ROMANCE: SPORTS ROMANCE: Bad Boys of Sports: A Complete Collection (Alpha Male, Football, Hockey Secret Baby Romance) (Contemporary Sports Romance) (28 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: SPORTS ROMANCE: Bad Boys of Sports: A Complete Collection (Alpha Male, Football, Hockey Secret Baby Romance) (Contemporary Sports Romance)
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“Careful honey, don’t drop it!” Sadie called from the porch. In the yard, Tobias and Jose were juggling Davie’s bed, trying to get it from the pickup truck into Tobias’s ranch house. It had been two weeks since Tobias had run off with Davie and got his memories back, and it had been full of emotions. It took them a while to get used to being around each other again, but after the first week, they fell back into old rhythms. By the second week, Tobias had an engagement ring for her and asked her if she and Davie would move in with him.

Sadie cried as he slipped the ring onto her finger and nodded her head yes. She was finally getting the life she had always dreamed of with Tobias, and she couldn’t be happier. Even her parents were nicer to her now that her son’s father was back in the picture and wanting to marry her. She was no longer a child of sin, and they were slowly accepting her as the worthy person that she was.

Beside her, Julie picked up the bottle of wine and poured them both another glass. When she got the call from Sadie explaining that not only were Tobias’s memories fully restored but that they were also engaged and moving in together, she went right to the liquor store. It was tradition for them to crack open a bottle of Moscato and gossip when there was a life changing event, and this was a really big one.

The ladies had offered to help with the move but were quickly shooed off by Tobias and Jose, insisting that real men did all the heavy lifting. So instead Julie and Sadie sat on the outdoor couch on the porch and drank their wine. It was the first time in years that Sadie felt truly normal again, and she loved it.

“We are being careful, darlin’,” Tobias called, approaching the porch with the bed. “Davie, buddy, you want to open the door for us?”

“Yep yep,” Davie chirped, running ahead to push open the door and then pull open the screen door.

“Thank you, buddy!” Tobias yelled. “Okay, here we come, watch out for daddy!”

For a moment, the two women looked fondly at the father and son scene and then turned back to one another. Julie smiled widely at her friend, and together they toasted Sadie’s new happily ever after. Nothing could spoil it.

“Seriously sweetie, I am so beyond happy for you. You deserve this so much. After taking care of Davie on your own, and holding out on faith that Tobias would come back. I’m just… I’m so happy that karma came back to you in such a beautiful way.”

Sadie pressed her hand to her chest and gave her friend a look of appreciation.

“Thank you so much, Julie. And thank you so much for being there to help me through all of it. Honestly, I don’t know if I could have gotten through any of it if I hadn’t had you.”

The two women hugged each other tightly and giggled as they toasted their glasses again.

“So, did Tobias tell you where he had disappeared to?” Julie asked, leaning in. Sadie shook her head. She knew it was bad to be lying to her friend, but she didn’t have to know everything. Some secrets were better kept as just that; secrets.

“No, whatever happened to him has permanently damaged that part of his memory. The doctors say it’s highly unlikely that he will ever regain the memories of how he disappeared.”

“Bummer,” Julie replied. “It has to be a pretty wicked story.”

“I can only imagine,” Sadie said, suddenly very interested in the sandwiches Sarah had brought out for them. 

“Well, maybe now that you have your man back, we could focus on getting one for me. I’m lonely too,” Julie pouted.

For the next hour, the women chatted about who in town would be a good match for Julie, and how they could set up future double dates. As they talked the sun beamed down hotter than ever. Spring was saying its final goodbye and summer was well on its way. Not able to take it, Sadie went inside and came back out in a much skimpier baby blue halter dress. Julie, already prepared for the heat, simply shrugged off her cardigan and revealed her yellow strapless sundress.

“Whoa,” Julie said, putting her hand on Sadie’s shoulder. “Where did these come from?”

Sadie smiled sheepishly. She had completely forgotten about the marks Tobias had given her during their lovemaking. It was the entire reason that she had worn a t-shirt in the first place, but with the heat beating down on her she had completely forgotten about the scratches and bite marks over her shoulders and back.

“Well you see, Tobias and I… we missed each other quite a bit. And our reunions so far have been very intense. I’m sure you can imagine.”

Julie blushed and covered her mouth, shocked that her friend would talk about such a thing with her.

“Sadie!” She exclaimed. “I had no idea you were such a freak in bed! I need details, stat!”

Laughing, Sadie shook her head and sat back into the cushions of the seat. “No way, that’s my private business,” she sniffed.

Julie pouted, and Sadie laughed at her gossip-starved friend.

“All right,” she said, leaning forward, ready to spill at least a couple details. “I will tell you this.”

Excitedly Julie leaned forward.

“That man inside is not the sweet young farm boy he was before. Nuh uh, that man in there is pure
,” Sadie winked.








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Stranded with the Lion


Chapter 1






Falling out of her bed this morning should’ve been enough warning that Allison was meant to stay at home. Tripping up the steps only confirmed her suspicions.

“I can’t bring you out anymore,” Chloe lamented while helping to drag her onto her feet as they reached the second floor.

“This is an off day.” Allison’s passionate argument earned her a laugh from her friend.

“Right, right,” Chloe laughed, but pointed to the table on the balcony. “I’ll go grab us a cold beer if you hold down the table. Just don’t fall off the balcony.”

Allison blushed and tossed her long mane of sunshine blonde.  She wore a tight-red bodycon dress that hugged her in all the right places, and especially accentuated her full breasts and tiny waist.

“I won’t fall off the building, Chloe.”

But, her friend was off to beckon the bartender with a sweet call. Allison admitted defeat and trekked over to the table, being careful to watch her steps. This bar was attached to a bustling restaurant downstairs, but it was nearly empty up here during the early afternoon. She was thankful for this. Usually her trips had larger audiences.

An umbrella shaded the table and she dipped underneath its shade with a grateful sigh. She loved frequenting the places on Brisbane’s riverfront. Her shoulders pulled back as she inhaled to smell the oncoming breeze, filled with the promise of springtime dipping into summer. She let her hair fall over her shoulders and tickle the tiny straps of her sundress. As she leaned back in her seat, she stretched her legs out in front of her to survey the damage of her fall.

Two small bruises dotted one knee. She wiggled her toes to admire her hasty pedicure from this morning. The red popped against the tan leather of her sandals, which crisscrossed an intricate braid over the tops of her feet.

“Admiring your tan?” Chloe asked with a grin as she set down two pints of light beer. Allison grabbed the one closest to her and took a sip.

“Not much of a tan yet,” she replied and smacked her lips with a happy cry. “Nothing like a cold beer on a hot day.”

“Miss your summertime in the states yet?” Chloe asked with a grin.

Allison shrugged. She hailed from California before moving to Australia after graduating from college.

“California always has nice weather, but I love being here.”

“All the guys love your little accent,” her friend said with a naughty wiggle of her manicured eyebrows. “They love the bumbling American blondes with their sexy red dresses.”

“I’m not bumbling, I’m... unpredictable.”

Chloe let out a warm laugh. “That’s why I love you!”

Allison winked at her friend and took another swig of her beer. “I’ll never be able to drink like you guys can though.”

Her brunette friend lifted her shoulders with a casual dismissal. “You’ll get used to it if you stay longer.”

“If I stay longer,” she muttered with a sinking frown. “I’ll fall into a depression if I don’t find another gig soon.” She was working for a photography studio as an assistant now, but her dreams included travelling the world to take pictures of exciting new things. Her last freelance assignment was already a month behind her.

“Let’s go check out some more gallery openings,” Chloe suggested with a clap of her hands. “It’ll be a great networking opportunity.”

Chloe knew what she was talking about. She worked in communications at an advertising firm. The casual tank top that she wore today was usually a smartly cut blazer and blouse combination during the week. Her strategy was always to jump in with passion, often dragging Allison out to socialize.

Allison pressed her lips together as she hummed.

“Yeah. You’re right. I need to get out there, but I’ll probably trip and crash into someone’s display with my luck.”

“Nonsense!” Chloe chuckled as she set her glass down with a forceful thump. “You’re going to go far once you put yourself out there. Why don’t you come with me to that showing they’re having for that gallery downtown? I’ve got two tickets.”

“That depends.  Will you cover for me if I trip? Like, can you just scream in the corner to distract everyone while I run out?”

Her friend leaned forward with a serious stare as she gripped her glass with white knuckles.

“Alli, darling, I would be honored to make a fool of myself as a decoy.”

They erupted into laughter and Allison felt her sides grow sore. She clutched them and wiped away a tear falling from the corner of her eye. There was never a dull moment for her in this country. Fate had certainly been looking out for her when it threw Chloe her way.

Her mind drifted to the first time she met the fiery brunette. Allison had been drinking after meeting up with some of her new coworkers. Five beers and six wrong turns caused her to stumble into a rougher side of town. Two guys practically pounced on her to drag her inside of another bar. That’s when Chloe came out with an uppercut that would’ve put a professional fighter to shame.

“Do you remember when you punched that guy?” Allison asked as she fluttered her eyelashes in admiration. Chloe snorted.

“I was drunk. But, I did feel it the next morning.”

“You pick street fights while I fall down every staircase I come across,” Allison said with a smile. “We should write a sitcom about our lives.”

“I’ve never met anyone who’s in a constant state of needing protection,” said Chloe with a swig of her beer.  “Speaking of which…”

She watched as Chloe’s eyes darted over Allison’s shoulder. Her friend’s mouth twisted and she sent Allison a grave look.

“Where in the episode do I warn you that the King of Assholes happens to be walking into the same bar?”

Allison sunk into her chair and covered her face with one hand. A rush of anxiety flooded her as she squirmed.

“Maybe he won’t see us?” Her hopeful suggestion was crushed as the sound of heavy steps approached. She groaned inwardly as Chloe turned to narrow her eyebrows at their oncoming guest.

“Ladies.” It was that low voice that still sent tingles down Allison’s spine.

She decided to be brave as she drew herself up, whipping her hair over one shoulder to look up at the only blemish of her time in Brisbane.

Jack was looking more handsome than ever underneath the warm sunshine. Her stomach flipped while her eyes traced his strong jaw as he squinted into the distance with one hand shielding his eyes. Eyes that she’d melted for...and maybe still did.

“Beautiful day,” he remarked casually.  His eyes traveled down Allison’s body and seemed to devour her.

,” Chloe added in an acidic tone.

“Hello, Jack,” Allison said, trying to keep her voice steady.

, he was sexy. His full lips parted to reveal sharper teeth than a man should have. The tanned color of his skin contrasted perfectly with his features. A sliver of sun-kissed skin was peeking out from beneath the V-neck shirt he wore. She swallowed, trying to tear her attention away from it.

He grabbed the open chair between them and sat with a coy grin. “You look nice, Alli.” She nearly shivered at the naughty look swirling behind his eyes.

Chloe cleared her throat.

“I’m going to grab us more beers.”

“One for me, thanks,” he called as she stood.

She sent him a withering look and stomped away. Allison wished she would come back, but Chloe hated being anywhere near him, probably because of how badly he’d hurt Allison. She swallowed the lump in her throat as he stared at her, unapologetic in his interest.

“What are you doing here?” she asked and crossed her arms. His gaze fluttered down to her breasts, propped up unintentionally by her defensive gesture. Heat coursed through her, but she refused to acknowledge his look.

“Out for a drink,” he said with a cheery smile. “Is that a crime?”

It might’ve well have been for him. She knew she couldn’t trust the way his muscles flexed underneath his fitted shirts, aching to touch her and remind her of the pleasure he could give her. Her chest burned as he leaned forward.

“It should be illegal for you to wear that dress,” he said in a rumbling voice. Her cheeks grew red as she turned her head away from him. “It’s awfully hot. Maybe you should take it off.”

The glare she sent him could have frozen the deepest layers of the underworld, nostrils flaring.

He licked his lips. Her eyes wandered down to them, as her body betrayed her with a stir of arousal deep within her core.

Even after cheating on her, Jack could still turn her on in a way that no man had ever done before. She burned for him. His insolent nature spiked her attention with delicious shame.

“Go to hell.”

He chuckled at her words as Chloe came storming back with two glasses of beer. She looked between them and gave a stormy look. Jack gently plucked one pint glass from her hand with a wink.

“Thanks sweetheart,” he told her as her mouth dropped open. His head turned to regard Allison over his shoulder with a cocky stare. “See ya around, Alli.”

,” Chloe shot daggers at his retreating back until it disappeared around the corner. She glanced at the lone full glass. “You need this more than I do.”

Allison shook her head. “No thanks, I’m feeling a little sick.”

“He thinks he’s God’s gift to women.”

But Allison wasn’t listening to her friend’s venting. She was trying not to think about the way her body had trembled beneath his powerful hands in the past, and that took all the energy left in her. Her ears buzzed as she sighed.

“Chloe, I’m sorry but I might call it an early night. I think I need to go home.”

Chloe nodded with the kind of complete understanding only a best friend could offer. “Can I put you down for the gallery opening next week?”

A smile fluttered across Allison’s face. She shivered with a rising swell of confidence as she pushed the thought of Jack far from her mind.

“Let’s go.”

For some reason, she had a good feeling about it.

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