smooth under my fingertips. I pulled off my shirt and unsnapped my bra, causing my breasts to bounce. Ben pulled off his shirt and stood up to take off his jeans. There was a tent in his boxers. I pulled off my pants and panties and lay back on the bed. Ben took off his boxers and stood over me, his weapon pointing straight at me. We hadn’t done missionary in a while and I wanted him on top of me.

Ben slid inside me while kissing me, my arms wrapped around his neck. He stroked slowly between my legs and licked my neck. Then he grabbed my breasts and pushed them up, sucking on one nipple and then on the other. I let my hands explore his strong back, loving how the muscles felt under his smooth skin. Then I slid my hands down, grabbing his firm butt cheeks. I slid a hand between them, close to the hole, but didn’t touch it. I didn’t want to throw him off. When he didn’t react, I did it again, this time grazing his butthole with his finger. He clenched his cheeks slightly, but kept the rhythm as he stroked. He pulled out and flipped me over, lying me flat on my stomach as he pinned my arms down with one hand. I stuck my bottom up ever so slightly with the side of my face pressed against the bed. With his free hand, Ben guided his dick back inside me, thrusting deep while I moaned.

Ben let go of my hands and gripped my soft ass cheeks, thrusting in and out. I raised up a little more so that I could throw my ass back, but kept my torso on the bed. Ben slapped my ass until I cried out and I looked back at him, making it wiggle. Ben thrust faster and harder, going deeper as he caressed my clit with his fingers. His other hand grabbed my hair and pulled, making me arch deeper as he fucked me. Ben reached over and licked my ear, knowing that drove me crazy making me fuck him back wilder and wetter. I pushed myself up onto my knees, bouncing my ass on him until it made a clapping sound. I forced him back, but then he cried out and jumped out of me and off of the bed. I sat back, looking confused and bewildered.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, but Ben wasn’t looking at me, he was pointing and looking at Ménage.

“That dog just licked my ass!” he exclaimed. I burst into laughter.

“Come back to bed baby and finish what you started,” I coaxed seductively, lying back with my legs opened wide. Ben shook his head and crossed his arms.

“Not until that dog is out of our room,” Ben demanded. I sucked my teeth, but shoed Ménage off of the bed. She jumped off and ran out of the room and Ben closed the door behind her. I rubbed his back.

“Ménage just wanted a ménage,” I couldn’t help myself and I got caught in another fit of laughing. Ben didn’t find it very funny. He stood back up.

“I’ve got a lot of work to do,” he said. I looked between his legs. He didn’t look ready to go to work. I stood up too, slowly walking towards him.

“We’ve got business to finish in here first,” I told him as I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him. He grabbed me around the ass and lifted me up as I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist. Ben slipped his dick back inside me and while holding my ass, bounced me up and down. I moaned loudly, tossing my head back as he licked up my neck to my chin. I bounced back, grinding back and forth on him. He pushed me up against the wall and kissed me hard, thrusting harder. I was about to come. I closed my eyes, moaning and riding while Ben thrusted inside of me and sucked on my neck. I came, hard and loud, tensing up and squirming as he fucked me faster. Now, it was his turn. With a mighty roar, Ben came deep inside me. We came together while Ménage scratched and cried from the other side of the door. Ben carried me to the bed and we lay down. We fell asleep with our legs tangled together.

Ménage eventually stopped barking and probably ran off somewhere in the house to pee. I was too tired to care. I lay in my lovers arms without a care in the world. My ear to his chest, I could hear his heartbeat as it slowed down, finding its pace. I watched the rise and fall of his chest and he breathed deep, letting me know that he was already asleep. I snuggled up close to him and finally fell asleep myself. 



Bonus Story 9 of 20

Destined to the Alien


Breaking Free

Mallory stood at the edge of the dry sand just before the water’s edge and stared out at the clear blue water, breathing deeply and basking in the early evening sun caressing her soft skin, the smells assaulting her senses from every direction and the slight breeze causing her flowery wrap-around skirt to brush against her legs.
She sighed. This was worth every overtime hour she had worked to gain the promotion. Her diligence to the project had paid off and now she could breathe.

Her chestnut brown hair whispered against the back of her neck with the breeze from the water. The water rushed to the edge of the sand. The cool liquid was blissfully welcome across her painted pink toenails and feet. She felt much older than her twenty-six years. Sometimes she wondered if her ferocious ambition was worth it. She had never taken a vacation. Enough about business. She mentally shut her brain off and shook her head.
Enjoy the scenery Mallory. You are here to unwind. Forget work.

She slid her sunglasses up off her nose and squinted her dark green eyes to her left and to her right; sand! Lots and lots of pale, beautiful sand and people. Happy, laughing people. Her two-piece flowery bathing suit and matching wrap-around skirt fit right in with the beach crowd. She leaned down and picked up the big beach bag she had dragged down with her. It had everything in it for the beach, but nothing remotely related to work. She slung it over her shoulder.

Mallory smiled as she started backing away from the edge of the water. These next seven days were going to be just what she needed. She could already feel the effects of the sun and heat rejuvenating her athletic body. She couldn’t wait to take a run in this paradise in the morning. Morning running was the best.

As she was backing up, Mallory bumped into someone who happened to be walking behind her, startling her and nearly falling over. Elric’s quick reaction, he caught her elbow and put his shin behind hers to protect her from falling to the sand’s soft surface. She leaned into his strong grip and turned, looking into his eyes in surprise, then smiled in gratitude.

“Thank you for that," she said, after she caught her breath.

No problem." He smiled at her.

She started to stand up instead of continuing to lean on him and asked, "Well savior, do you have a name?"

"Elric," he replied, and steadying her before releasing her hand. "And yours?"

She wiped the sand off her leg and then looked back up at him, smiled wider and replied, "Mallory."

"Mallory. Well. I’m very glad to meet you, even if you nearly knocked me over. He smiled as he said it and it showed off his beautiful, straight white teeth."

"Nice to meet you Elric," Mallory told him.

"What brings you to Little's beach this time of year?"

"I'm spending some time on holiday. I got a promotion and I'm spending the first bonus on my stay here before the craziness of the holidays."

"Congratulations," he said

"And you?" she asked.

"Getting a much needed break from my own sort of job at home."

"Sort of job?"

"It's hard to explain," he said, brushing off the subject.

As he had been speaking, Mallory was taking a discreet inventory of Elric. She liked the look of him. He was tall, over six feet with a strong jaw and kind-faced. His body was slightly tanned, and muscular and toned. He didn’t look like he sat on the beach all day. She hoped he wasn’t a bum or a conman. She’d had enough of those. His hands were thick and she had felt his grip when he’d caught her. Her body had reacted to his strong, thick fingers. She wanted to feel that grip on the rest of her body. She was getting a good feeling about Elric. She wanted to know more about him. She was enticed.

"How are you this evening?" he asked.

"I… uh," she stuttered.

"Are you okay?"

She laughed. "I’m fine… fine. Just fine."

He smiled at her. "Do you need anything?"

She smiled as she shook her head. "How kind. But, no. I’m ok. I was just enjoying the view." She wanted Elric to know that it wasn’t just the sun’s view she had been enjoying. She also didn’t want to come off as desperate in their first-time meeting.

She said, "Well then, we can keep one another company?"

Elric ran his hand through his hair and looked away, then back at her, nodding his head. "We could."

They found their chairs and moved them under a tree overhanging onto the beach, casting sporadic shadows all over them. They talked about themselves. She found out that he liked sweets and couldn't have enough, where she could take them or leave them. She preferred salty foods. He didn’t like dogs very much, saying he knew too much about them, whatever that meant, while she loved them and wanted one. He asked why didn’t she already have one, and she revealed it was because she lived in an apartment in LA. He nodded, wondering what it was like to live there. She told him how crowded and gentrified it was. She was sick of it. She hoped to someday have the chance to move wherever she wanted. They got to know one another like that, talking steadily for a few hours.

Every now and then, while he was speaking, his hand would graze her skin, or he would lean close to speak and she could feel his hot breath gusting over her skin and even with the sun blaring, her skin broke out in goosebumps. She was sweating from the sun and Elric’s closeness. When he spoke, he would look her right in the eyes. At one point he had said they should both take off their sunglasses so they could see each other’s eyes.

He’d stared and smiled as he lifted his glasses. She was sort of nervous. This was intense. His eyes were piercing blue. Her jaw dropped open. She stared. He was gorgeous. He had raised one eyebrow at her. She smiled. Lifted her glasses away from her face. His smiled beamed. ‘No, they aren’t contacts,’ she’d told him. He had nodded and said, ‘Mallory, I already knew you were beautiful, but you just let me in… really let me in. Thank you.’

His hand had reached out, probably without him even realizing it and he had caressed her cheek and jaw. Before he had dropped his hand, he’d smiled at her and winked. Her stomach had felt like butterflies were going crazy inside her. Her blood had raced through her body. Her pulse had pounded so hard. Just from his one touch. She couldn’t believe the reaction she was having to him.

It was Sunday, and on Little's, it meant there were drummers on the beach, preparing everyone for the staff spinning and fire show once nighttime fell.

The beats throbbed through the sand into their feet. They laughed at some of the goofy antics and snickered at some of the drunken antics. They ordered food to the beach and stayed right where they were sitting. They had a pile of wings, and fries and veggies, and stuffed their faces, laughing at the spots where the sauce from the wings would land. And they talked, about everything and nothing. Mallory was blissfully blissful.

Then the festivities began. They watched a fire spinner twirl the staff while doing a one-handed cartwheel and another spun it so fast around their front and back that it left light trails. The drumming went to the beat of the spinners. It was thrilling and entertaining.

Mallory hadn’t drank much. Elric hadn’t drank much. They had bottled water more than anything. Mallory told Elric about her running ritual and he told her that he liked to run too. They had discussed the possibility of meeting up for a morning run. When the festivities on the beach had ended, Elric had offered to walk Mallory to her room, and told her that he was not trying to get into her room. He liked her and didn’t want to ruin anything by being too pushy. She had thanked him for being such an enjoyable and entertaining companion for the evening, he said the same.

When they got to her hotel room, she pulled her room key out of her beach bag. Elric took it from her hand and smiled. He slid the key in, the light turning green and he pushed the door open for her. And stood back.

She smiled. "Elric, I had a great time. I’m really glad I nearly fell on you." She laughed.

He smiled. "I’m really glad you nearly fell on me too, Mallory." He leaned in to her. Mallory’s heart was pounding. God. He was going to hear it. He whispered against her ear, "I love the way you react to me. Breathe Mallory. Sweet dreams." His soft and perfectly cool lips grazed over her cheek and then the contact was gone. She had been holding her breath. Then he was gone.

She leaned against her hotel room door and let out a deep breath. It felt like she had been holding that breath all day. It felt good to feel so alive. She smiled as she pulled away from the door and let it close. She headed for the bathroom. A shower… was definitely called for, and most assuredly needed, right now.


Jumping Ship

Mallory woke up the next morning, smiling. She stretched and wiggled her body all over the bed. She had slept like a baby. She felt amazing. Jumping out of bed, Mallory headed to the washroom. She tinkled.

Heading back into her bedroom, she walked over to the little table and grabbed a banana from the small fruit basket she had brought up with her. She ate the banana and as she let it digest before going running, she tidied up the bed, her clothes from the night before. Brushed her teeth. Tied up her unruly hair. Dressed in her bikini and then her running clothes over her swimsuit. She knew it was going to be hot and didn’t want to have to come back up to change, just to swim after running.

She tied the small but functional pack around her waist; hotel key, money, bandaids, phone neatly tucked inside and a bottle of water inserted just beside the pouch. She didn’t need to tune anything out here, so she left the earbuds in her room. It was going to be heaven to run and not have to block out the LA noise.

As she exited the elevator, she looked up and there was Elric, leaning against one of the thick, marble columns that decorated the hotel lobby and was probably a very pivotal part of the structure. With more windows and doors open than a regular hotel, there was a gentle breeze blowing in. You could hear water splashing, and laughter, and all the other sounds associated with a resort close to boats and water.

Elric had his shirt tucked into the waistband of his shorts.
Oh god. His shorts.
She was going to die. Right there. They weren’t too tight, but they weren’t loose either. She could almost see… She stopped herself before she let it get any dirtier. They smiled at each other.

He lifted his sunglasses as she approached him. "Mornin’ beautiful." His blue eyes sparkled as he looked her right in the eyes, and asked, "Did you sleep well?"

She smiled at him. "Good morning Elric. Yes, I slept like a baby. Yesterday was a lot of fun and I was exhausted when I got to bed. Did you sleep well?"

Mallory watched Elric’s face as his eyes pulled away from her eyes, almost regrettably, and slid down her body and took in exactly what she was wearing. She wanted to smile but her body was too busy pulsing with his stare. She was very glad that she had picked the soft pink, tight tank top and snug, black spandex shorts to wear. The shorts stopped mid-thigh. She could hear his breathing. It was deep and speeding up. It sounded like he groaned. She smiled. He looked back up, into her eyes.

"Yes, Mallory, I slept great. God. I can’t stare at you for long or everyone in this lobby is going to know just how happy I am to see you. Let’s go running." She laughed. He laughed. They walked out of the hotel. He pulled the shirt out of his waistband and slid it over his head.

"Phew. That was close. An embarrassment that I didn’t really want to experience." They laughed louder.

They headed to the paved path that wrapped around the hotel property. There was a small hut with lockers inside where people could leave their stuff. There was a bottled water machine. You could swipe your room card and get a water. They stopped and began stretching their bodies. Arms and legs were extended and small grunts could be heard. Mallory loved the sounds coming from him. They were otherwise quiet in their minute of preparing to run.

Elric turned to Mallory and asked, "How long do you run for Mallory?"

She finished her stretch and replied, "I’m not a crazy runner. I just like to run to unwind a bit before my day, so 2 or 3 miles is good for me."

He smiled. "Perfect. Ready to go?" She nodded. They headed out toward the paved path and started pounding the smooth path. Within a few minutes, they were both breathing a little heavier. Mallory concentrated on running. She didn’t want to screw up and fall. Her body was vibrating to life. Every inch of her thrumming with the force of hitting the pavement. She laughed. This was why she ran. This exhilarating feeling.

Elric didn’t speak. They didn’t need to talk. They savored the peace and enjoyed the sounds of nature surrounding them. They followed the windy path around the resort and saw colorful birds in trees and on the ground. There was a pond in the middle of the natural sanctuary and birds were flying in and landing on the water gracefully. The squawked and frolicked in the water.

They had been running for about 20 minutes when Elric asked if she had been running long enough. Mallory nodded and they started to slow their pace down. They slowed to a fast walking pace for another minute and pulled in deep gulps of air. Once they had stopped running and were walking at a brisk pace, they turned around and headed back to the resort’s main building.

BOOK: Romance: Menage Romance: The French Quarter Hostages (Paranormal Action Shapeshifter MFM Bear Shifter Romance) (Fantasy BBW Taboo Interracial Love Triangle Werebear Mates Short Stories)
7.96Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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